Donald Trump threatens to shut down social media as Twitter starts fact-checking him
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 130 commentsBy: Jimmy McCloskey (Metro)
Donald Trump has threatened to shut down social media networks a day after Twitter began automatically fact-checking the contents of his tweets. The President of the United States tweeted Wednesday: 'Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen.
'We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can't let a more sophisticated version of that happen again. Just like we can't let large scale Mail-In Ballots take root in our Country. It would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise, Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!'
President Trump hit out hours after two of his tweets claiming mail-in ballots could lead to electoral fraud were flagged as 'potentially misleading' by Twitter. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has led to a push for the November presidential election to be held via mail-in votes, with Trump repeatedly claiming such a measure would lead to widespread-fraud.
Despite his attacks on Twitter, the micro-blogging site remains the president's preferred means of communication, and Trump regularly uses it to share his apparently unfiltered thoughts with his 80 million followers.
And President Trump hit out at social media networks for censoring him just one day after Twitter refused a stricken widowers pleas to remove tweets sent by the president suggesting that his wife had been murdered.
Since May 12, Trump has sent numerous messages falsely claiming TV host Joe Scarborough - a vociferous critic of his administration - may have killed former employee Lori Klausutis in 2001. Klausutis fell and died aged 28 while working for then Congressman Scarborough in his Florida office. An autopsy found she had been killed by an undiagnosed heart condition.
During a White House press conference on Tuesday, Trump doubled-down on the offending tweets, and even suggested Klausutis and Scarborough had been having an affair.
He said: 'A lot of people suggest that. And hopefully someday people are going to find out.' Trump also called Klausutis's death 'a very suspicious situation.'
Twitter sent Timothy Klausutis a letter apologizing for the 'pain' caused by the president's tweets, but refused to remove them. The San Francisco-headquartered corporation has allowed Trump to break its own anti-bullying and harassment rules because it is in the 'public interest' to let a global leader speak freely.
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The wheels are falling off his tricycle
Your president* demands the right to lie about people on twitter.
well at least you are semi honest about it
Trump will do anything to distract that 100,000 Americans are dead on his watch from this pandemic.
I wonder what shutting down Twitter and facebook would do for his re-election prospects though.
Are you kidding? What would Trump do without Twitter during those 2 am golden toilet marathon sitting sessions?
The guy must spend a large amount of time in the bathroom...... His massive constipation and diarrhea end up in the same place clogging up Facebook and Twitter
Go to Parler and do it there.
Not enough followers on Parler to stroke his.........ego.
Now that was a funny comment!
Hi Perrie...... Hope you're safe and well there.
Hi Fly,
Well, we finally have a stage 1 opening in Nassau County, so I guess that is good. I still have to social distance since we take care of three seniors.
Hope you are safe where you are!
Once again proving he is the WORST president in the history of this country.
He can't shut down shit.
Who is he kidding with his latest "It's all about me" 2 yo tantrum. He does not have the power to shut down anything. Yo Trump, don't want to fact checked, then quit lying ya dumb f**k.
If you read the nasty comments on Twitter (which Twitter seems to agree with) one gets the impression that the President will lose the next election. When one recalls the President's rallies, it is clear that just the opposite is true!
Vic, why is Trump spending time lying about the death of the congressional staffer in Joe Scarboroughs office so long ago?
There has never been any actual controversy about her death. There was an autopsy that conclusively determined she had a heart defect and passed out and hit her head while she was alone in the office.
I assume his insane crusade about this embarrasses you.
Did you see Scarborough’s interview with Howard Stern in 2003?
If it's NOT the truth, sue him. That fucking simple.
Did you see the story where the results of the autopsy on the woman were laid out?
If trump wants to criticize Scarborough for something he said on a radio show 17 years ago let him go for it.
He hasnt done that, he has said the woman was murdered by Scarborough and asked for a investigation. The widower of the woman has asked Twitter to take Trumps tweets down because they are hurtful lies.
What in the hell is wrong with your hero XX ?
So you think its fine for the president of the united states to lie his ass off if he feels like it.
thats why they are called deplorables.
I think you mean the Don Imus show.
Yes, I heard it. Imus made a joke about it and Scarborough laughed a little. Means absolutely nothing. He was most likely laughing along with the host out of politeness.
If that is your best defense of trumps current insanity you guys are truly fucked.
