Is There Any Justification for TDS?
Category: Op/Ed
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 60 commentsBy: Amanda Alvarez

TDS is a clear and present danger to America. It is an affliction affecting secular progressives and Lincoln project Never Trump former republicans most of all. The more campaign promises he keeps and the more positive accomplishments he makes for average Americans across middle America the more they lash out in TDS based anger and hate. TDS is a serious medical and psychological issue

Please consider most Nations facing any health crisis quickly alerts citizens and institutes ways to confront, confine, and minimize damage. In this instance, we must question why TDS has not risen to that crisis level in the eyes of the President and US Health officials.
If America fails to admit and address our own health crisis, how can we legitimately address health issues with other countries? At least, most countries don’t attempt a cover-up or fail to admit there is a health problem, right?
Meanwhile, TDS continues to spread from top FBI officials to infect top government officials and almost every member of the Democrat Party, media, and Never Trumpers.
Psychiatrists agree the core issue associated with TDS, is a menacing destructive mental attitude capable of destroying families – if not properly treated. Many, further agree TDS can be even more frightening than illegal drugs, alcohol, bullying, arrogance, and other mental health illnesses.
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To date, America has not only failed to acknowledge this health crisis, but no plans have been put forth to address and care for those affected. We must all question why the President, Congress, and US Health Officials prefer to maintain secrecy about this highly infectious health issue!
Surely America is better than this and we must immediately institute action plans to a) stop the spread of this terrifying illness, and b) treat and care for those diagnosed with TDS. Then we must expose the dangers of this mental health disease to other countries so they might prepare for the spreading of the disease.
TDS’s health issues require inspection from various lenses since it seems to attack people in so many various ways. Since many professionals express the disease has characteristics of the “fight or flight” syndromes, it should be treated as an auto-immune disease since it triggers people’s emotions.
Just as we have terrorist alerts, why can’t Government agencies issue warning levels as the disease progresses across America? Daily updates on the spread of this disease would help professional health providers prepare action plans.
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Sponsored ContentWhy isn’t State and Federal Government Agencies offering treatment centers for those affected? Why can’t we quarantine those geographical areas so heavily infected in an attempt to limit spreading?
Does anyone have the audacity to believe avoiding these discussions and sweeping the issue under the rug will make anything better? If so, why can’t we apply this philosophy to paranoia, schizophrenia, Ebola, corona virus, alcoholism, measles, domestic violence, rape, harassment, bullying, and the like?
Meanwhile, we are watching Democrats, Never Trumpers, and the news media spread the disease across America. Each day, we see more infections leaving people totally out of control and unable to control their emotions or accept facts.
On the surface, TDS infections are expressed by those that accept, approve, and applaud lying and liars. Lord knows the media exposes this portion of the issue minute-by-minute, right. We notice Democrats and the Never Trumpers frequently running to their Congressional Safe Spaces to lie, lie, and lie so Congressional legislation protects them from prosecution or held liable.
The TDS infections eventually peaked among Democrats after shouting, “If we don’t impeach Donald Trump immediately; mountains will fall, fish will leave the oceans to eat us, financial markets will collapse, vehicles will randomly run over pedestrians, and our Constitution will be destroyed!”
Yes, we know it has reached critical stages when the Democrat Global Warming Hoax is now in second place to TDS. Regardless, Democrats never fail to let everyone know either of these two mental illnesses will destroy the planet .
However, if we only pull our heads out, it’s so easy to see America under President Trump has never been better . There’s not sufficient room within any article or news break to emphasize all of the many accomplishments this President has achieved for every American, within only a few short months in office.
Therefore, it behooves all to question why only those opposing President Trump are victims of some sort of discrimination plot. Meanwhile, most Americans are prospering like no other time in our history! How can it be possible for only Democrats to feel so disenfranchised? Then again, perhaps we must assume it is just more lies and anti-American propaganda?
