Two House Republicans tell CNN they expect at least 140 House Republicans to vote against counting electoral votes - CNNPolitics
Category: News & Politics
Via: gsquared • 5 years ago • 89 commentsBy: Jake Tapper (CNN)

The Republican Party is turning it's back on America. Republicans can no longer claim to represent democracy or the will of the people.

(CNN)Two Republican members of the House of Representatives tell CNN that they expect at least 140 of their GOP colleagues in the House to vote against counting the electoral votes on January 6 when Congress is expected to certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory.
President Donald Trump's Republican allies have virtually zero chance of changing the result, only to delay by a few hours the inevitable affirmation of Biden as the Electoral College winner and the next president.
There have been no credible allegations of any issues with voting that would have impacted the election, as affirmed by dozens of judges, governors, election officials, the Electoral College, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the US Supreme Court. But Trump is determined to claim he didn't lose -- which he did, significantly -- and many GOP politicians either share his delusion or fear provoking his wrath -- even if that means voting to undermine democracy
Both a House member and senator are required to mount an objection when Congress counts the votes. Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said Wednesday he will object, which will force lawmakers in both the House and Senate to vote on whether to accept the results of Biden's victory. Other senators -- including incoming ones -- could still join that effort, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has privately urged Republicans not to do.
Trump has been pushing for Congress to try to overturn the election result as his campaign's attempts to overturn the election through the courts have been repeatedly rejected.
Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse spoke out against that strategy -- and the complicity of some of his GOP colleagues -- in a Facebook post Wednesday night, urging Republicans to "reject" the effort to object to the certification process. "The president and his allies are playing with fire," he wrote. "They have been asking -- first the courts, then state legislatures, now the Congress -- to overturn the results of a presidential election. They have unsuccessfully called on judges and are now calling on federal officeholders to invalidate millions and millions of votes. If you make big claims, you had better have the evidence. But the president doesn't and neither do the institutional arsonist members of Congress who will object to the Electoral College vote."
Among the more than one dozen Republican House members who have already publicly said they'll vote against counting the electoral votes next week are Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who's spearheading the effort, Jody Hice of Georgia, Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey and Joe Wilson of South Carolina.
Included in that group are eight Republican lawmakers from Pennsylvania, who announced their intentions in a joint statement earlier Thursday.
Several incoming Republican House members have also said they will object to the certification process, including Reps.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee.

The distorted beliefs of the Trumpists are antithetical to American values and to the American way of life as a free and democratic nation. The Republican Party is rendering itself irrelevant to the future of America.
we'll see how many trump cultists actually put their asses on the line.
This is all about gaining trump's favor. He's not going anywhere and he has the power to denigrate anyone he chooses. These assholes are cowards, plain and simple. I have mad respect for the republicans that have the balls to shun trump's nonsense.
What I mean is that he will be running his mouth from somewhere, not the WH thank God !!!
We are going to debate election integrity and rules fairness and the lack of following the rule of law on the floor of both houses on the 6th of January. We will have a big pro Trump rally in DC at the same time.
You're wrong. Trump's failings will not be the subject of a debate.
With the usual Confederate and Nazi flags. Trump cultists will feel right at home.
There you go again with that 'we' bullshit Xx. Unless you are a member of Congress, YOU aren't going to be debating shit. Luckily, there are plenty of other delusional incompetents there to represent you...
How may Churches are they going to vandalize this time Xx?
Have you figured out how to sneak your assault rifles into DC yet? I can’t wait to see how that turns out. Such Patriots ... not.
So in other words, there is going to be a big white supremacy rally in DC on 6JAN.....
Life isn't fair and there were integrity issues, there was no fraud, there was no cheating. So what's left? "I wanted trump to win!!!!!!!!! WhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" That's all these seditious republican pieces of shit are doing and it will literally change nothing. 50 AG's, 50 governors, 60 LOST court cases and the SCOTUS refused to even listen to the lame ass arguments.
It's OVER, and when the new AG takes over? I hope they prosecute these traitors to the fullest extent of the law. Fuck'em if they are that stupid.
So you may have 140 House members voting against the vote counting (assuming that number is not an exaggeration, and the actual number won't be far less).
But even if there are all 140 of those acting together to oppose the count (which I doubt)-- that means that there will be almost 300 who won't oppose it.
