New ad from conservative group targets Trump on coronavirus messaging

Accurate and timely information is America’s most potent defense against the pandemic we now face

WASHINGTON – A group of anti-Trump conservatives released a new ad Thursday targeting President Donald Trump on his messaging over the coronavirus outbreak.
As cases have skyrocketed around the country, the White House's messaging toward the virus has dramatically shifted from saying they had already "shut it down" in regard to the spread of COVID-19, to daily press briefings addressing the growing number of cases.
The ad from t he Republicans for the Rule of Law , who backed the president’s impeachment, shows Trump speaking about the issue in January, when there was just one confirmed case. Trump said then he was not at all concerned about a pandemic striking the U.S.
The ad highlights the president, speaking to a gathering of African-American leaders in late February at the White House, claimed the virus was going "to disappear. One day – it's like a miracle." It also notes when he falsely underplayed the amount of time required to develop a vaccine.
Chris Truax, a spokesman for the Republicans for the Rule of Law, released a statement saying, "In a crisis, there are three rules that must be followed when communicating with the public: Be first. Be right. Be credible. President Trump has often been first but he has seldom been right and he has never been credible."
"President Trump bears responsibility for misleading his supporters," the statement said.
The video includes a moment at the beginning of March when Trump dismissed a reporter by saying "That's CNN – fake news!" when asked if his administration was taking the disease seriously. Cases had surged then to 262.
The video shows Trump saying on March 15, when the number of cases had grown to nearly 3,500, that the virus was “something that we have tremendous control over,” though noting it was extremely contagious.
On March 17, Trump said he'd "rate it a 10" when asked about his response to the pandemic.
"I thought it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic," he said, contradicting earlier claims.
"Accurate and timely information is America’s most potent defense against the pandemic we now face," Truax continued, saying the majority of "Republicans who have been misled by the president’s self-serving coronavirus lies are our families, our friends, and our neighbors."
"We urge them, and all Americans, to get their coronavirus information from the CDC and other reliable sources. This isn’t about politics. It’s about saving hundreds of thousands of American lives," he said.
Cases of COVID-19 had exceed 13,000 in the United States by Thursday night.
"The ad from t he Republicans for the Rule of Law , who backed the president’s impeachment, shows Trump speaking about the issue in January, when there was just one confirmed case."
Not that accuracy matters, but this was last edited on Dec.17 - being old and questionable.
What are you talking about? The article was published at 6 AM this morning.
If that is the case Wally, you are a genius.
Well, of course you have a right to your opinion-- but I totally disagree!
While accuracy might not be important to you...IMO it should be paramount in covering (or discussing) the news!
You mean "Won't" Wally.
Another Lincoln project like front group of Rino’s fronting for the democrats spouting Chinese Propaganda
For once he told the truth-- I can believe him when he says he is not concerned about the misfortunes of others-- or the good of the country. . For Trump the only thing he really cares about is himself.
"Trump said then he was not at all concerned about a pandemic striking the U.S."
I'm not either !
"Cases of COVID-19 had exceed 13,000 in the United States by Thursday night."
When it gets to the count of the Usual yearly "Flu" epidemic .....let me know !
The "Flu" is so common these days (Kills bunches yearly), People NEVER bother to stay home, unless it "REALLY HURTS" !
Maybe they should Re-Name the "Flu" something else, so folks will get more concerned like they are with Coronavirus 19 !
Maybe call the "Flu" …… "Pandemic 51 " ?
"Area" 51 is always in the news for curiosity sake !
That's good. Hopefully your cavalier attitude will not lead to your loved ones and associates coming down with the Corona Virus.
The rest of us will respect reality and try and stay safe.
Do you do the same thing during "Every Flu" season" ….(Reminiscing) or just tuff it out and go to work anyway !
116 Deaths in the U.S. to date, Doesn't even come close to "Flu's Seasons" Issues !
We know the Flu, we do not know Corona Virus.
Symptoms and severity
Both seasonal flu viruses (which include influenza A and influenza B viruses) and COVID-19 are contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness.
Typical flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue and, sometimes, vomiting and diarrhea, according to the CDC . Flu symptoms often come on suddenly. Most people who get the flu will recover in less than two weeks. But in some people, the flu causes complications, including pneumonia . So far this flu season, about 1% of people in the United States have developed symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized. And the overall hospitalization rate in the U.S. this season is 61 hospitalizations per 100,000 people.
