Antifa's white privilege
Category: News & Politics
Via: the-peoples-fish-still-hand-of-the-queen • 5 years ago • 168 commentsBy: drdominicgreen (Spectator USA)

Even in a riot, the races aren't equal
There is no right to burn down your neighborhood, but it’s always an option. Freedom means choice, and real freedom must include the choice of self-destruction — but not destroying someone else’s neighborhood. Especially not when the neighborhood is mostly black and poor. That is what the privileged whites of antifa are doing by instigating disorder and destruction in Minneapolis’s 3rd precinct and elsewhere. Cost-free kicks at black people’s expense: the height of white privilege.
Race is the American sickness , and though everyone is sick of it, no one has the cure. The murder of George Floyd and the fact that it took riots before his killer was charged, confirms, should anyone still need confirmation, that Americans are still not equal before the law. Don military fatigues and storm the Michigan statehouse, and the police will recognize you as a fellow patriot. Pass a counterfeit bill while black, however, and no law can protect you from the law.
The laws that antifa learn to despise in their four-year colleges guarantee their racial privilege. If you’re black and angry enough to burn down banks and stores in your black neighborhood, tomorrow you’ll have to live in the ruins. If you’re white and you burn down banks and stores in someone else’s neighborhood, tomorrow you’ll be back in white world: fixing bikes or brewing espresso, waiting for The Man to cancel your student loans, living in a historic urban neighborhood whose historic black population you and your white friends have gentrified out of sight.
This isn’t the first time masked gangs of property-holding whites have stormed into black neighborhoods and smashed the place up to show they are above the law. They used to do it to preserve their racial privilege, to exclude blacks from exercising their rights of participation. Now they do it in the name of the racially underprivileged. Either way, they never asked for an invitation. They don’t have to, do they? They’re white and they know their rights.
Excuse the profanity, but there really are such things as ‘intersectionality’ and ‘white privilege’. Not in the Marxist cant that antifa learn in grad school, a European ideology that shows how the radical white left, like the racist white nationalists, are clinging to their privileges as hereditary Europeans. There is no need for these ideological contortions: like the mind of a grad student, they’re luxury products. The

Must be nice to be antifa, commit heinous crimes and then joe Biden’s staff pays to get you out of jail.
Here's another source if you don't like 2.1.1 .
Or ...
I was asking for proof that they were Antifa. There is none. I do know how to google, too.
Comment 2 contained two parts. Your comment 2.1 simply asked, "Proof?".
In my comment 2.1.2, I gave you three sources to support the second part of comment 2 which stated:
I've never said you didn't.
OK so there was a misunderstanding there, but there are a lot of claims out there about who is responsible for the violence. Truth is we really don't know yet, yet there are a whole lot of claims that we do. I am hoping that we get to the bottom of this.
As for some staffers doing something, is a big nothing burger. There is no way to control the actions of individuals. We all know this.
Now some protests have spread to the UK.
I do not disagree.
Again, I do not disagree.
Again, we agree.
Although I made the intent of comment 2.1.2 very clear, thank you.
Yes, there are. That's why I comment with facts and never with speculation.
As do I. There are many layers to this onion. Far too many people quickly lost focus and have forgotten that we, as a people, were in unanimous agreement and horror regarding Mr. Floyd's needless death and the policemen who caused it. Peaceful protests are protected rights, but they've quickly become riots.
Whoever/whatever is behind the rioting, violence, looting, and arson must face serious charges of domestic terrorism, IMO.
It's common knowledge and wisdom PH...where ya been?
I agree. I have never said otherwise.
What is? What do you mean where have I been?
Dennis that is a hodgepodge of different issues. There have been many unjustifiable deaths at police hands in recent times, none of which resulted in this. And it's just spreading.
Letting people in church has to do with a pandemic. It has nada to do with this.
Allow? Kind of looked like to me, that these events just happened. No one just allowed it. And yes frankly I am concerned about the consequences of people gathering like this.
The mayors are responsible if they didn't do their due diligence and yes no matter which party they are a part of.
Oh brother. I think people are just getting stir crazy.
Yeah. I check on people over there through Instagram and the like. A lot of people over there are talking about it.
They are even having workshops and programs about racism.
SOURCES: BOTS & BREITBART, Flipboard is a news aggregator and social network aggregation
Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to Reuters that the former vice president opposes the institution of cash bail as a “modern day debtors prison.”
I don't believe that these events "just happened". How did peaceful demonstrating and protesting in Minneapolis, LA, San Fran, Newark NJ, Portland, Chicago, NYC, Philly, Detroit, and so many other cities suddenly ALL turn into riots comprised of thousands of anarchists, arsonists, and looters every night this past week? Peaceful protesters don't destroy others' lives and properties.
Governors are also responsible. They and their mayors in the affected states and cities have allowed chaos. They relinquished control, because they're afraid of the anarchists. The question is ... WHY?
Domestic terrorists have successfully removed our united focus toward George Floyd's murder and refocused (some) of the public to their doctrines. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't paid attention, didn't notice the lack of police presence, and hasn't watched innocent people's hopes and dreams go up in flames.
