Michael Moore : Michelle Obama Would Crush Trump In The Election

Academy Award winner Michael Moore, who correctly predicted that President Donald Trump would upset Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election , told NBC's Brian Williams on Thursday that the best candidate to unseat the commander-in-chief is former first lady Michelle Obama.
"We have to have a candidate who is beloved by the American people and who is outside the political inner circle. Somebody who's not a politician. Somebody who's going to win," Moore told Williams. "I think, in my humble opinion, four of these candidates running could beat Trump: Bernie (Sanders), (Joe) Biden, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. They could beat him."
"But Hillary beat him. It's not enough just to beat Trump," Moore continued. "The only way to remove Trump is to crush Trump."
"Frankly, I think there is a person that could do this. If the election were held today, there is one person that would crush Trump, and she hasn't announced yet," the filmmaker divined. "And her last name rhymes with Obama. In fact, it is Obama — Michelle Obama."
Moore then proceeded to argue that the former first lady's immense popularity would be an asset if she squared off against Trump in a general election.
"Everybody watching this right now knows she is a beloved American," Moore said. "And she will go in there, and she would beat him. She would beat him in the debates. He wouldn't be able to bully her. He wouldn't be able to nickname her."
"And she is beloved: Just go to C-Span and follow her book tour across the country," he added. "She is playing 15,000 seat arenas in the Midwest. They have to turn people away. She takes the stage, and she is so powerful and so good."
Moore famously predicted Trump's ability to win four key states in the Rust Belt: Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin .
But the pugnacious pundit did not limit his recommendations to Obama's hypothetical candidacy on Thursday. Pointing to how voters turned out in record numbers to return control of the House of Representatives to the party, Moore also argued that Democrats need to impeach the president as part of their electoral stragegy.
"If they don't do anything — if they don't make it worth all the while of all those people who had sat it out in 2016 but came in 2018 to vote, they may not show up next year," he predicted. "So the Democrats have to do something. What they have to do is impeach this president."
Moore used a baseball analogy to criticize Democrats like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — who he didn't mention by name — that refuse to consider impeachment in part because it would likely stall in the Senate.
In order for a president to be removed from office, two-thirds of the Senate has to support doing so; Republicans are in a majority with 53 votes, which means that at least 20 would have to defect while all 47 Democratic votes, including some independent senators who caucus with the party, would have to hold fast.
"The Detroit Tigers don't get to say, 'We don't want to go to New York and play the Yankees. We're just gonna lose,'" Moore said. "No, you got to go to New York and play the Yankees."
In the aftermath of former special counsel Robert Mueller's testimony on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, more than half of House Democrats have come out in favor of impeaching Trump, according to Politico .
Moore also suggested that Democrats put ballot initiatives up on issues such as legalizing marijuana and outlawing partisan gerrymandering, which he argued would inspire higher voter turnout among likely Democratic voters.
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I would love to see Michelle Obama debate Trump.
It would be like watching Laila Al i
fight this guy
You know Michelle is full of it...
Sunshine, why do you have Michelle Obama as unable to pronounce the word "this" properly?
She is a graduate of Princeton and Harvard.
Wouldn't it be sort of racist to have a black person, a professional black person, using a form of language associated with the ghetto? Ebonics?
John, obviously she didn't make the poster. Be very careful about tossing racism into this!
John, why do you turn to race baiting when you have no intelligent response?
Both of you have to be kidding. Seriously, you cannot be serious.
Dis for this is ebonics.
Sunshine, do you think Michelle Obama speaks in ebonics?
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[Deleted] Intelligently lazy, just yell raceeest!
He knows Michelle is full of it.
Are you implying that a black person is inferior because they speak African American English? What is wrong with Ebonics John?
That meme is created so Michelle didn't and would never use Dis. Your boy however however does have a problem with pronunciation and spelling which is well documented.
Rightttttttttt...like your comment (1.2) is.
Get over yourselves about the word Dis in a meme.
No doubt Michelle thinks she deserves more than her peasants.
