Republican / Conservative/ Trumpster Battle Cry For 2020

the woman yelled at employees and customers, saying that people were harassing her for not wearing a mask, including calling them "Democratic pigs" as she slammed her basket down.
William F Buckley and Barry Goldwater were recently observed rolling in the graves.
She has a breathing problem so she goes on a tirade.
It's an excuse. I would think that someone with a breathing problem would start coughing in a few seconds after raising their voice that loudly. I can't scream at people without going into a coughing fit
Breathing problem my ass.
Gotta laugh how they keep putting these people on the news.
Or so she claims....
I can see her point, she felt attacked for a legitimate reason for no mask. She has since said she will get a shield.
Let's be fair here, she very well may have a breathing problem.
Not buying it. I stated upthread, I can't maintain a hissy fit like that for more than 10 seconds without going into a coughing fit. And my only breathing problem is I smoke too much. I would think someone with COPD or asthma couldn't maintain that kind of screaming mimi hysterics without coughing
She's going to have a much bigger breathing problem when Covid-19 pays her a visit.
Trump has a breathing problem as well, he still is. Resulting in our enemies profitting off of his blatant ignorance and self centered universe that revolves around, only him. Just read an excellent comment from a troop commander at some level, who stated if he didn't read the briefing, the one that warned of the ambush of his company, and due to he being too fckn lazy to be informed, resulting in the DEATH of some of his squad members, he would be in jail for treasonous dereliction of duty, and he wanted to know HOW the Republican pussies can't/won't vall out our traitor in Chief, Trade warrior quiff, Corona viral spreader of dat and dis belief, is still NEVER held accountable for ALL THE LIES ! Our leading in Corona while banned from Europe, taking Putins words over our own intelligence agencies in HellSinky, nonn stop blatant kissing of Putins' as a whole lot of Der a licktion of his duty, all while the US is downward spiraling as the rest of the civilized world is doing just fine with the worst left behind like Trump obviously was.
Damn every fckn one of these pussy Repubs ! Where the Hell is their patriotism ?
Our Service men and women deserve ALL of our support, and a LEADER, who has THEIR BEST INTERESTS, not Putins' ! WTF REPUBS grow a damn pear
So you know she is conservative how again?
Do you think that calling people "Democratic pigs" is sort of an indication of her political ideology?
I can't help but think that 'democratic pigs' isn't the first insult on most liberals lips.
Just saying...
Nope, you've fallen under the lefts preferred translation of "Democratic" to somehow mean "Democrat" when nothing could be further from the truth. She's simply ranting like a crazy person.
Just spitballing here but it reminds me more of the sky screamers or ranting safe space seeking progressives than anything else. Regardless, one can't really tell from this video without bias but you got lots of votes which is telling of those folks bias. Well, not really that telling consider who's votes they are. It's more of SOSDD kinda thing.
Good Lord! You're spinning so fast you're in danger of opening up a black hole!
Here's another selfish idiot, she actually has a mask in her hand
Why do people have to act like this?
It's all about them...selfish me, me attitude.
Why do people have to act like this?
Mental illness.
its more common than people think...heck, even some elected officials have it (but I won't mention any names
Because people are [insert expletive here], plain and simple.
One of the main reasons why the infection and death numbers in the USA are astronomical. The primary reason is Trump.
[ Deleted ]
The primary reason is China the source of the Wuhan flu and the communist party of China cover up.
No, the primary reason is to deflect the blame for the astronomical infection and death numbers in America to elsewhere in order to shift the blame AWAY from where it is most deserved, i.e. away from Trump's incompetent handling of the pandemic in a vain attempt to get him reelected. See your O'Donnell Republican playbook for the reelection of your demi-god which gives you your instructions.
Omg people are morons.
Why does this seem to be happening more and more lately...
Well...our president does lead by example!
(Still refuses to wear a mask...)
Exactly. Look at how childish he makes the left act. And all he had to do was win an election.
So you know she is conservative how again?
I think calling people 'Democratic pigs' is a clue...
LIB said she was "another selfish idiot", nothing political.
Are you projecting again?
Show me where I said anything about a political party....I didn't.....
I don't project, are you?
With your normal posting, it is inferred, but by all means. Tell us what you think if i'm wrong.
You're wrong
You know what it means to assume don't you. You are so wrong...if I wanted to infer she was a republican, I would have done so. Major fail on your part
I'm beginning to wonder if Sparty bothered to watch both videos. He acts like they are the same
Lol ... it means i called it right and you won't admit it. Nothing new there. Just more bullshit coming from the left.
SOSDD didn't.
Nope, you are still wrong
Very doubtful in this case.
Very doubtful in this case.
You are wrong...just accept it and move on already.
Nope, still not wrong, so just admit your original intention. The truth will set you free .....
Incorrect once again.
Well since you asked-- yes, you are wrong!
Yeah, trolling.
Nah, I’m still spot on like usual.
Ever thought of changing your name to Spotty On? LOL.
I don't remember what I typed, but no way would I ever taunt LIB, but if I did, I do apologize. She rocks.
