The greatest thing on television lately was watching MSNBC and CNN declare dogs are the new sign of White supremacy when Trump and Pence met the Dog from the Bahgdadi raid at the White house.
So, you disapprove of Trump , when he ran the beauty pageant, going into the locker room to ogle naked teenage girls? He even bragged about it. What a sick perverted creep.
It amazes me that not one person has come forward and said Trump grabbed them by the pussy...
Jill Harth, a pageant owner trying to work with Trump in the mid-1990s, filed suit against him in federal court in Manhattan in 1997, describing a "relentless" campaign of sexual harassment and assault including an incident in which he reached under a table, put his hands on her thighs and grabbed her "intimate private parts" during a meeting at a New York restaurant.
Back to the drawing board for you. Better luck next time.
The Trump campaign also sent Law Newz emails it claims Harth sent to Trump in 2015 and 2016, offering her services as a makeup artist to Trump. “I have always been very fond of Donald and I CARE about him as he helped me see the light and get out of the very damaging and abusive relationship I was in. I am so different and much better than I was before,” the email the Trump campaign provided reads. In her Times interview in October, Harth admitted to dating Trump in 1998, after his marriage to Marla Maples ended. “I was scared, thinking, ‘what am I going to do now?’” she told the Times. “When he called me and tried to work on me again, I was thinking maybe I should give this a try, maybe if he’s still working on me, I should give this rich guy a chance.”
Sounds to me like a Hustler that worked the press and the Anti-trump snowflakes for financial gain.
He still said them and it goes to quality of character.
"Character" isn't a worry, when "American" folks were more worried about "Jobs" and Food on the Table", as is MOST important in this "Real" world of ours.
Perrie, w hy would you target me and order me to allow BF to decide what to do? In comment 4.1.7 I merely made an observation about the topic and did not indicate anything else.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the topic is Joe Biden.
I was a teacher for a very long time and I used to use that line to get my students back on track as a soft reprimand. I fail to see how this becomes about you when it was you who started with me and I fail to see how any of this is an insult. In fact, at this point, I am insulted since you must think I am stupid.
Is it my thread? Nope. Do I "supervise" this thread/blog?? Nope. I "think" you're supposed to stay out of the fight and pull the fighters apart - not add fuel.
Legal age has NOTHING to do with it being acceptable to grab pussies. Nothing. Someone did that to me their balls would be in their throat. I can't think of any woman who finds sexual assault consensual or fine. Except those Trump twats.
Sure as hell not News and Politics, where it's seeded. But hey, it's BF. Carte blanche.
You know Dulay, all you had to do was get me on chat or mentioned it without the commentary, and I would have fixed it like I just did and I do every day with many members here.
You weren't on chat and the last time I pointed out BF's posting 'humor' in news and politics, the seed was allowed to remain where it was. I presumed this seed would be treated consistently. My bad.
Old story 1994 ..................And they chuckled about it..................He was actually complimenting his then wife..........................
"Donald, what does Tiffany have of yours, and what does Tiffany have of Marla's?" host Robin Leach asked.
Trump answered instantly — and he did not bring up his daughter's eyes, nose or smile.
"Well, I think that she's got a lot of Marla," he said."She's a really beautiful baby, and she's got Marla's legs. We don't know whether she's got this part yet (gestures toward his chest), but time will tell."
Maples smiled as her husband crassly pumped at his chest while he talked about their little girl.
Trump had a male friend over once to meet his new baby (Tiffany) and he speculated on what I mentioned. IMO that makes him a creepy perv, but that's just me.
How much time has to pass before that's not sick and creepy? It happening decades ago shouldn't matter really should it? It is still clear evidence of Trumps deranged perverted mind regardless of how long ago it occurred. Also, in the future will you preface all negative comments about Bill Clinton, his adultery and impeachment with "Old story 1994"...?
Trump had a male friend over once to meet his new baby (Tiffany) and he speculated on what I mentioned. IMO that makes him a creepy perv, but that's just me.
WHAT? BFShit It was an interview WITH his wife and himself where he joked about that.
Joking about your daughters future boob size is creepy and pervy. WTF is wrong with these Trumpers?
“Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” - Donald J Trump in reference to then 16 year old Ivanka
"if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her” - DJT
"My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body." - DJT
“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka." - DJT (Notice how he has to clarify which daughter now that Tiffany grew up and he's not just imagining her breasts).
“By the way, your daughter…” - Howard Stern
“ - she’s beautiful" - Trump
“Can I say this? A piece of ass.” - Stern
“Yeah.” - Trump
I guess when you're trying to appeal to folk who have fairly vertical family trees themselves, talking about your daughter like that is to be expected. For the rest of us it's beyond disgusting and on its own, in my opinion, makes him not fit to serve as President. Trump is a sorry excuse for a human being who I would never vote for, buy from or spend any amount of time with no matter how much dishonest Donald promised he would pay. The only thing sadder than such a lying loser as dirty Donald are those who continue to crawl on their bellies under him in support.
What are you talking about? Have you checked out what this article is about? It's about implying the Biden gets it on with kids. You're down with that?
"Is it wrong that I'm more sexually attracted to my daughter than my wife?"
Well, the supposed quote attributed to Trump is:
“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?"
However, this quote was allegedly overheard by “someone” whom Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen “knew" and there is no actual evidence Trump actually said it. However, looking at all the recorded statements dirty Donald has made in regards to Ivanka, it's entirely likely that he did really say it.
One thing I find fascinating is how many comments Trump has made about Ivanka, but the only dirty perverted comments he's made about Tiffany were when she was a baby. I wonder if she feels left out by never being the target of her fathers inappropriate admiration or if she's jealous of Ivanka for getting all of Daddy's "attention".
“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka."... 'Not talking about you Tiff, didn't want anyone to think I was talking about you...'
"My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body."... 'Again, had to clarify which daughter, can't have people think I'm talking about that other daughter, what's her name again?... Taffy? Ooooh, I'd love some salt water taffy, anyone have any Taffy? Now what was I talking about, oh yeah, how hot my daughters body is, again, Ivanka, not Taffeta, er, Tuffnanny, whatever...'
The darndest thing about this seed is that you are all able to giggle about Biden's little misspeaks at the same time you either ignore or celebrate Trump's prolific lies and racism and basic lack of humanity.
You can't bring up gaffes and sexual proclivities without a Trump reference. Impossible to ignore that elephant in the room, and he has been accused of sexual abuses. Maybe if gop got their heads out of his ass we wouldn't have to be reminded of him at every post. Better air up here too.
Does Joe Biden live rent free in your head 24/7?
Nationally, enquiring minds want to know.
Hillary Clinton must be relieved you have moved on.
Coming from the guy crying "But Trump" on a seed about news sources, this comment is freaking Hillaryious.'
As is your obsession with Hillary Clinton, whom you can't seem to manage to leave out of any discussion.
Who brought up Hillaryious Hillary?
Well, that is 25 seconds of my life I will never get back.
But the smile it put on my face will last for an hour.
Kind of like watching the impeachment hearings....
KKK Kisses Hillary !
The difference is this had a purpose.
Bet there are some who still think the man is not a creepy perv.
You mean as opposed to a guy who grabs pussys?
Very unbiased comment, eh?
It amazes me that not one person has come forward and said Trump grabbed them by the pussy.....Not really because it never happened.
So, you disapprove of Trump , when he ran the beauty pageant, going into the locker room to ogle naked teenage girls? He even bragged about it. What a sick perverted creep.
So witch is it. Trump lies all the time...Trump always tells the truth....Believe what you want so you can be offended?
The never Trumpers using Trump to defend Biden....
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the topic is Joe Biden.
Back to the drawing board for you. Better luck next time.
Did he...or just saying a guy "Bragging" thingy in the locker room ?
"I've slept with five bazillion women in my lifetime. I Swear. It's True !
OK 1st, let me get this.
It's not bias to go after Biden for some weird comment he made, but it is bias to go after Trump for some gross comment he made.
As much as you believe this video.
Oh so that makes it OK to refer to women that way and while married. Cool.
Jasper, let BF decide this.
And there is no proof he ever did anything to a child.
