Americans Support For Impeachment Hearings (And Removal of Trump) Has Exploded (Up) In The Past Few Weeks
For months support for the impeachment of Donald Trump pitter- pattered along, without an impetus from congressional leadership or a consensus by major media. Trump had committed numerous impeachable offenses throughout his term, but the idea never quite caught on in a large way.
Then Trump went the proverbial "bridge too far" when he asked the president of a foreign country to discredit Trump's main election rival for 2020. (Again, some try to say that Biden is not Trump's main rival, but facts and common sense do not bear this interpretation out. Biden has beat Trump in every poll since Biden announced his candidacy, and Trump knows it).
Since the news of Trump trying to get a foreign country to "meddle" in the US presidential election by investigating one of the candidates, support for impeachment hearings, and even the removal of trump from the presidency, has skyrocketed.
Previous Post-Schar School or Post-ABC News polls taken at different points throughout this year found majorities of Americans opposing the start of an impeachment proceeding, with 37 percent to 41 percent saying they favored such a step. The recent revelations appear to have prompted many Americans to rethink their position.
The poll finds that, by a margin of 58 percent to 38 percent, Americans say the House was correct to undertake the inquiry. Among all adults, 49 percent say the House should take the more significant step to impeach the president and call for his removal from office.
... The findings indicate that public opinion has shifted quickly against the president and in favor of impeachment proceedings in recent weeks as information has been released about Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukrainian government officials to undertake an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden, a potential 2020 campaign rival, and Biden’s son Hunter.
Support for impeachment has risen 20 points in the past few weeks, and now half also want his fat ass out of there. The ball is rolling.
A few more moves like alienating some of his conservative support by cozying up to dictators such as the one in Turkey , and the nails will start going into Trump's political coffin.
yea, saw a few poles go up, like a teenager with a Penthouse, they are rising.
The blood of our Kurdish allies will be on the GOP
The blood of our Kurdish allies will be on the GOP
I doubt that they will notice. They sure as hell won't take responsibility.
Ah yes because when the previous administration did it the Left cried that Obama was setting the Kurds up to be slaughtered. I remember that vividly./s
The Kurds have been being used and abused by the US for 50 years and I bet they continue to do it. The Kurds also use us to further there goals of a Kurdish state.
My memory has this KD....
Obama Administration supporting the Kurds.
Have you got something to counter that? Please post it so I can take a look.
Oh I don't know..... how about working to defeat ISIS. You remember them don't you?
How about having in the Kurds as another ally in the region like Israel. That would be good too don't you think.
Even if the Kurds did have their own nation - which is a whole other issue - would that really change things?
As you mentioned below, all those other differences would still be in play.
Whoever thought creating a bunch of random countries out of a bunch of tribes that have been warring with each other for thousands of years was a good idea ...
Honestly, I have no clue what the right answer is. I can't pretend to understand the tribal mentality, the idea of a Holy Land, or all kinds of other things that those people live with. If we had just stayed the hell out of there in the first place, at least we wouldn't be stuck with these dilemmas, but it's too late for that. And for all I know, that would have backfired on us. No real good options that I can see.
Does that not make them allies? Over 60,000 troops fighting back ISIS while we had 400 troops. Who was doing our heavy lifting?
Carving a new Kurdistan state out of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran will create more anti US terrorists.
It will create a new state that the US must prop up the existence of financially, militarily, and in the UN.
Just what we need two land based air craft carriers in the exact same region to support and give us constant black eyes.
The US was invited back into Iraq (which we should have declined) to assist on the War with ISIS/ISIL.
You know who else we supported with those air strikes? Iranian militia groups that came flooding in, and are still there. The Iraqi government is loyal to Iran.
How asinine is it that we are in a very cold war with Iran over nuclear weapons and terrorism; but we are supporting in Iraq; while fighting them in Syria?
Now as for Syria. Obama never should have gone in to begin with. His war on terror BS in an effort to oust Assad. Russia, China, and Iran are now entrenched in Syria. What the hell did he think would happen?
These regional conflicts have gone on for hundreds of years. Even the Russians ended up getting tossed out of Afghanistan, yet we are still there. It's insane
And yet the left wingers are saying these "minor challenges" are easier to overcome? Let the fukin locals sort it all out. It's not in our best interests to keep a presence.there.
Oh yeah, I forgot about what they did regarding India and Pakistan. Another brilliant move that is still haunting the world.
Agree to that. When W disbanded the Republican Guard, they had the foundlings of ISIS. The no fly zone was working!
No problem.
It is quite a lengthy article but I remembered Obama abandoning the Kurds a few times.
What was his policy towards the Kurds after we pulled out of Iraq?
Check out Gertrude Bell...
