If The Democrats Win The Senate And Trump Refuses To Leave Office They Should Then Impeach Him, Impeach Pence, and make Pelosi President

So Trump says he night not relinquish power if he loses. Here's an idea. Put all effort and money into winning back the Senate. Then when Trump refuses to leave, the new Democratic senate can impeach him, impeach Pence , and Pelosi becomes president.
Some people will say thats too much, but what is too much is Trump saying that it is his decision whether or not to accept the election results and leave office.
The Democrats should pour all their resources into winning the Senate back, for many reasons, and the opportunity seems to be there. Get the Senate and use it to purge the government of trumpism. It's sad that this may need to become a reality, but it may be a real indeed because in 2016 people chose to express their white pride by electing a dishonest, corrupt, narcissistic television game show host president of the United States.
Give D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood too.
How about St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John US Virgin Islands too then?
I agree add in Samoa and Guam.
Don't forget Guam and the Northern Marianas trust territory
I believe PR has the population needed to become a state ,BUT , Pr has to ask to become a state to which congress would take action on , problem is there is still a question about IF Pr wishes to be a state or not . It has never past a vote that they would ask.
part of the reasons are they do get to vote in primaries , but not generals , they do get federal funding , but are not required to pay federal income taxes the question that those in the PR have to answer for themselves is what would they gain by statehood , and what would they lose.
though DC has the required population to ask for statehood , it is not a territory it is a federal district under the direct and exclusive jurisdiction of the US congress and thus not part of any state as the seat of federal government , basically put because it is a federal district it does not qualify for statehood though it may meet all other criteria.
The Constitution does not mandate that a new state be a territory first.
no it does not , its like a military base , under control of the military for the federal government , or an indian reservation , though an indian reservation is considered a sov. .nation unto itself. as i said DC is a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of congress( federal government ,not any state.)
even if the federal government decided to take a different 10x10 mile district somewhere else as constitutionally allowed for the seat of the federal government , the current district would be absorbed by the closest states , be it va or md. the current population of 705,749 would simply become virginians or marylanders .maybe even a combination of both.
That's a lot of words for an empty argument.
There is NO reason Constitutionally that DC can not both be accepted as a 'state; for representative purposes and remain a federal district for governmental purposes.
no reason it has to be either, the federal seat of power has historically been moved twice , from Philadelphia in colonial times and the declaring of independence , to NYC, to Washington after the Constitution was enacted
At the time DC was chosen , it was centrally located to all existing states , might be time to move the federal seat to amore geographically central place to all the states LOL imagine the seat of federal power being in a kansas wheat field , in the middle of no where.
with the current cancel culture it might and could happen since DC stands for district of columbia , a homage to Christopher Columbus .
i wonder how close to the geographic center of the US Liberal Kansas is , and what the annual weather is like....
your arguments have been around in DC for over 200 years and it still HASNT happened , that alone should tell people something .
Good day.
to some yes
to others ,no.
Brazil did this. Weary of the incessant hassles between Rio and Saõ Paolo, they created Brasilia, out in the boonies.
Canberra. Ottawa.
Most state capitals are not their state's largest city.
I did not know that , learned something different today.
My personal opinion is that back in the Start of this country , those people were leary of the what they knew to be a "city states ", and the powers they could wield , so they not only dictated constitutionally , but within US Code( laws), ways to avoid such instances . otherwise the only thing stopping city states are US laws pertaining to statehood.
Not DC. The White House should not be located in any state which is why DC was made to begin with.
Same for Congress I would think. Pentagon? and several other HQ's of the Feds
From the minds of the TDS driven left.
Impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach! No reason needed. No evidence required. Just impeach!
WTF do you think is going to happen if there is a Democratic President and Republicans control the House and Senate? Think they won't return the favor eagerly?
Trump's refusal to leave office after losing the vote will be a reason, but there are also many other reasons to impeach him.
Trumpsters need to come to their senses at long last.
So name some of them, Hell, name one.
If you can, show the real proof you have, not a regurgitation of "I hate Trump", or "He;s not qualified", and any myriad of crap you like to spew over and over and over.
he can lose the popular vote and still win the EC vote , its happened before when no one thought it would , and since its 2020 , i am not writing anything happening off , including that near earth giant space rock scheduled to fly by on election day.
Under those circumstances the secret service simply escorts Trump out of the Oval office by order of the newly inaugurated PotUS (Biden).
this whole article is based on IF this and IF that... LOL
but "we" need to come to "our" senses?
your too funny
And he would be the duly elected president and would not be required to leave the White House.