That's nice. I don't care what Andrew Bates says about Biden; of course Bates is going to protect/defend him. Bates calls those who were arrested "protesters". Newsflash to Bates: peaceful protesters don't get arrested and don't need bail money!
Please look at the MSN link. There's no mention of bots on that one.
You are implying that the police KNEW that there were going to be anarchists in the crowd and that protests were going to just pop up as they did across America and now I found out even in England. No one has a magic ball to look at and know.
Because mixed in with the anarchists were just regular people protesting, which is their right.
You should watch the video I just posted and get an idea of what is actually going on:
That is true. But I want to know exactly who those people are and charge them with incitement.
Sources matter.
fox news
townhall - features commentary by various conservative columnists and guest commentary by politicians. [7] Guest contributors have included Eric Trump , Donald Trump Jr ., and Lara Trump .
As for who pays legal fees for whom … and for what …
Fox News and Town Hall are great sources to be highly commended
Australia is also protesting and other countries also are having protests for other causes.
Actually, it is the heinous crime part that needs clarification.
" and your white friends have gentrified out of sight."
The yuppie bastards have a regular machine...
Had a heated discussion with my oldest son last night (those that know me .. know why} .. I made the fatal mistake of saying something along the lines of selective outrage
Sooo the origins of the discussion between me and my son ….. he says .."mom I am watching everything that is happening and there is as many angry white people rioting in the streets as blacks .. [just like when he was in Seattle with black lives matter]" to which I point out .. I did not think this was a good thing .. as I am seeing the same numbers of white people looting stores as well - do you think they live there? Of course then I was down playing the fact that America as a whole is outraged over the murder of blacks at the hands of police .. to which I made my 'fatal' comment … from that point I had to shut my mouth and listen .. as nothing I could say would every define what I truly meant....
I am always outraged, 'this should not be happening' or to use the Ooo so deep words of former president Obama "shouldn't be 'normal' in 2020 America." NOOOO! it should not be .. should not have been 'normal' when Tamir Rice [I would have been a one woman wrecking crew had that been my son!], Keith Lamont Scott among a list of sooo many other names.. I would not classify the death of George Floyd as actually 'normal' whatever the FUCK normal is.... I can however call the selective outrage of 'white' people as 'normal' as it gets
I shook my head at the outrage over Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown .. how and why did they become the poster boys for black lives matter - black neighborhoods burned, black businesses destroyed in St Louis .. once again there was as many whites as blacks doing the damage - for what ………….? for the false narrative that Michael Brown had his hands up and was shot in the back by a racist police officer?
Done venting --- but I have a serious question .. Trump is handling things poorly and is not empathetic blah blah blah … tell me what did Obama do to 'heal the nation' ..? a week after the Zimmerman verdict Obama comes out and addresses the nation saying 'had Trayvon been white we won't be here' (not a direct quote but damn'd close) for fucks sake how does a mom explain to her children that ANYONE that confronted Zimmerman that night would have been shot - he did not pick out a black man to shoot, when the president says something as stupid as that...? - def blew up my sweet lil family
Sorry Fish I just went off topic, back to topic and then around the world to vent my frustrations!
George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin. He followed him, with the lights off in his car, for blocks. Zimmerman did not identify himself.
Subsequent events have proven Zimmerman to be a racist asshole.
Dont even get me started about George Zimmerman. He was 1000% in the wrong.
I respectfully disagree .. even Zimmerman's former wife said he was an asshole .. but not racist .. a false narrative, an altered audio tape. Zimmerman is a piece of shit - I thought he was a loose cannon - but race was not a factor - anyone that had confronted Zimmerman that night would have died .. Travyon also made it home but did not go in... NO ONE truly knows what happened that night!
No he did not. That statement is a total lie.
And anyway, Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, that's what got him shot.
911 Operator to George Zimmerman …
What is a total lie?
What I said is exactly correct.
I know about the Trayvon Martin story. We talked about it for weeks here and I did a lot of research on it.
Lets hear about all your knowledge on the subject. Do you want a postage stamp to write it on ?
And your post pretty much lays out why we are where we are.
Spare me your selective outrage .. I have see it all before from you!
There are a lot of other events that have happened before and after Zimmerman that are legit and a source of frustration. Rioting and looting are never the way.
But consider this:
When Philadelphia Eagles fans ripped through their city, looting, flipping cars, and starting fires after a Super Bowl win, where was the outrage? Do you not see the irony of that? A Superbowl win vs. the death of a human being?
I don't condone the violence, but there is a huge double standard.
When Philadelphia Eagles fans ripped through their city, looting, flipping cars, and starting fires after a Super Bowl win, where was the outrage? Do you not see the irony of that? A Superbowl win vs. the death of a human being?
Yeah, many did, I know, I live here … and there was plenty of outrage … but we're discussing two different kinds of stupidity … one, a drunken excuse to "celebrate," the ones going on now …
To protest a RACE-BASED MURDER recorded live for the world to see. The Eagles fans had no justifiable reason to do what they did; it was wrong, wrong, wrong, 100%. But, like oppressed people who cannot depend on the "legal" system to protect them from THE FUCKING LEGAL SYSTEM ITSELF, in desperation, there are uprisings!