Even his biggest backer, the ass kissing Moscow Mitch, is now at odds with him.
Not when push comes to shove about something really important, which this pullout isn't.
The important thing is that Mitch would even publicly rebuke Trump. But I suspect that MM will do a turn about and cower before his boss once again.
The possible deaths of literally thousands isn't really important? Wow. Seriously?
No quid pro quo
So the media constantly attacks our President and it has an affect on the poles. Big shocker.
I suppose you think they attack him for no reason. Amazing.
I haven't seen one yet
Your comment speaks for itself.
People like you are why I dont bother trying to convince Trumpsters to change.
The rest of us simply have to beat them at the ballot box.
Trump is not fit for office. He should be removed asap.
So then this article is like a TDS support group or something?
There is no such thing as Trump Derangement Syndrome, any more than there could ever be a Benedict Arnold Derangement Syndrome, or a Bernie Madoff Derangement Syndrome.
I disagree. People with TDS put Trump over their country, have zero patriotism, and will never let themselves believe that Trump has done a single thing wrong. They believe that no Republican should ever be investigated for anything, and that no evidence against any Republicans should be given any credit.
They think liberals, on the other hand, should be locked up without due process, even after investigations have been conducted which found no criminal wrongdoing. Their lives (as some in here have attested to) are spent trying to piss off liberals; that's the only thing that brings them joy, which explains why they're such miserable fucks most of the time.
You've convinced me.
we have no idea what you are talking about
You won't find any if all you read is the funny pages and sport's scores.
TDS - Trump's derranged supporters.
they definitely have a reason. The MSM have been the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party for the past 50 years.
It seems that it is the Republicans who are willing to fall upon their swords when they continue to rabidly support the person who is doing all he can to bring shame and loss of credibility to America, and its people.
America was once a very highly respected country, one our allies could depend on in the time of need.
Trump, in the space of less than one term, has made America a fool before the entire world. And brags about his "unmatched wisdom".
Of course not. Kool Aid toxicity often results in myopia.
has an affect on the poles
Would those be tent or telephone poles?
They should start an impeachment inquiry then. Whats the holdup?
They already have. The holdup is that the GOP is refusing to cooperate and turn over documents.
Yep, the GOP keeps breaking the law by refusing to turn this stuff over that has been subpoenaed, and ordering Republicans not to testify to Congress - which, btw, happens to be charged with oversight of the executive branch.
You'd almost think they were afraid of what would come out if they were honest and transparent!
Party before country- fucking traitors. They've got their noses so far up in Trump's rectum that they couldn't smell patriotism if it hit them in the face, which hopefully it will.
Read the news. If you honestly don't know, then you shouldn't be commenting on the impeachment inquiry in the first place.
Oh. When was the vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry?
What subpoenas? What impeachment inquiry?
It's …… " Formal Impeachment Enquiry" now.
What they've been doing, trying and saying for the last 3 years was just "Informal"….apparently.
Democrats/Lefties only have to say it , for it to be truly heartfelt and important !
all you are doing is seeing if you can get a rise out of some with plain and simple, \
"Gee, Tennessee, i wonder what Mr. Whoppi is doin "
I see you got the talking points memo too. Nice!
Not required. There is nothing in the constitution that says a vote is required.
For an Enquiry no.
Once the silly …. now "Formal Enquiry" (after 3 years of Informal enquiry)
is complete....whenever that's gonna happen
, a vote IS NEEDED !
Impeachment Procedure:
At the federal level, the impeachment process is a three-step procedure.
First , the Congress investigates. This investigation typically begins in the House Judiciary Committee, but may begin elsewhere. For example, the Nixon impeachment inquiry began in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The facts that led to impeachment of Bill Clinton were first discovered in the course of an investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Second , the House of Representatives must pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached".
Third , the Senate tries the accused. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings. For the impeachment of any other official, the Constitution is silent on who shall preside, suggesting that this role falls to the Senate's usual presiding officer, the President of the Senate who is also the Vice President of the United States. Conviction in the Senate requires a two-thirds supermajority vote. The result of conviction is removal from office.
So these Lefty Folks that think Trump is being impeached now, when Nancy came out saying it's now a "Formal Enquiry", they are idiots plain and simple !
It's the "Second" part of "Impeachment" that normal folks will be looking at, unlike the Uber children
that think Trump is being impeached now.
Democrats aren't REALLY gonna go quick on this. They want this Sham to drag on to the 2020 election hours
, hoping that will give them a win !
correct, nothing in the constitution states that a vote is required. However the House rules have run that way and the last two impeachment investigations prior has been started with a formal vote on the floor to approve the investigation. Without that vote, the House is running the investigation by statute and the Executive branch also has statute's to protect itself. The Democrats are screaming that failure to follow their subpoena request is obstruction of justice however that will end up going to court and according to Dershoitz they may very well lose that court fight.