People infected with TDS have no shame or moral compass. It’s all about money and power – at any cost. Democrats have now seen fit to adopt leaders from Iran over President Trump to promote their mantra, “Death to America! ” Then Joe Biden, Democrat Presidential Candidate, tells us illegal immigrants are more American than citizens are .
Again, if we listen to Democrats, America is in bad shape because President Trump is a racist, homophobe, climate change denier, and doesn’t want America to get involved in endless Middle East war! If they are so certain, why can’t they produce the proof he is bad for America.
Deranged TDS infected Democrats really believe taxpayers owe them their livelihood. You see, they pass legislation for only one purpose, to ‘ scam’ taxpayer money. For Democrats ‘ work’ is a four-letter word. Therefore, they aren’t looking for jobs or earning money the ‘old fashion’ way, they just want to create shell games and rule.
Regardless of the legislation, the Dems do their magic so the lion’s share ends up in their bank accounts . After all, when one leaves the public sector to enter government to get rich, shouldn’t they become suspect?
You’ll then understand when the new Sherriff, President Trump, came to Washington DC with a promise to ‘ drain the swamp’ , such news had to be more frightening to government employees, lobbyists, Democrats, and the Never Trumpers than any horror ever imagined.
After serving in government for most of their lives, Swamp Dwellers eventually have the opportunity to cash in on wealth schemes like those before them. Suddenly, it dawns upon them their ‘illegal retirement plans’ have been threatened and possibly denied.
It’s the other side of the TDS issues people fail to grasp. Imagine being on a desert sand doom with the sun beating down watching the last canteen of water evaporate right before our eyes. After all, the Democrats, media, and Never Trumpers have lied, cheated, and corrupted everything touched to get to this point in their lives.
Now, the well is going dry, accountability is being implemented, and the DOJ is ordered to investigate all of their schemes and crimes – just when things were going so very well for them!
The money, sex, and drugs normally flowing freely at every Washington DC gathering is no longer public knowledge . Transparency and Godliness is now in the forefront while sin is moving into the closet, once again. Yep, President Trump has ushered in an era that has no place in Washington DC, right?
For those infected with TDS, their new priority is to hate everything America! They want an America where those who burn and demean our flag and Constitution are heroes while police and military personnel defending America are the scum of the earth.
Imagine the seriousness of their feelings and conversations when they realized the new Sherriff was neither corruptible nor willing to participate in their sinister schemes against America’s taxpayers. Imagine what they must have felt like when President Trump announced his efforts would focus upon making America great again.
Suddenly with billions of dollars at risk for the members of the DC Swamp, they falsely accuse the new Sherriff of every sort of evil known to humanity! They falsely believed their strength in numbers would override American opinion and sway voters to reject the 2016 election and remove President Trump from the 2020 ballots. Facts are a stubborn thing and the truths began dribbling into the public arena signing their political death certificates.
Consider the Democrat’s Russia and Ukraine false accusations as an example. While they know with certainty Donald Trump had nothing to do with these faux issues, they couldn’t help themselves so they fall to even lower levels of corruption to use taxpayer money in an attempt to hold hearings and impeach this President.
The one thing we did learn from all of the taxpayer-funded investigations is the Democrats were up to their necks in Russia and Ukraine corruption. Russia provided the dossier while China and Ukraine provided the anti-Trump talking points and millions in kickbacks .
Yep, the investigations and hearings show how corrupt, dirty, and desperate anti-Trumpers have become. They want to slay their opposition with false accusations but it’s no longer working!
The Kavanaugh Hearings taught us well – false accusations, no proof, just lie after lie. Now, after the impeachment has begun, there will be a parade of people like Ballsie Ford, declaring they too had unprotected sex with President Trump in Ukraine. Who knows, there may even be a Ukraine Dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton!
That’s why the Trump Deranged Syndrome is alive and well in Washington DC – just when everything was going so well for the Swamp Dwellers! Voters must begin actions to address the TDS issues that are destroying America. Just pull the lever for Republicans and relax!
