Martyrdom and the need for a conviction.

I assume many of our "colleagues on the left are celebrating "Juneteenth." Here in MA, like most places it is being "observed" today since the 19th fell on a weekend. Yesterday most of us celebrated Father's Day. Juneteenth was virtually unknown to the vast majority of Americans until a few years ago when white liberals dug it up to somehow use against Donald Trump. I have to explain it to many around here who don't know why banks and government offices are closed. Remember, it's not June 19th. It's pronounced "Juneteenth." So for those who might be celebrating on this fine day: "happy Juneteenth."
That leaves us with what has preoccupied the national media all week - the Jan 6th committee. Yesterday ABC's "This Week" was almost completely dedicated to it. After the "round table" conceded that not many people are watching it, the discussion turned to what would come out of it. Clearly it has little effect on the midterms, however it will have some impact on the Presidential election of 2024. It will further damage Donald Trump and if the committee does not convince the AG to prosecute Trump, there is a good chance he may run again. That means democrats will try and make 2024 all about Trump - a very damaged Trump. In spite of all they have done to hurt this country, that would leave them and outside chance of beating him again.
I hate to sound like the Chicago Outfit, but why should we take chances?
Let's eliminate the Trump factor.
The best interests of the American people now align with the Trump haters. Let us hope they somehow prevent Trump from running again. A win for America. History will record all of it. Trump will be the Martyr of the common people. The movement will live on. Biden will be axed by the DNC. Next year Congress will be investigating Hunter Biden & Dr Fauci. Cheney and Kinzinger will go down in defeat. We will have DeSantis as President and most likely he will have a Republican congress. The dark era of the left will be over.
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Happy Juneteenth!
Juneteenth, sounds like somebody did not understand a calendar
'Trump will be the Martyr of the common people. The movement will live on. Biden will be axed by the DNC. Next year Congress will be investigating Hunter Biden & Dr Fauci. Cheney and Kinzinger will go down in defeat. We will have DeSantis as President and most likely he will have a Republican congress. The dark era of the left will be over.'
Now that is something to celebrate and make a national holiday.
Happy Juneteenth to all those that actually care about it.
You Bet!
“Happy Juneteenth to all those that actually care about it.”
Happy Fourth of July to all those who remember what it actually commemorates.
You are two weeks early.
I hope everyone remembers what the Fourth commemorates.
“You are two weeks early.”
And perhaps not so ironically, you are a day late.
I couldn't reply to you yesterday as you only wrote this today. It is you that missed Juneteenth by a day.
Not according to federal government and banks; which are shut down today in honor of Juneteenth.
Post 2 (edited as apparently necessary)
Your link takes me to a blank timeline screen, is that what you meant?
That's because the19th occurred on a weekend, and is celebrated today.
From Wikipedia:
"the Senate unanimously passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, [116] establishing Juneteenthon June 17, 2021, making Juneteenth the eleventh American federal holiday and the first to obtain legal observance as a federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was designated in 1983. [121] [122] [123] According to the bill, federal government employees will now get to take the day off every year on June 19, or should the date fall on a Saturday or Sunday, they will get the Monday or Friday closest to the Saturday or Sunday on which the date falls. [124] "'
On July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.
I hope that helps
Watergate prosecutor: Georgia case could "send Donald Trump to prison"
trump and his accomplices attempted to void our constitution and dismantle our government. americans have killed millions for less.
How many Japanese and Germans were killed by Americans to defend of our constitutional freedoms during World War Two? How many Americans have died to preserve our Republic?
I think he can speak for himself
I did not ask him. I asked you. Got Answers?
What's the point?
Many died to defend what Trump undermined!
If he undermined democracy, we should indict!
Congrats. You have elevated Trump to the status of Hitler and the Emperor of Japan in terms of evil; and the rioters on Jan 6th to the entire armies of both Germany and Japan that threatened the entire world- not just the US.
Is it any wonder why no one takes the left seriously anymore when it comes to Trump?
It is really amusing watching them ratchet up the bullshit trying to get people to be as outraged as they are when in reality it just makes people take them less and less serious.
It's surprising that you think that Trump has to be elevated to reach Hilter and the Emperor of Japan's status in anything.
Unrepentant, Trump continues to claim he won.
Lincoln was an American Martyr. Trump is not!
You just get Garland off his ass.
You mean the conservative Republican former prosecutor beloved in Oklahoma for executing Timothy McVeigh? The staid Republican denied a nomination to the Supreme Court by the gop just because Obama nominated him? Why would I call him off? How could I? Why would or even should Attorney General Garland ignore Trump's crimes?
Why is he?
Do you doubt what I'm saying?
It wasn't that long ago. Garland didn't forget...