Philly's idiots! Mostly white males …
Today's MAGAs many … I live here, I know!
What? I am not comparing the stupidity of a drunk crowd of revelers to what has taken place at the hands of a minority of officers, NO CAUSE was hijacked .. Philadelphia was ignorance running amok … talk about simplifying a problem - why should there have been outrage beyond property damage? .. did those being violent after a football game tear things apart because Kaepernick took a knee over a black man killed by an officer?
Fortunately there was not rioting and looting [at least on a large scale] after the death of Trayvon Martin - regardless of past and after blah blah blah about Zimmerman - no one knows the events of the night outside of speculation ...
Take care Perrie .. my thoughts are with your family as well - stay safe and healthy
There was no outrage? Try the hell again. Name anyone that gave the rioters a pass.
The media didn't, politicians didn't, and the police sure as hell didn't.
We seen selective outrage when white armed protesters where at the Michigan capital. They couldn't shut up about it, TDS sufferers still refer to it as how much of a danger society is in because people brandished guns in a open carry state. Did you know they had a black crowd there protesting after that. I doubt it. because it doesn't fit the left wing narrative.
I totally agree with what they were protesting by the way.
Thank you for the link .. that is something I would never have seen ….
I support the right to bear arms - Strap them on .. armed individuals such as these are not street thugs running around thinking that a gun is the way to settle a dispute. These are individuals standing their ground .. 'practicing' their right to assembly peaceably while bearing arms! It is a beautiful thing!!!
Here's the reality. The haters will try and talk around it and those whose miseducation is accepted willingly from the Fox-Goebbels network … have problems with inconvenient truth.
Watch the video …
She is right. Then the woman wanted to argue with her...
Oh! My! A number of apologists herein must have missed this!
And look! The murderer committed the murder casually, relaxed, hand in pocket, even three minutes after he was told that his victim had no pulse.
Anyone need an explanation as to why the outrage.
The ultimate emblem of resistance: the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
On the revolt’s 70th anniversary, exploring how Jews fought to determine their own fates …
On their own front porch.
Think of it as "proof" of the shit white people don't have to endure.
More proof.
Imagine that.
The never trumper pundit Steve Schmidt was on tv a little while ago, and i think he made a very good and important point.
The protests length and breadth and depth are proving one thing above all else. Black people in America will never again accept mistreatment from the police. This is a historic moment in America.
On this matter, Seems to me, after reading and watching much, It's been just Violent Revolution. Can't we give "Peaceful Revolution" a Chance first ?
But, But …… They're breaking down the help innocent people.
Those they Help !
Don't you know that them are all White Supremacist plants to make the protesters look bad? Just ask Mac he will tell you.
This "Thingy" going on right now, does make me chuckle when I listen to "Liberal Types" complain about everything but the Riots.
A cop kills someone, and it's all ….. "He's a "Racist", She's a Racist, Trumps a Racist, everyone is a "Racist". Everyone Sucks !
The ones that "Burn, Loot, Beat up folks, and trash" Cities, are just doing what they deserve to do. They Care !
Like Martha Stewart says …… "and that's a Good thing" !
" A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of "Antifa" was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The company removed the account."
Twitter has deactivated an account that it says claimed to belong to a national ‘Antifa’ organization but was really created by the white supremacist group Identity Evropa.
The account, which included the Antifa logo as well as a Twitter handle ‘Antifa America’ and two hammers and sickles, posted an ‘alert’ which read: ‘Tonight’s the night, comrades.’
It continued: ‘Tonight we say “F*** The City” and we move into the residential areas…the white hoods…and we take what’s ours.’
The post ended with the hashtags #Blacklives maters and #F***America.
"This is the kind of WHITE NATIONALISM we elected him for," Anglin wrote on his website."
" White supremacists backed Donald Trump from the time he began his presidential campaign by calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, and I believe they’ll continue to back Trump."
"After initially denouncing racism following the murder of antiracism demonstrator Heather Heyer during rallies by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Trump blamed both sides for the violence, claiming “ very fine people ” participated in the rallies. White supremacists thanked Trump for his words , which were widely seen as supportive of the racists who participated in those deadly demonstrations."
" When President Trump declared himself “a nationalist” during a Texas campaign rally Monday night, the apparent dog whistle was heard loud and clear by white supremacy groups and their online networks."
Known Neo-Nazis and white supremacy sympathizers are touting the president’s self-proclamation as an endorsement of their cause.
“He is /ourguy/,” wrote Andrew Anglin on the Neo-Nazi flagship website he founded in 2013, The Daily Stormer. “He is pushing the edges of the limits.”
“Well he is the president of the United States, not the president of Globalist Pangea,” tweeted Henrick Palmgren, who marched during Charlottesville’s first “Unite the Right” rally and currently runs the white nationalist radio station Red Ice from Oregon."
You would think non-white supremacists non-white nationalists in Trumps base would be worried about those type of people in their crowd. Guess they don't really have much problem with this type of folk but want to blame everything on the "evil liberals".