The subpoena rules change if the House formally votes and approves the impeachment investigation but until they actually vote they are running under statute and the rules are there to protect both branches of government from abuse.
Actually, refusing to turn over documents that are legally requested is obstruction of justice. You are incorrect.
There is still nothing in the constitution requiring a vote. Sorry.
There is NO law that requires the executive branch to honor these demands.
There is NO Constitutional Authority for Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch
If a claim is made that it's because they are co-equal branches, then it must be applied equally and the Executive Branch can investigate the Legislative or Judicial Branches. It doubt even the left will ever desire that equality of power.
Patriotism is standing up against the statist tyranny of the Democrats
“The theory of oversight responsibility in entirely the creation of the judicial branch and is not found anywhere within the four corners of the Constitution. Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution spells out the affirmative powers of Congress, mostly in rather restrictive, finite terms. Congress can borrow money. Congress can establish Post Offices. Congress can punish piracy. Congress can declare war. That sort of stuff. Nothing remotely close to oversight.”
As explained by two Constitutional Lawyers
“Congressional demands for information must be grounded in proper constitutional powers. Congress does not have general investigative authority, let alone a mandate to enforce federal law, both of which are vested in the president. Nor does it have adjudicative power, which is reserved to the judiciary. Its proper investigative power is broad but limited to the purposes of legislation or oversight. And Congress’s oversight powers can be exerted only over matters that plausibly can be reached through the exercise of congressional legislative powers.”
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington. They served in the White House Counsel’s Office and the Department of Justice under former Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush.”
Wait there's more...
The constitution specifically grants Congress oversight and the ability to impeach presidents. Your libertarian wet dreams are nothing but just that.
As I said earlier, take a civics course. You might want to pay special attention to the parts about congressional committees and subcommittees while you're at it.
Just ... wow.
So you prefer the President does not get any rights.
Straight from the Kavanaugh playbook.
No surprise....
I don't think they grasp that removing Trump will require significant Republican support and turning this into a Partisan farce just because they can makes it all the much more unlikely they will actually remove Trump.
But that's how rational people think. If the goal was to actually remove Trump rather than keep their base foaming at the mouth in the run up to the 2020 election, Democrats would be going out of their way to make the process fair.
You mean other than the law? Susan McDougal did 22 months in prison for refusing a subpoena, are you SURE that executive branch can just pick and choose which laws they want to follow?
I am pretty sure there is nothing in the constitution that says, "the executive branch is free to ignore any laws they don't like".
Huh? He isn't above the law. And remember when the right said there was nothing in constitution that says he has to release his tax returns? Well, guess what? There is nothing in the constitution that says a vote at this point is required. Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?
It just blows me away that people are actually cheering on trump and his cohorts ignoring subpoenas and refusing to testify.
I would like to see they, themselves try to get away with it. See how far they get.
They are actually cheering on letting elected officials have special powers and be above the law. Power that they themselves would never be able to possess. Useful morons.
I acknowledged the authority to impeach. But again, as cited by Constitutional Lawyers, there is NO enumerated power for Congress to engage in Oversight of the Executive Branch. to assume that power you must then give the Executive Branch power to engage in oversight investigations of Congress. Hell will freeze over before that ever happens
Take a civics course? I have a degree in History and have been studying the Constitution for over 60 years.
Cite the law by Public Law Code that gives Congress that power.
Lawless people support lawless presidents. It's almost comical watching them twist and turn trying to justify trump breaking one law after another.
Are you seriously saying that ignoring a subpoena is legal? Lots of people have done prison time for ignoring them, but when it comes to trump you say it's ok? Are you kidding me? LOL
What subpoenas?
read the whole post again wally.
The 'president' has abused his rights to the limit (and then some).
The 'president' has been abusing the rule of law his whole life.
Y'all voted a serial liar, con-man, criminal, moron in as 'president'.
your post affirmed my point. Subpoena power for Congress and "oversight" only extends to matters pertaining to legislative purposes, NOT investigating the Executive branch looking for means to impeach.
Secondly, using your reasoning, the executive branch equally can investigate the conduct of members of Congress. Hell will freeze over before Democrats ever agree to that
Thirdly, NO ONE including presidents can be forced to provide evidence that a prosecutorial effort seeks to convict. That is a violation of the 5th amendment rights of every citizen including presidents.
Facts are not these people's friends.
They apparently have no clue that the Senate, not the House, conducts the trial portion of an impeachment.
Wally's point was correct. Frost has not and cannot furnish a law that requires the president to comply.