Remember ladies Michelle says you only like what you are told to like and don't listen to your own husbands but listen to her all knowing one.
The left continuously makes the mistake of thinking that because most of them adore Michelle Obama, that the rest of the population in this country does. I personally cannot see that she did anything in 8 years as First Lady that would make her remotely a good candidate for president. I will save someone the trouble of responding with, " But Trump is/was not qualified either!"... Michael Moore is a total dweeb anyway, so who cares what he thinks.
But it's a valid point. Trump was totally unqualified and can't even manage to act dignified - so why would Michelle Obama's lack of qualifications matter? Apparently voters no longer care about someone being qualified, although lots of them (even those who think Trump is doing a good job) are uncomfortable with the insults and lack of dignity.
How was trump qualified but Obama wasn't? Do tell.
He also lost a billion dollars in one year, way to go trump.
Amen to that!
Trump is so bad, he can't even qualify for unqualified.
As retired military, I totally agree.
Really? How are you going to do that?
My comment speaks for itself John.
When Trump ran for president he was a television game show host who was most well known in the political sense for having led a racist conspiracy theory against the sitting president of the United States.
What exactly were his qualifications that you imagined?
Tell us how that was racist?
Please state where above I in fact said he did or did not have the qualifications. Please be specific.
Yep, that's what I thought. Make accusatory statement that can't be backed up then run and remain silent when asked to verify.
Michelle Obama has great intelligence, actual charisma, empathy, great communication skills , and basic honesty. She is over qualified.
Just throwing this out for the fun of it. Do you think that if the Democrats win this time around that they'll rename the White House to be "The People's House"? They might think the present name is racist, and will offend people of colour, but it does sound a bit like China's "Hall of the People".
It has always been known as The People's House.
Thanks for that info, Paula. Obviously I never knew that.
How about Blackhaus,
cause thenTrumpp stain ain't ever going to be washed off of our country,
plus we could do shotz
It’s meaningless. She’s said she absolutely won’t run. That said, given the ideological trajectory of the Dems, this is shaping up to be a repeat of Nixon v McGovern landslide victory for President Trump
the Dems have two wings, Marxist Fascists and Communists. Neither is palatable to anyone but the left
Fascism ( / ˈ f æ ʃ ɪ z əm / ) is a form of radical right-wing , authoritarian ultranationalism [1] [2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy [3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. [4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I , before spreading to other European countries . [4] Opposed to liberalism , Marxism , and anarchism , fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum . [4] [5]
Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilians and combatants. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war. [6] [7] The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens. [6] [7]
Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. [8] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society. [8] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. [9] [10] Fascists advocate a mixed economy , with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and interventionist economic policies. [11]
Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist, and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far-right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th-century fascist movements. [4] [12]
The following is another description of Fascism by noted military historian, the late Bruce Quarrie, in his book "HITLER'S SAMURAI: The Waffen-SS in action.
'Fascism' is often confused with Nazism in popular usage, but was an entirely separate Italian movement; ironically, although it, too, was anti-communist in motivation, one of fascism's prime tenets was seizure of factory control by and for the workers. After the First World War it's aims became more nationalist in scope, demanding greater respect for Italy in the League of Nations and a stronger form of centralized government. eessentially, 'fascism' is much the same as syndicalism and, although the ambitions of the Italian Fascist Party headed by Benito Mussolini, and the German Nationalsozialistische Deutshe Arbieter Partei (NSDAP), grew incresingly closer together during the 1930's, people today, who use the terms 'Nazi' and 'fascist' as derogatory synonyms, neither help their own cause nor aid in historical understanding.'
True Ed. But in the traditional sense, fascism is was and always has been a right wing political ideology. Larry always strings together as much negativity as possible, I am just pointing out that with regards to fascism, he is way off base.
name a right wing ideology that seeks to control and manipulate capitalism
name a right wing ideology that embraces a social welfare state
Fascism and Socialism Twin Sisters, but not identical twins
“Fascism and (Marxist) socialism are sisters. Close sisters. Both are fundamentally about controlling the economy in a quest for a greater “good.” They have important differences which are more than stylistic differences. But both are fundamentally opposed to free markets, free prices, and fundamentally the free will of individuals. At least most individuals.