If it's a lie, sue him. That fucking simple and perhaps he would take notice and think prior to posting things like that. It's called personal responsibility for your actions. Kind of foreign to some I know but...........................
Sure, let's relive the death of a loved one, dragging their name through the dirt and lies from Trump, just because he refuses to shut up about his latest lies and conspiracy theories.
First it's not about me. It's about Twitter fact checking one and only one person. That is called BIAS!
Fact checking him would require a small army, depending on how much he tweets.
John, you can't recognize bias? So we live in a world where everyone but one tells the truth! I guess we should all rejoice!
instead of constantly making excuses for the asshole, you should be embarrassed by him
I'm only asking you to look at the bias of Twitter!
"First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye." - Matthew 7:5
I find it rather hilarious that conservatives only see progressive or liberal bias as "bad" but they constantly wallow in their own.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Sad..........................
Is that like looking at bias on facebook?
Both companies have billions of users.
Hardly bias just because poor donald had a disclaimer put on a tweet.
If it is their practice that threats of violence will not be allowed, then they are not allowed.
Why would some get to skirt the rules?
A private company has these rules in place and some are acting like just because it is a public figure, they should be exempt.
Ya, there it is for all to see. There isn't much we can do about it - other than to highlight it!
Did facebook announce it was going to fact check one individual?
Hardly bias just because poor donald
One thing I like about Donald Trump - it's something I share with him - We deal with people face-to-face. We don't talk about people behind their backs!
there is no such thing as "bias" against donald trump. it is a ludicrous concept.
I assume the laughter ended on Jan 20 2017.
Does twitter only fact check him? I find that hard to believe.
donald talking face to face? Haha That is comical. Yes calling people names on twitter is doing it face to face....
Even though it was threats directed AT the person's account and it was an expose of said threats to make a point? The campaign wasn't making the threats.
Sounds to me like it was a display of what was occurring to McConnell NOT McConnell's campaign doing the threatening. And the rule says "YOU" cannot post the above. It's not as though his own campaign was threatening him. Their house, their rules I guess. Still a bit nit picky to me.
Could be wrong............but not very often
You can't believe they are only fact checking everything one man says? Why not? They are considered a "forum" not a publisher. They can do as they want.
Consider this then - From none other than "The head of Twitter site integrity" :
Better still, I'll leave it to our readers!
It was still threats of violence was it not? Still against policy. And THEY did post the threats.
Again, against policy. It doesn't matter who the threats were against.
That is just looking for any excuse. They could have tweeted to look at their campaign page to see the videos and linked to it but no. It was better for them to say they are being discriminated against to rile up their base with baseless accusations.
And again, it is nitpicking and trying to skirt the rules in place, then scream bias when the rules are enforced.
So you only believe that they are only fact checking donald....
Have you heard them say they wee fact checking anyone else?
Ya, that is what I believe. They didn't want to shut down his account, they didn't want to look biased. So now they are part of the resistance. They are going to try and counter whatever he says. You know how that goes.
Man, I want some of what you have for breakfast every day John - good one - really good one.
What does that have to do with videos of threats of violence? Hint, nothing.
Also if reported those verbal threats get taken down.
Who the hell said the policy only had to do with video? Hint. No one.
Really? Do tell...........................
Since it is a new feature we will see. I hardly believe it will start and stop with this one account.
That is what the McConnell account was about. What we were talking about and you decided to expand with verbal threats. Which get taken down as well.
So still no point.
I prefer that over the PCP which tRump supporters appear to prefer.
So are you going to say they let verbal threats stand and never suspend any accounts?
Nope. And don't put words in my mouth errrr keyboard if you please. Thanks.
To expand on Vic's post................
It was only the beginning
Why wouldn't they fact check all their users if they were posting lies/distortions/conspiracy theories?
So the man who proudly calls himself The Grim Reaper and approves the public display of gravestones with the names of his political opponents is upset because people call him names and yell mean things at his house from a public road. Sad.
Sounds like that supporter is just as thin skinned and a snowflake like this 'president'
I don't have to. Your words are there for all to see.
Weak.........and again, nothing of value. Have a good day now.
No, you were wrong and now are going to call no value.
Not my problem some cannot accept certain things.
The Grim Reaper was the name Pelosi gave to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell for burying her partisan progressive legislation.
Then it's about noting because Trump isn't the ONLY person that Twitter has fact checked.