Evidently he forgot the Constitution. Those protestors outside the homes of Justices are in violation of the law.
It looks like the "GOP" was right. He was never worthy of the job.
No he didn't; and his two tier justice system will be on full review after midterms.
Republicans may not be able to impeach him fully; but they damn well make sure the whole world knows about each and every last of the injustices he has carried out against the US public.
Garland is a Democrat tool. He has proven so repeatedly. If he won't file charges against Trump- it must mean that there isn't evidence enough to convict. He cares more about his own ass than to risk losing in a trial against Trump. The Democrats and left would throw him under the bus. The Republicans wouldn't have to do anything.
Oh, you mean this? His failure to act speaks volumes about his ethics.
Of this I have no doubt. Being elevated to US AG for a few years is the best he can get.
Exactly, he's not even dead.
Since he continues to believe and spout that he won the presidential election there are those that would say he is brain dead.
Trump thinks he can talk his way into a reality of his choosing because this 'lie strong enough and you get your way' tactic has worked well for him in his life.
Indeed, people say shit all the time.
Trump would be a perfect example of that.
Must Trump be indicted immediately? Can't we wait till the hearings end?
I naturally want you guys to do it right. With all the evidence you have, it should have already been in the works.
How about we wait at least till the hearings end?
Anytime this year would please me - even if you want to do it in October.
It took a while but Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell finally went to prison. Remind us how many convictions John Durham had bagged!
Yet, Trump doesn't have Ford to pardon him.
Exactly, Ford is dead, JBB, Ford is dead.
That's right Trump has nobody to protect him. As a matter of fact, his successor and chief political opponent says he has no right to any Presidential protections. So it looks like we keep returning to the same place. Evidently you don't believe that I want you guys to convict. According to you he was the anti-Christ.
Please indict him on something!
Yes, and Joe Biden holds the pardon pen now.
We agree. Trump must be criminally indicted.
Ahh, now we are all on the same page. I know you can do it. Do it for America.
Start a campaign. Write your congress people and have them write a law that will make mean tweets illegal, back to 2015. Get that bastard Trump, do it soon so the Republicans can rally around someone else and beat Joe in an historic fashion.
Please do something.
Some people need severe repetition to comprehend.
I am pretty sure moron is not on the approved list of disparaging names woke people or snowflakes can use
Some people need severe repetition to comprehend.
They can't seem to get him on anything else so maybe it is time to try something else.
Some people think repeating the same bullshit again and again makes it true John
[yeah] [removed]
I’m sorry that you felt bullied by me.
But not in the way you think, the 'author's' message is more along the line of 'please hang Trump for us'.
You got it!
I hate it when that happens.
Even a broken clock gets it at times.
How trite ...
Hmmmm where did 6.4.4 go?
You know what they say: "Discretion is the better part of valor."
So said Falstaff to conceal his cowardice with comedy.
Someone threw that tar Rabbit away.
juneteenth is basic american housekeeping that was left undone for 167+ years. the American ideal of equality will be accomplished, no matter how many unamerican christo-fascists brains and intestines have to be displayed to the american public.
Death wishing?
We are truly blessed around here.
in the uniquely american concepts of liberty, freedom, and equality, set forth in both the DOI and US Constitution by the founders, you're either all the way in or you're all the way out. trumpster insurrectionists in the US gov't are lower on the evolutionary ladder than prairie dogs in the pasture or rats everywhere else, and they all deserve the same ultimate conclusion.
It first officially done in Texas, it is still undone in California,
yeah, 2 years after emancipation. california wasn't a confederate scumbag shit hole in that historical era.
California has always been under-represented by Black people, and I understand more are moving out of the state than are moving in. They are part of the Reverse Migration underway with many leaving the West and the North for the "scumbag shit hole" states.
gee, I guess that explains the expansion of voter suppression legislation so popular among trumpsters now in the deep south, as another deflection might proceed...
Georgia's primary this year saw record turnout. at the polls and early voting came in at nearly triple the rate as in 2018.
I guess you must think all these Black people must be stupid to leave the progressive North and West form the regressive South.
I guess that explains the expansion of voter suppression legislation
Damn those Republicans for wanting people to prove they are who they say they are and that they are still alive. How are democrats supposed to win with rules like that?
Where did you get the stats for your claims about CA?
I don't remember, but I'll look up some for you:
AA are 13.4% of the population so statistically, anything under that percentage would be an 'under representation' of AA in a state. Per the 2020 census, only 15 states meet that percentage.
So my question is: Why single out California?
Stats starting from 1980 to 2018 show a LONG TERM trend. In short, nothing new.
City Journal is pink slime journalism. I just love it when an author cites himself as a source to support his assertions. /s
How many were greater than 5%?
Why not?