What is “socialism” and what is “fascism” is a point of ongoing debate on this site. Invariably someone posts a meme which purports to define fascism as what we see it in the movies. See, FDR and Obama can’t have fascist tendencies. (In FDR’s case it was probably more than just a tendency.) They don’t (didn’t) wear jack boots and goose step around the White House. Fascists have a look. They are “right-wing.” (Right and Left as we know them in this country really are vestiges of another time and are less and less useful.)
But fascism is not about a look. It is about state control of a nominally private economy.
From The Library of Economics and Liberty)
In The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Sheldon Richman succinctly states: “As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.”7 He contends that socialism seeks to abolish capitalism outright, while fascism gives the appearance of a market-based economy, even though it relies heavily on the central planning of all economic activities. According to authors Roland Sarti and Rosario Romeo, “[U]nder Fascism the state had more latitude for control of the economy than any other nation at the time except for the Soviet Union.”8
Interestingly, Mussolini found much of John Maynard Keynes’seconomic theories consistent with fascism, writing: “Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter’s prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes’ excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire (l926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud.”9
…As the effects of the Great Depression lingered, Italy’s government promoted mergers and acquisitions, bailed out failing businesses and “seized the stock holdings of banks, which held large equity interests.”12 The Italian state took over bankrupt corporations, cartelized business, increased government spending, expanded the money supply, and boosted deficits.13 The Italian government promoted heavy industry by “nationalizing it instead of letting the companies go bankrupt.”14
On numerous occasions, Benito Mussolini identified his economic policies with “state capitalism”—the exact phrase that Vladimir Lenin used to usher in his New Economic Policy (NEP). Lenin wrote: “State capitalism would be a step forward as compared with the present state of affairs in our Soviet Republic.”2 After Russia’s economy collapsed in 1921, Lenin allowed privatization and private initiative, and he let the people trade, buy and sell for private profit.3 Lenin was moving towards a mixed economy. He even demanded that state-owned companies operate on profit/loss principles.4 Lenin acknowledged that he had to back away from total socialism and allow some capitalism.
In essence, Mussolini’s fascism was simply an imitation of Lenin’s “third way,” which combined market-based mechanisms and socialism—similar to Red China’s “market socialism.” In short, Lenin’s revised Marxism culminated in “socialist-lite” policies that helped inspire Mussolini to craft his own Italian-style fascism with a right-wing socialist twist. Thus, one could argue that Lenin’s politics were the first modern-day version of fascism and state-corporatism.”
“Hey, FDR Was a Fascist Too!
But let’s not omit the other half of the story: Roosevelt also embraced economic fascism, especially in his efforts to get America out of the Great Depression.
The best example was FDR’s National Industrial Recovery Act, a fascist program that would have fit perfectly in Mussolini’s fascist Italy. Under the NIRA, federal officials organized private American businesses, industries, and corporations into giant cartels that established “codes of fair competition,” which set prices, wages, and production in their particular sectors, all enforced by federal force. More than 500 codes of “fair practice” were developed.
Not surprisingly, FDR put a military man, retired Hugh Johnson, to run this fascist program. Johnson had graduated from West Point, made the military his career, and ultimately reached the rank of General. According to Wikipedia,
One author claims Johnson looked on Italian Fascist corporatism as a kind of model. He distributed copies of a fascist tract called “The Corporate State” by one of Mussolini’s favorite economists, including giving one to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins and asking her to give copies to her Cabinet.
In 1935, thanks to justices who were still fighting to retain America’s founding constitutional principles, the U.S. Supreme Court declared FDR’s NIRA unconstitutional. They rightfully pointed out that such a scheme had no place in America’s constitutional order.
Let’s not forget Hitler: He led Germany out of the Great Depression with a fascist program based on massive spending on public works, government-business partnerships, government management of the economy, and building up Germany’s military-industrial complex.