Some people don't seem to be capable of looking ahead to the possibility of unintended consequences of taking rash actions that are not well thought out..
and that would be your POUTUS
Check out this tweet:
We already see the Trumpsters whining that it would not be fair to do as the article suggests. Really, would it be more fair to leave Trump in office for four more years even though he lost the vote?
Look in the mirror Trump supporters and see what you are doing to this country.
We're trying to save this country from th evil corruptness of the far left socialist radicals, and the uninformed idiots who support them
Is that for real?
I think so. I'll go do more research to verify it
I looked through Trump's twitter and didnt see it . They may have taken it down though. It certainly doesnt make him look good.
I've been searching and searching. From what I posted that tweet was made at 1740 last night. I think it may have been taken down.
I should have my comments removed because I can't verify them. Would you flag them for me? We can't flag ourselves.
McConnell pushes back on Trump: 'There will be an orderly transition'
Rubio on peaceful transfer of power: 'We will have a legitimate & fair election'
There is no problem with your image of Trumps tweet. It appears to be real and that is his twitter name and address. Its not your problem if his aides made him take it down.
Thank God for saner heads even if they are planted on McConnell's and Rubio's necks
Always take a screen shot.
Even the turtle and little Marco believed what Trump said.
pssstttt....I saw it on Face Book (lol). I don't have a twitter account
I have one but I've never tweeted.
Where did he say that?
Please see link @3.2
I did as well as others that I posted. He didn't say he wouldn't, even the articles say "won't commit". That means squat right now.
I've said it before and i'll say it again.
This universal mail in ballot (UMIB) push is a constitutional crisis in the making and it's all planned
Any election system that doesn't have a solid bona fides verification system is doomed to failure and the people pushing UMIB know it.
There IS a way....
Am I the only one who is dismayed by this article?
By the fact that it can be written in all seriousness... and understood as serious by its readers?
Dear God! What has our country come to??
No. But likely not for the same reasons.
While I appreciate the spirit of your piece - functionally I don't see a way to get 66 impeachment votes in a new Democratic controlled Senate without some Republicans.
Just failure to concede does not make him president again. Now if it goes to the Supreme Court - which is what he is hoping for - can they only rule on the Presidency or must they rule on every elected office?
We won't be talking about 500 votes and whether chad has turned up missing again. Trump's defense will be that there is massive multi state voter fraud in which case all elections will be questioned.
What an F'ing mess that will be.
If we are lucky, the military coup will appoint Colin Powell as acting Conservator of Democracy, Administrator of the Nation, and Respected First Citizen of the Fractured States of America.
I like the way you put words together
In all seriousness, voter fraud would have to be proven
Trump has never bothered to "prove" anything. He affirms, and that suffices for his Faithful.
You should stop that then .....
My concern is - exactly what is "proof" to a Trump influenced Supreme Court. He has perverted everything else.
"I lie, therefore I am"
I really like that - especially since he thinks of himself as the Great I Am.
I'm just talking out of my ass. I'm good at that you know
No - you were right on target about fraud being an issue.
I'm sure that Trump will make the unsubstantiated claim of fraud and the country will be conned into the position of proving that there was no substantial fraud.
(Just curious - can you blow those little smoke rings out of ...)
America can only hope and wish that the SCOTUS would have the integrity to put the law ahead of political loyalty. We will have to wait to see the answer to that.
There is a process called " jurisdiction-stripping " which allows Congress to exercise some limited control over what cases are in the purview of the Supreme Court but I'm not a Constitutional scholar and cannot say if it is relevant or not to the Court in a baseless contested election.
Just my mouth.
I thought Colin Powell would have made a great POTUS. I could see the pain in his face when he stated that his leader was right, knowing he wasn't - he made the mistake of putting loyalty ahead of truth, and that cost him dearly.
I thought he would have made a great president, also.
He wasn't chained to his political party the way so many Americans seem to be these days - he supported Obama.
I know, that's why I liked him so much. But he did disappoint me when he went to the UN and made the case for Iraq invasion.
It didn't bother me that he was a Republican
If you watched his face when he made that statement, you HAD to know how much it pained him to say it. That is what I meant in my first comment about him. I believe he knew he was lyiing to save Bush embarrassment and wished he didn't have to do it.
He did look distressed, didn't he?
He has no choice. If he loses, the power is removed from his hands and placed in Biden's. If he refuses to leave the Oval office, the secret service will escort him to his helicopter ride to his home in Florida.
