Biden's Justice Department targets parents

The radical regime is at it again. This time all it took was a request from the National School Boards Association (NSBA). They sent a letter to president Biden Wednesday claiming that its leaders "are under an immediate threat" that requires the attention of law enforcement across all levels of government, not just the local police - but the federal government as well! Evidently that is all Biden's handlers needed to hear! Or maybe this has been planned out for months? At any rate, the radical attorney General of the United States announced that he would oblige the NSBA request and he has now sicked the FBI onto American parents. The same FBI that was AWOL during a year of left wing riots. The same FBI that never followed up on the allegations against trainers, made by female gymnasts.
Critical race theory has become a serious concern for parents across the country, and at least 25 states have attempted to retrict such radical racist teachings. The teaching of the new transgender theories is another concern.
The issue is who determines what is taught to our children, parents or indoctrinated teachers?
Obviously, this move by Biden's DOJ is an attempt to intimidate parents. Local laws already provide local school boards ample protections when it comes to inappropriate behavior. So will a parent's raising his/her voice now be considered "threatening." We have seen how the left uses the law to achieve its ends. Why are we tolerating this? When parents have very reasonable concerns about what their children are being taught, whether it's being taught that they are "victims" or taught to hate others based on their race or even taught to hate themselves, or that the country is systematically racist in a way that is irredeemable, they should have every right to weigh in on it. To declare war on concerned parents, particularly when the FBI and DOJ has been absent on issues where they actually were needed is unconscionable . It is a politization and weaponization of the DOJ which we haven't seen since the time of Eric Holder.
We can all agree that the use of violence is never acceptable and if there is violence at a school board meeting it is an issue for local police to deal with it. The intervention by Biden's DOJ is nothing more than an attempt to delegitimize the legitimate concerns that many parents have. The pretext being used is flimsy. We are to believe that because there may be a potential threat of violence that this has suddenly become a federal law enforcement matter fools nobody!
The left's war on America has entered a new stage.
The question has become can we really wait another 3 long years to vote it all away?
Vic list the K-12 school districts that teach 'critical race theory' .
I asked you the other day if Ruby Bridges Goes To School is critical race theory, and you didnt answer. . It is the story of a six year old girl who tried to desegregate New Orleans schools in 1960.
Start here John:
As far as what CRT is, I think we can save that one for another arrticle. The topic here is the use of the DOJ & FBI to intimidate parents.
We got it John, you are if favor of teaching CRT to other peoples kids.
That's not the topic. Let me give you a clue, the topic is the growing anger against the far-left, which is seeking to destroy fundamental freedoms and replace them with "woke" social justice mandates.
How do you feel about the nuclear family?
Whom would you be responding to? [deleted]
There have bee black parents all over the country that have spoken publicly against CRT in the classroom. Are they, too, far right wing?
YOU cited CRT in your seed Vic. Now you what to avoid addressing it. WHY?
That's a strawman fallacy argument Vic. Just stop.
It is?
Let's settle it now then. Are you in favor of CRT being taught in schools....Yes or No?
Is your understanding of CRT any better than Christopher Rufo's is ?
Most of the people who complain about CRT couldnt accurately describe it if you paid them 1000 dollars to do so.
To the average conservative MAGA member CRT is any attempt by schools to bring up white racism. Whites dont want to have their kids hear that America has historically been a racist country.
It's as good as professor Jonathan Wiener's is.
And this is the conversation you want to have? That CRT is simply teaching history?
That's true of most political zealots on most topics.
k-12 do not teach CRT. What you call CRT is schools teaching kids that America has a history of being a racist country, which is true.
That can be settled easily. Last week I was at a funeral service at a private home. Family members were linked up online on one big screen with each able to share a memory. If private citizens can easily do that, schools should be able to provide parents video coverage of what is going on in the classroom. That solves that entire issue.
What you call CRT is schools teaching kids that America has a history of being a racist country, which is true.
What I call CRT is when white kids are taught that they are born racists and black kids are taught that they are victims.
Who originally made that statement?
