GOP Rep. Gohmert Says Violence Is Only Recourse After Election Lawsuit Dismissal
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 99 commentsBy: Andrew Solender (Forbes)

After a federal judge dismissed his lawsuit Friday seeking to empower Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election in President Donald Trump's favor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) suggested the ruling means street violence is the only option for Trump supporters who believe the president's baseless voter fraud claims.
UNITED STATES - DECEMBER 3: Rep. Louie Gohmert,[+][-] R-Texas, and members of the House Freedom Caucus conduct a news conference to call on Attorney General William Barr to release findings of an investigation into allegations of 2020 election fraud, outside the Capitol on Thursday, December 3, 2020. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
Key Facts
Gohmert and several other Republicans sued Pence on Monday in an effort to grant him the authority to count Trump electors in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden during a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to certify the Electoral College results.
Trump-appointed federal judge Jeremy Kernodle dismissed the case, writing the plaintiffs "lack standing."
Gohmert hit back at the ruling during a Newsmax appearance later Friday, calling the Electoral Count Act - which gives the vice president only a procedural role in counting electors - unconstitutional and stating "if I don't have standing to [challenge] that, nobody does."
"Basically, in effect, the ruling would be you've got to go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM," Gohmert added before being cut off by Newsmax host Emerald Robinson.
The comment came as pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood predicted Pence will "face execution by firing squad" for refusing to overturn the election - a comment that prompted even the Trump legal team to distance itself from Wood.
Key Background
Trump surrogates have come under fire a number of times in recent months for promoting violence against the president's detractors. Most notably, former U.S. cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs sued Trump campaign attorney Joe DiGenova for advocating Krebs' execution for debunking Trump's fraud claims.
Chief Critic
Attorneys for Pence responded to the lawsuit on Friday by asking the judge to dismiss the case, arguing "these plaintiffs' suit is not a proper vehicle for addressing those issues because plaintiffs have sued the wrong defendant." The response also noted that, with the lawsuit, Gohmert was asking the court to strip him of his ability to object to the results as a House member.
Big Number
140. That's the minimum number of House Republicans expected to object to certification of the Electoral College results. Additionally, around a dozen Republican senators are considering joining Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) in objecting, according to CBS News. Given that majorities in both chambers of Congress are needed to sustain an objection, the effort is unlikely to do more than delay the inevitable result.
What To Watch For
Gohmert said his attorneys are preparing an appeal to the fifth circuit court of appeals, which he said has "incredible judges" and might be expected to issue a more favorable ruling despite the overwhelming failure of pro-Trump election lawsuits. But with just four days until Congress is set to certify the Electoral College vote, Gohmert's prospects for success are unlikely.

Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
Grand Old Party !
Anyone believe that Louie has the strength of his stated convictions?
In addition to the 140 or so Republican house members, I saw today that a dozen Republican Senators will vote not to certify Biden's election with Ted Cruz leading the way.
Gohmert is truly the dumbest person in congress.
trumpski's goober morons sure do love their lost causes.
“You mean we can’t have what we haven’t earned and don’t in any way deserve? Then I guess there’s no other option than to be criminals.”
In a way I hope they do get violent, and get put down like the rabid dogs they are.
... one step closer to my fantasy of permanently dealing with them. let them try.
You sure do have alot of them...None of which have come true.
I disagree. everyone eventually dies.
So he's advocating to be liberals. How can libs not like that?
I know right? He wants to give BLM and Antifa a run for their money. Not sure I’m ready to do that though. It is fun watching the left whine about it though. I’ll bring the cheese .
He wants to give BLM and Antifa a run for their money.
Lol, did I mention either of them? What I’d like to see is some Proud Boys getting violent and then getting cut in half by DC police gunfire. Is that clear enough?
So you would be OK if they did the same to BLM or ANTIFA?
My gut feeling is you would be screaming "they can't breath" if that happened.
The police are ready for these lunatics:
Here's everything you need to know about the 'March For Trump' rally in DC on Jan 6
Shopkeepers are boarding up windows. A smart move given the violence, property damage, and looting some of these groups have done in the past!
