Why Do People Think Donald Trump's Character Can Be Defended?

For the purposes of this discussion I am not talking about his policies, such as the wall, the tax cut for the rich, the abandonment of the Kurds, the mistreatment of Puerto Rico, the fruitless bromance with Kim Jong-Un, etc.
I am talking about Trump's character, the lying, the cheating, the taunting dismissal of opposing views, the never taking responsibility for his mistakes, the childish nicknames, the freely spreading conspiracy theories, the calling of anything that criticizes him "a hoax", the ethnic bigotry, the willful ignorance, the buffoonishness, the ridicule of reporters, the constant and ubiquitous personal vanity, the silly bragging, and much more. All these things are character traits or behavior by Donald Trump that are , and have been for a long time, completely obvious.
On this forum, and elsewhere, observations of Trump's overwhelmingly low character are described by his defenders as Trump Derangement Syndrome, a non existent affliction of so called "never Trumpers".
TDS does not exist. As I have said before, although it would be on a different scale, saying there is Trump Derangement Syndrome would be like saying there could ever be a Bernie Madoff Derangement Syndrome or a Harvey Weinstein Derangement Syndrome. Trump's low character and dysfunctional behaviors are known, they are not imagined or even exaggerated.
Why are there no standards of personal character or personal behavior that Trump supporters demand he conform to as he serves as president of the United States?
Why do they think his character is defensible, as many of them seem to?
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I saw someone ask another person why he wouldnt defend Donald Trump.
This assumes you can defend the indefensible.
Its one thing to say
"I don't care if a liar, crook, bigot, moron, and cheat leads America for 8 years"
its another thing entirely to suggest his character is defensible.
Time for some new material John. Your repetitive rants are major yawn inducers.
The bigger question is why any sane person would vote for a Democrat.
I take it you support a person of known low character to lead our nation?
To remove the morally bankrupt child who is running around 15,000 LIES from our White House.
I seem to recall our Government actually functioning just fine with Democratic Administrations.
Hmmm - you supported Hillary.
You keep mixing up his character with his right to lead. He is where he is because he beat the rest of the pack - the rest is horsebeating.
So you admit to fall in the same category by voting for a democrat. Good to know...
Well, she is not POTUS now is she. It is time to lock the barn door as that horse left a long time ago. It is about the totally unqualified two year old with his Mr. POTUShead toy, his Trumpbots, and his in house religious bimbo trying to fill a chair that is clearly made for grown ups.
Trumps character and what people thought of it is a settled issue. That was resolved by the results of the 2016 primaries and general election. He was elected over a candidate with far worse character issues. We aren’t going to argue or re litigate character or moral issues. Those are settled and none of the then serious ones have been repeated while he’s holding office. We are voting for and supporting Trump based on his record. The economy, military, energy independence, the tax and regulation cuts, the judiciary, his actions on pro life, religious liberty, prison sentencing reform, and so much more real things he’s done overall in office. That s why we are going to re elect him and totally ignore all pre President character issues the never Trumpers and the left bring up. Trump is listening to religious people with the capacity to forgive and is accepting our prayers on his behalf as our elected leader and President
You forgot that Trump said he's never asked God for forgiveness. Hell, he doesn't believe in any gods; rather, he thinks he himself is a god.
Nobody of decent morals could possibly defend Trump's character.
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TDS=Trump DENIAL Syndrome
You mean denial that Trump is our elected President of the United States?
Nope, the denial that he is the worst president this country has ever had
pardon me Lady, in black, but stop hogging up all the posts , Donald Trump's #1 best fan may need to get a word in edgewise
They defend his lack of character because of their own lack of character. They defend him because it's a way to indirectly defend their own lack of moral principles. It's called self preservation.
Sadly, in many cases I think you are right.
Are you saying that anyone who supports Trump lacks character and has no moral principles. Does that include me?
Greg, we know what Trump is - he is a liar, crook, bigot, moron, and cheat.
So why do you support him? Enlighten us as to why his low character doesnt matter to you?