His rights are determined by federal laws and the constitution. He is not a private citizen at this time.
Please post a link for the above claim.
Trump ordered Gordon Sondland, who was involved in trying to convince the Ukranian government to investigate Biden, not to testify before Congress today. The Democrats have said they consider such actions obstruction of Congress by the president, which is yet another impeachable offense.
Sondland responded by saying that was not what was happening. “Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump’s intentions. The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign.”
If he is innocent Trump would have no reason to block him from testifying to Congress , would he?
The Typical Left "He should" defense !
Any attorney on the planet would tell one to shut their mouth if they didn't do anything wrong. Once you open your mouth, anyone that wants to convict you, can cherry pick anything you say and use it against you.
If he had any ethics, he'd ignore Trump's orders and appear anyway. But then, Trump's toadies have made it very clear that they are unpatriotic and that they work for Trump, not for us.
Bullshit Perry Mason
if you did nothing wrong, why would you need to worry ?
i've testified in court a few times, told the truth, and that was that.
I've also testified in court as an "expert witness" numerous times, nothing to be afraid of, if you've done nothing wrong, and testifying honestly.
why would you need to take the 5th, i believe Trump stated
Believe he was ordered not to testify by The State Department/
which was obviously ordered by Trump n cump.
Supposedly he was already to testify, and it got called off after he flew back from Europe or something
Exactly !
And why give any info to the "accusers" that they could warp into their advantage.
Because you're legally required to, perhaps?
And because you work for the American people, not for Donald Trump?
The same could be said of Biden in the Ukraine. Why are we making a big deal out of it if he did nothing wrong? Just let Ukraine do the investigation and clear his good name. It could only help his campaign against Trump right?
Exactly !
Fck letting Ukraine do it, as Trump has already incentivised them to find something.
Our Intelligence agencies need to do it.
Didn't Trump just tell you about all of the CORRUPTION there ?
Our intelligence agencies have agendas and corruption as well. Their "insurance policy" that was the Russian hoax didn't work out. I'm sure they would be more than happy to cover for Biden in the Ukraine.
another baseless conspiracy...?
what proof do you have ?
To you, any investigation led by Democrats is a sham, and any investigation led by Republicans is legitimate (actually, forget the Republican investigations, just lock the liberals up without due process).
Regardless of party, a Congressional subpoena must be obeyed as long as it serves a legitimate legislative purpose. It's a legal issue. Perhaps you haven't actually read up on it, but the information is out there just waiting for you.
Hopefully these assholes who think they work for Trump rather than for us will spend some time in jail, reflecting on their idiotic decisions.
6.1.5 says it well, I think.
Spitting on our three branches of government and acting like Congress is trying to pull off a coup by doing its job of oversight is NOT the way to go about this. To hear Team Trump, Congress has absolutely no authority at all - when their authority is equal to that of the executive branch.
I'll agree with either party, but what comes around , goes around, and after watching the Republicans question a few lately, and the behavior of the witnesses that should have been held in contempt, can you actually blame them. Would the GOP suddenly change, as i don't think so.
They've played hardball while the Dems play badmitten, and some can smack that birdie pretty damn hard though.
Actually, i'm thinking Trump, if able, would give Lil Kim and Xi, a damn good run for their money.
Corinthians 666 999
[Deleted] If someone else states something well, why not point to it rather than basically saying the same thing myself?
That would be your orange god, not me. [Deleted]
if she lets em, why can't Eric Hold her ?
Did they cause Trump to call the Ukraine and illegally ask the Ukrainian president to invrstigate Biden while withholding $390,000,000.00 million dollars ???
Did they tweet out that after talking to vicious autocrat, we would be leaving our best allies in the war against the ISIL's , to be slaughtered by the Turks ???
You can do better than that Wally.
Trump is the one demanding to confront his accuser(s). If that were to happen Trump would be doing the warping along with intimidation and threats, not only to them, but the people in their lives. As he has stated "I've done it before."
But Democrats want to keep "Protecting" their Whistle"Blower", so that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
But I'd keep demanding it too !
It worked for decades for Deep Throat.
What are the odds that some Trump supporter will harm the whistleblower if he/she is exposed? I'd say pretty damn good.
We have a two members of the intelligence community who reported something of concern, as they should have, and instead of being glad that our system of government is working as it should, all Trump's supporters can do is whine and complain about the investigation. Which, from all appearances, is being handled properly.
…..Is to make this country better for citizens. Not Politicians and they're need to get votes !
What has Trump done that has hurt American Citizens again ?
I see nothing wrong with pointing to a statement that sums up what I was going to say. Saves time.