(So after those opposing get a chance to voice their objections, the count will go on as expected....the most the dissenters can accomplish would be to delay the counting for a short time)
Well they did accomplish to look and act like complete idiots.
I used to be amazed at the recalcitrance of Sunni's refusal to deal with Shiites unless there was a natural disaster...
The GOP will soon be the American Sunni Party...
As we have seen in recent years, the Republicans object to providing relief for natural disasters that occur in "blue" states, but demand relief for natural disasters that occur in "red" states.
Like the Shiites (which are the Democrats in your example) are one damn bit better.
So the Democrats are the Shiite party- which means we are all fucked.
Sunni's are Koran literalists
Shiites believe that the Koran should be interpreted as a living document. Sound familiar?
Like you need an excuse to remain negative, lol
Just so we're all clear here.... The US Constitution won on 4NOV20....... and will be upheld on 20JAN21.
Well, since the topic was brought up-- here's the latest in that age-old story. Breaking news (1/3/2021):
Islamic State claims responsibility for attack on Pakistan's Shi'ite Hazara minority that kills 11
When I first began studying the Middle East (several decades ago) I was trying to figure out which were the "Good Guys" and which were the "Bad Guys".
Well, first of all, the majority of ordinary folk in each group are not terrorists (although in many places they do sympathize with one group of terrorists or other).
That being said, there are a lot-- and I mean a lot -- of Bad Guys in both groups.
Much of the Holy Koran is written in a way that lends itself to being interpreted as condoning extreme violence against "Non-believers". And unfortunately, Islam clearly states that the Holy Koran is the literal word of God.
So-- its really not useful to attempt tp make a case that any particular American political party is like one of these groups-- and another U.S. party is like the other.
C'mon, Krishna!
You're cheating!
You're using that well-known performance-enhancing drug... ... knowledge...
In addition to the 140 congressmen, it's being said that a handful of Republican Senators will join them. If they believe that the election is illegitimate that will make their election illegitimate. I wonder how many of these so-called patriots will resign their illegitimate seat in congress.
My guess is that not one of the assholes will. So much for their so called principles.
If they believe that the election is illegitimate that will make their election illegitimate.
WTF is wrong with these idiot RepubliCONS?
If they believe that the election is illegitimate that will make their election illegitimate.
I hope it becomes a reality. They need to be removed like the cancer they are. The minute that possibility hits them, watch how fast they turn, like the rats they are.
Just about everything.
There’s nothing wrong as they are engaging in a process permitted by the constitution and following its guidelines. Their behavior in making a challenge is constitutionally protected.
A procedure that has never even been asserted (much less executed) in the history of the republic.
Uh, yes it has....three democrats
2000, 2004 and 2016
Non liberal history can be your friend.
And the one that up voted you.
What was the name of the Senator for those 3 occasions bugsy?
I know of ONE.
I REPEAT you really should stop commenting on things you know nothing about.
There is NOTHING in the Constitution about the Congress challenging State certified electors. NOTHING!
Give us a link, please.
I follow politics fairly closely, but I remember nothing of that.
Don't know...don't care. The accusation was that this procedure has never been asserted. I showed proof that it has been...three democrats.
"I know of ONE"
Good for you. [Deleted]
Here ya go...
Now, come back with the regular liberal...."well, it's Fox, so (fill in the blank stupid excuse".
[ Deleted ]
You didn't 'show' a fucking thing.
You made a proclamation.
I asked you for the names of the Senators, you refuse to cite them.
That's ONE.
Three MORE to go bugsy.
Or did you forget that you cited 4 dates.
Your link does indeed indicate that the Dems made challenges in those years, but doesn't specify the nature of the challenges, so we don't know now similar they were or weren't.
It's interesting to note that Pelosi made it clear that the Presidential vote would not be overturned.
I don't give a fuck what you asked of me.
The allegation was that the procedure of challenging the electoral college by members of Congress has never been done. I showed that was a false statement.
You fantasy of what you think I should do does not phase me, but simply makes me chuckle at the idiocy.
Maybe you need need to take the advice you gave MUVA on another thread and read the fucking link.
"The last three times a Republican has been elected president -- Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 -- Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush's 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.
[Deleted] it doesn't matter if I cited one or ten thousand. The allegation was that it never happened before. I proved him...and you...wrong.
