What Would The Liberal Media Do If President Trump Verbally Attacked A Michigan Autoworker?
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 130 commentsBy: Tim Young

O’Biden is a bitter and senile old man we can’t trust with any position of power.

Joe Biden visited union autoworkers in Michigan this week at their plant, and in the middle of his hand-shaking and innocuous tour, one man stopped to confront him about the potential new gun laws that he has endorsed that would further limit the Second Amendment rights of Americans. Mr. Biden’s reaction to this questioning turned into a viral video.
This is a lot to unravel in one 90-second clip, so stay with me.
The 77-year-old presidential candidate stopped in his tracks and began berating the man, simply for questioning his policy choices. He began by swearing at him, yelling aggressively that he’s “full of s***!” At this point, his younger, female staffer tried to wrap the conversation to get Mr. Biden to move on, when she did, he barked at her and told her to keep quiet with a “shush!” Mr. Biden continued to argue what guns the man could possibly need under the Second Amendment, adding that he will take the “AR-14s” from people while pointing in the man’s face. When the man told him not to point in his face, Mr. Biden snapped, “Don’t tell me what to do, pal. I’ll take you out and slap you!”
Later in the day, to correct for this on Twitter, “Good for Joe” became a trend on the left, as they cheered for his actions — but could you just imagine what would happen if President Trump did even one of the things that Mr. Biden did in those 90 seconds. Thanks to the behavior of the talking heads and pundits in the media, we don’t have to imagine; we know.
We know exactly what happens when Mr. Trump openly criticizes an opposing viewpoint. If he calls the media or a commentator “B-S-” or labels a news story “fake news,” the outrage from the left is that it’s somehow an attack on the First Amendment. His stating of his opinion is labeled an attack on free speech.
“How dare the president” respond or clap-back to constant criticism from opponents in the media. Somehow, when he does it, it’s construed as the end of our ability to receive “the truth” from national media outlets, as opposed to him just explaining his opinion.
We know exactly what would happen if Mr. Trump publicly disrespected and embarrassed a female staffer the way Mr. Biden did when he shushed the young lady who was by his side. The left, which for years has called him misogynist, sexist and many other -ists, would use this clip to show that he has no respect for women. Women coalitions would use this as their rallying call and the left would dust off their pink hats and vagina costumes for another march on Washington. They would use this 90-second clip as definitive proof that Mr. Trump hates women.
Do we even need to discuss what would happen if Donald Trump gaffed as much as Joe Biden — especially on critical talking points like the AR-15? Since the Trump presidency began, the left, including former acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, have screamed that he is mentally unfit to be president. They add that the 25th Amendment needs to be enacted in order to remove this “crazy man” from the Oval Office. Sure, the president has his moments and there are occasional gaffes, but he doesn’t forget what the most politicized gun, the AR-15 is — and he also doesn’t forget what state he’s in, who his wife is, that he’s running for president, that the last president was Barack Obama — and he doesn’t claim to have taken advice on current issues from longtime deceased world leaders. In case you’re wondering, Mr. Biden has done all of those things — in basically the last two weeks.
Finally, we all know what would happen if Mr. Trump got in someone’s face and physically threatened them. We’d have combinations of all the above reactions: Pearl clutching, disrespect for humans, cries that he’s threatening to end the First Amendment and calls for the 25th.
If Mr. Trump literally did any one of the multiple things Mr. Biden was guilty of in that basic 90-second clip, it would be treated as the end of the world by the left and their media friends. It would be headline news for days, if not weeks, and it might even be used to attempt to impeach him again.
But because it’s Joe Biden, Democratic candidate for president, it’ll be celebrated, blown off and excused away.
• Tim Young is a political comedian and author of “I Hate Democrats/I Hate Republicans” (Post Hill Press).
© Copyright (c) 2020 News World Communications, Inc.
Finally, we all know what would happen if Mr. Trump got in someone’s face and physically threatened them. We’d have combinations of all the above reactions: Pearl clutching, disrespect for humans, cries that he’s threatening to end the First Amendment and calls for the 25th.
If Mr. Trump literally did any one of the multiple things Mr. Biden was guilty of in that basic 90-second clip, it would be treated as the end of the world by the left and their media friends. It would be headline news for days, if not weeks, and it might even be used to attempt to impeach him again.
But because it’s Joe Biden, Democratic candidate for president, it’ll be celebrated, blown off and excused away.
But you still don't...
Yes it is your mistake.
Trump has verbally assaulted at least half the people in this and may other countries.
No he hasn’t. O’Biden has though.
And not just those "may" countries. January to December are also offended.
Playing on typos is all Biden fans have left to do.
I acknowledge my typos, Do you acknowledge your fascism?
O’Biden is a bitter and senile old man we can’t trust with any position of power.