There is a process for a congressional inquiry - and you're complaining despite the fact that it's apparently being followed. You're obviously not a stupid person; you must clearly understand that there are MANY congressional inquiries that aren't open, yet I've never heard you complain about that before.
So physical harm is your line?
You've been Harmed Physically ?
Do babies fart in the womb?
He essentially stood up and yelled "Fire!" in a crowded theatre with all his anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rhetoric, calling Mexicans "rapists", calling immigrants seeking asylum from South America an "invasion" and an "infestation" which were then the same exact words used in a mass shooters manifesto who then drove hundreds of miles to an El Paso Walmart and murdered dozens of innocent Americans. His rhetoric was used by the crowd in Charlottesville, of which one from the right wing side of confederate flag wavers, rammed their car into a crowd of peaceful protestors killing one young woman and maiming dozens. Words can have consequences, and the consequences of Donald Trump irresponsible rhetoric has cost America lives, and now, by his "Imperial Presidential Tweet" he will likely cost tens of thousands of our allies lives. It is truly a sad time for patriotic Americans having to witness the disloyalty and pathetic groveling before dictators, tyrants and Muslim extremist nations like Turkey who have been systematically cleansing their county of non-Muslims under the murderous religious zealot Erdogan. And we shouldn't forget that Flynn was brokering a deal to illegally abduct a refugee from the United States and send him to his very likely torture and death before his illicit relationship with Turkey was revealed. That's who Trump initially chose to surround himself with, and Trump even admitted “I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”. So it's no wonder that Trump is just rolling over like a whipped dog for Erdogan even it it means abandoning our allies.
Then explain meconium
So his actual policies in DC, haven't hurt any American Citizen one bit.
Apparently you've been personally effected by Trumps words.
100% of your comment has to do with "Self Responsibility" .....which isn't in the "Lefts" Vocabulary apparently.....and "Feelings". It's always "Blame" others for peoples actions done huh !
What a Scary World to live in with thoughts like that.
you and your little posse, with the dumber than dirt non stop stupid inquires attempting to get N E and all of your silly questions answered in a deliberate provocative attempt to just annoy is not a smart ploy, cause i'm gonna make you my boy oh boy, we gonna have funquest
write now, i gotta go, but i promised you some creativity last week, as
you've earned it
Ok smarty pants. Haha I didn't actually expect an answer for that. Then again, When I was in the womb, my mother fell down a short set of stairs. Said I didn't move for a week.
That could explain some things....
He doesn't have to go on a tour to denigrate America, he does it via Tweet.
Baby wipes actually work. you know how those Sharts can fool ya.
True story. I worked with a guy that was a drunk. One day he told the boss he had to go home. Thought he had to fart and shat so much it ran down his pant leg and into his shoe. Drove home with trash bags on the seat. He never came back to work that day. Went home and started drinking again.
I can only hope he cleaned himself up.
Probably forgot.
Man I hope not. Somehow though I wouldn't doubt it.
Had to send him home another day as he split his pants. He never wore underwear. Oddly he didn't want to leave that day...
Special Breezes in your place.
He's still in office?
Of course the whistle blower needs to be protected. There are too many out there who would do physical harm to them if their identity is compromised at this time.
The last one got free sex change treatments. How is that "Hurting" a "leaker" ?
Oh please. If that is the best you have as a rebuttal, go back to the drawing board. Now, to quote WC Fields..."Go away boy, you are bothering me."
Was it Wrong ?
Which "Blower" has actually been hurt that you know of ?
They haven't been yet because they are being protected. But if their identity is known, their lives may be in danger. For you to try to justify any argument using Chelsea Manning is laughable. Frankly, I expect better of you.
The Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi committee members kept regurgitating that fear message too.
Baloney !
All withholding this Leakers name, or maybe now 2 leakers names on this present issue, is just to "Sensationalize" the "Lefts" "Sensationalizing" even more right now.
Adam Schiff is already ready to out them, as soon as he's ready to bring them in front of his committee.
Even Adam isn't going to keep them safe, no matter many times he and the cohorts in this matter argue they should be. It was all just "Grandstanding" to gain a bit of time.....and more media Coverage for effect.
I wonder if anyone will complain like they are now about Name Privacy, when their names are actually released by Adam and the press ?
It is Adams Position, so you'll have to ask him. Trump has nothing to do with what Adam wants to says Adam.
"It is Adams Position,"
Do you know Adams' favorite position ?
I wish !
He's dreamy...….
It is said, that a missionary,
on every eve
gave him 68 serpents
and every eve , 69 were spit out,
cause Trump loves him some reciprocity
Name someone who has been deposed or testified in front of Schiff's Committee under those limitations XD.
Oh please. That is such a lame argument.