First off - Woof! Go Biden!
Secondly - This is just malcontent blather," Critical race theory has become a serious concern for parents across the country, and at least 25 states have attempted to re(s)trict such radical racist teachings. The teaching of the new transgender theories is another concern. " As with your great leader, you cannot and will not define CRT. It exists as a generalized term for "something I Do Not Like" that, without meaning, can be brought forth whenever you don't have a logical argument. The same applies for the second sentence.
From the Justice Department's website:
So, it seems to be more of a way to let everyone know that they are playing to a larger audience than just the locals (and whoever cares to watch the video.) All of your suppositions are just conjecture worded as questions to tickle the fear out of "our readers", I guess 'cause your sceered that somebody might advance beyond a third grade mentality
Just to be clear: Teachers do not teach children to hate: That is the whack-job parents' role. Teachers do not teach children to play the victim: That is the whack-job parents' role. Teachers do not teach children to hate themselves: That is the whack-job parents' role. So, if you are a whack-job parent, get busy. It is a long school year ahead. (/s)
The left has no war on America, any more than there was a war on Christmas or any other of the right wing's made up fairy tales used to whip the base into a lather.
It's real and the Teacher's Union is determined to defend teaching it.
From the Justice Department's website:
"where threats of violence may not constitute federal crimes."
1) That has to be defined. Is a parent raising their voice considered a threat.
2) We are all against violence. It is the job of local police to address local problems .
3) Biden's Justice Department could NEVER be trusted with policing parents.
It's an assault on the First Amendment to leverage the FBI as the Democrat's goons.
Those who protest CRT teaching are being threatened too. Funny how Merrick Garland doesn't threaten to sick the FBI on those who harass CRT protesters, or even Senator Sinema.
They are intimidating American citizens. That is where we now are.
Notice the memo cites no violent act that could actually justify federal law enforcement getting involved. It's just to scare people from expressing themselves and make free speech hating progressives comfortable that their indoctrination campaign can proceed.
It's a glaring omission. A grey area that they will get to fill in. Is a parent's tone going to be considered threatening?
It's just to scare people from expressing themselves and make free speech hating progressives comfortable that their indoctrination campaign can proceed.
And to finally submit to having their children indoctrinated.
It's nonsense and unenforceable. The sole purpose of the Memo is to scare parents and give progressive authoritarians something to wave in their faces.
Garland's assistant testified the other day in Congress and simply pretended the language about harassment and intimidation didn't exist. She falsely claimed the memo only addresses violence. She knows the DOJ has no legal basis to involve itself in these meetings and clung to the only thread that could justify it, actual violence.
That’s exactly what it sounds like to me. Don’t listen to the different view silence it.
You mean Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, an old favorite of Susan Rice.
She falsely claimed the memo only addresses violence. She knows the DOJ has no legal basis to involve itself in these meetings and clung to the only thread that could justify it, actual violence.
Yes, I recall and she was absolutely grilled.
No, CRT is not taught, meaning that it is not curricular, at any public school. There are a bunch of teachers unions in the country.
I should think that the laws are clear enough for you to infer that merely raising their voice is not considered threatening. The fact that this does not automatically occur to you makes me doubt either your veracity or your intelligence, but then again, you seem smart enough to me.
Wow. We are agreed on something. What is a local problem? Is a problem that is occuring at numerous places throughout the various states with the same reason and underlying cause still a local problem? How do you square this with your various commentaries on BLM?
Making pronouncements about something that does not occur... you seem to be good at building straw-men out of paranoid fantasy.
See 1.1.6
When having a scientific discussion about the age of the earth scientists debate based on actual evidence whether it's 4.404 billions years old as small zircon crystals found in Australia indicate or if it's 4.567 billion years old as tests of meteor fragments indicate.
Then a parent stands up and shouts "Don't you dare fuckin teach my kids that shit! The earth is 9,000 years old according to bible math! That's what should be taught in public schools and me and my friends are going to follow school board members home and march outside their houses unless they accept OUR truth!".