With COVID-19, doctors are still trying to understand the full picture of disease symptoms and severity. Reported symptoms in patients have varied from mild to severe, and can include fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the CDC.
In general, studies of hospitalized patients have found that about 83% to 98% of patients develop a fever, 76% to 82% develop a dry cough and 11% to 44% develop fatigue or muscle aches, according to a review study on COVID-19 published Feb. 28 in the journal JAMA . Other symptoms, including headache, sore throat, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, have been reported, but are less common.
Another recent study, considered the largest on COVID-19 cases to date, researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Protection, analyzed 44,672 confirmed cases in China between Dec. 31, 2019 and Feb. 11, 2020. Of those cases, 80.9% (or 36,160 cases) were considered mild, 13.8% (6,168 cases) severe and 4.7% (2,087) critical. "Critical cases were those that exhibited respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure," the researchers wrote in the paper published in China CDC Weekly .
A recent study of COVID-19 cases in the United States found that, among 4,226 reported cases , at least 508 people, or 12% were hospitalized. However, the study, published March 18 in the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is preliminary, and the researchers note that data on hospitalizations were missing for a substantial number of patients.
It's important to note that, because respiratory viruses cause similar symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish different respiratory viruses based on symptoms alone, according to WHO .
Death rate
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times .
Though the death rate for COVID-19 is unclear, most research suggests it is higher than that of the seasonal flu.
In the study published Feb. 18 in the China CDC Weekly, researchers found a death rate from COVID-19 to be around 2.3% in mainland China. Another study of about 1,100 hospitalized patients in China, published Feb. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine , found that the overall death rate was slightly lower, around 1.4%.
Still, the death rate for COVID-19 appears to vary by location and an individual's age, among other factors. For instance, in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%, according to the China CDC Weekly study. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. No deaths in children under 9 have been reported.
A report published March 13 in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases adjusted for the potential time delay between hospitalization and death among cases in China. The authors estimated that, as of Feb. 11, the death rate from COVID-19 was as high as 12% in Wuhan, 4% in Hubei Province and 0.9% in the rest of China.
In the CDC's MMWR study, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged 65 years and older.
Virus transmission
The measure scientists use to determine how easily a virus spreads is known as the "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought). This is an estimate of the average number of people who catch the virus from a single infected person, Live science previously reported . The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times .
Researchers are still working to determine the R0 for COVID-19. Preliminary studies have estimated an R0 value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3, according to the JAMA review study published Feb. 28. This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2 to 3 people.
It's important to note that R0 is not necessarily a constant number. Estimates can vary by location, depending on such factors as how often people come into contact with each other and the efforts taken to reduce viral spread, Live Science previously reported .
Risk of infection
As of March 19, there are 9,415 cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. Some parts of the country have higher levels of activity than others, but cases have been reported in all 50 states, according to the CDC.
The immediate risk of being exposed to COVID-19 is still low for most Americans, however, as the outbreak expands, that risk will increase, the CDC said. People who live in areas where there is ongoing community spread are at higher risk of exposure, as are healthcare workers who care for COVID-19 patients, the agency said.
The CDC expects that widespread transmission of the new coronavirus will occur, and in the coming months, most of the U.S. population will be exposed to the virus.
It's important to note that seasonal flu, which causes outbreaks every year, should not be confused with pandemic flu , or a global outbreak of a new flu virus that is very different from the strains that typically circulate. This happened in 2009 with the swine flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed between 151,000 and 575,000 people worldwide, according to the CDC . There is no flu pandemic happening currently.
On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic . This is the first time WHO has declared a pandemic over a coronavirus .
Unlike seasonal flu, for which there is a vaccine to protect against infection, there is no vaccine for COVID-19. But researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health are in the early stages of developing one. Officials have already launched a phase 1 clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19 .
….. Kills 10's of thousands every year.... even with a shot in the arm.
work still takes precedence.....right ?
Tell that to the families of the 116.
What do they tell families that have had "Death by Influenza" ?
Tell them the "SAME THING". Seems Fair ….. Right ?
Whoa, wait a second!