If they want him to testify, they should subpoena him. Of course, their case to enforce a subpoena would be much stronger if an impeachment inquiry was taking place, but since there is no impeachment inquiry, it's going to be that much harder to get a judge to agree to force him to testify.
Americans Support For Impeachment Hearings (And Removal of Trump) Has Exploded (Up) In The Past Few Weeks
The "Media" is doing a great job helping the Nutty Democrat Professors !
I wonder when the Media will report "ALL" of the story !
"Cherry" picking can give you a really bad stomach ache if you eat to many "cherries" while picking.
see what happens when you have part of the story, cause some lying fck won't release anyone from testifying and that is now to become another reason to warrant impeachment
See what happens when the "Media Story" "LEADS" YOU ?
MAKES You say things like that.
I see what happens when Trump leads you, thats for sure
wish i could say the same for Trump for you.
I swear I noted that the "Media" wasn't doing their "Full" jobs.
Did you miss that in comment 6 It Is ME an hour ago fall for the lazy job by media..... "Hook-Line-n-Sinker" !
Good Job !
In total agreement.
The GOP is slowly starting to turn the ship, as even some of his most ardent supporters are realizing, that when a Democrat is in office, and we've set these ridiculous no restrictions on a sitting POTUS, we will also be fckd like the Dems are now.
and i believe Nancy did it correctly, as there wasn't any appetite in many for impeachment, until the Ukraine debacle and who would have thought the Kurds, of all peoples, would start the ball rolling ?
This president has so blatantly pushed so many boundaries, and the GOP was silent. Some are now starting to realize that wasn't the best move.
Lets just hope there is some more evidence of some juicy wrongdoings, as i'm positive there are juicy wrongdoings, just need overwhelming evidence as his water bearers aren't gonna believe their own two eyes irregardless.
There is no "equal" in the Branches of government these days.
It's all "Politics" all the time …... against each other. To hell with the folks that elected them. They just want "Election Votes" for their own "Monetary" gains.
Trump didn't get into it for the "Bucks", unlike those politicians that get in with little, and come out with Big Bucks.
Hell....the "Left" wants to pack the "Supreme court" to make a "Court-of-Law" more "PC Feeling" . Sounds "un-equal " to me.
There is, trump just thinks he is above the other two, which he isn't.
He does ?
What has Trump done that is "Against" this countries citizens again ?
No Value [Perrie Halpern R.A.]
More value than what I was commenting from !
Really ?
How was Trump able stop what was going on before he became President ?
I seem to remember, there was a President before Trump, that seemed to know Russia was trying to do something advertise fake stuff to "Voters".
Maybe that "Other" President shoulda Listened to Mitt Romney when Mitt said "Russia was this countries biggest "Geo-political" foe.....huh.
It's a good thing that "Other" President got out of the 80's, before he shouldn't have.
I'm still waiting to see what Trump as done to show he thinks he's above the other two branches any more than his immediate predecessor did. Obama and his people ignored congressional subpoenas as well. Obama was public about his "I have a pen and a phone" speech. From what I see in this regard Trump is not doing anything that prior presidents have not done.
The way the Democrats are running this investigation in the House, IMO, smells of party politics rather than doing what is best for the country. Without a formal vote in the House to authorize the impeachment investigation (which yes, is not required by the constitution) then the investigation is running under statute. It appears to me that the Democrats are attempting to limit due process in this investigation and to prevent the public from seeing everything that is going into the investigation. And IMO, if you are relying on MSM to get the information you will be left with whatever partial truth the news organization of your choice will provide.
That's the way I see it. With the state of MSM in this country and the Democrats trying to keep most of this behind closed doors, we as the citizens of this country are not seeing what is being done and cannot make an informed decision about any of this. All this harping from either side about impeachment only shows our individual bias and arguing about it won't change anybody's mind.
Yea, well he didn't realize so many gullible sheep would fall for teenagers in moscow catfishing the easily malleable minions with out independently thought out opinions, as no one realized how influential they had become here.
Not Mitt, not ANY GOP or Democratic pols either.
Yea, Welll…..Seemed to be an Obama Trait.
What were so many responding with on the right about Trump, and his non answering to EVERYTHING,
It's not against the Law, or what law did he break.
What LAW are they breaking ?
About time they started playing the same game as the Repubs.
Take advantage of every law and push it as far as Trump stretched everything.
Don't break any laws, just abide by them.
You know, it's not like they are saying our rules are under audit, and we'll release them after the election, say like Trump and his taxes. As then all of his supporters said, "what law is he breaking".
Trump, if not President, would be in jail with his lawyer, and many other of his appointed cabinet and election campaign.
Yea,Welll.....Seemes Trump has Traitorous Traits
So says the Media ?