As with the differentiation in NT's CoC, the fact check was of Trump's COMMENT, not Trump.
Most are coming from this President. He's pushing completely false conspiracy theories and regurgitating debunked right wing rhetoric which is all his low IQ sycophants can apparently want.
That's because that fact is self evident, the majority of Americans do not want this dishonest piece of shit as President.
...they have to wash themselves after feeling so dirty. Sure, are is there a poorly educated base that shows up at every Trump rally? Of course, but they do not represent the majority of Americans. The only possible way for Trump to win in November is to repeat the narrow skin of the teeth win ion those same swing States he won in 2016 which simply isn't going to happen. This time around he will lose the popular vote by more than 10 million instead of just 3 million like last time so the 107,000 votes in those three swing States aren't going to be enough to save his sorry lying ass.
Anytime you want to wager, I'm here. You may want to talk to Iggy first,,,,,
instead of just 3 million like last time
That was tough to take, wasn't it?
The wager is already set. If your candidate wins we'll see four more years of winter with a complete moron running things. If the candidate I vote for wins we'll get this country back on track by having an administration that supports justice, freedom and equality for all regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith or lack thereof.
Whenever the will of the majority is overturned by bitter partisans who just want to burn everything down it certainly makes things harder for rational sane patriots.
That's too bad. Iggy had enough guts to bet me, a few years ago, that Trump would be removed from office before the end of his term. That was before the BS Mueller Report. The bet - 6 months self imposed suspension.
Now that took guts!
Trump never met a fact he liked so he makes up his own.
Comical to see conservatives that hate regulations either silent on this or trying to deflect.
Stop regulating companies, it will stop growth!
Regulate this company, they put a disclaimer up!
And the free speech supporters here all shouting hallelujah on having the president shut down Twitter and Face Book.
We are in new territory on this. We never had a president who tweeted before. In the past, if the president said something in the press, there was time to respond by other outlets to fact check, and they did.
But twitter moves at a much faster speed. I am not sure how one would handle this. It's a brand new world and we have to figure out our way through it.
Obama wasn't even allowed to carry a cell phone, due to national security concerns.
And because he didn't have his teleprompter with him.
No Trump supporter should be able to bring up anything about teleprompters without being called an utter hypocrite.
This 'president' has been using an unsecured cell phone the whole time.
Trump puts the dick in wanna be dictator.
He puts the tater in tator salad. Dick Tator Salad.
Trump threatens to 'strongly regulate' or 'close down' social media platforms after Twitter fact check
Wait a second, I thought only I was living in a country that censors media that criticizes its leaders.
Almost comical. What some complain about in other countries, they would be willing to let happen here.
Just because donald said so.
Trump is opposed to the censorship.
"Big Tech is doing everything in their very considerable power to CENSOR in advance of the 2020 Election. If that happens, we no longer have our freedom. I will never let it happen! They tried hard in 2016, and lost. Now they are going absolutely CRAZY. Stay Tuned!!!" Donald Trump
So you call being opposed to censorship threatening to shut down or regulate a private social media company....
He was never censored.
Repeat...He was never censored....
Twitter is just wanting to make sure that what the Chicken-Shit-Coward-in-Chief says is accurate. Lordy knows that he certainly can't look up his own facts.
was cnn fact checked on russia russia russia?
have they written a retraction and apologized for spreading those lies?
Is the moon made out of cheese?
She I can ask off topic questions too.
By the way...
So this is what you want? What you are going to champion?
This sounds like the government regulating social media, just like in china.
Sad day when conservatives champion oppression.
as it should be.
tech companies do not run our country, and they never will.
some "fact-checker" said - is not a valid argument
Wow, just wow.
So yes you are going to fall on the sword and promote government regulation of social media platforms. You would willingly let the government dictate what speech is allowed.
Guess what, with a stance like this you no longer have a leg to stand on when complaining about the Chinese government regulating social media, as you want the same.
Willingly give up free speech rights just for donald.
jack dorsey can say what ever the fuk he likes on his own twitter feed.
@jack and his minions are not qualified to fact check political opponents.
I will not willingly let social media dictate what political speech is allowed.
when you figure out the difference between your statement and mine? get back to me.
epic what-about-ism failure.
china does not just regulate social media, china just bans it altogether.
is trump trying to ban access to twitter? no, he is not.