When discussing the benefits of fluoride in the water and how it prevents tooth decay for our children a parent stands up and screams "Fluoride is a mind control drug that is brainwashing our children! It's turning our kids into liberal cucks! It needs to be removed!"
When discussing the benefits of vaccinations a parent stands up and screams "Vaccinations cause autism and brain defects and cancer! Vaccinations should be banned!".
When discussing the benefits of mask mandates and keeping our communities and children safe from a massive deadly pandemic a parent stands up and screams "Masks are from the devil! I hate masks and my kids won't wear them and it's violating my children's freedom!".
Sometimes it's not just a "different view", it's fucking ignorant bullshit being spouted by brain dead indoctrinated morons who think their uninformed wild fantasies and laughable conspiracy theories should get as much validation as actual science and facts. If we don't tell those dumb fucks how stupid their premises are we are effectively saying facts and science shouldn't matter anymore and up is down, left is right, black is white, water isn't wet and that there's no difference between letting a poorly educated burger flipper perform brain surgery and having an actual highly trained well educated brain surgeon perform the surgery. Perhaps that's what we are seeing today, the mass delusions of a bunch of poorly educated rural white conservatives who've apparently already been lobotomized by their local supermarket bag boy. That would explain how fucking insane they've become.
Parents threatening schools boards because of proposed mask mandates or vaccine mandates are a domestic terror threat, they are putting other Americans and their children at risk by being fucking brain dead morons who reject science, ridicule higher education and think their "research" they did on Facebook and some dipshit right wing conservative religious blogs are somehow superior to the CDC and actual immunologists. Those parents screaming their uninformed idiotic opinions and making threats to school boards are a danger to schools, teachers and other parents and should be treated as such.
That sums it up nicely.
Wow, So much hate in that comment. You have a good day.
It's not really hate, it's that I have run out of patience and don't consider it productive or constructive to continue coddling and validating stupidity, ignorance, conspiracy theorists or blatant morons. Doing so will only allow what is apparently a mental virus that causes extreme brain damage to spread. Trying to treat a nut-ball anti-vaccer Facebook conspiracy theorist or some Qanon dipshit with respect is a waste of time and energy.
Ok, that’s how you think. I will just keep believing that the truth shouldn’t mind being questioned.
But you didn't question it, you just called it hate speech... So where is your question?
No, I called all the name calling in his comment hate!
These folk are not "questioning" truth, they are flat out rejecting it and inserting their own uninformed ignorant opinion and then getting furious enough to threaten school board members when their grossly negligent opinions aren't validated.
I have no problem with people asking intelligent questions or even uninformed opinions if they are willing to listen to the answers and become better educated by them. But these parents aren't asking questions to become better informed or better educated, they have their already decided opinion and simply want to spew it at everyone else while dismissing facts and science as liberal elitism. I think the hate expressed by these parents towards the school boards, vaccines, masks, facts and science is far more egregious than the few warranted names I call them in my post.
No you didn't. You just said there was a lot of hate in DP's comment. I figured you got triggered by the language. Didn't know you were squeamish about name calling, too
Exactly. What truth is being questioned...
As I see no truth in this seed.
We have people being threatened, taking over meetings, threatening violence yet the problem is Biden?
So much bullshit coming from a certain segment of society these days.
So calling people out on the faux outrage is ticket worthy?
Let me get some more then as I will not back down from abject stupidity.
yes, but the shoe does fit sometimes. Some simply do not sugar coat it.
Sorry but I know what I meant way more then you think you know what I meant!
Well, you made it crystal clear what triggered you.
If you say so. Are you a descendant of the Amazing Kreskin?
Are these or are they not your words?
Absolutely! Was I triggered? In your mind yes in mine not at all. I’m actually having a good laugh right now reading through all the gang bang comments!
I'm sure you are. You didn't have to make that comment about all the hate in DP's post. As a matter of fact you could have walked away and just let it go...especially after you told him goodbye. I thought you were walking away because all this hate surrounding you distresses you so badly.
But you ladies go back to your tee-heeing. Wouldn't want to interrupt your tee break
Sometimes people should heed their own advice.
