Three Glorious Days of Democrat Agony
Category: Op/Ed
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 57 commentsBy: Kurt Schlichter

February 3, 4, and 5, 2020 were pretty much the most miserable three days in the history of the Democratic Party. I’m not laughing, really I’m not! You know how sometimes you have a bad day when nothing goes right? Well, these super-achievers managed to triple that streak. They are achievers in the same sense Hoover Snort Biden is an achiever.
Let’s start with Monday, February 3rd and the Iowa Caucuses. In their defense, it wasn’t like they had four years to get prepared to handle…counting. Oh wait, they did have four years to handle…counting. Okay, well, then in their defense they went to unionized failing government schools, so counting is hard. But not for the Republicans, who managed to count their votes just fine.
As of when you read this, they might still not have actual numbers. Audie Murphy Buttigieg, Crusty Commie Curmudgeon and Chief Sitting Bolshevik may well all still be claiming victory, while Gropey J’s handlers are likely still complaining about the process and Not Senile Joe himself is chasing an uppity squirrel around a Nashua park.
One thing for sure – Mr. Electible is done for. He started off Monday arguing with liberal Savannah Guthrie on NBC about how his stripperphilic brat got his Ukrainian gig by being really “bright.” He ended up serenaded by sad trombones as he was hustled out of Des Moines to head east to try and salvage the S.S. Lusitania that is his latest presidential campaign.
The Dems are not only dealing with this massive show of incompetence – “Okay, counting a few thousand ballots is beyond our abilities, but taking over the entire health care system will totally go smoothly” – but also coming to the realization that none of their three remaining candidates has any appeal outside a faculty lounge, gulag, or in the case of Warren, a second-tier casino.
In the wings, perched on a couple telephone books, is Mike Bloomberg, waiting to try to buy his way in as the sensible sorta-center candidate. Seems like a good plan. When the Bernie bros are once again denied their victory by the blatant cheating of the Democrat establishment, they’ll flock to the bite-sized billionaire. He’ll totally get the nomination, or in his case, the gnome-ination.
Quick, what is the name of a person in your life who would vote for the Verne Troyer of American politics? And that shrug you just gave demonstrates that you should go short on President Bloomberg.
Look on the bright side – maybe you’ll be saved at the convention by a surprise nomination for Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit!
Fresh from the hellish nightmare that was Monday came Tuesday with its own infernal events. The Iowa situation remained fluid, that fluid being similar to the hobo juice freely sprayed around Scat Francisco’s sidewalks. On Tuesday, rumors spread that Pete Rambo Buttigieg was linked to the mysterious app maker designated the fall guy for the caucus circus. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn’t, but these are Democrats so it really doesn’t matter.
And then President Trump gave the best State of the Union speech pretty much ever, spending much of it listing real achievements that help real Americans while Nancy Pelosi fumed behind him, offering a running commentary to her invisible friend. Trump played the Dems like Pete Townsend plays the guitar. Among the things Trump got them not to applaud for were:
- Record low unemployment
- Record high stocks
- Fair trade
- Minority children not being stuck in failing government schools
- People fighting cancer
- Law enforcement
- Our military
- Killing terrorists
- Not killing babies
- America
- God
These may have been good looks on college campuses and in communist bookstores, but not so much in the United States. The speech was masterful, and when Pelosi tore it up , she highlighted just how owned she was for the whole world to see.
Did you notice that President Trump was reaching out hard for minority Americans with economic prosperity, school choice and patriotism? If you are a Democrat, that has to make you break out in a cold sweat. MSNBCNN tried to spin Trump as being racist for … well, actually helping minorities, but their panelists’ desperation was obvious. If Trump can take 15 to 20 percent of the minority vote, the Democrats cease to exist as a competitive party in presidential elections.
Oh, and Trump hit his highest popularity in the polls ever, beating Obama at this point in The One’s reign.
Then February 5th came along and their impeachment collapsed into rubble. We all knew it was coming, but then … poof. Gone. You tried to take out the king, and you failed. How lame.
Yeah, history will record that you managed to impeach Donald Trump. History will also record that Donald Trump beat you donkeys like rented mules.
Advantage, Trump.
So, three bad days…okay, but the coming days will be brighter and better, right? I mean, you have a great candidate for…oh. Well, you’ll get a big boost with the economy…oh. At least you can still count on minorities to back you even though you never, ever perform on your promises…oh.
Come to think of it, you Democrats might look back wistfully at the last three days because it’s only getting worse for you from here.
What isn’t awful is my latest novel, Collapse . America is split in two, red and blue, and antics ensue! Check it out along with the other entries in the best-selling series, People's Republic , Indian Country , and Wildfire .
d then President Trump gave the best State of the Union speech pretty much ever, spending much of it listing real achievements that help real Americans while Nancy Pelosi fumed behind him, offering a running commentary to her invisible friend. Trump played the Dems like Pete Townsend plays the guitar. Among the things Trump got them not to applaud for were:
These may have been good looks on college campuses and in communist bookstores, but not so much in the United States. The speech was masterful, and when Pelosi tore it up , she highlighted just how owned she was for the whole world to see.
bravo 👏👍🇺🇸🗽!
I love it! 🤣
Beware the perils of hubris. Karma usually follows. more close ups of that again.
My clock stopped!
Stopped? Mine flat out broke!
If I had that picture in my younger days, I wouldn't have needed so many cold showers!
Would have been good to display on board ships. That picture could spoil anybody's mood and need for cold showers!
