Republican Senators Sound the Alarm: We Must End Our Medical Dependence on China

This is neither Republican or Democrat, left or right, it is simply a MAJOR problem AMERICA must face and correct immediately.
Our dependence on other countries, mainly Communist China, has gotten beyond an ideological situation of right vs left, capitalist vs socialist, it is now a situation potentially affecting the very lives of Americans, now and in the future.
How long must we as a nation be held hostage by a foreign adversary that has as it's goal, replacing America as the preeminent military, economic and political force in the world.
The time has come, no, has long passed, that we as Americans DEMAND that our industrial might be restored and we repatriate the vast majority of our manufacturing capability to avoid being held hostage by others that want us to fail for their benefit.

Republican Senators Sound the Alarm: We Must End Our Medical Dependence on China

Source: (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
As Wuhan virus continues to spread around the world and in the United States, Americans are waking up to a grim reality: China controls our pharmaceutical supply chain.
Many Republicans and President Trump have been concerned about this issue for years and now, they're sounding the alarm for change.
As mentioned by Senator Rubio, President Trump plans to sign an executive order in the coming days to jumpstart the process of reclaiming American pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Earlier this week the Chinese Communist Party threatened to withhold pharmaceutical products and ingredients from the United States. In other words, they threatened to kill Americans.
In an article in Xinhua, one of the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpieces, Beijing threatened that it can impose pharmaceutical export controls after which America will be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.”
Unfortunately, Beijing isn’t bluffing about this capability.
As Rosemary Gibson, co-author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine,” testified to a congressional commission last summer, China has a dominant role in the manufacture of the generic drugs that comprise 90 percent of what Americans take.
The critical vulnerability isn’t just in finished drugs, but what are called active pharmaceutical ingredients, some 80 percent of which America now imports. Most of these come from Red China.
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Yes, yes and hell yes!
That means that American hospitals won’t be able to sell a bandaid for forty dollars.
In the meantime Teva is a leading maker of generic drugs perhaps they can ramp up their production until we are better positioned.
Two things.
The Chinese control the manufacture of about 150 medicinal drugs. Out of over 11,000 approved drugs.
Second "thing",
there is no cure for the virus and no vaccine,
so how are they going to plunge us into coronavirus hell by with holding anything?
That is an insane amount of drugs made there and they use it to control us. Also, that is business taken away from America.
Well seeing they were dealing with COV-19 why'll are triggered TDS sufferers were playing the impeachment game I would hesitate to guess that their research on it is more advanced than ours.
Aren't the 'they' you are talking about PHARMA? I mean China doesn't force US PHARMA companies to manufacture produces there. PHARMA makes a profit based decision to do so, in short, capitalism.
The way I see it, the only 'get it done now solution', is that we should have 'emergency' supplies of important medications and medical supplies stockpiled. We should rotate those medications and supplies based on their expiration date, to VA and Medicare/aid providers and restock. If they can stockpile ammo, they can stockpile antivirals, ventilators and PPE. It's a national security mandate.
There’s always Russia!
Well the first thing to do is revise the laws determining the expiration dates of drugs and stop hospitals and pharmacies from destroying perfectly good drugs because of a tiny arbitrary date on a package.
As a country we destroy over a billion dollars worth of perfectly good drugs ANNUALLY while big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.
The FDA refuses to take on big Pharma over expiration dates. Why? One would have to ask the current Administration.
Who determines the expiration dates, the FDA? No, the manufacturer.
The date is determined by the manufacturer who "guarantees" 100% potency by that date.
The pills aren't magically worthless the next day, the next month or even the next tear.
The manufacturers refuse to do long term testing because it would hurt their bottom line.
So the wolves control the chicken coop so to speak?
So if "everyone" is convinced that China has us at a disadvantage, change the laws and cut the demand by 50% overnight.
Seems like a win for the USA.
Not many considering how many drugs there are ( over 11,000)
The FDA has an emergency statute for that and it includes the medicines in the Strategic National Stockpile.
My understanding is that it only applies to government facilities like the VA and military hospital which have been tinkering with this since 1985.
It seems grossly unfair to the average citizen to have two separate sets of rules.