People who willingly have their pussys grabbed (as he said) don't complain.
You mean this Jill Harth?
Sounds to me like a Hustler that worked the press and the Anti-trump snowflakes for financial gain.
It's been okay for "Married" politicians to use the "Emergency Government Defense Fund" for "Defense" of infidelity !
Besides....When Trump "Said" those words....he was a "Private Individual" !
You said that NO ONE has said Trump grabbed them by the private parts.
That is not true.
Jill Harth is not the only one either.
Why would someone "Complain" if that's what you want.
Oh....Wait.....Trumps President "Speak up" to get one of those "You Poor Dear" parades now ?
That's another one of those million dollar book deals, if I've ever seen one !
He still said them and it goes to quality of character.
"Character" isn't a worry, when "American" folks were more worried about "Jobs" and Food on the Table", as is MOST important in this "Real" world of ours.
Under Trump ….. BOTH ….. are going well now !
There is a long list of things that are not going well right now, too.
But by that standard, you must have loved FDR and Clinton.
Sure is !
" But by that standard, you must have loved FDR and Clinton."
But, But, But !
Really ?
My " Past " is over and done 'bout yours ?
Where's Obama in that mix ?
Perrie, w hy would you target me and order me to allow BF to decide what to do? In comment 4.1.7 I merely made an observation about the topic and did not indicate anything else.
It's your comment trying to reprimand me, Jasper. Who else was I supposed to direct it to? You were targetting me and not the other way around.
What classification of "topic" does a derogatory cartoon of Joe Biden fall into?
Really? I do not make reprimanding comments, Perrie, and you know it. Please refrain from further attempts to insult me. Thank you in advance.
Here is your comment:
I was a teacher for a very long time and I used to use that line to get my students back on track as a soft reprimand. I fail to see how this becomes about you when it was you who started with me and I fail to see how any of this is an insult. In fact, at this point, I am insulted since you must think I am stupid.
But carry on.
Jasper - if ANY political story is placed on the front of NT - you know damn well it will become a Trump hate fest. That's just the way it is.
OOhhhh - THAT Jill Harth - Jeeez John - get some reality and reliable sources.
Is it my thread? Nope. Do I "supervise" this thread/blog?? Nope. I "think" you're supposed to stay out of the fight and pull the fighters apart - not add fuel.
Is it your site? No
You are acting like the only thing she can do around here is act like a hall monitor.
She owns and runs the site and all the headaches that go with it.
She has more than earned her right to have an opinion, on anything.
She definitely has a right to defend herself.
Before anyone freaks out, BF is not CFO, but he and ender are right.
Et tu Brute?
CFO, chief fuck off?
Legal age has NOTHING to do with it being acceptable to grab pussies. Nothing. Someone did that to me their balls would be in their throat. I can't think of any woman who finds sexual assault consensual or fine. Except those Trump twats.
Sure as hell not News and Politics, where it's seeded. But hey, it's BF. Carte blanche.
It amazes me that people on both sides can get so worked up over such a silly inane video like the one above! That thought makes me laugh my head off.
You know Dulay, all you had to do was get me on chat or mentioned it without the commentary, and I would have fixed it like I just did and I do every day with many members here.
I have found that humor is only funny when it's directed to them and not to yourself. Another thing that happens every day here.
You weren't on chat and the last time I pointed out BF's posting 'humor' in news and politics, the seed was allowed to remain where it was. I presumed this seed would be treated consistently. My bad.
Is someone feeling a little jealous and neglected???
I don't know, are you?
I have no reason to be, but then again I'm not the one complaining about unfair treatment,
I didn't complain about anything Ed, I stated FACTS and as you can see, no one disputed those FACTS, including you.
I really saw no need to dispute something that was obvious to most people except you. One person's FACTS are another's fantasy. Yours were not facts.
What obvious to everyone but you it seems is that the seed is no longer posted under News and Politics.
For you perhaps.
Since all I've stated is that this seed didn't belong in the News and Politics category and this time Perrie moved it, my statement was indeed a fact.
You don't think that a father who speculates on the size of his infant daughter's (Tiffany) future rack is a creepy perv?
What are you referencing?