People infected with TDS have no shame or moral compass. It’s all about money and power – at any cost. Democrats have now seen fit to adopt leaders from Iran over President Trump to promote their mantra, “Death to America! ” Then Joe Biden, Democrat Presidential Candidate, tells us illegal immigrants are more American than citizens are .
Again, if we listen to Democrats, America is in bad shape because President Trump is a racist, homophobe, climate change denier, and doesn’t want America to get involved in endless Middle East war! If they are so certain, why can’t they produce the proof he is bad for America.
Deranged TDS infected Democrats really believe taxpayers owe them their livelihood. You see, they pass legislation for only one purpose, to ‘ scam’ taxpayer money. For Democrats ‘ work’ is a four-letter word. Therefore, they aren’t looking for jobs or earning money the ‘old fashion’ way, they just want to create shell games and rule.
Absolutely one of the stupidest articles to grace the pages of our fine site.
lol,,,so there is an ongoing discussion about a medical issue yet there is no backing, citations, or reference to any actual medical diagnosis at all! It’s sorta like talking about fixing a transmission when it is working fine and the driver has no idea what the hell the mechanic is even talking about. It’s not until later that you realize that the garage was just trying to rip you off the entire time.
Every time I think he can't post anything dumber than he already has... he surprises me again.
I was actually laughing with DJTf1 because his satire article has triggered some TDS from the looks of it!
Look Katrix, I actually like you even though we hardly ever agree on most things when our paths cross. At least you are usually respectful, and post sensible arguments that encourage good debate and thoughtful responses. You are indeed a great participant here.
But, that is you. On the other hand, we do have those who just the mere mention of Trump is guaranteed to set them off. That man could piss on a burning nun to stop her from being seriously injured because there was no other way to put out the fire, and the only thing they would have to say about it is that he pissed on a nun. They couldn't admit if their lives depended on it that Trump actually did something good--even if it is something that Obama or the Democrat's have been trying to do for years and hadn't got it done. Just because Trump did it-- IT'S BADDDD ! Take for instance Trump and his plans for securing the border and chasing out the Illegal Immigrants. Maybe you aren't old enough to remember the last Amnesty granted by Bush1. Some of the Democrat's howled about how unfair that was to those who came here legally. They were right to do so too. Honestly, it is only in recent times that Democrat's have gone so Liberal on the issue . Hell, even Obama said we needed to curb illegal immigration and secure our borders when he was running for President. To hear the TDS sufferers, this is all new to them and it is disgusting that Trump would even suggest such a thing, lol!
The article is labeled opinion not satire. Just another biased editorial.
Officially there is no medical diagnosis of TDS, it is just political nonsense.
No, really? Are you sure about that? Imagine political language in a political campaign. Lol! Oh the humanity of it all!
No kidding. Imagine the shock of finding an editorial opinionarticle in the op ed section! Shocking, I say!
Trump supporters have TDS...trump denial syndrome. Deny, deny, and deny some more all the bs this POS who resides in the whitehouse does on a daily basis
Trump is doing a great job as our President. We are proud of him and his accomplishments. He’s a real promise keeper regarding what he said during the. 2016. campaign.
This article should be treated as spam and trolling and removed from Newstalkers.
There is no such thing as Trump Derangement Syndrome. It would be like saying that someone has Bernie Madoff Derangement Syndrome or Jeffery Dahmer Derangement Syndrome or El Chapo Derangement Syndrome or Herpes Derangement Syndrome. Not that Trump is an exact substitute for any of those , but that one can no more be irrationally opposed to Donald Trump than one can be irrationally opposed to having one's house destroyed by a drunk driving an 18 wheeler.
Censorship of opposing points of view seems to be a first impulse on the left.
If you label the seed as comedy or satire I suppose it would be a little less objectionable.
Otherwise its just garbage.
It is an op Ed article and we are allowed to have and express those.