They arrested the Proud Boys chairman in DC today.
keep wearing that maga hat.
Keep pretending that I in any way support Trump. I am anti Democrat.
Keep pretending the Democrats aren't just as bad as Republicans.
"Many people" are saying that soon maga hats will be the new "Kick Me" sign.
Keep pretending that I in any way support Trump.
Sure... no problema! (Many of us would be absolutely delighted to do that).
I am anti Democrat.
Well, you're not alone. You're certainly not the only one on this site that abhors Democracy... so cheer up!
Your Owl imitation isn't bad...but still needs a little practice before you're ready for Prime Time!
But, but, just last past 'yesterday' yours were teaching a 'webinar' on how high and mighty and righteous some republicans and some conservatives were because they hold to order and law. Ultimately, it's all bullshit spewing from the shitholes of some red mouths!
Fortunately for us, you keep this bullshit up- in the name of resistance -and you will cast off some more of that 'red' into a purple hewn pond! Hey, #walkaway will be a republican party departure in 2021!
Integrity = 2021!
All ain't no better than anybody else. At least in the case of democrats and minorities they have an interest in seeing that A life or several is not left to die in vain. Y'all covering for a blustering meglamaniac "aire" of some sort who is full of his crazy-assness.
You ought to be ashamed. Yes. Ought to be!
Interesting comparison.
From Britannica :
The Brownshirts seemed a lot more organized than these folk:
and probably looked and acted a lot more like these folk:
Now who are you calling the Brownshirts?
Your fucking BLM and Antifa thugs.
Now you want to get into a pissing match? Check out the Nazi web site and tell us all a single economic policy that any conservative would ever support? Go ahead, educate yourself. They are Socialists with a capital "S". They have not and never will be conservatives. The left disowned them, and using Goebbel's "repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it" pushed them onto the right.
BLM and Antifa use the same tactics as the Brown Shirts. They try to silence dissenting opinions throw intimidation and violence. Their tactics have been whole heartedly excused and supported by Democrats, the media shills with their "mostly peaceful protesters" BS, and the lemming Democratic followers.
Now when are you going to reign in your leftist Brown Shirts?
We are all waiting. Biden won the election.
So now you are bashing Dear Leader?
Claiming Biden won? Oh-- the horror!
Be careful Ronin-- keep that up and someday Dear leader will turn on you (or perhaps the phrase "Tweet on You" would be more accurate).
if you continue to insist that Biden won-- you will be tweeted upon and Dear Leader will say unto you:
Ronin--You're Fired!
Testy. You must have confused me with somebody who gives a shit for any party.
I observe. I comment. I think that all political parties should be abandoned because of what I have observed. If I had the slightest control over either mentioned group, I would tell the members with violent tendencies to go home and stay there.
The BLM movement has been tainted not from within but from without, with the complicity of the right-leaning media who, instead of reporting factual data like the thousands upon thousands of BLM protests that were carried out peacefully by millions of participants in nations all over the world, focused on the few instances where violence broke out. This tactic is known as telling a half truth, or a whole lie . This tactic, otherwise known as propagandizing, is also factually incorrect and/or incomplete, is unethical and, IMO, pretty much stupid, as is the president and anyone who keeps repeating the same old, tired mantra of lies. I recognize that there are also variants of this same type of behavior on the left leaning side of the media, and condemn these also.
Antifa wasn't much of a presence until Trump and friends started blaming things on them. Indeed, a lot of the so called antifa actions this summer were caused by paranoia, in that there was no actual action by antifa, but the response turned out by the rumors of action. As far as I am concerned, the Alt-right movement gave birth to the American version of antifa as a direct outgrowth of their views after the insemination provided by Trump's tweet-storms. Any violent actions by any protest group are not in the best interests of the group. (Unless they are pro-Trump and then they get a free pass and a Presidential Medal of Poo-poo Freedom.)
I have no interest. Sounds messy and stupid.
Because there are certain parallels that exist between what happened in 1920's and 30's Germany and the increasingly polarized, politicised and propagandized atmosphere of the current time does not mean that we are heading toward Naziism. That was something peculiar to it's own time and the comparison between either the former or current versions is a non-sequitur. Fascism we definitely need to be aware of and beware of.