Teenagers don't vote
try reading my comment again
"Teenagers" influenced Democrat "Adults" to hold hearings against Trump.
Got it !
Reading comprehension difficulties ???
what part about teenagers in moscow, is so difficult to understand, as they played both Dems and Repubs and they were A Dolts
it has NOTHING to do with hearings, it is about the darn election
And if New York and Bernie get their way, so will 16 year olds. Sad shit. They can't decide what gender they are and eat soap pods. Yeah, that's what we need. More feelings over intellect disguised as the latter in the system. Falls right in line with hook 'em when they are young. Enough of that in our schools and "higher learning" institutions as it is.
I understood your comment quite well.
My comment 6.1.23 stands as stated !
stop showing off
again, my condolences
I agreed with lowering it to 18. Old enough to be drafted, old enough to cast a ballot.
16? No. As for Bernie, he would never be my choice.
for ?
doing what all of you Trump supporters are doing...
stupid questions asking for answers and evidence that you've been told many many times, and i'm thinking you know exactly what i'm talking about, just being childish, cause you've got your little talking points/marching orders from some clown, as you know you aren't going to defeat the TRUTH, and that is the
So ask your stupid questions, and when your head starts spinning centrifugally around, cause i can apply know force when not forced too, and you and company will run to moderators and claim that mean angry snowflake, isn't melting, but i am, so please make him stop.
But i can't write off that which is dead on live, while not animated , cause cartoons are caricatures i can illustrate inn a colorful black and white shade of gray, but i'm not happy, if you are or are not gay, but either way, i'll have mine, and i'll say a lot you won't yet again comprehend, and that is where we are at my friend
your call
i'm out of here, so get your comments in
cause i'm gonna be feeling a little creative , as i did mention this last week when you and your posse were doing the same bullshit, as it's not a promise of a margarine of buttered praise, it's a popped tart error in so many ways
we'll see how you fare, when i ain't buyin it
That's Funny !
You should stop getting your little talking points/marching orders from some clown Media outlet that luvs Adam and Jerry !
Didn't work in the Past....won't work now !
No, so says his actions.
Trump actually beat someone up ?
You fall for the lazy job by Trump. Good job!
Well....did Trump actually Beat someone up or not. That would be an actual "action" ya know.
He is too much of a coward for that. His prefers to fire up his base for the dirty work.
28% of republicans now support impeachment. Which is up 21% from two weeks ago. Should be pointed out that overall support for impeaching clinton was only 37% where as this article shows that 49% of all Americans support impeachment.
RCP average of all polls shows trump is sinking in popularity. A polite way of saying his rhetoric and BS isn't doing him any good.
As of this posting, trump is at 43.1%.
and he isn't doing US any good, either. about fckn time some people started realizing this guy has been playing our system, the GOP, and the American people.
Democrats need to get on with it. Democrats have been trying to get the FBI and Justice Dept to remove Trump. Democrats have been trying to get the intelligence agencies to remove Trump. Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to remove Trump. Democrats have been trying to get anyone else to remove Trump so Democrats won't get their hands dirty.
Democrats have become all too European by wanting proxies to fight their dirty little wars for them. But this is the Democrats' war; Democrats need to fight it rather than expending so much effort getting someone else to fight it for them.
And removing Trump won't make the Democratic replacement a better alternative. House Democrats have established a stalemate in Congress by adopting the same obstructive strategy that the TEA Party adopted against Obama. Retaliation and revenge is not a productive basis for governing. Democrats are convincing the public that the Democratic Party must be made irrelevant just as the TEA Party was made irrelevant. Democrats have clearly shown the country that the party is only about the politics of retaliation; the Democratic Party is not a party of ideas for governing.
Democrats don't have a choice. Impeachment has now become a political imperative. If Democrats fail to impeach Trump now then the Democratic Party becomes just as irrelevant as has the TEA Party. Trump is leading the Democratic Party to obscurity. Democrats need to get on with it before its too late.
Perhaps you meant Republican Party in that first sentence ?
The Republicans, imho, have jeopardized their party, by not calling out Trump as he ran over all norms and pushed every boundarie, without ever calling Trump out till now.
Time will tell.
The TEA Party made the Republican Party irrelevant by placing the party in an all or nothing political war with Obama. The TEA Party engaged in the politics of retaliation rather that ideas on governing. Benghazi marked the TEA Party's struggle for irrelevance.
Republicans aren't even in the news unless Democrats place them there. This is the Democrat's war; not the Republican's war. The Republican Party has not yet emerged from irrelevance. Republicans still need to decide if the party should return to the status quo or should find a new path. Like it or not, Trump really is showing Republicans that adherence to the status quo is not a political necessity; Trump really is reshaping the Republican Party.