You will need to change the laws even further to protect Pharma then if you want to push drugs past the the 100% effective date. Pharma puts the expiration date well within the true expiration to avoid law suits; and keep their insurance rates down.
Want to use a drug at anything below the 100% effective rate; then the company that manufactured the drug cannot be held accountable for the results.
Like I also said, there is a two tier system in place where the military can ignore the expiration dates in order to save big bucks. This dates back to 1985.
Forgive me if I insist that this is the only Administration who can change that.
It only takes half the Senate to block any changes that big Pharma and their lobbyists don't agree to.
There's a reason reform is always stymied, but right now, right here, is this Administration's chance to fix something.
All Trump need do is order the FDA to suspend the rules which require expired products to be disposed of
by hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and doctor's offices. Easy. Sign an EO
and by pass the Senate which is owned by big Pharma lobbyists.
Let them sue.
100% right!
Oh, the total drug? Talk about misleading!
How about the ingredients?
" While the Department of Defense only purchases a small quantity of finished pharmaceuticals from China, about 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used to make drugs in the United States are said to come from China and other countries like India."
"80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used to make drugs in the United States are said to come from China and other countries like India."
Can you be more specific about the breakdown?
Are the ingredients ONLY available from China, or is that just where they are the cheapest?
Remember, capitalism created this mess and capitalism can fix it.
It's just going to cost you a bit more.
Bad trade deals created the mess and fair trade can fix it. A state controlled economy like China's can simply order ingredients to be sold at cost or even less than cost, which is hardly a free market.
Can you be more specific about the breakdown?
No, I think I made the point I wanted to make.
I would LOVE to see this 'plan' that mandates where PHARMA can and cannot produce their patented produces. After all, if I'm going to alert my Representatives, I should be able to point them to a 'plan' right?
I'm glad you said that. The problem is that most people don't write.
Particularly in the House majority.
I remember one of the reasons it was illegal (but not often enforced) to buy prescription meds in Canada or Mexico was the supposed lack of quality control for medications produced outside of our borders. Frankly, I'm not too worried about quality control in Canada.
But we've had known issues with medications made in China. Have they ever actually resolved the issues with Losartan, Valsartan, etc., containing carcinogens? Or did we just shrug our shoulders and keep taking them? I honestly don't know, as I don't take blood pressure meds.
Manufacture medications here, where we can have oversight. It's safer, both for patients and our security as a nation, and it would employ US workers.
I can no longer get losartan, I was on it, I now take two pills to make up for it..
I still see it on some of my patients' medication lists. I honestly don't know whether the issue has been resolved, or if they're only still on it because they either couldn't find or couldn't tolerate another medication, but I'm concerned for them.
If they are veterans... Tell them to get as many of their medications through the VA...… It will drop their costs significantly!!!
My dad is a vet. He had a terrible time getting his meds covered at the VA.
And in WV, there's a trust issue with the VA. Google Clarksburg, WV VA. They've had a murderer on staff.
Wow.... When my parents were in there senior years, (both were WWII vets) they found getting their meds covered through the Topeka VA easy, and very cost effective.
I think that supports that VA services are spotty across the US.
Yeah. Dad has diabetes. When he tried to get his metformin covered through the VA, they made it sound like he'd self-diagnosed. That all came from asking his doctor if the numbness in his right hand was diabetic neuropathy after he'd been told he was prediabetic. The doctor told him that since it wasn't bilateral, it was most likely due to years of baseball, softball, golf, and a tough physical job. So when he was diagnosed with diabetes, they decided from the doctor's notes that the diagnosis came from him, rather than his doctor. Never mind his blood glucose and A1C indicated diabetes.
this virus highlights another reason "globalism" and the "free movement of people" is a super fuking bad idea.
mexico is racist now ? LOL
for the most dense among us: that was rhetorical / sarcasm
And they'll get us to pay for a wall......
would rather pay for that wall than let illegal trafficking continue
do you support illegal trafficking?
I support more cost effective methods to stop illegal trafficking than the fucking wall you bought hook line and sinker.
ya mean like they did for the past 20 yrs? guess what, it didn't work.
security is about "layers" and every layer helps including the wall being built.