The deranged ones are those supporting the most corrupt, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, unethical, and criminally-minded president in U.S. history. He could be the poster child for spoiled rich kids who always got their way, never got in trouble, and never grew up. He's a con man, a fraud, and an utterly failed human being. That's why he places so much importance on personal loyalty to himself, rather than to the country, the Constitution, or to long-standing norms and ideas about what public service and good-faith government are supposed to look like. That's why he surrounds himself with stooges, bag men, and closely-held family members -- to cover for the malfeasance he knows he will commit. He can't help himself. He is petty, selfish, and corrupt. It's who he is.
I'm totally ashamed of Trump supporters, who are apparently the worst judges of character EVER, constantly turning a blind eye to his ignorance, his lying, his gaslighting, and his demagoguery. The man is a national embarrassment, who has completely destroyed the Republican Party and turned it into nothing but a pitiful cult of personality around himself. History is not going to look back kindly on him, or on the people who supported him. This is a dark time in American history, and as far as any derangement goes, it lies solely on the plates of people cheering Trump on.
Here, here! I could only vote that comment up once.
TDS is a clear and present danger to America. It is an affliction affecting secular progressives and Lincoln project Never Trump former republicans most of all. The more campaign promises he keeps and the more positive accomplishments he makes for average Americans across middle America the more they lash out in TDS based anger and hate. TDS is a serious medical and psychological issue. The harder the attacks from democrats and especially those we used to associate with when we were all republicans and they told us what to do before we rebelled and they started the Lincoln project, the stronger our support for and defense of this President. He’s done more than we ever expected and done it right. The hate of him by the TDS afflicted left strengthened our support of this President. The opposition to him from among those we used to associate with makes the support even more intense.
Really now?!
What is the proof from medical and psychology professionals and experts? Since this is such a "serious" problem, why hasn't there been any movement by the medical establishment to research and care for this ?
Again, this is one of the dumbest articles to appear on our wonderful site.
What pathetic, blathering lunacy.
I’m glad that you liked the seeded article. It was and is right on in its opinion regarding the opposition to our President.
A CNN panel is facing intense backlash on Monday night for mocking Trump supporters as "credulous boomer rubes," even sparking fierce condemnation from President Trump and his presidential campaign.
The panel, which originally aired on Saturday night during special live coverage of the impeachment trial, featured CNN anchor Don Lemon , New York Times columnist and CNN contributor Wajahat Ali, and ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson discussing the heated exchange Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had with an NPR reporter , where he allegedly challenged the journalist to point out Ukraine on a blank map.
Wilson used the topic to mock President Trump as well as his supporters.
"[Pompeo] also knows deep within his heart that Donald Trump couldn't find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter U and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it," Wilson began, causing Lemon to chuckle. "He knows that this is, you know, an administration defined by ignorance of the world. And so that's partly him playing to the base and playing to their audience. You know, the credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump."
As Lemon began crying with tears of laughter, Wilson went on to depict what he thought a typical Trump supporter sounded like.
"'Donald Trump's the smart one- any y'all elitists are dumb!'" Wilson said with a heavy southern accent.
"'You elitists with your geography and your maps- and your spelling!'" Ali chimed in during the mockery.
"'Your math and your reading!'" Wilson added. "'All those lines on the map!'"....
If someone points out how corrupt Trump is, that only makes you support him more - and you're proud of that?
Morality is apparently dead and gone with the anti-American TDS sufferers who idolize and adulate Trump. Their corrupt god has badly corrupted them. Trump over country! Disgusting.
Psychiatrists agree that Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder - try pointing that out, and the same people who think this is a great article will get triggered and start screeching about how psychiatrists shouldn't diagnose people they haven't actually treated.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Trump Idolater.
What is REALLY the "Corrupt" part anyway ?
"Morality is apparently dead and gone"
Are you trying to link "Politics" with "Morals", as if there "Synonymous" ?
Really ?
So....he really has "Done and accomplished".... Something ?
Are you going to credit that copy and paste job ?
Proud to be a deplorable!
What copy and paste job? Do you really want me to sign my name to all my original posts?
Love that song; and it is so appropriate today, as in the past as it notes.
Timeless message!