Which One Did God choose ?
I would like to see someone ask Kayleigh McAnany this question at her next press briefing -
Ms McAnany, you have said that God chose Donald Trump to lead America, but Al Sharpton told George Floyd's funeral attendees that God chose George Floyd to change the world. If it is one or the other, wouldn't it be Floyd , whose death may influence a move toward social justice and equality? Isnt it more likely God is on the side of the oppressed?
I would like to see this, because it would tongue tie Kayleigh McAnany, but I'm not holding my breath.
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How can God have chosen Trump when HE chose George Floyd?
You're forgetting the influence of Republican Jesus in the calculation John.
I'm waiting for the Christian contingent here to explain to us why God would choose Trump to do His work through but not Floyd.
Nothing useful or lasting will result from the murder of George Floyd.
He will soon fade from the public consciousness soon,
but all the destruction and deaths caused by the looting and rioting
will not be forgotten for years to come.
I dont know, Al Sharpton says God chose to work through George Floyd. Makes as much sense as the Christian right saying Trump was chosen by God.
Do you wonder if God works through a scum bag like Trump?
He's no more racist than Trump is and a lot of Christians think God chose Trump to be president.
Like God would choose someone who has broken almost every one of his commandments.
in the last 6 hours yet
Spot on ...
that's for you and Paula
whats so damn funny ?
That trmp has broken every commandment in the last 6 hours
Time and place of occurrence please, and the commandment broken?
What a backward ass thing to write. It does remind me of the state of mind coming out of Sandy Hook from a republican set of talking points. (Rhetoric. Observation in passing. This is not an attempt to discuss gun control).
This conservative redirection to looting and rioting is pathetic and again, goes to the conservative state of mind which only wants to bullshit people into becoming paralyzed in discussion. We are wise to the 'display.'
Trump supporters are so pathetically sad. What they care about and what they work hard to get people to harp on is effects—never causes!
Willful ignorance. God can work through anybody, including a 'slaver' like Pharaoh, leader of Egypt. I thought you knew!
Al Sharpton works with the poor, oppressed people of this nation. Of course, that type of work is gritty and moves people with" deep financial pockets" to hire and detail various groups to highlight insignificant, significant, statements in opposition to their own expressed intentions.
That you would hurl a pejorative at Al Sharpton planted in your mind by conservative thinkers and talkers honestly is a problem—for you not Al Sharpton. He is about a lifetime body of work detailed' and preferred by him. Moreover, if you fill that strongly that Al Sharpton needs to retire from his civil rights work, why don't you advocate for police keeping their damn feet off the necks of black men and their unjustified shootings of black men down and nonexistence?
Protecting the unalienable rights of black boys and black men requires actions and not just 'hot' rhetoric.
John, Al Sharpton is not a racist. He has plenty involvement with white people (MSNBC hired him nearly a decade ago). Al does not bite his tongue when speaking with anybody it seems and that bothers his so-called 'critics.' So these complainers harangue and speak evil of his life's work.
And, as we just saw yesterday his activism work is steady! Because the lack of humanity in society and policing generates an endless stream of social activism. Al Sharpton's National Action Network may never cease receiving cases, especially if this nation's police policies do not change for the better (and soon).
That's exactly the sentiment expressed by bigots, Nazi's and piece of shit white supremacists all across the land. They do not want racial justice, they do not want George Floyds murder to effect the status quo where black Americans and the non-white minorities are treated as second class citizens. They believe in the stereotypes, they invented them, and they aren't ready or willing to give them up because they are too stupid and shallow to do so.
The majority will remember George Floyd just like the majority still remembers watching Rodney King get beat nearly 30 years ago. Many are still alive that even remember the murder of Emmett Till. So George Floyds memory isn't going away no matter how much the sniveling worthless white nationalists and white supremacists wish it would.
Will these bigots and sick disgusting racist Nazi pigs and their allies who we saw marching in Charlottesville try and claim the looting and rioting is more important to remember and believe, in their minds, that it confirms their indoctrinated racist stereotypes and prejudices? Of course they will, by their rejection of humanity and understanding of why a people might be angered by the video of George Floyd having his life snuffed out, they truly prove themselves sub-human.
That is 'easy' for you to write from behind a keyboard. What have you done for CIVIL RIGHTS lately? Please be specific.
Asking racists what they've done for civil rights does seem like a waste of time lol.
I see you got the answer your were expecting CB.....
I believe that with respect to persons whose English is their first language, their intelligence can be measured by their competence in their use of it.
I think of a line from the movie "A Knight's Tale": "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."
Are Are Are Are.... That is pirate laughter, Right?
LOL. No, pirate laughter is "Har har hardy har..." But when it comes to the "incorrigible", who knows?
Well, hell, whoever created that meme couldn't even use the proper form of "chose"
The answer will be a variant of the following:
God has a grand plan. Trump as PotUS is part of God's plan (because God picked Trump). This does not mean that God necessarily approves of Trump and/or his actions, but that Trump plays a role that ends up contributing positively to God's plan.
Or, to use the common platitude: God works in mysterious ways
If one expects an answer from a religious person other than the essence of the above then I suggest your expectations are too high.
God knows what trmp is up to because he chose him specifically to be the Anti Christ
God works in mysterious ways.
She has a plan
The classic reply by those knowingly supporting the exact opposite of what Jesus taught in the bible. It's the only way they can contort and twist their reasoning to support both their prejudices and belief that they are righteously following Christs example.
Supporting a serial adulterer who cheated on all three wives and has been accused of sexual assault by more than two dozen women?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
Supporting a candidate who paid hundreds of thousands during the campaign so YOU wouldn't find out about his multiple affairs with porn stars?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
Supporting a President who uses tear gas and violence to move peaceful protesters so he can get a photo op holding a bible upside down in front of a Church?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
Supporting a President who said he "fell in love" with a murderous dictator and said "(Kim) speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
Supporting a President who called Nazi's and confederate bigots marching in the streets, one of whom murdered and maimed peaceful protestors "fine people"?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
Supporting a President who has lied to our nation over 18,000 times?
"God works in mysterious ways"...
"44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." - John 8:44
It really is stunning how so many supposed Christians support this blatantly vile snake oil salesman, I guess the snake oil he's been selling them makes them feel too good. The snake oil salesman of old used to use cocaine and heroin in their "medicines" which did make people feel good. Trump injects the prejudices, hate, racism and virulent white nationalism into his tonic's and his supporters are apparently heavily addicted to the drugs he's selling them.
Ms McAnany, you have said that God chose Donald Trump to lead America, but Al Sharpton told George Floyd's funeral attendees that God chose George Floyd to change the world.
Depends !
Was "God" looking for one to live in order to continue his work (Trump), or was he looking to just get another soul in his collection (Floyd) !
"DEEP Thoughts" ….by ItIsMe !
“Martha says the interesting thing about fly fishing is that it's two lives connected by a thin strand. Come on, Martha. Grow up.”
-- Jack Handey
Which of the two choices, Al Sharpton or Donald Trump provides a better example of the presence of God and spirituality (as taught in religion)?
Actually and in the 'true reality', God chose neither. He only chooses the team that received the last bet in The Super Bowl. I honestly thought everyone knew that. Jeez!
Which god?
Which God? The one in the bible? Or Torah? Or Quran? (Oh wait, those are the same one). What about Satan? (Damn that's another Christian / Catholic deity.) Which one of the 1500 Egyptian Gods?
The whole idea that "God Chosen" is a fallacy. God has been absent for the past few millennia, why suddenly get involved? Just to piss off liberals? While I see the fun in that, I doubt that's the case.