I did a hasty Google search because you asked for sources that I no longer remembered. Pick another, there are many references on the decline of Black population in California.
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Who’s Leaving California
Answering my question with a question doesn't motivate me to answer yours.
"Trump will be the Martyr of the common people."
Sounds like it is time to retire Copland's masterpiece.
Kinzinger: Trump is "guilty of knowing what he did" in lead-up to Jan. 6 attack

My God...Is he contemplating Trump or Attila the Hun?
That is a picture of a man furtively (or futilely) praying that Garland indicts Trump; and manages to convict him.
It is the only way he will have any semblance of a political career left; even if it is with the Lincoln Project. He is not nearly as famous as Liz Cheney; so leftist news will have no use for him.
Trump's knowledge that he was engaging in dangerous / wrong / unconstitutional acts is one of the key questions underlying culpability.
Why pretend that you do not understand what "guilty of knowing what he did" means?
I just explained this to you and you still do not comprehend?
It means Kinziger and his crony leftists have squat on Trump, otherwise, the only thing out of his mouth would be "we are recommending charges today"
No, I am not defending Trump, as you like to always allege. I am saying if these sham hearing members have something on Trump, then they need to get on with charges recommended, or sit the hell down because all they are trying to do is milk this until right before the midterms.
The very fact that you declare these to be "sham hearing" illustrates that indeed you are still simply trying to defend Trump.
Absolutely blind to the obvious. I explained this and I am confident that those who can see beyond a blind defense of Trump realize that my explanation is straightforward, obvious and demonstrably correct.
Ah, the 'art' of politics that all indulge in. I fail to understand why one would be miffed at what is ubiquitous to the game.
Good grief! I hope he doesn't cry again. It was painful to watch the first time!
Indeed, Kavanaugh's tears were the stuff of cringe.
Please show me where Kavanaugh is mentioned or shown in comments 8.1 or 8.1.11 .
Good try, but epic fail, Hallux.
Seeing that I started the thread at # - 8 without mentioning anyone other than one of America's better composers, the "epic fail" belongs to you darlin'.
My comment 8.1.11 was in reply to Vic's comment ( 8.1 ) - not yours ( 8 ).
Your desire to discuss Aaron Copland's music in this article is rather strange to me, but not unwelcome. I was fortunate to have studied music with some of Copland's contemporaries who were also protégés of Mme. Boulanger, so I appreciate your musical taste.
That is a picture of a man furtively (or futilely) praying that Garland indicts Trump; and manages to convict him.
I thought it was a picture of a man that had a second cup of coffee and was praying for a break in the hearing.
Lenin called such people "useful idiots." They are only for temporary use.
I assume he cried for "democracy?"
Our poor democracy. It's become like a rich well preserved widow. Every politician wants to marry the old girl.
Thank goodness we can get back to whitewashing again.
People [deleted] cannot justify anything that Donald Trump has done for the past 7 years (other than to say that they liked his conservative policies (build the wall, tarrifs, anti-BLM, etc), so they just pretend Trump has done nothing wrong and is the victim.
Such arguments are BIZARRE, but in a country where just saying something in public will find some level of a following, this is what we are stuck with.
[deleted] thinks everything will be fine in a couple years when we get Republicans back in power, but that is ridiculous. Republicans are a minority party and will be forever.
... and dangerous for the nation.
Absolutely correct, John. We've seen this happen with the BLM, Antifa, and Defund the Police movements.
That quite a perception of the Trump policies.
"Our democracy is at stake".....Hillary Clinton
And don't ever forget it!
Non sequitur. The context was:
Do you think that people pretending that Trump has done nothing wrong and defending him at every turn is NOT a dangerous precedent for our nation?
I can only speak for myself and I don't defend him at every turn. I think he was a great President. He had his character flaws as most people do. If you recall I once wrote about the "tragic hero." Like those men that we needed, but didn't personally like, he would eventually have to go. However, if he somehow winds up being the Republican candidate in 2024, I will have to vote for him again. The great danger to America or as the great rogue former secretary of state "our democracy" is not Donald Trump. It is the radical left which dominates the democratic party and now presides over the federal government.
This is not a situation relegated to character flaws. I have focused, consistently, on what Trump did during his election loss — in particular this Big Lie campaign.
This is a PotUS grossly abusing his oath of office and doing so in a way that is historically extreme. He is in a category of his own compared to our entire history of presidential candidates and PotUS'.
Allowing Trump to do what he did in his Big Lie campaign sets a horrid precedent and lowers the bar for what a PotUS can get away with.
Your comments imply that you disagree with this ↑.
I don't disagree. I am clearly stating that the issue you keep dwelling on is far less the evil than the one we are living under.