A PotUS, unlike a dictator, does not have power by virtue of his/her personal control. There is no Royal Guard and obedient Generals to use military might to retain office. Our military leaders will NOT violate the CotUS and allow this hypothetical Trump to stay in office. The power of the presidency is granted to the PotUS on a temporary basis. It is not within Trump's ability to keep it.
This hypothetical is nowhere close to being possible in today's USA.
That's a passive-voice sentence. There is no "actor". There's no indication of "who" removes power. If Trump simply stays in the White House, and continues to tweet his instructions... who will eject him?
The question I ask is who will support him? My answer is that nobody will support him.
I stated that if he refuses to leave the Oval office, the secret service will escort him to his helicopter ride to his home in Florida. If your next question is by whose authority, my answer is by the authority of the duly-elected PotUS which, in this case, would be Biden.
In a way - they don't have to evict him.
They also don't have to provide power and water or allow food delivery.
Control of the nuclear football is all that matters.
Ahhhh! I'm starting to understand something. If Biden gets elected, he WILL be inaugurated on Jan 20, 2021. The current POUTUS will have no power at all and can be forced out...in handcuffs if need be, because now he becomes a trespasser
Absolutely. The beauty of a constitutional Republic in action. The power rests in the office, not the occupant. If not reelected, Trump will cease to be the office-holder on Jan 20, 2021. His temporary access to the reins of power ends automatically (by default). The secret service, et. al. operate on behalf of the CotUS and its laws in accordance with the ultimate power held by the people. They will escort him out of the building.
Secret Service escorting him out of the Oval Office....that's all I want for Xmas
Yes, that's pretty much how things work here. All of this panic over whether or not Trump relinquishes power if he loses is just propaganda. It's just a tool to get people outraged and not thinking. In my opinion, the left puts this crap out there because they tend to appeal to emotion more than anything else and something like this works just fine for that.
Likewise - if there is no election - Trump is still out of office. Someone else would become president - hard to tell who right now since there would also be no House.
I hope you're right.
Well, I'm glad someone finally said it. There's no Praetorian Guard.
“The Democrats should pour all their resources into winning the Senate back“
Have dems already given up on winning the presidency?
This makes no sense, and I don't mean in the sense that no sane person would want Pelosi as president. First off, if Trump refuses to leave office, one would assume that would be an issue because he lost the election. If he lost the election, that would mean Biden won. So.... A) why would the Democratic Senate (presumably) need to impeach anything and B) on what basis could they install Pelosi (shudder) instead of the elected president Biden???????
Ah! Had to edit in order to add this because it just struck me why. She's miles farther left than Biden. Of course!! Your mad plan makes sense now!
Yeah, it made no sense to me either. I was asking myself “if trump won why would he leave office? If trump lost of course he’ll leave office.” This article makes no mention of that. So, if they focus 100% on the senate does that mean dems have given up on the presidency? Lol.
I have a theory on how the Republicans will win the Senate. They, especially the Lincoln Project Senators, will continue to fool the public that they are anti-Trump in order to get THEMSELVES elected, will delay the vote of the judicial replacement so as to not show their true colours, and then AFTER the election during the "lame duck" period, no matter who wins the Presidency, they will vote to have Trump's choice affirmed to firm up the conservative side of the court, which could be useful in an argument in favour of Trump's theory of voter fraud and a requirement for a new election, or just that in fact HE won, not Biden. Let's see if that will be the scenario.
not in a million years.... LOL
the lincoln project is run by neo republicans who are also in bed with chinas money.
before long most every political name we heard for decades prior to 2016 will be gone for good. the few who remain will become irrelevant.
Everything's the fault of China, right, 8-Ball? If Trump loses, it will be China's fault. If the whales die, it will be China's fault. If an astroid hits the Earth, it will be China's fault.......and on and on and on......
Anyway, time will tell. As I said, let's see what will happen. I said I have a theory, but some who use their Swami powers can predict the future and there is, according to them, no way they can be wrong - just as I have often said, Trumpsters believe their lord and master King Trump is INCAPABLE of doing anything wrong.
only the stuff china has done.
I don't play imaginary games... so maybe try that crap on someone else?
regardless of what gets typed round here...
the world will make china pay for their bs during the decades ahead.
O'Donnell should give you a medal.
chinas future is not as bright as it used to be. learn to deal with it.
remember the collapse of the soviet union? that, is chinas future.