People talk about "ramping up" production of this or that item in an emergency. We can't do that if the bulk of manufacturing facilities are torn down and transferred to other countries.
the joys of globalism. making countries "dependent on each other was the goal. the politicians of the last 40yrs have been selling us out piece by piece. the good news is biden was part of that problem and everyone knows it. he can't win.
this event will help bring back nationalism and create many jobs.
we should be producing everything we "need. soon we will be.
I thought republicans hated socialism? Or do they hate it when it only comes from the mouth of a Bernie Sanders?
Bringing drug manufacturing back to the USA from a communist country is now socialism?
Interesting theory ......
How you going to bring it back? Mandate it? Give them money? Either way you do it, if it isn't socialism, it sure isn't capitalism.
I don’t think you know what socialism really is.
You won’t see complete collective or governmental control of our Pharmaceutical industry in the US in my lifetime, if ever.
Thats the point.
So only partial collective/governmental control is what? Again, it sure isn't capitalism.
What is total private ownership and control? It sure isn't socialism.
That said, what exactly do you figure the collective/government is controlling in this case?
I thought the right detested regulation. They sure do when the left wants to regulate something.
Or is regulation ok when it is a matter of 'national security'? And in what way do you make it economically viable? Tax breaks, subsidies? Either way, you are taking money from someone to give it to someone else.
Remember the socialist creed, not by ability but by need? That is exactly what this is.
Are the government considering nationalizing the industry? That's socialist. For anything else, see my reply 9.1.6
Lol .... considering? Really? That’s your justification? Hilarious!
That said, give me a call if it ever happens.
For anything else see my reply 9.1.8
Caught in a loop are you? Consider a reboot.
But really, neither of you have answered my question. Why is it so difficult to answer? Because you both know that this idea of forcing companies to manufacture in America is socialistic. If not socialistic, you have yet to tell me how it is capitalistic. So, you got any answers, or you just want to keep playing the 'no I'm not you are' game? Because, I don't play that game. I got over it about 60 years ago.
and that? is complete bs. using tax incentives to get companies back on our shores is not force.
but to be fair... please explain, what is socialism to you?
if you need help?
a political and economic system of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
So where does the money come from? It comes from me and you and it is given to someone else. It is distributive, which fits in just fine to your definition above.
taxation and spending is not socialism
when the govt nationalizes the means of production (aka business) for "the people" to control... get back to me.
of course taxation is socialism, or even better yet, just plain theft.
I produce, they take and distribute it to their cronies.
What do you want to call it? Give me a word. Any word.
Do I really own my house? Even when the mortgage is paid, there is still a mortgage to be paid, we just call it property tax. And if I don't pay the property tax, they come and take my property. It is still an unjust taking. My property gets taken because I am not contributing to the social need. It's all BS and a lie.
Lol .... like I’ve already said here at least once, when that actually happens you may have a minor point. Problem is, an “idea” means exactly jackshit until it comes to fruition.
So until that happens, if it ever happens, and just one company is actually really nationalized, you are just pissing in the wind.
So you're saying that the above is not nationlization? A minor distinction of no consequence.
Of course, none of this has happened, yet. But if it did, what would it be? Neither of you will answer the question, so I can only presume you actually have no answer. Farewell and be safe. Remember to wash your hands.
Of course that’s what I’m saying.
If and when the Fed takes over the companies and there is no more private control, then you would have a point. A private company “choosing” to bring manufacturing back to the states is not nationalization. The Fed can suggest that but that doesn’t make it socialism. Not while the company is still privately owned and controlled.
Again, a basic understanding of what socialism actually is necessary here.
I have a feeling that this is payback for Trump's tariffs.
This quotation at the top of the page is nothing more than an intentional twisting of statements cherry-picked out of the original article from Xinhua creating misinformation intended to create hatred.
In the original article, the word "if" was intentionally ignored, denials were intentionally ignored, statements that China has never done such things, and will continue to send masks and other products to assist the USA in its battle with the virus were intentionally ignored, in order to create the hate-mongering quotation.
Here is a translation of the article from Xinhua that is the basis for this seed. The bolding and underlining is mine. See for yourself the effect of using the word "if", and other words and phrases like those I have bolded, which have been deliberately ignored or twisted by the author of the article above:
So where is the threat of banning the sale of drugs and masks? Where is the desire to kill Americans?
We must end our dependence on GOP talking points and BS.