Then you substantially downplay the significance of Trump's Big Lie campaign. I am speaking about a precedent of horrid behavior by a sitting PotUS wherein said PotUS causes damage to the nation because his ego cannot handle losing the election.
You deem the actions of an ineffective PotUS (Biden) to be 'evil' and compare ineffectiveness with a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the votes of the electorate through lies, coercion, subornation and lawsuits. Clearly you continue to defend Trump at every turn.
No, I don't. As a matter of fact, I think the Jan 6th committee has given all of us a golden nugget: that being the testimony of William Barr. I have thought long and hard about the 2020 election, not exactly sure of what happened. All the rules changes in those battleground states which were instigated by Marc Elias, the money that Mark Zuckerberg tossed around to get out democratic votes, the incident in Fulton County, all the little oddities were always on my mind. To see that testimony of William Barr, which shows once and for all that the Trump claims were investigated and that they were "bull shit" claims, finally puts it all to rest.
I am speaking about a precedent of horrid behavior by a sitting PotUS wherein said PotUS causes damage to the nation because his ego cannot handle losing the election.
You keep forgetting that I want what you want. I want him to, at the very least, depart from the public arena. If he insists on running again, I'd be happy with a prosecution. I sense the current AG is fearful of a swing and a miss on convicting a former President. That would be quite a stigma on Garland's already tenuous reputation.
You deem the actions of an ineffective PotUS (Biden) to be 'evil' and compare ineffectiveness with a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the votes of the electorate through lies, coercion, subornation and lawsuits.
I deem the ideology Joe Biden has put forward in his policies to be inherently evil. Whatever Trump attempted, he had zero chance of succeeding.
And what is the significance to you of a PotUS knowingly engaging in the acts outlined by this committee? Seems (see below) that you recognize this to be profoundly wrong and potentially criminal. Is that correct?
Why is prosecution contingent on Trump trying to run again? The precedent of Trump getting away with this, regardless of his future plans, is dangerous for our nation.
Why is prosecution contingent on Trump trying to run again?
Obviously TiG, if their were legitimate criminality, Merrick Garland would have an indictment and the committee would have reported it's findings months ago. I have a feeling the democrats would prefer to damage him further than he already has been in the hopes that he runs again. So in the absence of clear criminality, I can only hope that Garland submits to the pressure and gets "something" in front of a willing DC jury.
That is not responsive to the question.
I asked YOU, Vic, why YOU stated that you would be happy if he were prosecuted only IF he ran again. If he does not run, which is likely, would you NOT be happy with prosecution?
What difference does it make if Trump runs or not when dealing with justice?
I NEVER said "only IF he ran again."
Trumpism will continue without Trump.
Think about that.
You stated IF and provided no other option. So let's clear this up. Removing the IF condition we have:
"I'd be happy with a prosecution."
Would you make this ⇡ statement or do you need to add a conditional ('if') to it?
Would you, for example, be happy with a prosecution even if Trump does not run again?
My position, by the way, is that Trump should be formally charged (if there truly are legal grounds to avoid the case being tossed out of court ... I will not presume to be a lawyer) because justice should be served and the precedent of letting a PotUS get by with this level of outrageous abuse of office is bad for the nation.
I'd be fine with that.
Should we allow him the legal technicality of actually being guilty of a crime? Or maybe it is a simple matter of getting it in front of a DC jury. Preferably the same DC jury that acquitted Sussman.
My position, by the way, is that Trump should be formally charged (if there truly are legal grounds to avoid the case being tossed out of court ... I will not presume to be a lawyer) because justice should be served and the precedent of letting a PotUS get by with this level of outrageous abuse of office is bad for the nation.
I see. It's similar to professor Lawrence Tribe's position, except you don't specify that only a Republican President can be prosecuted.
Got it.
Though you now claim not to be 'exactly sure of what happened', you spent MONTHS insisting that all of the things Barr cited as 'bullshit' were proof of Trump's Big Lie. No amount of evidence could move you from your posit.
Trump succeeded in convincing YOU of all of the above bullshit and motivated YOU to spread, support and defend the 'bullshit' he was shoveling. From Trump's perspective, duping 'teachers' like you into disseminating his bullshit is a success.
How is that 'obvious' Vic. Hell, it took YOU over 2 years to gather the information you needed to recognize Trump's bullshit.
Oh and BTFW, why didn't you believe Barr when his said there was no fraud in the election the first time? Ivanka did.
Of course, I clearly was referring to a legal proceeding.
As usual, you invent your own 'facts' and simply make a declaration.
The similarity of my position with Tribe's is the same similarity that you claim to hold: that Trump should be indicted. Your attempt to categorically equate me with professor Tribe is dishonest.
Ok, so how will the indictment read?