What does your misguided and distorted interpretation of Trump's character have to do with leadership? I support the policies and programs of the Republicans and the positive direction they want to take the country. .I support Trump's attempts to use diplomacy with the tyrants and dictators in today's world, rather than to go to war with them, which seems to be the Democrats approach.
I don't support open borders or unlimited and unregulated abortion. I don't support the dishonesty of the "tax the rich", they'll pay for all the free stuff, as the Dems make another promise that can't and won't keep. I don't support trying to impeach a sitting president over some ill advised phone call. I don't support "guilt by accusation" as was exemplified by the Democrats shameful display at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, where the presumption of innocence and due process were tossed out the window...same could be said of the phony impeachment clown show. I could go on, but perhaps you get the idea.
lol. Over the past five years I have read up on Trump. I very much doubt you have. You are a cheerleader for the worst president in history. It is what it is.
There are countless other Republican politicians who support the policies you like. Nominate one of them for president so our country can get it's self-respect back from this moron who is in office now.
Whatever John, but he is president today and will be president tomorrow.
What with the sorry bunch of brain dead Dems running for the WH, his reelection is all but assured
The Republicans will likely take the House back, and increase their numbers in the Senate.
If I said that to you, I would get a coc violation, but I'm going to let it go, because you have no other argument.
Greg, I have had more comments deleted than anyone else on this forum. Again you dont know what you are talking about.
You know this how?
removed for context
No matter what name this user goes by, coherence is not his forte.
I wouldn't say that is applicable to all. Some, yes, but with many others I do not believe it all comes down to character. I believe many defend him as to not have to admit to being wrong about him. They enjoy his projection, which constantly casts his human characteristics, on to his opponents, even if they are the opposite of he. And he enjoys making any that disagree or call his shit out, an enemy for him to belittle and attack. He reminds me of a big mouthed cheer leader for say the WWF mixed with the NFL. Everybody wants to be seen as a winner. All want to be on a winning team." Team America, FUCK YEA, coming to save the mutha fckn day !" style. His supporters have lost many an argument. Trump just denies losing these arguments, and twists them so his gullible following feel they are now winning, the same arguments they have always lost. He is causing us all to lose, and eventually it will be shown. History should NOT be required, but as stubborn and dug in as are the many, it just may.
How is he causing us all to lose? Lose what? The problem is, is that he is winning, and the sore loser lefties just can't stand it.
I disagree. Anyone who understands the difference between right and wrong and continues to support and defend this president is morally and principally broken or warped.
They are as sick as trump. I do not buy the suggestion that it's not all trump supporters. Yes, it is ALL trump supporters.
The argument that it's about the policies is complete BS or irresponsibility. To throw away humanity, our Constitution and our laws and civility because supporters believe those things are less important than an immigration policy that murders children can be nothing less than WRONG. No explanation or outcome justifies their cruelty.
what is that saying about , honey, i think it is ...
... and you still can't find a candidate to beat him.
That's your comeback......that there are more fucked up people that will continue to support this president then good people like me? What a sad argument. I'd say I'm embarrassed for you but I've had to suffer through stupid statements like this for over 3 years now. I typically tune it out but I couldn't help but highlight today's winner of the stupid statement award.
And with him winning, all America is winning.
All Trump supporters are as sick as Trump?! Really? Who died and put you in position to sit in judgement of all of us with a sweeping generalization like that. I can’t wait until the democrats have a nominee so that I can say that about him or her and all their supporters...
I want to win that award from you many times a day every day forever more!
You already do. Lol
I bet some of those people's kids are taking notes. They will be taking their parent's support of Trump as get out of jail free cards if they should ever lie, cheat, steal, or sexually assault someone. After all, if those traits are okie dokie with their parents, especially in a POTUS, why should they worry about repercussions.
Yes, let the reap what they sow.
They attack his character because of their own lack of character. They attack him because it’s a way to indirectly defend their own lack of moral principles. It’s called self preservation.
whaaaat ?
You don't have to win the award because the award was established in your honor.
I have stated the same thing on other seeds.
Trump being irredeemable is a plus to the damn gop...