I don't believe he is any more senile than the current occupant. With that having been said, we know Trump would have been roasted. Perhaps we should bring back the Sedition Acts that Adams was so fond of.You can find crap wherever you look, but to find the truth, you gotta do a little digging on your own.
For your enjoyment: Biden Likens Owning an AR-15 to Falsely Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theater
" Since even shotguns are more commonly used in homicides than "assault weapons" are, the constitutional or public safety distinction that Biden and Feinstein have in mind is rather mysterious. If Biden wants gun owners to believe him when he says he respects the Second Amendment, he will have to do a better job of explaining which rights he thinks it protects and why ."
everything from apoplectic fits to full blown seizures.
On MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell described this as “mixing it up” and edited out the part where Biden invites the guy to take it outside. So, they knew Biden was wrong and chose to cover it up.
Joe Biden's 'full of s--t' moment framed as just 'mixing it up' with voter by Andrea Mitchell
This is fake news. No matter how you feel about what Biden did, he never said:
Here is the whole exchange. Watch at the twitter link:
None of those are things to be proud of, and if Trump had said them, it would be "proof" that he is unfit to be president. And it's not even all of it. Biden also said,
And the thing is, Biden is actually correct on the issue. But this is not the first time he has talked about physically fighting someone he didn't like or disagreed with. He's got a problem. Makes me wonder if he gets physical - or threatens to - with Mrs. Biden.
Did you see Mrs. Biden take down two animal protestors last week or so, when they each ran up on the platform? Don't speculate wildly. It only adds to the chaos. You don't want this to roll out into chaos, do you?
So are you OK with Trump telling crowds to rough up people or saying he would like to punch a guy in the face? Do you worry about Melania?
Now you know that's not how this works. WhataboutTrump is not the appropriate response to this. We can be critical of Biden without pointing at other people.
So, it's ok to speculate wildly about the women in Trump's life, but not Biden's? Biden has demonstrated sufficiently to me that he is a person who thinks threats of violence are a good place to go when you disagree with someone. That should at least be part of the calculus in our voting.
Oh look. Another person who wants to respond to this story with WhataboutTrump! I take it then you're perfectly fine with Biden threatening people he disagrees with, hmmm?
That's all they got. And you know why.
Is it wrong regardless of which candidate does it? Should a candidate for PotUS ever verbally attack someone personally or threaten them?
Seems to me if one criticizes Biden for this then they should criticize Trump, and vice-versa.
Oddly, it seems Sanders has the best temperament of the viable candidates. I do not recall Sanders ever getting personal; he seems to focus exclusively on the issues.
Another disappointing election cycle.
Absolutely. Did that happen this week? No. Have a million stories been seeded about Trump? Yes. This one is about Biden and soooooo many people are desperate to change the focus back to Trump.
Trump supporters deflect to Biden.
Biden supporters deflect to Trump.
If only the electorate could break free of partisan blinders and objectively critique the candidates. Maybe we would see better candidates in the future if they cannot count on blind partisan support.
First of all, I don't talk about women (or men) on either side who are married to a candidate! So miss me with your accusation. Second, Trump puts himself in the stream of consciousness on a daily basis, with his own WHATABOUTISMS as he tries to drag others on the periphery under him to ease his slides down the political slope.Thirdly, play and watch Mrs. Biden's action reel:
Lastly, you can try to make up stuff and poison the atmosphere with what you can not possibly know about the Biden's private affairs. You can do that, but, this video is something that you can know, Mrs. Biden got up close and personal with a couple of protestors. Joe was hands off!
Finally, the women in Trump's life, were I to mention them negatively, it would be because they are not his wive/wives.
You were not going to vote for a democrat anyway. This is faux neutrality. Biden should take care to not play into the BS caricatures which are going to come his way from "serial" conservatives anyway. I emailed him with my 'critique' of this Detroit episode, now all I can do is wait to see if he takes my advice and more importantly, that of others in his life on cussing.
Don't imagine that you know how I vote. That is your own bias speaking. I live in California and just got through voting for a Democrat on Super Tuesday. Try again.
This story is about Joe Biden. It's not about Trump and it's not about me.
Trump is a complex being. He injects so much political material (fodder) into the political eco-system daily that he can not and should not be ignored. It is not partisan to SEE the political "monkey" that won't climb down from waving and patting its butt at any given moment day or night. Top it off! After the monkey gets you to look and listen intensely in its direction - it starts passing the buck unkindly and negatively to others.
I do not blame Trump supporters for being sick and tired of the man's outrageous tactics—I might like Trump better if he did not choose to play the role of notorious "heel" in his own production.
I am not partisan blind. Trump is de facto an all-purpose jerk, and has replied so, since he lied on his fellow contestants in 2016 republican debates (on and off stage) to get them to fall out of the race, since he made pact with right-wing conservatives to be crude and rude to liberal and independent citizens by cutting them out of the political mainstream and dismissive to republicans and conservatives who do not participate in or criticize his conduct in office.