The similarity of my position with Tribe's is the same similarity that you claim to hold.
No, I was actually giving you credit. Lawrence Tribe is known for his use of the double standard. I do want justice. I don't want any holding back.
That Trump should be indicted.
At least Tribe told us what for.
Has it been two years?
Oh and BTFW, why didn't you believe Barr when his said there was no fraud in the election the first time?
You show me where I ever said that the election was stolen.
I don't know, I do not spend my time thinking about how attorneys would structure an indictment. As I noted:
Since the time I wrote that, I still have not gone to law school and pass the bar.
That makes no sense claiming I have a double standard and deeming that to be 'credit'.
See my first response. I am not going to attempt to put this in legal terms but if you cannot comprehend what Trump did wrong, here is what I have observed:
Trump while serving as the PotUS:
Now, how this correlates with law is up to lawyers.
No inkling of what crime has been committed? That's bad news for both of us.
That makes no sense claiming I have a double standard and deeming that to be 'credit'.
If you carefully read what I said you'd know that I made that distinction. The three of us want him convicted, but Tribe wants to use methods he won't use on Joe Biden.
Now, how this correlates with law is up to lawyers.
Hopefully a lawyer will find the way.
Read the rest of my comment ... I provided you a list of acts that might wind up on an indictment (in different language). Intellectual dishonesty is unbecoming.
Then just stick with that and do not engage in categorical comparisons which in effect falsely equate all of Tribe's positions on this matter with mine.
I provided a list that they will start with. Did you read it?
Just so everyone knows: Larry Tribe declared that Donald Trump can now be charged with the attempted murder “without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt" of his VP.
I did.
Fingers crossed.
Tribe is largely irrelevant but this does suggest that Trump might be indicted.
Nothing is beyond any doubt so I disregard such language.
See how wrong it is for you to make a categorical comparison of my position with Tribe's?
I think so too.
Nothing is beyond any doubt so I disregard such language.
I agree. That's what makes it so shocking to hear it coming from a Harvard Law Professor.
See how wrong it is for you to make a categorical comparison of my position with Tribe's?
I hope we don't have to duel all day. The comparison only extended to the desire for prosecution. The distinction was carefully made.
It was an unnecessary comparison. You could have simply stated that both you and I believe Trump should be indicted and not muddy things up by equating my position (yet you did not include yourself here) with Tribe’s.
Then maybe you can find it in your power to let it go?
You keep bringing Tribe up, I am responding to your posts.
I thought I had disposed of him in post 9.1.26
Are you done with him?
Vic, do you want to stop this or not? Just move on.
How is that 'obvious' Vic?
Why devolve to posting a strawman?
Do you have answers to my questions Vic?
Just so everyone knows, that's bullshit.
And YES Vic, I read your hero's article and not even Turley claims that bullshit.
No I don't.
Fuck Off!
That goes for you too.
Well, look at it this way, now that I've done it maybe we'll get a rule change.
What on Earth is your point?
This pathetic article, [removed] written by a member of the NT community, is a sad reminder of the power of racism.
The author says no one had heard of Juneteenth until there was a controversy about it a few years ago when trump scheduled a rally on the day.
This is of course complete nonsense. I first heard of Juneteenth about 20 years ago when I took part in a daily online race relations forum. The black people, mostly professional educators , who ran the forum knew all about Juneteenth and celebrated it as their parents and grandparents had done before them.
According to the author of this article, because he and other whites didnt know about juneteenth until the Trump era, that means no one had.
Juneteenth has been brought into the light of day, no doubt through increased interest from "white" media , with the meaning being it is a holiday to specifically celebrate the end of slavery in the United States. Is there any legitimate reason on earth to not celebrate the end of slavery?
Yet the complaints from a segment of the white population are widespread within that segment. They are offended that there be a "black" holiday.
We as a nation have celebrated the 4th of July for 246 years. For the first 190 or so of those years black people were not afforded "equality" in their own country. Why should blacks, or native Americans , have celebrated the 4th of July? The 4th of July didnt make them free.
One of the virtues of humanity, when it occurs , is empathy, putting oneself in the other guys shoes. Racists object to Juneteenth because it is too much empathy.
We cant accept the validity of a Juneteenth holiday, but the same people will condemn Colin Kaepernick.
Perhaps California feels that they don’t have enough Black people to warrant this celebration. They have Cesar Chavez Day as a state holiday, but not Juneteenth.
Probably not since 26 other states do not have Juneteenth as a state holiday, including Florida which has one of the largest black populations in the US.
Yes, Florida argues whether they should observe the 19th of June or should they observe Emancipation Proclamation day on 20 May because that’s when a Union General read it aloud in Tallahassee.
That is a tough decision for the pols in Tallahassee, they best check with the LOS before making a decision.