Are you saying, therefore...that you think Trump's actions actually governmed by the Illuminati?
()Let's get serious-- that a bit of a stretch, eh?)
Or...maybe not. In fact, you may be right:
Trump picked the author of more than 60 self-help Illuminati books for a federal education board that honors top high school seniors
You didn't understand my comment ……. Did You !
"Trump said then he was not at all concerned about a pandemic striking the U.S."
I'm not either !
Good for you!!!
Well there are many prominent people who would agree with you. For example, Kellyanne Conway waid that we already have it contained.
And Mike Pence also feels the news coverage is exaggerating the danger. In fact, he and Trump are both aware of that-- to the extent that they shake hands and will continue to do so. (No more of this namby-pamby Snowflake-like "Social Distancing for them"!
And another of Trump's Puppet-Master and Medical Expert Rush"Macho Man" Limbaugh, set the record straight. As he wisely pointed out, its just like the Common Cold!
Actually your lack of concern is not surprising to me at all (and my guess is that most people here know you well enough so they are not surprised either.,.)
According to the CDC.... In this Country Alone ......
Influenza activity in the United States during the 2018–2019 season began to increase in November and remained at high levels for several weeks during January–February
CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza (Table 1). The number of influenza-associated illnesses that occurred last season was similar to the estimated number of influenza-associated illnesses during the 2012–2013 influenza season when an estimated 34 million people had symptomatic influenza illness.
Even Dr. Fauci, has said, since the "Tests" are NOW coming out, the "Infected" numbers are going to look worse.
Will Coronavirus Deaths "Match" our normal Influenza Rates per year ?
2017 to 2018 was a BOOMER for this country !
The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths
Donald Trump is psychologically dysfunctional. It is not a pleasant thing to say about the president of the United States, but it is certainly true. When the choice is between the interests of others, or of everyone else, and his own interests and desires , he will side with his own interests almost every time.
Trump saw, and sees, his interest in all this to downplay the severity and scope of the situation. To some extent he can no longer do that , but that doesnt mean he isnt still trying. That is because he cannot help himself. Selfishness and self-interest is the story of his life, and he will never change.
Yup. Our president is simply too damn dumb and apathetic to deal with the information.
Don't need a pandemic expert for president; one who speaks truth would be sufficient, one that is wise enough understand the predicament would be outstanding.
Have you bothered to notice that it wasn't until the last week or so that rump started to take this more seriously? This has been happening FOR MONTHS.
It doesnt take a brainiac to see that Trump downplayed the seriousness for weeks. He still does to some extent. He will never change, he cares about his own interests above all, and one of his interests is to try and pretend everything is going great.
Do you often feel the criticism is hatred?
The difference between me and you is, I can explain myself, in great detail if I wanted to, and you repeat the same mantras 24/7.
I call it trolling but Perrie doesnt agree.
You're absolutely correct. What we need is a POTUS with an IQ above room temperature who has the wisdom and temperament who can take advice and criticism without having a twitter tantrum
Can you explain why that matters NOW? What has Trump done since the end of Jan?
I totally agree.
But since that's the case-- why does Trump so confidently try to convince that he is?
Well, to be fair-- he thinks he's an expert on everything. Sheesh-- remember when he claimed more about ISIS than the generals? (On second though you probably don't ..because Faux probably never showed that clip).
Have you even bothered to listen to the press conferences held the last week or so?
I do. In fact I watched the one today.
Trump's behaviour for the most part was unusual-- rather than being spontaneous, for the most part he refrained from attacking other people and blaming them for the problems he created. He told a few lies-- but much less than usual. Obviously his advisors must have hammered home the point that he is alienating many voters by his usual childish..and angry behaviour.
(He might have disagreed, but based on his mostly changed behaviour it was obvious that someone got to him and convinced him that huis contant whining about how unfair reporters and other were...that sort of behaviour alienated voters.
Although he did slip up a bit.
Also interesting...Fauci was absent. Why?
(cont'd in next comment)
(cont'd from comment # 3. 1. 18)
And while a few of the experts on stage managed to remind people of the importance of "social distancing" more than once...people on the stage were standing right next to each other, literally touching in many cases!
The typical Trump "Do as I say...not as I do.