And he does not do it himself. He holds no political office. He is the CEO of a private company.
and as a ceo of a private company?
targeting political opponents under the guise of "fact check" aint gonna cut it.
when @ jack fact checks cnns coverage of russia russia russia? let us know he is being unbiased
China does not ban social media, they have their own version of twitter.
Get your facts straight.
There is a difference between government control and what a private enterprise allows on their platform.
Either you are being willfully obtuse or you don't actually know the difference.
Or just don't care.
LOL yepp. because they don't like the idea of free speech in that country
is trump making jack build a new version of twitter for the usa?
When he is not a politician, he is not a political opponent. Stop with the unfounded hyperbole.
Why the hell would twitter fact check CNN news?
I am starting to think some of donald's followers are as stupid as he is.
anyone who uses their business to go after political opponents needs a regulatory boot shoved firmly up their ass.
Look in your own mirror and see what you are championing.
I guess that is too much to ask.
Instead blame others for what they themselves are doing.
because cnn is more full of shit than any other outlet.
russia russia russia, nothing but complete bs. from the word go.
when they get fact checked by @jack? @ jack can claim he is unbiased.
I guess you need to go after Citizens United then.
Companies are people too.
sorry to break the news but your opinion about other people, or even me, does not matter one little bit.
awww..... do they need fact checked too?
tell ya who needs fact checked....
every democrat who said under oath there was no russia collusion but in public told you the exact opposite
and you believed them... hook line and sinker.
You can continue on and talk to yourself.
I am no longer going to engage in idiocy.
We all know where your fascist views lie...
then stop replying to me with nothing but bs comparisons and what-about-isms
cant take the heat? get out of the kitchen
do yourself a big favor
hit that ignore button like ya mean it. and never speak to me again.
Is it not about business or companies?...
Bans it altogether? What are these? You're a little short on checking your "facts".
no one said china did not have social media sites it allows...
they ban social media they don't approve of. or can not control
this video explains it well enough. that is, if you are allowed to watch it... LOL
Nice try, 8-ball, but no cigar. What's your next "China fact"? The police welded everyone's apartment doors shut so the occupants couldn't break the lockdown?
first I would like to thank you for the thoughtful comments about the info contained in that video.... LOL (as if)
go play with your imagination elsewhere.. I am not interested.
Trump wasn't censored, he was fact checked and THAT is what he opposes.
Talk about bigotry - Twitter??? Fact checking???? The President??? Did they fact-check AOC??? Did they fact-check Schumer??? Did they fact-check DeNiro?? Did they fact-check Kimmel??? Such a two-faced action - but, then again, what else would one expect from social media?
Maybe fact checking trmp will set a precedent for fact checking everyone. And maybe Twitter focused on trmp because he has more followers and the stuff he was tweeting was not only misleading but could have a deleterious effect on the November nobody votes!
This isn't about intolerance of a 'difference of opinion' 1st. It's about FACTS vs LIES.
Note that not one member, including you, have defended the content of Trump's tweet. Based on the comments here and in every other venue I have reviewed, everyone knows that Trump's tweet is FALSE.
It begs the question: Why does Trump believe that he needs to LIE about mail in voting and WHY do his supporters insist that he should have an unfettered 'right' to intentionally mislead the public?
Wow. [Deleted]
They cannot stand having their lies exposed.
1. 100,000+ Americans dead in less than 4 months. = An Unknown "SICK" thing" even the CDC, W.H.O, or any other Health organization on the Planet can't solve.
2. Black people being murdered in the streets. = What's Different ?
3. 40 million people out of work. = See State Governors "Problem Solving" skills (Lock up) !
4. The economy in a free fall. = See Number 1 and 3.
the mainstream media are the ones requiring fact checks.
3 yrs of lies from the likes of cnn and nytimes.
russia, russia, russia,
mainstream media is the biggest bs conspiracy theory organization EVER
Russia is wondering if Trump is too crazy after putting him in office. One thing to take the US down (as planned). But he's too batshit even for them.
Huh, his comments were not deleted, so where was he censored?
People on here that have been bitching about the rights of business (Hobby Lobby for example) are now OK with the government forcing private companies to do their bidding - good to know that all their blather has been bull shit from the beginning.
The whole "Do as I say. Not as I do." think never worked with me when my mother tried it. It's seriously not going to work with me when some 'winger populist tries it.