League of the South, a white supremacist organization. They have a chapter just up road from me.
Thanks, I've never heard of them. I'll bet they are unhappy about the festivities in Fort Pierce, Vero Beach, Orlando, Winter Park, Kissimmee, Longwood, Miami, Miramar, Broward, Dade, Cocoa, Apopka, Tampa Bay, Mount Dora, Palm Coast, Ocala, or Daytona Beach.
Were you able to attend one?
We have quite a few radical groups in FL. We may lead the nation.
They are unhappy with anything that they consider liberal..
Yeah, I did, how about you?
No, my 93 year old father fell and fractured two vertebrae. I've been at his house for the last several weeks helping him recover. My wife and daughter went with some friends yesterday to a Juneteenth Celebration with Thee Phantom and the Illharmonic Orchestra. They combine hip hop with orchestra music. They mixed Beethoven, Donny Hathaway, Jay-Z, Rossini, Wu-Tang Clan, Mozart, Mary J. Blige, etc.
Sorry to hear about your father, wishing him well and a speedy recovery.
The Juneteenth celebration I attended was just the plain folks, no celebs.
Five members of a far-right hate group the Proud Boys are on the executive committee of the Miami-Dade Republican Party.
Big news here in Florida.
We all bow to your awesomeness.
Whatever would we do w/o you coming to each and every last article and turning it into a racist diatribe.
Democrats blasted Trump for holding a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth. Never let it be said that Democrats don't let a self promoting manufactured crisis go to waste.
It didn't become a federal holiday until June 17th 2021.
So no, most people hadn't heard of it before. And given Americans general lack of knowledge on basic US history- many still don't know about it.
Can't pick a better representative than Colin Kaepernick? I will give him smarts for jumping on the BLM movement hard; being a good self promoter; and hiring great agents that landed him the Nike contract. His football career was washed up due to injury. He has made numerous "comeback attempts" guess he feels the need to justify his settled lawsuit (He and Reid split less than 10 million in settlement with NFL); and failed each and every time. With Seattle he refused to take backup QB money. He was never going to beat out Russell Wilson. He conducted pro days- which switched dates, venues, and were even canceled w/o notice.
He is nothing more than a snake oil salesman.
The majority of the first thirteeen comments on this article are snark about Juneteenth. At that point I had not said a word in this discussion.
Vic's first comment was "Happy Juneteenth!"
Are you under the delusion that he was sincere?
It's not like it's taught in schools. My kids attended predominantly black schools and Juneteenth was NEVER taught. Even in my office, very few ever heard of it until it was made a holiday last year.
I guess it's not that important, even in the black community.
Why do you give a shit? Seriously.
Sounds like all that appropriation nonsense the left blathers on about.
When are we ever going to have a level playing field around here?
Here comes JR blatantly calling me a racist and the moderator (basically a fair one) doesn't even see it.
I'll take the meta ticket: POST 10 IS A CODE VIOLATION!
Vic I reviewed the comment. He is not saying you are a racist, but rather you have been influenced by racism into thinking that Juneteenth was not a recognized day.
I remember a national poll from two years ago that found almost two-thirds of Americans said they knew nothing or only very little about Juneteenth and about 10 percent knew a lot. JR must think that most Americans are influenced by racism.
Ok, I accept that.
And yet, Black people do celebrate the 4th of July (even though it did nothing to make us free). Why? Because this is who we are. It is simply mind-blowing that some conservatives can't get it through their bigoted heads! Let freedom ring once and for all - for all!
Well she seemed all right by dawn's early light
Though she looked a little worried and weak.
She tried to pretend he wasn't drinkin' again
But daddy'd left the proof on her cheek.
And I was only eight years old that summer
And I always seemed to be in the way
So I took myself down to the fair in town
On Independence Day.
Well ,word gets around in a small, small town
They said he was a dangerous man
But mama was proud and she stood her ground
But she knew she was on the losin' end.
Some folks whispered and some folks talked
But everybody looked the other way
And when time ran out there was no one about
O n Independence Day.
Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today
Is a day of reckoning.
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay
It's Independence Day.
Went bye-bye didn't it. You got nothing of my comment.
It's not for a lack of trying.
The only ones who can make Trump a martyr are the people who worship him, and he will be a martyr only to them. Everyone else just wants him to go away.
Like Gen Curtis LeMay, we needed someone to do the dirty work and then just go away when the smoke cleared.
Well, he may have done what you wanted him to do, but now he won't go away.
Because too many continue to sycophantically cling to him and defend him.
or incessantly cry over every time he twitches a finger.
Defending Trump has a negative effect on our nation since it lowers the bar for accountability of the PotUS and sets a horrid precedent.