And finally, much to my surprise after one embaressing moment, Fox News actually cut away to a re-broadcast of a news show I had seen on the channel earlier in the day!
I was puzzled and switched to MSNBC-- and even more surprising they continued to show Trump's conference....switched back to Fox..they were re-broadcasting an earlier show.
Later I switched back to Fox, apparently they were re-broadcasting part of it (or perhaps decided that even some of their regular viewers were smart to realize something was amiss and decided to show some of the portions they censored out?
Fauci has been making the news interview circuit, being very careful to remind the interviewer that he was never advised to not speak or not contradict the POTUS early on.
Now he just makes faces off to the side when the PoTUS is speaking and he tries very diplomatically to tell the truth whenever he can get away with it.
Trump didn't give a damn about the C-19 virus until it became obvious to him that it could affect his reelection, then he suddenly got worried that he was not showing enough concern. Thus, it made sense to him to suddenly become serious about it.
As for his determination to reopen the economy, I wonder who was the person(s) who cried on Daddums shoulder that their businesses were suffering due to the shut downs and halts on imports/exports.
Or...perhaps Trump realized that his own businesses were suffering and affecting his own hip pocket.
Then again, perhaps it is the big corporations that are threatening to stop their support of him if he does not reopen the economy.
However, it could very well be all of the above. None of which Trump wants to deal with or see happen it is threatens his reelection. For Trump, that is the only thing that matters to him. The deaths from the virus mean nothing to him, but, he is putting on a fairly good show of concern in order to keep this sheeple loyal no matter how diabolical he is.
Trump is holding a press conference right now, and he is berating reporters and calling networks "fake news".
He CANNOT be presidential.
The man is a pathological liar. And he is psychologically disturbed. How can he be the one to claim "fake news"?
He should shut up and do his best to minimize this tragedy.
Now he is talking about the "deep state". ("I don't call it the State Dept., I call it the "deep state" dept. ")
Well Trump himself , while pretendeding to be against America's involvements obviously a Neo-con.
That, and with his obsession that has him constantly referring to "The Deep State"...has me wondering if perhaps he himself is a card-carrying member of The Illuminati!
Listening to the POTUS live right now.........
Very entertaining. Sean Spicer's first appearance at the WH representing One News Now & Newsmax where he been a regular on their news broadcasts recently. One soft question, one serious question.
(It has been reported that Senator Burr was one of the first to sound the alarm in February and get out of the stock market.)
Spicer asked if any Senators with insider info would be investigated. Trump gave a rambling answer about knowing all of the Senators and how honorable they all were, and he did not suspect any of them did anything wrong, even Diane Feinstein...
Mr. Trump got excited by Peter Alexander's persistence and called him and several news outlets "sensationalists", not journalists, he told Alexander he should be ashamed of himself.
The next two reporters he picked asked him to answer Jenning's question.
He just asked if anyone had any "real" questions for him......
In review: Trump was lauded recently for his handling of the crisis and acting Presidential for the first time. ( I can't be more specific as I must have missed it ) Post news conference talking heads welcomed back the street brawling, know nothing President.
Today in his opening remark he called the virus the Chinese virus
. Strike one.
Other than that he sounded reasonable.
Then SoS Pompeo started with the "dear leader" praises...
followed by Azar's dear leader praises.
Debbie Birx, finally, just gave an update based on the facts, followed by Dr. Fauci.
VP Pence was probably the most impressive he has been to date.
He skipped ( for the most part) kissing Trump's arse and delivered two long updates that were informative and positive.
We are in good hands if we ever need Pence....
After that Trump started taking questions and it went downhill from there.
Quickly, and for another painful hour, repeatedly blaming someone (?) for the flawed CDC platform and flawed testing that he inherited.
Just my opinion.
unfortunately, it looks like these update pressers will probably be a daily event to serve the following purposes. campaigning, since his past incompetence has eliminated his weekly pep rallies. walking back the bullshit that fell out of his mouth in the previous presser. exciting his sycophants by calling out members of the press that ask questions he's not able to answer as bad reporting and/or fake news. a weak attempt to re-establish his sense of presidential credibility.
sorry, mankind has a habit of namiing things based on where they originate.
that PC world the left craves will never exist.
china ignored the problem, silenced those who tried to sound the alarm and allowed it to spread to other countries with no warning
china owns this virus lock stock and barrel forever.
personally, I call it the woo flu.