I see it more as calling something for what it is. Like an accurate description.
Do you recall when school kids were forced to learn at home? It was parents looking in, who got a bit of an education.
I should think that the laws are clear enough for you to infer that merely raising their voice is not considered threatening.
The problem is that we have a two tiered system in which some people riot & loot and face no punishment at all and other people rot in jail for trespassing.
What is a local problem?
Schools! They belong to the states and local municipalities.
Is a problem that is occuring at numerous places throughout the various states with the same reason and underlying cause still a local problem?
How do you square this with your various commentaries on BLM?
Simple - The DOJ and FBI have been notably absent from the riots of 2020.
Making pronouncements about something that does not occur...
Gee, that's what they said when I said Hunter Biden would be selling paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars!
I agree with the twitter user who called it all a tempest in a teacup. Beyond that, the links are just a reiteration of the same tired and misleading characterizations by the right that they are somehow being victimized by the administration. Can't quote the person because I don't know who said it first (it might have been Pooh Bear) but this is all stuff and nonsense.
Your question is answered in the statement you truncated Vic. Try reading it.
Since 'we' includes all of the RW assholes that have sent threatening mail, made threatening social media posts and made threatening phone calls, you comment is naïve at best.
Oh. So they can be considered "woke?"
You are talking about several events that occurred at different places and different times. If someone does something that breaks the law, they should be held accountable for their actions. I congratulate you on your total indifference to the location of of the actions. I think that an angry mob attacking the very seat of our democracy deserves to sit and think about what they have done and just where they did it. We are not supposed to stoop to the level of "unruly mob" actions, but that is what you are condoning, that is what the memo was about. It was not against parents at all. Not one little bit. It is about people using their perception of might to bully their ill conceived and fraudulent ideas into the mainstream and the DOJ serving up a reminder that the mob will not win. It is not against debate, it is against the lowering of standards to the, "He who shouts loudest, wins," theory of discussion.
Your level of prognostication fails to impress me.
But they weren't!
I congratulate you on your total indifference to the location of of the actions. I think that an angry mob attacking the very seat of our democracy deserves to sit and think about what they have done and just where they did it.
And how great a difference from that is barricading and setting fire to police stations with people still inside or laying seige to a Federal Couthouse. Again: Why do one set of perpetrators go free, (even with the vice president setting up a bail fund for them) and another group is detained for 8 or 9 months without a trial? Don't you see that both things are unlawful and immoral?
That is increasingly the standard in American society, as the loud, ignorant and emotional shout down reason at every opportunity.
It is most certainly not limited to rural white conservatives.
If congratulations are in order, I suppose we should congratulate you on your total indifference to the severity of the actions in question.
On one hand, we have a group of people who rioted, broke into the US Capitol building, took selfies, wandered around shouting for a couple of hours, and then pissed off for happy hour.
On the other hand, we have a group of people who rioted, seized a city center, declared independence from the United States, and held the territory for a month while they terrorized the residents.
While the US Capitol riot is arguably more serious an action than a riot somewhere else because of the nature of the location, a three-hour riot in no way approaches the severity of a month-long attempted secession from the United States. Yet we have a federal commission to investigate the less egregious of these situations.
The double standard on display is appalling and is perpetuated by many people with an almost religious devotion, to the near complete destruction of their credibility.
As of September 2021 only about 15% of the 1/6 defendants are being held, while the overall federal pretrial detention rate of 75%. So WTF are you whining about Vic?
I find it telling that only NOW does the RW give a fuck about pretrial detention. What y'all call SJWs have been decrying that practice for DECADES. Guess y'all are now WOKE...
No Longer!
Oh and BTFW Vic, those who set fire to the Minneapolis police station have all been caught and sentenced ALREADY.
I know for a fact that the Boogaloo Bois' dude wasn't given bail.
What evidence do you have that the others were allowed to 'go free' at any time after their arrest. I'll wait.
That TOO is false Vic. The Minnesota Freedom Fund and many other groups does just that.
