Who's responsible for the Jan. 6th Insurrection? (Mitch McConnell explains)

There's no question none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible ...for provoking the events...
(This was on Feb 13, 2021: Republican Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell speaking out after president Trump was Impeached.)

There's no question none that President is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president . . .
. . . and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the crescendo of false statements conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president keep shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.
Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:
There's no question none that President is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.
No question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president . .
. . . and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the crescendo of false statements conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president keep shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.
What's up with this McConnell dude anyway.. what is he...some kind of a . . . Socialist? {gasp!}
Here's an "oldie but goodie" from The Lincoln Project.
I've always been a big fan of The Lincoln Project, but IMNSHO this is one of their all time bests.
"Fellow Traveler"
A special note to readers of this column:
Not even a tiny morsel?
Well-- OK.
Perhaps it would be OK to feed them a little Ivermectin...hehehe
Or if that's in short supply...perhaps they would like a small Hydroxychloroquine souffle?
There was no insurrection on Jan. 6. Period.
Well, technically you are correct.
The insurrectionists attempted to thwart the democratically determined will of the voters and install the loser.. .by use of force!
If the insurrectionists had succeeded and were able to install their favoured führer -- it would be correct to label it "an insurrection".
However since they utterly failed--therefore the insurrection failed...i.e. the planned insurrection never happened.
So you are correct-- there was no insurrection. The government was not overthrown. The democratically elected winner of the election was sworn in as president!
To be more accurate it should not be labeled "an insurrection"... because there was no successful resurrection.
(But it would be correct to call it "a failed insurrection" ..or an "attempted insurrection").
There was no attempt to create an insurrection either. There is no evidence anywhere that one was planned, initiated, or attempted.
Xx, one has to be utterly delusional to deny that there IS evidence that there was planning and that those that planned it, initiated it and attempted it. Thousands of emails, texts, forum comments and the existence of power point presentations prove that fact.
Over the years I've noticed that the better arguments express an opinion-- and then give a reason to back it up. (And the very best arguments give a good reason...but online, even a poor reason is better than none...)
Merely claiming something is true-- and then follow that allegation up merely by typing "period"...isn't very convincing.
(Well, at least in my not so humble opinion).
In fact, I would say that your debate style isn't very convincing. Period.
It is on those who claim an insurrection was attempted or initiated to prove it. Otherwise the default position is that it didn’t happen. There is no evidence of one to this point.
I would say...what debate style. Mrs C...my junior English teacher would have given XX an F
How best to understand the above-quoted comment, which flies directly in the face of the truth? Understanding the rationale behind such a totally false statement requires the recognition that if someone propagandizes that there was no insurrection, implicit in their statement is that they supported the attempt at a violent overthrow of the government, and would support a similar attempt in the future. It was something they favored, whereas the term "insurrection", which they pretend did not occur, has negative implications and does not comport with their disinformation campaign.
The FBI has stated it has no evidence of any coordination between groups or between officials in any office and groups to plan or carry out any act against congress or its duties. The Senate investigation yielded nothing as well. The bottom line is that nothing was planned or organized and that we on the right will openly mock any secular progressive attempt to invent one out of whole cloth through the house kangaroo court.
There will be no unity or consensus on the issue that progressives are pushing for, only white hot opposition, and upping the ante to the point that the house committee is forced to backdown from their lies. The smoking gun progressives, Pelosi, house democrats thought they would find simply doesn’t exist.
And just like the whole "Russia Collusion" façade, the Democrats and the left are running with fiction as absolute truth and set up a partisan shit show to push this fiction.
Comments 5.3.1/5.3.2 are complete and total provable lies.
First, it should be noted that the individual citing the FBI as a source in Comment 5.3.1 stated in a comment in another article yesterday that: " No one believes the DHS or FBI as presently led. They are now tools of the deep state. "
Fact: The FBI did NOT state that it has no evidence of any coordination. No report has been issued by the FBI making that assertion. In reality, conspiracy charges have been filed against dozens of insurrection participants. The June 15, 2021, statement of the Director of the FBI to the House Oversight and Reform Committee notes that the FBI did monitor activities leading up to the insurrection that were shared with other authorities, specifically activities of violent right-wing extremists.
Fact: The Senate did NOT investigate the root causes of the insurrection. The Senate report did find that: " There were clear warnings and tips that supporters of former President Donald Trump , including right-wing extremist groups , were planning to “storm the Capitol” with weapons..." Senate report details broad failures around Jan. 6 attack | AP News
Fact: No one is considering, much less "pushing for" "unity or consensus" with fascist and insurrectionists. Patriotic Americans are pushing to make certain that insurrectionist criminals are brought to justice.
So, if they were insurrection participants, why have none of them been charged with any form of insurrection?
Jan 6 was nothing more than a group of idiots doing stupid crap.....n o different than leftists looting, robbing and killing during the summer of love 2020
Difference is......many of the participants of the Jan 6 riot are being held accountable, as they should be, but little to no rioters of the 2020 riots are being held accountable.
Produce the report Xx. Post a link. If you cannot, admit that you pulled that out of your nether regions.
The Senate investigation was about Capitol security, NOT the attack itself and it sure as fuck DID yield a ton of information.
The bottom line is that you are in a state of denial.
Oh and BTFW, mocking is verboten on NT.
45 are charged with conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States.
No one was charged with insurrection. Just be honest and admit that.
Oh you're so right Sean.
You get a gold star.
Then list all the individuals who have been charged with insurrection against the USA so far. How’s the saying go? Put up or…….
Moscow Mitch said:
"There's no question none that President is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president"
Butt then McConnell made sure the Senators in the Retrumplican party let Trump off the hook at the second impeachment "trial". McConnell made sure no witnesses were permitted to testify and no documents could be entered into evidence. No evidence = no trial.
The whole impeachment trial of a President no longer in office was illegitimate and all senators who voted to convict are slimy bastards