Dem Rep’s Constituent Letter: Trump Supporters Are Racist, Ignorant, Religious, And Just Plain Dumb

Remember when there was that brief moment where the Democrats acknowledged that their ranks were too urban, too out of touch, and too regional? If you missed it, that’s fine. This debate didn’t last long. Even the folks who admitted that the Democratic Party was out of touch with voters are now peddling the hyper-left talking points now so; this was just a momentary exercise. The party is just too dominated by overly educated snobby professional elitists who think the cities will b the key to Democrats winning. It’s the same crowd that wants to abolish the Electoral College because the so-called ‘country bumpkin’ vote dashed their chance to destroy the country with a Hillary Clinton presidency.
The tantrum over this loss has led to Trump-Russia collusion myth peddling. It’s led to liberal America showing their true colors: unhinged and intolerant of others. They just cannot fathom Trump being president. They still can’t, so they’re doing everything they can do to impeach him and remove him from office. And for what; the economy is booming, the military is strong again, and job creation remains strong. Economic growth this first quarter hit 3.1 percent. Unemployment is below four percent, with women’s, Hispanic, black, and Asian unemployment rates hitting record lows. Trump could cure cancer and the Left would complain about why he didn’t find one for AIDS.
So, what do we have today from Trump Derangement Syndrome Theater? Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), who tried to challenge Pelosi for the House speakership, read a constituent letter that trashed Trump supporters as racist, religious, and just plain dumb on the House floor yesterday.
“It is glaringly apparent that many who support the present administration are either racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, ‘just plain dumb,’” she read.
To both Rep. Fudge and her unhinged constituent, you both know who won your state in 2016, right? It was Trump by a landslide. It wasn’t even close. If Democrats think Biden is their candidate because of his white working-class appeal, then someone better give Fudge, her constituent, or any Democrat really the memo—white working-class voters back Trump and the GOP.
As we enter the 2020 season, don't forget that Democrats are cheats. They’re liars. And don’t care about anyone outside of the cities. No one. They want everyone to be like them and will push authoritarian policies to do so. One doesn’t need to look any further than their positions on gun control to see that lust for control and power. The Green New Deal is another policy initiative that seeks to break everything towards the will of the state. So, this little letter was a perfect reminder that Democrats don’t care about anyone who isn’t like them. I know you all know this, but it never hurts to remind everyone that Democrats are not our friends. Liberals are not our friends. They hate us. That’s fine. Hate them more.
““It is glaringly apparent that many who support the present administration are either racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, ‘just plain dumb,’” she read.
To both Rep. Fudge and her unhinged constituent, you both know who won your state in 2016, right? It was Trump by a landslide. It wasn’t even close. If Democrats think Biden is their candidate because of his white working-class appeal, then someone better give Fudge, her constituent, or any Democrat really the memo—white working-class voters back Trump and the GOP.”
If the shoe fits... wear It!
Not being an American, I don't intend to take sides here, nor am I making this comment because of support for Trump, because the only thing about Trump that is of ANY importance to me is his outstanding support of Israel - everything else about him is of no consequence to me because I am one of the very few members of NT who can honestly say he's not my leader. However, I believe it could be a benefit for Trump (as it would be a benefit for ANY candidate) if the Democrats keep pounding away at broadcasting all the reasons why (in their words, not mine) he is the "most ignorant, evil, vile, immoral, racist, disgusting leader that has ever existed throughout history". IMO all that invective is doing is going to fire up voters who support him, cause a backlash, and even make angry those who may never have even voted for him before and give them the incentive to do whatever they can to make sure he serves a second term. The same goes for criticizing his supporters - all that will do is strengthen their resolve to make sure Trump wins reelection.
Why do I think that?
I think that because it is known that attack ads, painting a person in such a negative fashion, even if the criticisms are right (although usually somewhat exaggerated), have in the past led to a result that was not expected by those who post such negative attacks. The major example I'm thinking of is when Jean Chretien and his Liberal Party were running in the Canadian federal election, and the Conservative party ran an ad that made an issue about and showed Chretien's face (one side drooped because of a bout of Bell's Palsy), saying something like "I'd be embarrassed if he was my leader." Chretien, who previously was trailing, and his party, won by a landslide. Canadians are decent people and will not stand for such tactics - the Conservative Party was almost wiped out. Are Americans decent people? Will they stand for such negativity and smearing?