Doesn't matter what the specifics are. You called me a liar, I [Deleted] poved you wrong.
It wasn't difficult, nor is it ever.
And who care what Pelosi made clear. Nobody pays attention to her least those that matter.
No, I did not. OTOH, the phrase I've just cited is false, so....
Actually, it does. I'm attentive to nuances in reporting, and I'm fairly careful about making assertions. So I never said that the Democrats never challenged a result. What I said was:
So basically... what I said, in both cases, was accurate.
You lost track of the origin of this thread, and your memory played you a couple tricks.
I think it's the latter. It's a phenomenon I've seen many times. You're sure you know how I think. (That's false, too, but you believe it.) So you're convinced that you know what I would say. Your memory played the trick of slipping from what I did say, to "what you knew I must have said".
I honestly don't think you realize what you are saying.
You made the assertion that the procedure of challenging the electoral college has never been done in the history of the republic. This was the response to my
I gave you three times IN THE HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC in which the EC was challenged in Congress and the procedure was EXECUTED in the form of 2 hours of debate per state being disputed.
You then moved the goal post saying you just don't know the specifics of the challenges.
You called me a liar
"No, I did not. OTOH, the phrase I've just cited is false, so...."
This is your post from 3.1.7
"Far be it from you me to imagine that you're makin' shit up, but...."
"Makin shit up" is the same as calling me a liar.
I proved you wrong.
You lost.
That's silly.
Pelosi is the longest-serving Speaker since Sam Rayburn. She has negotiated backbench revolts at the start of each session. Her Congresses have been prolific, although stymied by McConnell's sabotage over the last eight years.
Obamacare should rightly be called Pelosicare.
"Conservatives hate Pelosi!" I realize that that is an obligatory article of faith in today's conservative dogma.
But... think!
When you falsely denigrate someone... you are insulting your own intelligence.
Pelosi is in reality, for conservatives, a strong opponent. Why force yourself to say stuff about her that, objectively, is false? Why force yourself to... lie?
Actually... it's possible... and it's the case.
The House passed a lot of legislation... which the Senate killed.
OK, now?
Please post a block quote from ME where I EVER proclaimed myself a 'site expert' on ANYTHING bugsy.
I relinquish to YOU any claim of expertise in insisting that one has no burden of proof for the content of ones posts.
You should read the thread more carefully. The original claim by Xx:
That 'process' that YOU insist HAS been followed multiple times does NOT exist in the Constitution bugsy. I've told Xx that fact multiple times.
It IS codified by the Electoral Counting Act, which is a STATUTE.
You insist that the above STATUTARY process was followed 'three times by democrats' but THAT claim requires that I accept that the objection in 2005 that included both a Senator and a Representative AND was voted on in both Houses is the SAME as all of the other objections. I for one refuse to accept your conflation.
A Representative objecting without having a Senator's concurrence, is just NOISE.
There have been 2 instances of objections that fulfill the 'process' in the Electoral Counting Act.
One in 1967, a date YOU failed to cite.
The second in 2005, which is partially documented in your block quote.
Those are the ONLY 2 instances when an objection fulfilled the 'process' or 'procedure' set by STATUTE.
So to be clear, you did NOT prove ANYONE 'wrong' bugsy.
The 'process' isn't Constitutional. So you bit on a false predicate.
No Constitutional 'procedure' has been follow or used by ANYONE because there is NO Constitutional 'process' OR 'procedure' for Congress to object to electors. Again, back to the false predicate.
The STATUTORY 'process' has only been fulfilled twice, in 1967 and 2005.
The Senators that participated were Muskie and Boxer.
The reasoning behind those objections is fully documented, as are the above FACTS, though I doubt you give a fuck.
THOSE are the ONLY 2 instances that can objectively be compared to what the GOP intends to do on Jan. 20, 2021.
Truncating a members comment to pretend to make a point is cowardly.
No need to pick one, those terms are neither counterintuitive or contradictory.
I'm done arguing things never insinuated. You are good at trying to get someone dwn a rabbit hole, then claim victory.
If Bob thought MUVA's comment was wrong because of the Constitutional aspect, then Bob should have stated so. He did not. He just said the assertions were never made.
I proved to him...and you..that he is wrong....with links.
If you want the last word, go ahead and get it. If it makes you feel better.