In other words, Trump does not listen to his advisors be they friend of foe for long. That is not the way we have learned a presidential administration should run.
I know what you SAY often enough in your comments to 'translate.' It really is not that complex a thing to see where any of us stands 99.99 percent of the time. We're not children, thus we have the capacity to be plain and clear when we are inclined to be.
And, since you went there, I live in California too. And I voted for Schwarzenegger (at least I think I did, if memory serves me) after Gray Davis got his tail recalled! Since then republicans have shown their political butts and unprincipled side and I choose not to have anything to do with their BS. It's my choice. Does'nt mean I can not say something good about a republican/conservative/fundamentalists. What it does mean is I control my vote - its mine - I'll give it away to whomsoever I wish when the time comes!
This story is about Trump too, as that talking "horses-ass" won't stop neighing and Whataboutisms! Why should I cut Trump slack? He has decided he has none for the likes of me!
If I passed on a candidate for California governor the first time Schwarzenegger ran and won, I know that I voted for him the second (full term) as governor because he did not offend me (sufficiently). I have always liked him as a man. And, I loved his wife. Loved the "interrelationship" of their politics. Of course, then the scandal (sex with maid-child resembling Arnold) broke on the residence. These politicians, and would be politicians, have such small worlds. . . .
Clearly, you don’t know as much as you think you do and your mind appears to be closed to new information - like who I actually voted for.
Who you or I voted for in California is not a driving force in this discussion. It's time to move back into the stream of this discussion. See you there.
Well said!
Then maybe refrain from dismissing me by declaring that I would never vote for a Democrat.
Not really. He brought it up.
"Makes me wonder if he gets physical - or threatens to - with Mrs. Biden."
She beats his ass - he has to take it out somewhere. Kinda like a cat-kicker.
I was replying to CB's comment @6.1.14 (note the link). Did you think I was replying to his comment @6.1.18?
Yes, thank you.
It is indeed. What about ism is all they have.
You ask for way too much.
One of my favorite people of all time was Buzz Aldrin. The second man to walk on the moon. There was once a moon landing denier who called Buzz a liar for saying he had landed on the moon. Buzz punched him out. Great video!
Yes, we are because Trump is the ENEMY OF THE STATE! He is full of HATE, a corrupt, accused child rapist and an International CON ARTIST.
God did not appoint Trump. The Devil did. I know this because I talked to God and SHE said, "Trump is working for the other Guy, the one with the tail."
Yeah, Baby, that's what I am talkin' about. Slapping down that Orange Buffoon until his statue tumbles taking all of the Maroons with him.
"Bye, Bye, Miss America Orange Menagerie Pie".
I don't hear this one in the video, Perrie. Sorry. There is a great deal of cross-talk happening. Can you point it out?
Sad that Biden is not the perfect candidate. Who has ever been, short of Bobby Kennedy?
I'll be voting for Biden all the same. He will be a good president.
Me, too. That is what the Me Too movement is all about - Voting for Biden vs. the Pussy Grabber. It's a "no-brainier."
My psychic, pizza delivery guy, says "Trump will come down with COVID19 by the end of March, and die in June" he predicts with a grin.
So, I gave him a $5.00 tip.
The idea that this whole thing is some kind of big incident is hilarious. Trumpsters must be scared out their wits over Trump having to face Biden.
Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters , bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans , but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.
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Trump Told White Supremacists to Attack Protesters , So They Did. Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump at a campaign rally at the Sharonville Convention Center in Cincinnati on July 6.
Trump Tells Crowd to 'Knock the Crap Out' of Protesters ...
At a rally Monday afternoon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters that if they happened to see protesters getting ready to lob a tomato, they should “knock the crap out of them.” Trump began his speech by noting that he had …
Trump supporter charged after sucker ... - Washington Post
Mar 11, 2016 · After a fight erupted between protesters and police last year in Birmingham, Trump said : “‘Maybe he should have been roughed up.” Of a protester in Nevada last month, Trump said : “I’d like to punch him in the face .” In Kentucky, he said: “Get him out. Try not to hurt him.
Trump won't face Biden in the general election. Joe will pull out before the convention for "health reasons" Without campaigning for the nomination in rides Hillary to save the day.
Stop it, you're scaring me.
forget the quote - belongs elsewhere
Nice to have a president whos wife moves faster than the secret service.
Why would, after seeing Joe in action, Trump supporters be scared.
I "Relish"......with "Mustard" on top too ……. Trump v. Biden debates.
Joe's running for the "Senate" afterall.
It should be an interesting campaign. Poor sleepy joe!
Poor assholes who make childish names up for their political rivals.