Show me where they have lifted a finger for those roting in jail for trespassing?
the summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 30 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot. George Floyd rioters were reported to have used more sophisticated and dangerous tactics than did the Capitol rioters, and in some cases weapons of greater lethality.
According to an April report by The Guardian , at least 90 percent of charges against Black Lives Matter protesters in a dozen jurisdictions were dropped, dismissed or not filed. In Houston and Los Angeles, The Guardian found, 93 percent of charges were either dropped or never filed; in some cities like Dallas and Philadelphia, that number rose to 95 percent of charges dropped or never prosecuted. Meanwhile, in San Francisco, 100 percent of 127 cases were dropped.
Name ONE person who has been charged with 'trespassing' Vic.
Name ONE person who has been charged ONLY with "Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building"
Hint: You can't because there are NONE.
YOU set the predicate for who qualifies Vic.
They have to have:
in Minnesota.
In other words you have no links.
No, there was nobody who said it happened in Minnesota.
Now you are goint to pretend it didn't happen?
Since you cannot name ONE 1/6 defendant that needs to be bailed out, how would there be any links Vic?
Oh but YOU did Vic. You claimed:
Harris tweeted:
YOU posted the lie that Harris set up a bail fund for the arsonists.
So AGAIN, YOU set the predicate Vic.
I'm not the one pretending here Vic.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
You minimize this monumental upheaval where the where a mob threatened and fully intended to upset the course of Congress and democracy on the shear weight of lies from their beloved cult leader. The country shuddered.
And "on the other hand" you chose to juxtapose
First off, they were not in the city center, which is taken to mean the seat of power, they were at the southern end of the Capitol Hill region, which is not as glamorous as it sounds. Secondly, the area that they "Held" was only a few blocks in area, a large portion of which was a park. I doubt that you could see the portion of land if it were highlighted on a map showing all of Seattle, it is that small of an area. Finally, the people in the CHAZ did not try to change the rest of the country's voice and terrorize a whole nation. Yes, one should consider everything pertinent when making up ones mind.
The election certification was delayed a few hours. A "monumental upheaval" of society is shorter than a transatlantic flight? Riiiight.
So if there is a thunderstorm and the power goes out for a full day, what do we call that? An "apocalypse"?
You want us to believe that a group of Trump-loving gun nuts intended some sort of insurrection, and the only person shot was one of them? Riiiight. They must have accidentally left all their AR-15s at the hotel.
In most "insurrections" the participants storm the capitol or whatever they're going to storm and destroy stuff, burn stuff, take hostages, hold that location for as long as possible, and then try to install themselves as rulers. You they did in Seattle.
A third of the country shuddered. Another third cheered. And then the final third rolled our eyes at the moron zealots in both other groups.
Well that makes it all better then. *eyeroll* Declaring independence is fine, so long as it's done in the correct neighborhood. That's not completely batshit or anything.
Pertinent... like the fact they declared independence from the United States. Like the rapes that were reported or the murders that took place or the residents who were extorted while the police stood and watched....for a month. Like the fact that they, unlike the DC rioters, held their ground violently and had to be removed by force. Pertinent like that?
Donald Trump wanted to and intended to steal the election. The only thing that stopped him is that Pence would not go along with it . And truthfully, he probably could not have gotten enough support in Congress to complete the scheme.
For you to claim that Jan 6 was not a big deal because the insurrection was not completed is offensive.
The people who wanted to enter the floor of the House Of Representatives (the doorway where Ashley Babbitt was shot and killed) were intending to do , what? What do you think they were intending to do after they bashed in a locked and barricaded door? Go in and shake hands with the representatives?
They wanted to get in there and raise hell and intimidate the representatives into doing what Trump wanted.
Because it failed does not mean that was not the intent.
We are in a sorry state when so many people make light of an effort to overthrow our government.
This is why our "unity" issues are far from over.
Strangely enough John, we're all aware how you feel about Trump.
So Pence wasn't the only thing, then. Excellent. We're making progress. Next step is that we'll agree that in the real world on planet Earth, it was never going to happen, and sane Americans understood that at the time.