All you need to do, Paula, is click on the word "Tickets" on you drop down menu, and then click on the word "Comment" on the right hand side of the one you posted (2.4) and you will see what your comment was.
I don't have to worry about that here , there is no mandatory mask order in place . on the couple occasions I had a "Karen" approach me outside for not wearing a mask, I simply told them they were very observant , and that I also wasn't wearing any underwear, at which point I would close one eye , cock my head an.d lean a little to lift a hip and let rip with something special.
Usually they stormed away muttering "Savage" under their breath , what they had left anyways...
I'm giving you one of those skeptical looks right now. You don't come across that way on NT
well you know how some people can belch on command? well I am perpetually flatulent , or so the ex wife claimed and depending on what I eat ( stay very far away after a corned beef and cabbage meal) it could peel paint , luckily I live alone and out in the country so it sometime just smells like "fresh country air." and I do love my chili as well , but it doesn't love me. grandkids know not to pull grandpas finger.
I'm over here rolling with laughter
I just have a hard time believing you farted in front of that lady. You seem like a nice man.
I was raised by my mom to be a gentleman , but I have very little tolerance for people whom think they are entitled to butt their noses into things that actually do not concern them and have found I can take great pleasure in subtly telling them to "go away" without having to actually say it in words.
Should see how it works in enforcing 6 ft social distancing in crowds...
As I stated , the times I was approached was outside in the open air and not near a soul , they actually approached me , not the other way around , they got what they deserved for being themselves .
I live in a small town , actually outside town and only travel in when the need arises , like grocery shopping , and when I do that , I can pretty much time it to there being little to no people inside , how do I do that? I check the parking lot for how many cars are present., over a certain amount I will don a mask inside , under I simply have it in my pocket., If I am inside without a mask and I see someone with one on , I give them a greater than 6 foot bearth out of curtesy because it is obviously something on their minds.
I do not feel that if I am alone outside , or in my own vehicle I need to wear a mask, and I make my own judgement on the risks I face when in public .
If someone chooses to wear a mask that is their prerogative , I choose to make my own evaluation of the risks I face and choose for my self if or when I will wear a mask for my own reasons . with the allergies I do have that seem now days to be year round , sneezing in a mask because of those feels like my face just crapped itself with a bad case of the runs .Spring and summer are my 2 worst allergy seasons , spring because of snow mold and new plants pollinating , and summer because of tree pollen and its also hay cutting time when it gets high enough.
Right now where I physically live , within a 10 city block radius 9 of the 20 total deaths from the virus in the state has occurred , looking at who it has taken , I do not fall in with any of the preconditions that they suffered, and even though I live in a very high risk area , I do not socialize with my neighbors ( I keep to myself) I am actually lower risk because I share none of their preconditions .
And since there is no mandatory mask order or stay at home order , I will choose for myself if and when I need to don a mask.
I would think a mask would help with allergies.
It doesn't , due to the different pollen sizes, grass pollen right now is bad because no one is mowing their lawns ( except for me and a couple others I know ) and they are letting them go to seed, I do that as well a couple times during the summer to thicken up the lawn, weed pollen is actually bad this year and anyplace it can take root , it does , my garden is proof of that
about the only way a mask would help is if it had a biologic filter carterage that could be changed , like one I wore when working a stone crusher that helped prevent silicosis.( miners Lung). and like I said , get an allergy sneeze or series of sneezes , and it feels like your face has diarehha and you have to remove it to wash your face if you have a mask on , of course sneeze anyway and people immediately think its the Rona.
just tell em' your allergic to masks, they give you the runz and you nose, and if they don't B leave U, just lift a cheek and bark out a well oiled squeak, n F that don't work, tell em' yer name is Diggler Dirk, at least that's what i'd do, cause i'm off, like some Jerk.
Ahhh, a fellow ass clapper, always good to meet another happy person ….
Hot summer day , shorts and a flat wooden chair …. potential shown
Of course "many people" would say that refusing to wear a mask in these times of rapidly spiking cases of the virus concerns them. Because if you are an asymptomic carrier, by not wearing a mask you might just possibly infect them.
But heck-- "many people" have been known to be wrong in the past . . .
If the state, county, city or store has a requirement that masks are to be worn, wear the frickin' mask or STFU.
This happened in North Hollywood, CALIFORNIA. I guess it gives the lie to all the reactionary propaganda about California being full of nothing but crazy "liberals".
You don't think that incidents like this aren't happening in other states besides mine (CA)?
I would imagine they are. Almost every one in my part of L.A. has been very good about wearing masks in pubic with few exceptions.
Up here some wear them more don’t. All shops have signs relatively few force one to put one on or leave because too many would leave and shop at the competition. Of course if I’m in an indoor crowded area in the pharmacy at Walgreens or the checkout line at Walmart I’ll put on the one I carry with me. If I have to be in a place that requires one I make a point of removing it in their sight on my way out the door.
One word: Orange County"!!!