Old story 1994 ..................And they chuckled about it..................He was actually complimenting his then wife..........................
"Donald, what does Tiffany have of yours, and what does Tiffany have of Marla's?" host Robin Leach asked.
Trump answered instantly — and he did not bring up his daughter's eyes, nose or smile.
"Well, I think that she's got a lot of Marla," he said."She's a really beautiful baby, and she's got Marla's legs. We don't know whether she's got this part yet (gestures toward his chest), but time will tell."
Maples smiled as her husband crassly pumped at his chest while he talked about their little girl.
Trump had a male friend over once to meet his new baby (Tiffany) and he speculated on what I mentioned. IMO that makes him a creepy perv, but that's just me.
How much time has to pass before that's not sick and creepy? It happening decades ago shouldn't matter really should it? It is still clear evidence of Trumps deranged perverted mind regardless of how long ago it occurred. Also, in the future will you preface all negative comments about Bill Clinton, his adultery and impeachment with "Old story 1994"...?
WHAT? BFShit It was an interview WITH his wife and himself where he joked about that.
Anything about "Trump" - you know they have a bucket of shit to throw anytime someone even THINKS the name.
Joking about your daughters future boob size is creepy and pervy. WTF is wrong with these Trumpers?
Huh? Where the hell did that come from?
“Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” - Donald J Trump in reference to then 16 year old Ivanka
"if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her” - DJT
"My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body." - DJT
“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka." - DJT (Notice how he has to clarify which daughter now that Tiffany grew up and he's not just imagining her breasts).
“By the way, your daughter…” - Howard Stern
“ - she’s beautiful" - Trump
“Can I say this? A piece of ass.” - Stern
“Yeah.” - Trump
I guess when you're trying to appeal to folk who have fairly vertical family trees themselves, talking about your daughter like that is to be expected. For the rest of us it's beyond disgusting and on its own, in my opinion, makes him not fit to serve as President. Trump is a sorry excuse for a human being who I would never vote for, buy from or spend any amount of time with no matter how much dishonest Donald promised he would pay. The only thing sadder than such a lying loser as dirty Donald are those who continue to crawl on their bellies under him in support.
Got me.
What are you talking about? Have you checked out what this article is about? It's about implying the Biden gets it on with kids. You're down with that?
You don't see the irony of your statement?
Well, the supposed quote attributed to Trump is:
“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?"
However, this quote was allegedly overheard by “someone” whom Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen “knew" and there is no actual evidence Trump actually said it. However, looking at all the recorded statements dirty Donald has made in regards to Ivanka, it's entirely likely that he did really say it.
One thing I find fascinating is how many comments Trump has made about Ivanka, but the only dirty perverted comments he's made about Tiffany were when she was a baby. I wonder if she feels left out by never being the target of her fathers inappropriate admiration or if she's jealous of Ivanka for getting all of Daddy's "attention".
“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka."... 'Not talking about you Tiff, didn't want anyone to think I was talking about you...'
"My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body."... 'Again, had to clarify which daughter, can't have people think I'm talking about that other daughter, what's her name again?... Taffy? Ooooh, I'd love some salt water taffy, anyone have any Taffy? Now what was I talking about, oh yeah, how hot my daughters body is, again, Ivanka, not Taffeta, er, Tuffnanny, whatever...'
"No Malarkey" HAhahaha. What a campaign slogan. Somebody ought to tell creepy Joe he has probably already locked in the senior citizens demographic.
"Please Touch Me" Joe is a riot to listen to.
Has he made a complete sentence yet ?
He's been busy defending the pool against Corn Pop
I'm just amazed how fast someone knocked out an animation for those comments. I mean that just happened. People are talented.
Actually it happened a few years ago. it just resurfaced
The darndest thing about this seed is that you are all able to giggle about Biden's little misspeaks at the same time you either ignore or celebrate Trump's prolific lies and racism and basic lack of humanity.
TDS alert
You can't bring up gaffes and sexual proclivities without a Trump reference. Impossible to ignore that elephant in the room, and he has been accused of sexual abuses. Maybe if gop got their heads out of his ass we wouldn't have to be reminded of him at every post. Better air up here too.