VP Pence was probably the most impressive he has been to date.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The conference I saw I have to say he was the most, dare I say, sane.
Hate to say it but Pence was 1000 times more presidential than donald.
Not only does the emperor have no clothes, but he just mooned the entire country.
good news - the albino asshole gets to be POTUS for 5 months
bad news - he has to pardon the trumpski family of grifters his 1st day on the job
But IMO there's an increasing probability that he may not finish out his term.
Trump has several bizarre behaviour patterns that keep repeating.
One of this is no matter what the topic is, if things went wrong he always balames someone else. (Some f*ck ups are totally his fault, some partially. But it doesn't matter. His knee-jerk reaction is to always blame some other person, country, etc. And he does it at length...)
Taiwan tried to warn the WHO about the dangers invoked and how to deal with it and they were ignored due to Chinese pressure
yepp.... never trust a communist or socialist.
good news? this virus will end the open borders BS and put the death nail in globalism.
Borders, shmorders...
Just like Ebola, the swine flu, and the last eighteen hundred pandemics,
all the way back to Biblical times, huh?
we shut down our country and economy over ebola and the swine flu?
didn't notice the lack of toilet paper then, I must have slept thru those two events
"just like" too funny,
Holy Shit. You might be catching on.....
Truly, 25,000 to 61,000 people have died every year from different strains of the "common flu" for decades.
No shut downs, no quarantines, no national or global economic collapses.
12,000 died of swine flu, 2 from Ebola here in the states. Africa is still dealing with it.
No economic collapse....plenty of TP.
Can you explain the "run" on toilet paper? (yes I recognize the pun )
This won't affect border issues or globalism. It has nothing to do with either.
globalism is why we do not produce our own vaccines and medications/ a horrible idea in times like this.
our country should not be relying on other countries for anything - globalism was a very bad plan from the start.
luckily little miss "what difference does it make" is not president. (we dodged a bullet right there)
if our borders where open under that bitch hillary things would be much worse here and going downhill fast.
meanwhile, joe biden said if elected he would stop deportations of illegals.
“Immigration affects our communities, our schools, our healthcare system, our economy, and our public safety. And Biden's plan threatens each — especially our public safety,”
our borders will be more secure than ever under trump. 80% of the country wants the border secure. meaning biden does not have a chance in 2020
meanwhile under trump because of the virus illegals are literally being punted straight back across the border on the spot.
for the foreseeable future? support for globalism / open borders = an unelectable candidate.
please stop the spreading of such disinformation. please.
The vaccines we use in the US are made here or by our allies, in other words, where they allow the FDA to monitor the production.
Nice deflection @ HRC.
blah, blah, blah, if, if, if...
nice talking points and opinions, lol
That really isn't saying a lot. Cheetah is 10,000 times more presidential than Trump.
The two year old in chief can't even answer a simple question without insulting the reporter. Deplorables must be so proud.
Trump may have a point-- often journalists asks questions that politicians don't like. (heck-- they've been doing it for centuries).
Obviously what we need is a law banning journalists from asking questions!
Oh-- my bad!
I "accidently" forgot to indicate that that was sarcasm.
His handlers finally gor through to him and he was much more civil in most of today's news conference. But he did make a few slips. Went of script (it was so obvious that he was reading a prepared script word for word-- and doing that what he said made sense-- and strangely enough he managed to appear presidential for a while) but then went off script and launch an attack on reporters....
I've been watching my republican wife screaming at Trump during today's press conference for being "Such a fucking liar!".
I asked her what she is going to do about it....?
She stated that she is going to let her anger turn into motivation to ensure "dickhead" is voted out of office.
Welcome to the dark side, Flynavy's wife. This time around, we're out to get rid of Emperor Palpatine.
we did that when Obama left office. We now have the good side of the force in the White House!
How many of "the good side" in the White House have been Trump appointees that are now either convicted felons . . . or under indictment?
Give her a hug from me, would ya? I'm into passing around cyber cooties today.
I'm bored
If you don't buy her a dozen roses, I will.
I made her one of her favorite dinners....... and did the laundry. Does that count?
But did you do the bathroom?