Sound familiar? It should because that was FDR’s economic program too.”
Don't give a fuck Larry, I gave you the most widely accepted definition of fascism, and of course, it doesn't fit your agenda so you balk. Maybe it's time for you to live in the real world and realize that not everything, 'right wing', is good and spinning yourself into knots trying to defend it is really silly and pointless.
Real world Larry, the right wing is no better than, (in your view), the left wing. Both sides have good, both sides have bad. All you are doing is trying to pin anything bad on the left, and anything good on the right and it doesn't work that way. Try using facts instead of agenda driven bullshit.
Okay, John, you seem to think up and announce who I would support as POTUS. I don't know if this will surprise you, and I don't give a damn if you criticize me for it, the person I believe should be the POTUS, and I hope she throws her hat in the ring, is NIKKI HALEY . She has had lots of positive government and even International experience, is a really strong woman, is no toady of Trump and has even at times criticized him, and it's damn well time that the POTUS glass ceiling be pierced. As far as I'm concerned she's a FAR better choice than anyone I see vying for the position today.
I felt this way EVEN BEFORE I read this article:
I like her, I could vote for her over Bernie.
"We have to have a candidate who is beloved by the American people and who is outside the political inner circle."
Broccoli in EVERY School Lunch Room !
Kids hate her, and we all know how important the "Children" are these days. They are our Futures !
Yea, she tried to get kids to eat healthy, what a monster!!! [eye roll]
What's Malaria's cause? Anti bullying? Wonder if she has ever even met her husband.
The Kids hate her, and Kid Issues are the most important thing in the world.
None of these haters can provide one single reason they despise Michelle Obama.
It's almost enough to think that it's due to racism, isn't it?
I don’t hate her. I hate the ideology of ALL Democrats. I oppose ANY Democrat having power because of the ideology they embrace and seek to impose on America and Americans
Democrats are as diverse as their skin colors and faiths. We are not a monolith all believing in the same "ideology" as you seem to believe. Just like I'm sure you're aware that not all Republicans share the same white nationalist ideology that some of their member do.
Lumping everyone into one sack and refusing to get to know people on an individual basis is what has led to such huge divisions in America, and I simply can't imagine that the Jesus I read about in the gospels would have been supporting either side. If you truly claim to be a follower of Christ, why not act like it?
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
And give up the hatred that sustains them? You know it's not actually about Jesus - they think their god hates the same things they do, and that's why they worship it.
Many cannot wait for their imagined "Kingdom", as it is in heaven, to be established here on earth with them in charge no doubt.
Lucky for them that they're scientifically ignorant. Otherwise they'd think long and hard about when our Sun will turn into a red dwarf before being so eager for "heaven on earth" to be established. It would be rather short-lived from an eternal standpoint. And that's assuming God raises a shield to protect the Earth from asteroids before the sun dies.
It's also hilarious that they think they'll be corporeal after they die. Literalism truly murders brain cells - probably because there is no way any intelligent human being could take the bible literally.
You Hate OUR future Leaders ?
They don't, she's very popular among both adults and kids. She was voted most admired woman by 'Time Magazine' in 2018. Some, I'm sure, hate her because they have been steeped in the same prejudices their parents were, the cherished tradition of racism and white supremacy being carefully handed down from one generation to the next. Sadly it seems we've had a resurgence of such ideology in America which shouldn't really be surprising after we just had our first black President. But really it's something that's always been here but was simply brought to the surface by the racially and politically divided climate Trump has created.
Having our first black president, as well as the legalization of gay marriage - plus almost having our first female president - really made the bigots, misogynists and racists come out of the woodwork. They're terrified and angry about progress, so now they're doing their best to drag us back to the days when only white males had rights.
Back on NV, the comments after gay marriage was legalized made me worry that this backlash was coming. And it sure did come. Some people will go to any lengths to stop others from having equal rights.
Whose polling kids ?
"She was voted most admired woman by 'Time Magazine' in 2018."