Yes, it is more important to Trumpsters that their hero attack liberals and Democrats every day than that he be a leader of honesty integrity and character.
I think this attitude is directly traceable to the emergence of right wing media and online sources over the past couple decades. The level of vitriolic misinformation passed on by right wing media is off the charts, and it has resulted in a large population of enthusiastically and willingly ill- informed conservatives.
Since when have any Democrat/liberal/progressive/socialist "leaders", et al, been living and fine examples of honesty, integrity, and character???
Good question! Good time to ask it.
Funny that this question was asked more than 24 hours ago and not 1 liberal has been able to answer it..
I don't think anyone is surprised.
Stupid questions don't deserve answers.
There is a difference between being a living example of honesty, integrity and character. and being a LEADER wiyh honesty, integrity and character. Every one of our leaders have had personal character flaws, the difference is that Trump has NO redeeming qualities. NONE.
Didn't notice any character flaws in Obama.
I guess that's why I voted for him twice.
Another plus for the GOP is that the damn Dems don't have a candidate that's worth a shyt or is electable
True enough.
And we are proud to take and wear as a badge of honor that and deplorable coming from his opposition. Oh, and don’t forget we are proudly still bitter clingers. We deplorable irredeeemable bitter clingers to our guns and our God will re elect him and reply to these same attacks for four more years!
I always laugh at this pearl clutching from Democrats. Twenty years ago the party of LBJ and the Kennedys (world class scumbags) openly celebrated that character doesn't matter in a President when they cheered on a President who was a perjurer and credibly accused of sexual assault and essentially paved the way for Donald Trump. Now, after they just finished voting for yet another chronically dishonest Clinton of low character, they look around and somehow wonder with a straight face how Republicans could somehow vote for someone like Donald Trump.
Now go extol Joe "can I steal your speech?" Biden without a hint of irony.
I CHUCKLE when I see Trump supporters trot out the laundry list of Democrats that you have to borrow this or that from, over the past two hundred years, to compiles a list of character defects that equals what trump displays every day.
It is astonishing.
Johnson did this, Kennedy did that, Biden did this, Ted Kennedy did that, Jimmy carter lusted in his heart, Clinton lied, FDR had a girlfriend, Woodrow Wilson was a bigot, ad nauseum.
Trump combines 200 years of Democratic leaders failings into one abominable package , and you think you are defending him? lol.
When you have to pick here and there from countless Democrats across eras of American history in order to find faults that, combined, approach the faults of one man, Trump, you have already lost.
So tell us John, what did Trump do yesterday that pissed you off or made you unhappy? Please make a comprehensive list.
Do you realize that we, here on the forum , read your comments for comic relief. You're just another left wing hound baying at the moon.
You and your opinions have zero relevance or weight beyond this obscure leftwing website. What is your level of education?
With Trump we are winning, where in the world would we be with HRC in charge, It makes me "shutter" to think about it.
You help define the problem though, and it is the people who support Trump. Which is what I have been saying for almost 5 years.
The good Trump does is a matter of politics. Conservatives like what he does and others dont like it.
Regardless of his policies, he's not fit for office. It is an absolute disgrace that the president of the United States is a pathological liar.
So many on the secular progressive left attacked Bush 43 and Reagan just as harshly as they attack Trump now
I just can’t wait for that!
Funny - Republicans said the same thing about Clinton, and about Obama as well, particularly with regard to his health care plan. But I'd like to ask all of you, is the lying really an "absolute disgrace" and if so why can't you say it about the ones you support? The disgrace is that ideologues can't be intellectually honest or refrain from hypocrisy. They are all fucking liars one way or the other, Trump is just not very good at hiding it.