You being offended is entirely your decision. I don't care.
I'm sure they intended to have a complete tantrum, beat the hell out of a few Congressmen, some of whom would probably not have survived.
That's a terrible thing and they deserve prosecution, but it's not an insurrection, any more Gabby Giffords or Steve Scalise or even JFK being shot was an insurrection.
You're desperate to give them credit for a level of organization and planning for which there is zero evidence.
If that's what they really intended, they would have been heavily armed and would not have stopped until they found where all the legislators were hiding. You act like absolutely none of these people are gun owners. If that was their intent, assault rifles would have been involved.
We're in a sorry state when some riots are nothing to worry about and other riots demand a congressional commission. Nancy Pelosi's desk is no more important than the desks of thousands of small business owners who saw theirs burned or looted last summer. When the elected representatives become more important than the people they represent, democracy ceases to exist.
Your idea of unity requires everybody else to validate your emotions on every topic, which isn't ever going to happen.
The purpose of the Capitol Building rally was "stop the steal". Did people travel from all over the country to "stop the steal" by chanting outside on the Capitol Building steps?
It took the mob a very short amount of time to breach the police lines and break into the Capitol. There was no hesitation, there was no questioning by the mob if this was the right thing to do - they were going in there to "stop the steal" .
Because the effort was not "planned' you say it was insignificant. They were going to do whatever they could. They caused the Senate and the House to be evacuated. Trump was praying that they would be able to intimidate Pence into doing the Eastman plan.
You can bloviate your nonsense all night about this, the Jan 6 committee is going forward and hopefully it is all going to come out.
People routinely travel from all over the country to chant outside on the Capitol Building steps for all sorts of shit. They do it with the Supreme Court, too. So originally, yeah, that was probably the idea.
It took a lot longer than it would have if they had been armed like they really intended some sort of coup.
How many rioting mobs question "is this the right thing to do"? I'm curious. Do they normally take some sort of vote before they loot someplace? Is there an app for that?
I've said nothing of the sort. That's a complete misrepresentation on multiple levels.
That's just stupid. They could have burned the place down. They could have broken every statue in the Statuary Hall. They could have taken a shit on Nancy Pelosi's desk. They could have stolen whatever they wanted. God knows most other "protesters" would have done just that.
They could have stayed around long enough to search for and find wherever Congress had been moved.
I doubt Trump actually prays for very much. Nobody cares what he prays about anyway.
The FBI has already said there isn't any evidence of Trump organizing some sort of plot. Frankly, there isn't much evidence of Trump organizing much of anything, ever, so that's hardly surprising.
But it will certainly go forward. Pelosi and Feinstein have already shown they're experts at political theatre and alternate reality. They'll drag this out as long as they can. They recognize that the Republican Party is fairly deeply divided and keeping the Trump morons energized keeps that division going.
Besides, as soon as they stop talking about Trump they'll have to start talking about Biden, or...more painfully....his potential successor. They don't want to have to do that.
You, sir, make the small things large and the petty things important. You claimed that the "city center" was taken over. It was not. This fact is obvious to anyone who has been to any city and contrary to your hyperbolic assertion.
Another fact that is obvious is that the intention of the people who invaded the Capitol on January 6th was to change the final outcome of the 2020 election. Gullible and frustrated, they were sent there by their commander in chief to "Stop the Steal," that they mistakenly believed was happening, not realizing that it was they who were attempting to subvert the free and fair election. They were not just, " ...people who rioted, broke into the US Capitol building, took selfies, wandered around shouting for a couple of hours, and then pissed off for happy hour." They invaded the Capitol, attacking with force against an unprepared police force, gaining access by means of violence to the interior of the Capitol, the senate chambers, the offices of the representatives, hunting and fully intending to intimidate them or worse. Yet, according to you, they just voluntarily packed up and went home. The former president may "love" these people, but I don't. They have been deluded by a con-man and, apparently you have also.