I have a friend whose family lives in upstate N.Y. far from any big city, The closest one is Buffalo but that's still pretty far away. A rural area. Not surprisingly as far as he remember its always been solidly Republican.
He visits his family about once/mont. He voted for Trump for president. He told me that in the run-up to the presidential election, all the yard signs in the area were for Trump.
Recently we had a long political discussion. He was really angry at Trump and repeatedly mocked Trump's stupidity and his constant lies He also mentioned that when he made a trip there during the mid-term elections, almost all the yard signs were now in support of Democrats.
(Obviously this is not "proof" that Trump won't be elected. But its one of many things I've heard that indicate that a significant number of Republicans who previously supported Trump no longer do).
Trump Frustration Syndrome is truly a bipartisan reality.
Damn, I should have put a © on that phrase!
Well, I still have time on the other phrase... "Trump Fatigue Syndrome".
Fatigue is more like it !
I like it !
Fatigue is exactly right! (genau in German)
The daily briefings have turned in to his daily televised political rally. If he would just let the professional talk, things would be fine. But old lard-ass has to get up and tell flat out lies that are detrimental to the efforts to fight all aspects of the medical and economic crisis we are facing.
I watched his news conference today (3/23). For the first time Dr> Fauci was not present.
Normally he's gone out of his way to respect Desar Leader-- but occasionally he tactifully mentions real facts...which Trump doesn't always seem to happy about.
Does fauci have the Virus? An important medical meeting to attend elsewhere? Or...was he "fired"?
And replace Trump with what?
A delusional over-aged, continuously outraged, Democratic socialist Grandpa that will try to bankrupt the country with his schemes? Or the hair sniffing, "feel the hair on my leg", over-aged pervert (who does the acts in public rather than just talking about them) with a severe case of dementia?
Before you scream replace Trump! Make sure the replacements will be better.
How about someone that limits lying to half of their statements...... That would be a huge step in the right direction.
Any replacement would be better than the cesspool and its leader you play cheerleader for.
Can't wait for today's briefing, I'm excited to see how trump will make it worse today. Will he insult China, will he give out new and creative false information? Will he cause another crisis with Iran or will he simply defecate on himself and play with it. With this clown you never know.
Who increased the deficit by almost a trillion dollars in his first term?
Who walks around with toilet paper stuck to his shoe?
Who cannot figure out how to close an umbrella?
Who looses his car?
What.... is this a trick question?
Because their only real motivation is to deflect from their shitty performance as a leader?
I assume you are referring to Mike Bloomberg?
But remember, he's one "Socialist" that's no longer running!
OMG! So that explains the recent difficulty in finding any toilet paper in the stores!
The latest public service announcement from the CDC is "wash your hands, stay away from sick people, and don't touch your face".
That's the best the medical experts can provide the country after 15 years of warnings and preparation for a SARS pandemic. And Donald Trump is the idiot?
We've been pwned.
Those instruction are the simplest while being best possible prevention methods for the masses for any and all infections.
What, are they too complicated for you?
Are you suggesting that everyone have their own personal charcoal lined MOPP suits and M50 masks?
And it required 15 years of global strategic planning to develop those guidelines. The American public is too frickin' stupid to wash their hands and stay away from sick people.
You really think people that need to be told to stay away from sick people are going to piss into their boots?
Need I post pictures from spring break hotspots to remind you of the irresponsibility of some of our fellow Americans given the current pandemic|?
Don't forget the videos of kids licking ice cream.
Yes-- Trump is definitely the idiot.As are the people he surrounds himself with.
I just watched his recent press conference. One of the suggestions one of the people on the stage was the importance of "Social Distancing" (that means staying at least 6 ft away from other people when in public places). I also noticed one of the other people on the stage nodded their head in agreement.
Then I suddenly realized--- they themselves were standing should to shoulder (or almost as close) to one or more people they were standing next to!!!
Reminds me to a bit of advice from one of the more perceptive political analysts I heard a while back:
If you want to fully understand Donald Trump-- listen not to what he says-- but rather observe what he actually does!
An excellent point!
And at the time they were tested they didn't have it.
And as everyone knows-- once you are tested negative you can never, ever, get it in the future!
Brilliant reasoning MUVA-- absolutely brilliant!
If you have been tested and are only around people that have tested negative and paracting social distancing during the rest of the time then it is probably safe.