Sounds as if you've lost your free will to think for ones self. There has NEVER been a potUS that comes even close to our current LIAR in Chief. FACT
LOL! Think for ones self? So shall I just jump on the TDS bandwagon and grab some beers? Project much Mr. Rulz? Did you even read what I wrote? I rest my case.
well, i figure, sleep is for the rest insomnia can't bring to a climatic change denied by science denied by people who study why people study people whom can't currently currency rate when a dollar makes them holler for change, they could never accept as cinnamon toasted with French kissing tongues seared to tongs stuck on the grill of a gas grill car trunk with too much junk
Commonly referred to as minds on land and sea adventures due to turf fpought for by those unable to surf the internet of an outer web of deceit, weaved in out of traffic signed off on buy people bought. Trump's choices are always the antithesis of their designated title, thus why Trump wins the Title of Liar in Chief if he ever told the truth, as it would remain aloof as he has the innate ability to diss all that is possible, yet, supposedly, people of intelligence, are a bull to eat the bovine imported excremeant for wons steering some to the dairy bar lost in grains of sanded beech wood found adrift,
wearing glass slippers that fit like OJ's glove on his Ford Bronco bucking the system that houses horses that consistently leave the door open ,
just because they live in a barn,
they never hit the side of.
When deplorables get their knickers in a bunch over past dem behavior, they still support the orange turd who has and will continue with his embarrassing and unpresidential behavior and simply rely on but but but (insert name) to excuse the same things they are slamming others for. Maybe one day they will grow a spine, slap their heads and say "OMG! I had to be insane to support this man. But I fear that the Kool Aid toxicity has already done too much damage for them to recover.
Like who, for example?
I honestly believe that John thinks EVERYBODY in this country believes the way he does.
Your'e a funny guy Wally. Maybe you can replace Rush Limbaugh when it's time for him to go.
They aren't actually defending his character. They are defending his LACK of character. They don't care about his character if they can "own the libs". The right wing and the fake "tea party" and their fake support of the Constitution has gone completely out the window. They never really cared about taxes, even after they've seen what Trump did to hand corporate welfare tax cuts which did not help his own base. They don't care about anything but an extreme right wing racist nationalist agenda that will stick it to the "libs". Trump's pettiness mimics their own, they see themselves in what he mirrors back to them and they love it.
damn straight
I do not recall anyone trying to defend Trump's character. Even his supporters here on NT tend to acknowledge that he is a juvenile, narcissistic asshole.
They support him in spite of that.
TiG - I'd say that they support the policies he has working - not that they support him.
I think you are correct. Please have a word with John.
I'd like too, but I don't need any tickets.
There are plenty here that support Trump despite his policies, especially when it came to his 'foreign policy' in regards to the Ukraine. They pretended that what Trump did was just honky dory, from his lies about it never happening to his claim and even if he did it, 'So what?'.
The hypocrisy really bothers me. If Obama had done something like that, they would have been screeching "LOCK HIM UP!"
Several in particular decry Bloomberg in terms of character based on allegations and rumor alone while serving as unabashed sycophants for Trump.
Neither irony or hypocrisy phases them.
That's a road you want to go down? LOL
Sure. Have at it Sean but DO expect to support your comments with links rather than proclamations. You can do that right?
Part of the reason I like discussion forums (like NT where rich content and dialogue is possible rather than sporadic one-liners) is that one can observe, at times, truly remarkable, curious mental processes. It is intriguing to observe people who will willingly write even outrageously stupid comments to defend the indefensible and argue the unarguable.
LOCK HIM UP - you mean THIS money??
a former senior intelligence official who said that much of the $1.8 billion cash payoff from the Obama administration was used explicitly to fund terrorism as an additional “screw you” from the leaders of Iran — including Soleimani — to the United States.
The cash payment authorized by Obama is one of the most disgraceful and shameful “negotiations” in the history of our nation. It was a payment the Obama White House first denied, then ignored and then grudgingly acknowledged.
We paid in cash, but not U.S. currency. Wary of using U.S. bills for a variety of reasons involving concealment, the Obama White House had the money converted to untraceable Euros, Swiss francs, and other foreign currencies. More troubling than those initial denials and deceptions was the fact that $400 million of that all-cash payment was used to pay a ransom to the government of Iran for the release of four American prisoners , in violation of standing U.S. policy.
It's sad to see you posting such an uninformed opinion piece 1st.