What was the purpose or value in reading something like that on the floor?
I guess some politicians will never learn that demonizing a portion of the voting public doesn't help you. It hurt Obama. It hurt Clinton. And it will hurt this idiot Fudge.
What really knocks me about this crap is that they then turn around - with apparently zero self-awareness - and accuse Trump of dividing the country with his rhetoric.
There are likely decorum rules preventing members from saying such things on their own on the floor about a member of the government but not under the one minute rule when quoting a constituent.
Good analysis.
“So, this little letter was a perfect reminder that Democrats don’t care about anyone who isn’t like them. I know you all know this, but it never hurts to remind everyone that Democrats are not our friends. Liberals are not our friends. They hate us. That’s fine.”
No. There is no "hate" in
If you read "hate" there, it's just your standard Trumpist paranoia whispering to you...
The bottom line. Everything that constituent wrote and she read from the floor was based on pure hate toward us who disagree.
I'm tired of republicans ignoring everything damaging Trump is doing to this country. He doesn't have the slightest idea about foreign policy. He is manipulated by false compliments and fawning. Its all about HIM. He thinks he personal (totally in his head, by the way, NK and Putin and the rest are using him for themselves. Lie upon lie. When they say Iran attacked the oil tankers, I do not believe them. Why would we? They lie about everything. His tax cuts to the top blew up the deficit for no reason. His good economy is just a continuation of Obama's good numbers. But now we do have a bigger immigration. No matter how you slice it, he has made everything worse. His very hateful and cruel policies on immigrants is inhumane and beneath the goodness of what this country used to be. He has cut regulations that keep us healthier, he's tried to destroy Obamacare with NO REPLACEMENT. And lies about that. He sells arms to the Saudis, who not only caused 9/11, but just killed a journalist last year. Crickets. He loves Putin. He takes Kim's side over the USA. He puts tariffs on goods and lies about who pays for them (we do). He is such a narcissist he is incapable of empathy, he doesn't care if its not about him. He doesn't bother to become informed, not being briefed like every other president about important national security issues. The only TDS we see is that of a base of uninformed racist christians defending and championing the worst part of his character and promoting his lies.
By the way, everything in this seed is projection. Instead of whining, address his assholiness and incompetence and likely criminal behavior. Oh, and he did and will again collude with Russia and any other country he wants.
that must be why mexico caved on letting illegals pass freely.
well, we expect the left to think restoring power to the people, lowering taxes, best stock market yet, more jobs, higher wages and a secure border is damaging.
besides "her turn" ....
the only thing in our country damaged by trump is the lefts plan to shit-hole our country like they did to california.
but thats cool... they can be mad and scream at the sky all day long... we simply do not care.
the hard left will never see power again like they did under obama for a very very long time.
the progressives best days are behind them.
Sure, ball, get back to us when that comes true.
it is happening now... and nothing can stop it.
every day the left gets weaker bit by bit, piece by piece. while they try to convince everyone they grow stronger. (art of war - basic stuff)
its a good joke/con game the left is trying to play and is very amusing as well.
but that joke has been running way too long and wont change their future one bit.
They certainly have done that to California. They have turned much of urban coastal Ca. into a cesspool of crime and filth
likely to get worse before it gets better.
eventually, the words "california "receivership and "austerity will be used together often.
just a question of how long until the inevitable.
Well, maybe not all of them, but a majority do fit that description pretty well.
Religious? You bet that most of us Trump supporters are. And we make no apology for it. The rest? Nothing more than wild sweeping generalizations.
Proverbs 12:16 New King James Version (NKJV) A fool’s wrath is known at once, But a prudent man covers shame.
Proverbs 12:15 New King James Version (NKJV) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise
Proverbs 10:14 New King James Version (NKJV) Wise people store up knowledge, But the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
Just sayin'.
Give me one name of anyone, especially here on NT, that has asked you or anyone else to apologize for being religious. It's a ridiculous and disingenuous implication.