No. You are conflating groups whose methods are different. BLM tries to change people's attitudes through protest, education and achieving critical mass socially. The Brownshirts tried to silence opposition by beating and killing it out of people. Antifa almost seems like a revenger of the nerds group. IDK, there may be more organization to them, but it is difficult to tell.
I love it. This morning I was given extraordinary powers to reach out and touch someone else's computer, and now I have been granted control of two groups of people, neither of which I belong to, by someone else who belongs to neither.
I am having a wonderful day!
Makes me wonder what other godlike qualities will be granted me by impotent designers.
Probably when you reign in your right-wing racists/bigot/delusion asswipes.
Good luck.
Whoa-- wait a minute!
Are you saying the Election wasn't faked-- that Biden legitimately won?
(Tread carefully here Ronin2...tread very carefully! Are you sure you don't want to withdraw that remark...after all, you may well lose some of your very best NT fiends!)
Ooops-- my apologies. (Typo-- is should read "friends")
How is saying something like that not a crime?
It will be. However, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a weak-ass leader who watches the fungus policies he grows so closely that he does not notice that the idiot-bots around him are starting to bounce off the capitol dome! He is responsible to set the tone of the republican senators!
Speaker Pelosi is supposed to get on Minority Leader's A-s-s about Gohmert's funky mouth. Ms. Pelosi should remind McCarthy's sorry ass that when somebody gets killed over a politician's words, she will lay all responsibility for the death/s at the republican house doorstep - hell, or just throw political 'carcasses' inside their capital offices.
So... It's treason then. The taking up of arms against a democratically elected government. Biden won the popular vote. The elections were certified by all of the state Governors and Secretaries of State, the electoral college voted giving Biden the necessary votes, and over 60 lawsuits resolved in the courts or dismissed for lack of evidence. If there is election fraud I want it prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Bring evidence though or stfu.
their lawyers have been unable to present any evidence of fraud in any court, while under oath, and yet no trump supporters have questioned that fact. a classic misdirection in order to facilitate trying to end democracy and install trump as the leader of their autocracy.
If Gohmert, politically ugly, sorry, butt can manage to start a war of political aggression in our democracy, I will eat this computer of mine (and then buy another one, of course)!
Just like election fraud needs to be aggressively prosecuted, armed insurrection and treason need to be just as aggressively prosecuted. On Jan 20, Biden will be sworn in. Any insurrection designed to put somebody else in power at that point is treason. Additionally, armed insurrection aimed at preventing him from being sworn in as President is also treason.
What I find ironic is that there was an attempt to commit Election Fraud. And we have irrefutable proof!
(Click the link below):
Incidentally, by this statement alone, Louis Gohmert has destroyed his political promotion chances. The Lincoln Project should light a political 'bun-fire' in his representative community. Here's cheer to the two-year plan that tosses his 'ignorant' self out of public office. Gohmert go get a 'day' job somewhere else!
But who would hire such a total Moron?
Some in the GOP are afraid of something. Could it be dirty Russian/Saudi/Asian money?
And in all likelihood not just one thing, but several...
14th Amendment. Ghomert is literally pushing for an end to democracy.
No one is allowed to cause insurrection or rebellion! That one, friend 'Frost.'
I'll bet the NRA is just licking their chops. What could make them happier than a civil war over this?
This ahole should be charged with sedition for his statement and charged with 2nd degree murder if anyone is killed due to it.
INALB I would imagine there's a good chance that phone call may result in that happening.
But it may take a while-- after all there will be a lot more changes against Dear Leader after he loses the protection of the Presidency!!!
(Apparently several prominent lawyers representing The Southern District of NY are salivating at that prospect-- have spent considerable time in researching and preparing necessary documents, locating witnesses To Trump's numerous crimes-- and are just waiting to pounce!
After Trump is no longer president and no longer has his office to protect him... I wonder if they will put him in the same cell as Gohmert? Trump would drive Gohmert crazy-- err, I mean crazier than he already is!
And versa-vice!!!
Meh, fuck Gohmert.
Meh, fuck Gohmert.