People getting worked up over irrelevant factors are silly but they are transient and benign.
Your post, for example, defends Trump by deflecting from the point I made.
As I've said many times before, Trump was the arsonist right wing conservatives hired to burn it all down. The slow push back and forth between political ideologies that our founders believed would keep us from tilting to far one way or the other had become too tedious for conservatives, they felt they had lost too much ground as white conservative Christians watched their privileged pedestal being eroded by civil rights and the push by liberals and progressives for equality and diversity.
That's when conservatives decided to hire the most unhinged unpredictable political terrorist the American people had ever seen to burn down the establishment because they believe that's the only way they'll ever be able to rebuild America in their image. They couldn't win the battles of reason and logic, reality and facts were rarely on their side, they felt backed into a corner and could only seek to destroy the foundation of reality and facts so they could ignore reason and logic. Thus their invention of "alternate facts" which, when gathered together en masse created an alternate conservative universe where up is down, a thrice married serial adulterer and liar is their moral leader, science is fiction, the book with talking donkeys and snakes is fact, unregulated gun sales make us safer, a genocidal authoritarian foreign enemy is a 'genius', violent insurrectionists are just peaceful tourists of the capital, teaching American history is racist against whites, helping historically discriminated against minorities is racist against whites, humans rode dinosaurs, evolution is fake and ignorance is superior to higher education.
That's quite and indictment. You want to indict America it would seem. I'm only after the professor who taught you what to think.
He did what needed to be done. I think the left is now acting as the car accident that took Gen Patton.
No, he did what you wanted him to. As for the rest, I don't care what you "think".
What you mean to say is that you don't believe in secure borders or fair trade deals or a thriving economy or justices who follow the Constitution. Correct?
More like the tax laws that brought down Al Capone.
Sorry to disappoint you but I was raised as a right wing conservative Christian surrounded by the same conservative evangelicals I see today supporting Trump. My opinion is informed by 30 years of being in the middle of that environment, 30 years of listening to the whining and metaphorical tearing of sack cloth about how our country was going to hell in a handbasket because of the supposed 'liberal' or 'gay' agenda, not any liberal "professor". The constant cry about how the establishment had abandoned God and that Christ would be coming soon to wipe out the enemies of conservative Christians and that conservatives needed to prepare to fight in a literal upcoming religious war against 'Satan and the Unbelievers'.
Their choice to elect a foul mouthed known liar, cheat and adulterer who disregarded political norms and shat on the office of the President with vile words and actions proved their intent to burn down the establishment. Trump was the tool they used to do the "dirty work", to bash those they hated, the 'others', the immigrants, liberals, progressives, lgtbq community and anyone who didn't kneel to the white conservative Christian patriarchy they worship. And the only way to do so while still proclaiming their self righteousness was to adopt "alternative facts" and create their alternate conservative universe where facts and reality either can't penetrate or are ignored as 'fake news'.
Sorry, self hating Christians are not my forte.
I'd like to see anything that would encourage the Marshall to leave Hadleyville.
Don't ever put words in my mouth.
Most of the self-proclaimed Christians on NT are self-loathing
I'm neither self hating nor Christian, my baptism as a child is as meaningful and useful as a wet piece of toilet paper. I've simply been observant and began to question the fictional reality and conservative Christian identity that was built up around me by my parents and peers when I finally opened my eyes and saw their lies and hypocrisy for what it was. I knew I could no longer be a part of such a vile community of selfish religious bigots who believed the universe revolved around them and thus they had no need to treat 'others' with any respect. In fact it seemed at times those fellow Christians who would treat a gay person or an atheist with any respect were basically accused by other Christians of religious treason, accused of being apostates. I myself was accused of being an apostate when I questioned their irrational bigoted doctrines.
In the past few years I've watched those same religious conservatives champion one of the most despicable, deplorable human beings I've ever seen and the only reason it makes any sense is if they, as I said, were electing Trump to be a political arsonist who would burn down the establishment that evangelicals believe has abandoned them. They sold their souls much like the many Israelites supposedly did, bowing to the golden calf because of their impatience waiting for Moses return from the mountain.
I believe many Christians today, especially those supporting Trump, became tired of waiting for their God, they are tired of waiting for their perceived problem of not being raised above others and acknowledged as Gods new 'Chosen people' to be fixed. So many chose to bow down to the gold painted calf who made all the promises they wanted to hear, that told them they were 'great', 'chosen', 'righteous', just the way they were and they should no longer feel guilty about their prejudices and bigotry and told them he would burn down the establishment religious conservatives hated so much which they believed had been eroding their privileged religious pedestal by giving the 'others' the same rights they enjoyed. Of course that was exactly what they wanted to hear.