President Donald Trump is right that social media companies have been targeting conservatives. Twitter, in particular, has been engaging in a relentless attack on the American political process by censoring conservatives.
Censor conservatives only
That is false Vic. Only the federal government can investigate and prosecute threats made by mail and cyberattacks. There is a plethora of evidence that such threats have been made all across the country, so your use of 'scare quotes' is obtuse.
BTFW, NO K-12 jurisdiction teaches CRT. NONE. This whole thing is utterly fabricated. It's just one more shinny object created by the right to distract from the real issues with our education system.
Show us where that is happening.
We need a link
PLEASE stop pretending that you speak for anyone other than yourself Vic.
Secondly, the letter from the National School Boards Association that you decry in your seed includes that information.
Since you quoted from it, you obviously already have a link.
Perhaps it would behoove you to read past the first sentence.
Still no links.
Are you admitting that you quoted and wrote a seed about a document that you do NOT have a link for and never actually read Vic?
Did you just read what others wrote about the letter and paraphrase their statements here?
It looks like you're more invested in getting ME to do your research FOR you than you are in getting answers to your questions. You've had plenty of time to look up the letter Vic. In fact, I'd wager that the article you read and paraphrased has a link to the letter.
GO read it Vic.
It's just another indefensible politicization of the Justice Department with no legitimate justification.
Garland's conduct as AG has more than justified Republican's refusal to seat him on the Supreme Court. What a hack.
Back then he was just another trojan horse. Now we see what Obama was hiding!
This just in:

AG Merrick Garland's Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Education Company Selling Critical Race Theory Resource Material to School Districts
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI instructing them to initiate investigations of any parent attending a local school board meeting who might be viewed as confrontational, intimidating or harassing.
Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland . In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner [ LINK ]. Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education . [ LINK and LINK ] Panorama Education is the “ social learning ” resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory .
The 2nd video in my comment 6 also discusses Merrick Garland's son-in-law's Panorama company.
When you look this topic up in a search, most of what we see is far right opinion from garbage conspiracy sites. I have a strong feeling that the business of Panorama Education is not promoting critical race theory, since no US public school districts teach critical race theory. Whether or not, along with much other educational software, they sell any material related to teaching kids about racism , I dont know.
Can any of you right wingers here show some evidence that the company of Merrick Garlands daughters husband (AG Garland's son in law) sells material promoting critical race theory? Nutjob websites do not count as evidence.
good job!
Just like with everything else, they can't.
Now you are learning about stories that the MSM refuses to cover. Have you ever searched for a story that couldn't be found on the first few pages of Google? Probably not. Let me give you one example. Do you remember the O J Simpson trial? I used to watch that religiously. One day, early in the trial, the jury was taken out to the murder site. One of the jurors was wearing an NFL O J Simpson jacket. When they returned the defense asked that he be removed from the jury based on that fact. He was removed. A lone reporter interviewed him and he told that tv reporter that the jury was eventually going to acquit Simpson. He explained "They are already singing he's our brother." Very little was made of it, but I never forgot it. Years later when I was on a forum like this I sought to use that incident in a discussion. When I searched for it on Google, I couldn't find it - AT ALL. From time to time I'll make that search. I have yet to find it, but I know it happened.
I didnt continue to search for multiple articles about it, but this one turned up immediately
Over the years I have looked at dozens of right wing sites. I would say the vast majority of them are unreliable factually, particularly in their commentary. Sometimes they will reprint a story from a mainstream site and those would be their most accurate stories.
When a "scandal" breaks about a left wing figure, the first thing I do is copy the main description of the allegation and then paste that into search. If the great majority of the first 25 or 50 sites that appear in the search results are fringe right wing sites I have a pretty good idea the story is bogus. This happens all the time.
Well done John. Maybe it's become easier over the years. You found it right away. I'm impressed!
It also happens when a story has yet to be verified. The classic example would be when Buzzfeed broke the Steele Dossier story, while the MSM already knew of it, yet could not verify it and thus, sat on it. Now that was a case of the MSM acting as journalists and seeking verification. It is but one example.
