When is your Birthday
I thought it would be nice to know when everyone’s Birthday was. The article the other day was really nice. So if you want, post when you were born. It would be nice to have a record of them.
Only the month and day, you do not have to put the year, only if you want.
Please be polite and no politics or religion.
Thank you, and “all” Newstalkers are welcome.
October 30th.
July 4th baby. My oldest daughter was supposed to be one too, but she was one week late.
Best day ……. LIKE EVER !
August 15th
August 27th
Sept 11th
I have a niece that was born Sept 11
I have a cousin who was born on St. Patrick's Day. For a while she was unhappy about it because she didn't want to share the limelight. However she changed her mind-- because no one forgets when her birthday is!
June 18th at 12 am. I was the father's day baby for NY.
I also share my birthday with Sir Paul. YAY!
Paul McCartney was born in 1942 and is 77 years old...
Does anyone think there's any correlation between when you were born-- and the personality traits you have?
Dare I say it . . . the evil . . . "A word"?
I happen to think so, but its much more complicated than just influence from the sun. I've had my chart done more than once and took lessons when I was younger. There are a lot of things in my chart that are part of me and my life. Its a fascinating science!
I'm a valentine baby.
I happen to think so, but its much more complicated than just influence from the sun. I've had my chart done more than once and took lessons when I was younger. There are a lot of things in my chart that are part of me and my life. Its a fascinating science!
So you actually believe in it?
I don't live by it, but I do think there is something to it, its been around for thousands of years and practiced by some of the greatest minds. I took lessons when I lived in Ireland and really enjoyed it.
I have been fascinated by various sorts of philosophies and mysticism for many years-- have studied Astrology for something like 40 years. In the latter part of that period I have been looking at finding practical ways to use it.
(I have also studied other esoteric arts, and recently completed a course in developping Psychic abilities. (I used to keep this secret as many of the "Muggles" find it upsets their beliefs systems and can become quite upset!
I wonder if its more popular in Ireland than it is here? (Possibly because of ancient teachings of some of the indiogenous peoples? I don't know much about Ireland, but weren't there Celts there-- or Druids (?) who were more attuned to nature than moder society?)
Many years ago a good friend's girlfriend was an astrologist and did my chart.
It all ended badly.
I'm at the age when birthdays are no longer so welcome......at the point where going backwards could be desirable (Benjamin Button?) However, I will reveal that I'm an....
Skimpily dressed girl?
Air sign!
Aquariann's tend to have at least one part of their personality that's a bit unconventional. Often they "think very creatiively. Thik outside the box-- sometimes they look at things quite differently than most people.Its very important for them to be"true to themselves"-- they often have high principles.
At this point of my life, that could be an attractive alternative.
found this brief description of The Water Bearer on the Internet:
Comparison with its symbol, the Water Bearer: The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world. The water from the vessel washes away the past,
leaving room for a fresh, new start. The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Concerned with equality and individual freedom, Aquarius seeks to dispense its knowledge, and its vision of equality and individuality, to all.
The glyph for Aquarius depicts the water from the water bearer’s vessel, as a symbol of open-ended spiritual energy.
We seem to have our fair share of Aquarians on this site. According to the calendar, I am one as well.
commented in wrong place again.
Years ago I took my mother to see Alien. When the creature popped out of the guys chest, she whispered to me "Don't you have a birthday coming up?"
Being a Scorpio has its own advantages. But, I always celebrated my Birthday on Halloween which made it a lot more fun. All my Friends and family dressed in their Halloween costumes, and after the BBQ we would all go together and Trick or Treat. Then come back to the house and have cake and ice cream and swap our treats with each other. It always made for a fun Birthday. My Mother's Birthday was Nov 2nd, and as I got older we celebrated our Birthdays together.
Sometimes I am a Scorpio and sometime a Sagittarius. I was apparently born on the cusp so I just call myself a Scorpittarius. 😁
Now there ya go! That works well for whatever time you feel in the mood.
I'm smack in the middle of the so I am a full bore Scorpio. I can be a real sweetheart, but, mess with me the wrong way and the 'sting' is unforgettable and unforgiving.
Probably shouldn't say that but I don't think anyone wants my identity. haha
Funny thing is, I still feel young. In my head I am still 20. That is until I look in a mirror.
I am a true fish around here...heh heh
February 19th.
Sunday! Sunday!, Sunday! at 75 & 80 Dragway!
Well not at 75 & 80 Dragway, but it was a Sunday.
I can actually picture you being born on a racetrack. haha
I was born at 1 AM. It was Friday the 12th, then of course after midnight, Saturday the 13th.
Missed it by that much.
Hope you don't mind Kathleen..............
Hahaha Good one. I guess one could call it making it.
That was close alright.
Actually it was my Mom who got me interested in racing.
Reminds me. I have an article for epistte. We haven't seen her racing stories and recipes for a while. If she comes by for read from time to time, hope she sees it.
Haven't seen her in a while. Hope she does come back.
Thank you.
She will be back. These exiles happen from time to time. Hoping this will be the last one.
Sorry, I confused which she...doh'
My birthday is April 24th through the 26th. I was born at home and mom said I was a difficult birth and stayed difficult as I got older.
My family says that I have at least 9 lives and that is not unusual for a shapeshifter.
We'll leave the year I was born out of this conversation but I have a couple of kids, four grandkids, an even dozen great-grandkids and two great great grandkids.
We are our own federally recognized tribe.
I do not speak with forked tongue.
My beloved Gammy, who died in 2000, and my beloved older brother, who died in the Navy in 1979, were both born on April 24th.
We are our own federally recognized tribe.
At least!
Seems that April 24th was a good date for some great people. (Your brother and Grammy)
I do not think it is wise to make public the answers to a common online security questions. There was a popular online meme stating that a person's perfect drag name was their first pet's name along with their mother's maiden name. Another said that a person's true name was the street they grew up on plus the name of their elementary school. Thousands and thousands responded but it turned out the whole thing was a phishing scam and many had their bank accounts drained using the information they feely gave out. That info was enough to change the passwords on their checking, savings and retirement accounts. The first thing my bank and credit card companies ever ask me every time to confirm my identity is my birth date...
April 26, 1960something.
sometime in July, I was told it was a dark and stormy night
June 25th, 19coughcoughsputtercough
Happy Birthday Spikegary
In 19 days.