It will be no surprise if many of them do fashion their gold painted calf into a martyr. Many will likely have grotesque Trump posters and pictures up in their homes for years to come, perhaps an entire set of painted collectors porcelain plates or overpriced commemorative coins. But it will only go to prove how hollow and empty their faith truly is.
Can you list them for our readers?
If a person wanted to celebrate Juneteenth, what would they do?
If someone wanted to celebrate the 4th of July what would they do?
and why would that not be appropriate for Juneteenth ?
What inspires someone to ask the question
other than ignorance?
it's a stupid question. Maybe you should answer it then.
No worries JR, I've already addressed it.
I already know how to celebrate the 4th of July and have many years practice. This is first year Juneteenth is a government holiday,
whatever they want , they just cant make anyone else celebrate or observe it .
there are only 6 holidays i observe ,
Christmas and Thanksgiving and new years day those 3 because of family tradition .
the other 3 are memorial day ,4th of july , and veterans day .
the rest are just days on the calander to me , IOW just another day .
So what? Your 'protest' is noted (by me). What is Christmas anyway? Just some made-up day for commercialized 'gift-exchanges' with religious overtones. Thanksgiving? Why give thanks on a yearly basis? Do we need a reminder that we live here and are not subject to leave anytime soon?! And don't get me started on July 4th - "Independence Day" - for White male domination perhaps!
Yes, I 'went' there, because some of you are making me sick and tired of your racial tripe and overtones! Discount 'this'!
History of Juneteenth
Juneteenth to me, means that African slaves were 'delayed' knowledge of their freedom from slavery and thus were forced to profit 'massuh' for two additional and 'unholy' years in the South. As the video mentions: 'Juneteenth is a metaphor for the many ways black people are given delays in the United States.' (Paraphrased.)
Please feel free to point out where anything i said was racist . If you cant i would expect a personal apology for being accused and convicted solely on your feelings , but i will not hold my breath , and i dont mind , because what you think , doesnt matter to me , simple mind over matter .
And when you say Your racist tripe , i take it you mean mine personally , unless your lumping me in with Some other group that offends you . what tripe would that be exactly ?
It's self-explanatory. If your own comment goes over your head as to import that's on you. Juneteenth is a holiday that need not have to be, but it is-and it was a struggle to get and as stated @13.3.3 a metaphor for what is 'delayed' in this country: Justice for all being more than aspirational. No, black people didn't need a new holiday, but the southern secession states made that possible and so it's all on them!
As i suspected , judged and convited with no interrogation or questions asked , typical social justice warrior monkey politics , fling shit at an imaginary offense and run . done with your games and TRIPE , whoever pissed in your wheaties today , deserves a cookie .....
I am running short of fucks to give , but you earned this one ...fuck off and tell it to someone who cares .
Don't go away mad Mark, just . . . .
Do you ever miss an opportunity to 'spray' us with an overused talking point? Leaving you alone in 3, 2, 1,. . . .
Drop your conservative 'card' and Karen 'song's about liberals, perhaps we can talk. Until then, this is what it is.
Do you feel something wet, like you were cat sprayed?
since you used a line from heartbreak ridge said to gunny highway ,( and your no where near as attractive as that Peebles actor that said it )
i will return the favor and give you a line from a soldiers story , the old sgts dying words before densel washington popped a cap in his ass,
"And they STILL dont like you ...."
Oh wow: who knew?! You know "A Soldier's Story" I loved it. But can find not another soul that has seen it. Wow! Mark we should get along better, eh? I mean, come on now! A Soldier's Story. I was shocked at who took out the old sarge, but Howard Rollins was my 'dude' in getting to the bottom of the thriller. Damn good twist there! Because those white officers were rough 'actors,' too.
Mario Van Peebles and me not 'twins'? Wow, how would you know that?
we already talked about it about 2 years ago, was one i really liked as well, but taste in movies and tastes in politics are 2 different things .
Yeah and so I am told it goes.
The current AG doesn't seem to be interested in following the law. Thus far, he's been silent about
So, it stands to reason that Garland won't prosecute Trump, since he won't prosecute those who've participated in violating the above US Codes ... including Chuck Schumer, the man who attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh (and potentially his family), and others who've attempted to harass and intimidate other conservative US Supreme Court justices.
Schumer's careless public language ("you will pay the price") = attempt to assassinate Kavanaugh?? Skipping the concept of careless, vague incendiary language and going directly to attempted assassination??
And, yes, Jasper (just in case you go there) I do not and never have accused Trump of attempting to assassinate Pence.
Please consider rereading comment 14 . I deliberately used the Oxford comma so no one could possibly misunderstand the 3 scenarios listed:
I hope this helps you understand my comment.
I apologize for misreading your comment.
Thank you.