Hubris? Trumps disloyal opposition has been hounding him since before he won the 2016 election until now non stop. Now it’s finally over and Trump delivered stunningly stellar results for Americans and America despite the progressive left non stop harassment. We deserve a victory lap and to spike the football 🏈 in their faces a few days. Then do it again in early November
You and squiggy aren't clear on the meaning of "hubris" are you ?
We don’t care right now...
Obviously, you missed the agonized face of it.
This ought to do it...................
He must have had a premonition when they coined that campaign slogan........
Nice picture!
NOT News & Politics
Townhall columnists Kurt Schlichter
State of the Union
Three Glorious Days of Democrat Agony
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Feb 06, 2020 12:01 AM
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Yeah, history will record that you managed to impeach Donald Trump. History will also record that Donald Trump beat you donkeys like rented mules.
Advantage, Trump.
So, three bad days…okay, but the coming days will be brighter and better, right? I mean, you have a great candidate for…oh. Well, you’ll get a big boost with the economy…oh. At least you can still count on minorities to back you even though you never, ever perform on your promises…oh.
Come to think of it, you Democrats might look back wistfully at the last three days because it’s only getting worse for you from here.
Judging from Trump's diatribes today, it's going to get worse for everyone.
You must be so proud of his speech today @ the prayer breakfast where people sat stunned by your savior.
Trump is SO much better when he's off script. /s
He was right to be mad about what America’s intellectual midgets and small minded people did to him and his supporters the last 3+ years. He was speaking for us to you yesterday and we stand by all that he said and are glad that the left is offended. They’ve been offending us since we elected him.
Yet unlike other POTUS, he is incapable of curbing his foul mouth and from keeping himself from 'punching down' at anyone and everyone who he perceives to have slighted him. Trump's own small mindedness was on full display and you cheer.
Carry on...
First of all Xx, do you think that pretending to speak for more than yourself makes your comments more relevant?
Secondly, if Trump was speaking to ME, he shouldn't have lied his ass off and whined less.
Thirdly, since you didn't vote for Trump, why are you trying to take 'credit' for his election?
Perhaps because he didn't vote for Mrs. Clinton either? Think about it.
Or perhaps it's desperate attempt at 'stolen glory'. Think about it.
I didn’t vote for the wicked witch. Living in Californication my vote was meaningless. I knew that my 3rd party vote would in no way assist it nor would it harm Trump. Having seen the left against him there is no way I’d act like a Lincoln project traitor and having seen Trump in office, he’s greatly exceeded my expectations and never was like any fears I had about him so now I’m all in for Trump in 2020
I lost any respect for Pelosi a few years ago when she demanded that a USAF C-32A (military transport version of the Boeing 757 airliner) transport be custom fitted with a bedroom suite in the rear for her personal use to sleep in while flying back and forth to California. Secretary of the Air Force gave her a big flat NO! Apparently she threw a pretty big tantrum over that and probably has not forgotten it to this day.
Since it was MOVED, that's a moot question isn't it Xx?
Yep, just look at NT on any given day...
I wonder how that happened? Could it be because I moved it while you were crying about it before your meta was visible to me? Yes it is.
First of all Xx, my comment is NOT META since it's about YOU posting in the wrong category AGAIN. Which BTFW has NOTHING to do with the cite and EVERYTHING to do with YOUR MO.
Secondly, sure you did.
Without a doubt! That’s the way it is.
What's unusual about that? I've seen that at the end of opinion articles on most web sites all the time - it's standard procedure.
You are correct. My shadow had to have something to complain about.
The seed you are posting on was posted in the News & Politics category. It is the 3rd or 4th in the last couple of days by the seeder. I'm sure that as a quasi-mod you are aware that NT has categories for a reason and that some members improperly post in News & Politics just to get traffic for their seeds.
Maybe so, but whether a seed is posted under the News and Politics forum or the OpEd forum it still ends up on the Front Page, so as Texan said, it's not the end of the world. However, I just noticed that it IS posted under the Op/Ed forum - perhaps someone corrected it.
Yes, all of them have been corrected after being reported. My post was made before it was moved to it's proper category.
That someone was me. I, not some moderator corrected it. The one you responded to loves to make mountains out of mole hills.
Three days is better than the next four years if Trump is reelected.
You will get to deal with him as President for four more years!
I'm not reading anything except this headline. I find it really telling and frankly pathetic that the biggest turn on for Trumpers (all of the gop except Romney) is to celebrate their perception of agony. What a value. What character. How god-like. Revere the liar and destroy the truth. Wallow in your descent, enjoy the slide. Don't EVER try to claim a moral high ground on anything.
While I can’t speak for other Trumpers that is only my sixth biggest turn on. I have five that I prioritize over that one.
Well some of your bros are pretty jizzed up every time someone else is miserable, so you are likely an anomaly. Or lying like Trump.
We want all Americans to be financially well off, secure in their own homes and happy. Trump is accomplishing that for us. Bi coastal elites wanted to keep the flyover Heartland of America miserable and thanks to Trump, they failed.
we populist conservatives have always had, have, and always will have the moral high ground over the bi coastal secular progressive limousine liberal elites in this country.
I have to say that while reading the seed I haven't laughed so hard for a long time. I had to stop in the middle and go drink a glass of water to regain my composure in order to finish reading it.
It’s been a pretty good read. The TDS afflicted who dish out Trump hatred daily didn’t like it.
I can only wish our democrat party friends an infinite number of additional such days. Great days for America!