Not 'insinuated' bugsy. You stated, as a matter of fact, that I am a 'self proclaimed site expert on everything' and I asked you to support your claim.
We both know you cannot, so the adult thing to do, at minimum, is to retract your statement.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to slink away, you go right ahead.
If either engendering animosity or failing to contribute were CoC violations, it would eliminate the vast majority of some member's participation.
That's probably true. I try not to imagine that anyone sees having that kind of participation as desirable... but it is certain that NT would have a lot less clicks.
Why yes MUVA, YES it does.
There are members that are infamous for repeating the same lies over and over every day no matter how many times they have been refuted as untrue, it's impossible to miss.
Sorry, but Ia don't "slink" away from anything...or anybody.
I will concede the "self proclaimed" aspect of my statement, but maybe the obnoxious, self importance attitude needs to be evaluated.
"so the adult thing to do"
I did my part, now maybe you can do yours.
Well, so much for the "adult" part.
Concede it as WHAT bugsy?
Evaluate away, just know that your conclusion is unimportant to me.
I have been, all along.
Are you two having a disagreement?
The only principle that drives the majority of Republicans now is fealty to the Dear Leader.
I don't have a Dear Leader. The Republican Party does and his name is Donald J. Trump. But you know that already.
Amusing for you. Horrendous for our country.
And in many cases, "so much for their so-called..."intelligence"!
Trump's cult is dangerous, and it is a cult, no doubt about it.
The Republican Party has been opposed to democracy for decades. Our feckless media is still stuck in the same rut where it's been stuck since Reagan:
Even now, with the Republicans openly opposing democratic process, the media refuse to use the word "fascist".
Actually they are engaging in constitutional process. Denying them their constitutional rights to make their challenges to election issues would be the real fascism here.
Their challenges with no facts, no evidence. Their challenges with no basis in reality. Their challenges for the purpose of overturning a fair and free democratic election. Their challenges for the purpose of satisfying the whims of an autocrat.
Their challenges will be seen by the entire world for the complete and total fraud that they are.
They've given up trying to prove they won legitimately. Now they're trying to win despite having no legitimacy at all.
They're trying a straightforward power grab. America is now officially a banana republic.
Really Xx, you really should stop commenting on things you know nothing about.
There is NOTHING in the Constitution about the Congress challenging State certified electors. NOTHING!
I wonder if McConnell will censor the coverage? I think he has the power to shut off C-Span cameras. IMHO, that will be the only way to minimize the effect of this debacle on the GOP.
What was the facts and evidence in 2000, 2004 and 2016 that democrats used to challenge the EC?
Since you cited the instances, why don't YOU tell us bugsy?
Don't know...don't care. I answered the post that was made. Just because YOU don't like it, too bad for YOU, Dulay.
You didn't answer the post bugsy, you ASKED a question.
If you don't care, why in the hell did you ask the question?
That hilarious coming from you MUVA.
Of what facts on what subject are you claiming I am unaware?
No one is denying them their rights to the process.
It's going to be the Republicans' last chance to do something stupid in order to make their Pied Piper happy. This coming week is going to be very interesting, eventful, and important.
Each one of these elected officials who took an oath to uphold our constitution should be unceremoniously removed from office for their attempts at a coup. They are enemies to the country.
They are self-declared enemies of the republic. They state publicly that their intention is to overthrow the law.
It's treason.
... but shush... such things must not be said... we must pretend that anti-democratic fascists are honorable participants in our democracy...
So these Republicans want to disenfranchise millions of voters. You really have to question their brainpower. If they feel that the elections were invalid that would mean that many of them are in office illegally, so if they are going to stand on principle they should resign their seats immediately.
Ultimately, this is a "tempest in a Teapot".
They will have a success-- but only one success-- they will be successful in delaying the process-- probably for a few hours.
And that's it.
(Well, they will also make fools of themselves, and slightly tarnish the already tarnished reputation of the Republican Party as the party of fools. But is that really a success? Well, it may possibly help the Dem...but only a little).
Of course there's also a chance The Proud Boys, The KKK, The American Nazi party and others of that ilk may heed Trump's implied call for violence. And this may be their last really good chance to create a few significant acts of Right-wing terrorism.
But these idiots don't even realize that that will not in any well help their cause in the eyes of the majority of Americans...
(And various U.S. military and police agencies may crack down on them more than realize...)