That was an "Adult" voting thingy.
Besides....Michelle ain't the Kids "Mother", but it was okay for "HER" to tell other kids what they "WILL" eat ?
She would still be an awful person even if she were white. Kinda like Hillary. Terrible role models by word and deed.
But no it's racism don't you know.
She was and is nothing but a priviledged Bitch. The left tries so desperately to portray her as some kind of champion of the people when all she cares about is herself.
I wish they would run that racist bitch for President, they could have another crying snowflake night like they did when hillaryious Hillary lost.
What words and deeds of hers were so terrible?
This article isn't about Melania Trump, the mail-order bride who was an illegal immigrant.
Which kids? Any proof?
I understand you are talking about Malaria trump.
Another one that's never heard of donald trump. Privileged cocksucker.
Michelle Obama is very educated and hard working, that's why she and her husband are respected and have wealth. Obama's book, (which trump has attacked for the last three years because *gasp*, he made money from selling it, (I mean, the horror!!!!)), made 65 million dollars. Why? Because he is respected and people want to read it.
Please give us the breakdown on your rant. Explain why you hate Michelle Obama and support Trump, I'd like the racism explained - what she did and said, then compare to Trump and his words and actions. What specifically makes her a 'racist bitch' and where specifically does Trump fit on that definition. Can't wait.
Hell will freeze over before you get an honest answer from these people.
Had to be a con that made that meme... too lazy and stupid to spell out, "you are".
Or, to put an apostrophe in you're. lliterate rightwing memes are hilarious...
" School kids around the country are tweeting rather unfortunate pictures of the meals they're being served at lunchtime, and thanking first lady and healthy school food advocate Michelle Obama for their bowls of mush and mystery proteins.
The tweets, which have carried the not-so-subtle #ThanksMichelleObama hashtag, were being sent out at a rate of 40 per minute late last week, but started to gain momentum some 10 days back and are still continuing to be posted as of this morning.
News Flash! Kids don't like eating healthy food! Oh, the horror!
Only you [deleted] could pretend that supporting nutrition for our kids is a bad thing. Just like that horrid bitch Laura Bush, supporting literacy for children.
What has Melania done again, besides game the system as an illegal immigrant, pose nude, and sell herself to the highest bidder?
NEWS FLASH.....The report showed Kids "Specifically" hash tagged Michelle and her idea as BAD.
ANOTHER NEWS FLASH ….. The article is about Michelle Obama, and the comments I was responding too was about Whom liked whom on this "MICHELLE OBAMA" labeled article.
New home ?
I don’t want Government to “do” anything for me. What I want is for them to leave us alone and stop infringing on our rights, liberties, and pursuit of happiness
“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general.Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
-- James Madison, speech in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1794
"I cannot find any authority in the Constitution for public charity. [To approve the measure] would be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Constitution and subversive to the whole theory upon which the Union of these States is founded."
-- President Franklin Pierce's 1854 veto of a measure to help the mentally ill.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." — Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816
The makers of our Constitution ... conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone -- the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized man." -- Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. United States (1928) 277 U.S. 438, 478
“The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom.” – Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
There are plenty of Americans who live up in the hills and off the grid that live like you apparently want to. If you don't want to pay for the benefits of society, then go ahead, circle your own wagons so you can exclude those you want to and don't feel like you're paying the way of some immigrant or atheist.
But, if you enjoy the infrastructures of society, the (mostly) clean water, sewer, power, police departments, fire departments, hospitals and the laws that prevent worker abuse/endangerment as well as a system of monetary exchange that is relatively stable, then I guess you'll just use all the benefits while you continue to whine and rage about how statist and Marxist it all is.
He's looking for Republican standards... the bar has to be down there somewhere...
James Cameron knows.
Couldn't watch the link at work, but I have to assume it's James Cameron going down in his sub to the wreck of the Titanic, did he find the Republican standards down there? I knew they were low, but I never imagined they'd go that deep...
Nope !
not a chance.
michael moore is off his rocker.
thats cause hes stuck on his couch...after the harpooning