What about Orange County? Actually Orange County is no longer a red county. In fact, it like many other counties has trended away from both parties and now has as many independent voters as it does voters for either party. A good sign if you ask me.
I love the independent thinkers.
Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July fellow American!!
Here’s an Independence Day tribute all patriotic Americans will enjoy!
The true battle plan for 2020! 🇺🇸🗽🦅
One thing that does get overlooked in these discussions is that masks alone will not protect the wearer from the virus, nor does the mask protect others from a pre-symptomatic or symptomatic wearer depending on the type of mask and distance between people. THIS article from Livescience gives a pretty fair breakdown of the research thus far and concludes:
It stands to reason that any of the commonly worn masks or face covering will have pores many many times larger than the SARS-CoV-2 virus and even some of the aerosol droplets that carry the virus from the nose or mouth of the wearer out to his/her surroundings. The best we can hope for is that they slow the rate and distance of travel of these particles to a degree. The point being that without the distancing and the frequent hand-washing the masks alone are not the answer to controlling the spread of this or other diseases.
That being said, no reason not to be courteous to others who are either wearing, or not wearing, a mask.
Masks are meant to protect others from the wearer. Masks do not stop 100% of the aerosol effect of someone coughing or sneezing, but it can reduce the amount and distance it can spread, thereby reducing the potential viral load and risk of infection. Of course, maintaining social distance helps reduce the risk even further. Basically, wearing masks in public is both relatively effective and a good idea.
Yeah that's what I said in multiple parts of my comment.
Actually, as indicated in the article I referenced, depending on the type of mask, the mask itself is only a small piece of the puzzle in controlling the spread of the virus. The distancing and other measures are the more effective part. That was my point, from a scientific perspective. Logically and scientifically speaking, using a mask or bandanna alone in large crowds shoulder to shoulder yelling and shouting and touching ones face and other people is not going to be effective. Whereas maintaining a good distance from others, not touching one's face and regular hand-washing, with or without a mask, likely will be effective in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Having said that, in the latter case the mask may reduce the risk a bit more, but it is not the primary factor in prevention.
Glad we are in agreement.
I'm not sure about how small. But it's certainly a crucial part.
All measures used in tandem will produce the most effective prevention method.
It's still better than nothing at all, especially if someone is expelling large droplets. But the risk of infection is certainly still higher when one is in close quarters.
Every little bit helps.
Agreed. Including not encouraging large gatherings with or without face covering where it is known that distancing and other measures will not be employed.
Also agreed.
Neither will social distancing, nor hand washing, not will any vaccine or other current medicine. (Nor, for that matter, will praying to a god or gods-- be they an officially recognized god or some pagan diety),
But while none of these in and of themselves will protect anyone 100%-- they greatly decrease the odds of getting the virus-- or spreading it!
Actually it was an entirely reasonable comment. Condoms are not 100% effective against HIV but if an infected person fails to use one it is considered criminal negligence. The same should go for Covid suffers who carelessly infect people because they refuse to take all reccomend precautions...
Also, must you always be so unpleasant?
Other than the fact that it was a response to only a part of my initial comment, without the remaining context, I agree.
Only if they know they have HIV. The vast majority of those who pass it to others do not know they have it.
If they know they have Covid, then yes by all means. But now we know that even non-symptomatic people can spread the disease. So like HIV most who spread Covid do not know they have it, so there would be no criminal negligence.
In both cases, those who know they are engaging in activities where they might contract or spread the disease, I agree that they should exercise the appropriate precautions for their own safety and the safety of others around them. In the case of Covid, that includes especially those engaging in large protests, riots, or other large gatherings with or without face coverings when they know that lack of social distancing, expelling vapors by shouting or yelling in close proximity to others, lack of hand washing and touching one's face and others around them, and lack of other recommended measures are going to be the case.
One wonders if you really believe that’s the same thing or if you are simply being intentionally disingenuous.
Although some cry foul and raise conspiracy theories, sans a vaccine and effective treatment the smart societal move is for people to stay clear of others because it is not possible to know who is infected (and you might be infected too and not know it). That is why social distancing is so important (and why stay-at-home directives were issued). Social distancing mitigates the spread of the virus under normal circumstances (breathing, talking). It does not, however, work as well for people shouting, crying, sneezing or coughing.
A mask, if properly constructed, can trap many of the viral particles from an infected person. Some masks are so porous as to be useless but many will indeed mitigate the spread. Masks offer relatively little protection against getting infected, so wearing a mask is to protect others from you more than the other way around.
At this point one would expect that everyone understands these very basic precautions and why, but it is clear that many do not. I have to shake my head when I see drivers (alone in their vehicles) wearing a mask (one extreme) or people interacting in close proximity with no precautions (the other extreme).
Did I say anything to you? I wouldn't bother!
WTF?!!! You were talking about a response to a comment I made and I was agreeing with your assessment of it for the most part, along with what I felt was reasonable related commentary. What is your problem? I can't even agree with you or discuss my comments with you now? And you have the nerve to call other people unpleasant? Really?!!