(1) simpson juror wore oj simpson jacket - Bing
The search page is filled with stories about the OJ Simpson jury. I have a feeling a number of them cover the jacket incident.
I recall it was early in the trial. The manager of a local DD would ask me about the goings on every morning. One day he asked me "Do you think they proved him guilty?" I said yes. Then he asked "So he is toast?" I said no, they are going to acquit him. Then I told him the story of Knox and what he said.
What's your point?
And it stood.................
That Vic's source is not allowed by NT based on the MBFC. That's all. And I know it stood because you're one of group mods here. Doesn't take a genius to figure out it wasn't going anywhere
Wrong and I am NOT a group mod here as it is in general discussion NOT a group discussion so the only mods here are site mods. The Occupy stood as it was because it was in a comment and NOT the seeded article. Trust me, I asked for clarification of the "rule".
Oh, and you're welcome
Beg pardon, I got dumb and just assumed this was in one of Vic's groups so I apologize for that.
However, even tho it's allowed in comments, I think our "readers" should know what kind of horseshit is used as sources...and The Conservative Tree is definitely a tree full of horse patties
Agreed but Occupy Democrats is also.
Yet, we are supposed to believe theirs with no questions asked.
That is utter bullshit Vic.
It's abundantly clear that you merely swilled the pabulum spewed by your source rather than actually looking at Panorama for yourself.
I invite NT members to click on the links in Vic's comment and watch the 2 short videos at the second link. I especially encourage those who voted up your BS.
Social-Emotional Learning has NOTHING to do with CRT. NOTHING.
Your bullshit comment is a perfect example of how LAZY and obtuse the arguments are from the right on this fabricated 'issue'.
Quite possibly the only positive thing we've reaped from this pandemic is that American parents, guardians, grandparents - and Americans in general - are now very aware that Marxist indoctrination/propaganda has replaced fact-based education in our schools.
It seems that a large group (NSBA? NEA? AFT?) wrote to the White House and powerfully complained about "domestic terrorist" parents who simply used their First Amendment rights to speak at their local BoE meetings.
True to form, Biden's timid WH obeyed and squelched opposition to its Marxist agenda by authorizing its powerful AG, DoJ, and FBI to intimidate and/or silence non-violent parents, grandparents, and guardians at their local BoE meetings.
I watched the second video . The Fox News host asked the right wing guest if CRT is being taught in schools. The guest says yes then goes on to talk about things that are not critical race theory. These people just go around in circles.
Anyone that calls people marxist has no argument at all.
What a load of horseshit.
So republicans intentionally rile up people, get people to believe them and believe their theories, then blame everyone else when the people they wanted to get riled up, get riled up.
They filled people's heads with bullshit that how dare people indoctrinate their kids, make them wear masks etc. Tell them they have to take the school boards back, tell them to go to these meeting and demand things...
Then when it does happen use it as some kind of proof that they were right, that people are something they told them to be upset with.
Sound like a fine support group for parents who feel that their districts aren't addressing their issues or that simply want more in-depth information and don't really know how to go about it
Uh huh. It is a group that has the sole intention of disrupting things and trying to change the makeup of school boards.
If enough parents are upset about things in their districts then the makeup in those school boards should be changed. As I said they seem like a fine support and advocacy group for parents.
It is nothing more than an extension of the tea party people.
This is not some grassroots organization.
It is a concerted effort to take over school boards.
If enough parents are upset about things? What, like wearing masks and some theory?
People are being told what to be upset about, how to go to meetings and disrupt.
This whole thing is a right wing ploy.
Mmmmmmkay then.....
That's how they describe themselves. So there's that. Admittedly I've not really done deep research on them.
Parents Defending Education
Surely you don't think that younger people could be such lemmings, do you?
They say it all on their descriptor.
Fighting indoctrination? Uh huh, sure...
Young people? As far as I know, most students are not attending these meetings.
I was referring to people with school age children. I assumed that, like myself, you were past that age hence younger. Apologies
Ah, sorry. I am getting into the Grandpa age...Haha