Yes, time will tell. But time is not on the side of Democrats. Democrats are following the TEA Party playbook and expecting a different result. And Democrats do not have a transformative leader in the wings that can reshape the Democratic Party. Democrats are going to need a political outsider who will challenge the status quo.
All they have been doing is attempting to build a quorum from nearly every sector in society and the government because they know that if you don't get enough people behind you before you act you risk falling flat on your back when the ignorant bully you're standing up to shoves you in the chest regardless of whether you have truth and justice on your side.
Truth and justice are not on the Democrats side, or part of their agenda.
Bull....Republicans have TDS for Crooked donnie a known liar and a cheat...
You say that but know full well that if it were a Democrat President who had been caught telling his aides to lie to investigators, was an unindicted co-conspirator in a felony campaign finance case where his co-conspirator is already serving time, publicly proclaimed they believed an ex-KGB dictator over our own intelligence sources, refused to do anything to hold a foreign leader to account who had a journalist murdered and dismembered, has said they "fell in love" with the leader of a violent authoritarian regime while at the same time abandoned and ridiculed our allies, and to top it all off, withheld congressionally approved military aide to an ally country in an effort to coerce them to dig up dirt on their biggest potential political opponent for an upcoming national election, you would be demanding their immediate impeachment and removal and you would rightly believe truth and justice were on your side.
That's nothing but politics. Democrats are trying to politically win an impeachment. That's not about rule of law, the Constitution, or anything other than dirty politics. The public sees that from Democrats (and Republicans) every two years. We are coming up on the friggin' political ad season; not something the public looks forward to.
Because it WOULD BE.
Just like it is on the side of ANY that wish to see Trump held to the same Standards as say The GOP held Bill Clinton, or Barrack Obama !
But Republicans seem to believe they need not hold Trump to much of any standards, which is quite telling of how hollow the GOP truly has become.
Democrats better strategically play this out correctly, and use every Law available, to obtain testimony and evidence, without mercy, but completely within the Law.
That's the way Republicans play it, and so should the Democrats. Fair is fair, so all of you Republican apologists, you know, the ones who don't need tax returns, because there is no Law that they are revealed, you can forgive a co-conspirator that would be in jail if he wasn't the potUS and claim Mueller came up with nothing but lies and was the hoax witch hunt Trump claimed, when that is a complete and total LIE.
The ones who could ?accept? him stating he believed Putin , while Trump was standing adjacent to the little mind fck on the world stage, over our intelligence agencies WTF ?
Sorry Dismayed Patriot, but i'm also a dismayed patriot now and then, and well , sorta forgot i started out replying to you, and was, still replying to you, while spewin a few thoughts tossed
out of my mind
cause , on occasion , I AM
That tweet could be used as an article of impeachment.
"That tweet could be used as an article of impeachment."
For telling the truth for once? Strange logic.
for not providing testimony. It is an impeachable charge, to stonewall the lawful testimony and or evidence requested by Trumps new daddy, Adam Schiff
He wouldn't know a true fact if it chowed down on his fat ass.
What I want to know is what "republican's rights" have been taken away, and how? I was unaware that our nation's laws applied to one party and not the other. If I change parties, do I get different rights?
Rhetorical, of course, but it does illustrate just how fucking stupid trump is.
The only facts that he does not want allowed are those that will bust him.
Wow. This starts with BS in the 1st paragraph.
If you believe the narrative of the Democrats who have been scrambling since 2016 to overthrow the duly elected President.
That's if you believe the same polling people that told us Hillary would win by a landslide.
This whole thing is TDS driven.
Trumps Dumbshit Supporters?
Change my mind then.
Trump's deranged supporters.
Let's put some light where the leftist media and Democrats try to keep facts in the darkness
Trump made a legitimate request of the new Ukrainian President to investigate the corruption and collusion of Democrats in the 2016 election. Something even Politico noted in January 2017
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
01/11/2017 05:05 AM EST
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found. A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.
The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.
Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016
The boomerang from the Democratic Party’s failed attempt to connect Donald Trump to Russia’s 2016 election meddling is picking up speed, and its flight path crosses right through Moscow’s pesky neighbor, Ukraine. That is where there is growing evidence a foreign power was asked, and in some cases tried, to help Hillary Clinton .
In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.
In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort ’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.
Chaly’s written answers mark the most direct acknowledgement by Ukraine’s government that an American tied to the Democratic Party sought the country’s help in the 2016 election, and they confirm the main points of a January 2017 story by Politico on Chalupa’s efforts.
Rasmussen October 9 2019 'The latest figures include 33% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 43% who Strongly Disapprove.
This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of NEGATIVE 10' And this is polling BEFORE Trump's Syria disaster.