What Would The Liberal Media Do If President Trump Verbally Attacked A Michigan Autoworker?
say SO WHAT !
he's attacked any and all. POW's that he doesn't like because they got caught. War Heroes post humas . Gold Star parents.
When you don't call out this POS for ALL THE CRAP HE HAS PULLED,
DON"T, expect to be able to use it against a Dem.
Besides the two not even being close to on the same nasty level, Trump should have been a brilliant scientist like his uncle, festering all pugsley like a cousin who it goes for, especially on enlightenment Wednesday's, when Unc Fester uses light bulbs as Q tipping cows 20% for steering that stake through the heart of the matter that doesn't ring a bell till Lerching forward at the buzzer beaten to a pulp non fiction addiction ,that leaves one craving plastic
Fantastic Spray cleaner, to clean up the mess before it and the bed are made by the maid who makes up bed times stories = as they live on a ranch dressing all as sir cumpherences.
Crooked donnie attacks people all the time and republicans don't say boo shit about it, they agree with him....talk about your double standard.
No worries, Trump won't ever confront someone face to face. He attacks with twitter...LOL like all bone spur tough guys.
Joe Biden will do better to plan for the debates with Trump (and like Hulk Hogan says, ". . .take your vitamins!"). Because Trump is looking at the tv ratings before and after the debates - so as to 'classify.' You can not be nice and easy with the dirtiest player in the politics game. Be prepared Team Biden. Be prepared to push back on all kinds of tactics, including from Burisma's executives conveniently sitting on the front row of the venue!
The loser in a debate between Trump and Biden would be the English language
Their collective head would explode. You thing there is hysteria over Coronavirus? This is NOTHING to the left freak out that would occur. Hell 4 years later we are still dealing with their "outrage" of losing an election.
Let’s keep them outraged for four more years!
Well, What you mean,"we." We, democrats have no expectation you will trust him! Why would you invest in a democratic party member having a position of power?
We as in we the American people can’t trust him.
Untrue. Fundamentalist Christians represent a small swath of this nation's citizenry. In fact, I hear a rumor that fundie church disruptive "stream of consciousness" is aging out. Data points illustrate fundies are losing in the long-term strategy stats, because young people are having trouble reconciling the fact that political fundies are willing to be hypocritical and 'dirty tacticians' to their fellow citizens.
Oh, and y'all refuse to let Trump go away, even though he is a "son of lies." He is your ruination which you won't part with. Young people see through the smoke screen y'all are holding up; your churches are gasping for new blood! God, likely will cut your crop of fundamentalism down to the ground, and rebuild from the root yet again.
I do appreciate that those misguided fundies who proclaimed Trump to be ordained by God are now finally being shown for the idolaters and false prophets they are now proven to be. That is, unless God actually hates America...
The fundamentals think they have Trump, but actually Trump has exposed them for the relativist they are. They can't even talk about God, Jesus, Spirit, properly without walking away and hiding whether than admit his shortcomings or theirs for giving up absolutism for a Trump 'deal' of judges and segregation (school vouchers is still on the back burner), and putting those "queens" back in the bushes.
It is the fundamentalists and evangelicals that are growing in Christianity. It is the old mainline Protestant churches that are hemorrhaging membership.
Fundamentalism is aging out, DJTF#1. It's all your fault, too. Your sect has taken into its chest a cancer called Donald Trump and he is flipping truth on its head and your children are watching you stand on your heads in agreement. You're aging out. God will never bless false piety, greed, and lies stacked on top of lies - masquerading as repentance, restoration, and peace.
No we are not aging out at all . Evangelical and as you say fundamentalist churches along with some churches that started here but are now global are fast growing and not aging out. It is your version of the church hemorrhaging membership either to more conservative versions of same denominations or evangelical or to the nones.
So is far right wing fascism what you want?
Actually Christianity as a whole in the USA is falling apart.
It is fairly humorous seeing far right wing fascists hanging on to a dead past.
Just like Palin, Trump will go burning down the tubes sooner than later.
Interesting that a Palin fool is now a Trump fool.
Why am I not surprised?
I am not interested in what fundamentalist Christians are doing with their 'exports' right now. Though, it is reasonable for you to expand your percentage number worldwide in an effort to magnify. To be clear, in your sect, you are fundamentalist Christians: The term, "evangelicals" came later under Francis Schaffer. Moreover, it is interesting to read that a Trump fundamentalist can find someone further right. After all, y'all literally tossed every other marketable conservative onto another rolling train going out of town. But feel free to boast for all the good it will do.
Trump has mocked God and done so with lies, deceits, manipulations, and fundamentalist Christians at his right hand.
And it is going to get smaller percentages too. Because fundamentalist offspring will rebuke their elders for allowing themselves to be manipulated by a single non-repentant and nay-sayer to forgiveness leader. Even while these very attitudes are put upon them! It's hypocritical. Your children will throw your hypocrisy back into your faces at the proper time!