The Age of Uncertainty

The above title was used by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith. It was both the title of a book and a TV series promoted by the BBC in the late 70's. The subject was economics or Galbraith's version of economics. I'm using the title in a different way. My purpose is using it in a truer sense to explain the current political stage the US is enduring. I wanted to get that out of the way before some zealot complained that I stole the title, without acknowledging that it had been used before.
The United States is the world's oldest democracy. Our Constitution which was written, edited and ratified on September 17th, 1787, has served this nation well for over 235 years. Within the past decade, we have entered into a new age. We are no longer a society that is ruled by law. The US has entered into a period not unlike that of 1920's Russia, where the law is whatever the power that exists says it is. The examples are everywhere. Extremist groups on the right are infiltrated by the FBI and are quickly prosecuted by the federal government for law breaking. Leftist groups like antifa, BLM or "Ruth Sent Us" are not. ( Ruth Sent Us recently threatened riots if the Court makes a decision they don't like.) If one is a Trump supporter they get shackled & tossed in jail for refusing to testify before congress. Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress and nothing happened. Carter Page has his Civil Rights violated and Andrew McCabe commits perjury and walks despite a criminal referral. For John Brennan and James Clapper there are no consequences. In 2020 we had riots in blue cities and a dozen people died. Democrat mayors had the police stand down. Few people were ever prosecuted for those crimes. In many blue cities we have progressive DA's who ignore the laws they are supposed to enforce and instead allow for crime based on "social justice."
Thus, American law has become reconstructed on the premise that the "noble ends" justify the means. Crime is raging in many American cities and the economy is in dire straits. The US border is wide open and it's obvious that it was all part of the plan to change not only the voters in the US, but also the nation's demographics as well. On every issue the current radical regime simply gaslights the people. The media is a partner in this evil cabal. Knowing that the party in power is in for a terrible beating in November, the leftist media is out telling people to discard the suffering and vote on the character of Donald Trump:
"After downplaying concerns about the economy in the last year, some media outlets are now panicking that high gas prices and inflation will tank Democrats in the midterm elections , with some pundits even scolding voters for making it a priority.
Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell told readers that it was a "wild fantasy" to believe the GOP could lower gas prices, as she warned voters to "think carefully about what they’ll get if they cast their ballot based on gas prices," in a Sunday opinion piece.
"The president does not have some super-secret special dial on his desk that can adjust gas prices, but many voters believe otherwise," she wrote.
"They’re counting on voters to project their hopes and dreams — including their wildest fantasies about cheaper gas — onto Republican challengers," her analysis continued.
But Rampell claimed that neither party had "serious" solutions to dealing with gas prices or inflation and there were "relatively few tools" that President Biden or Congress could use to "help boost oil production or moderate inflation." So, she advised voters to ignore the gas price problem at the voting booth.
Quoting colleague E.J. Dionne, she cautioned that if Republicans win in November that could lead to "far more radical and sinister forces" trying to "undermine democracy."
On MSNBC's "Morning Joe," branding guru Donny Deutsch fretted that pocketbook issues would win out with voters this year and in 2024 as more important to them than America's democracy being "in peril."
"I'm concerned and everything in my gut tells me… unfortunately, the gas prices and bread is going to be more compelling," he said Thursday.
Polling bears that out, with surveys consistently showing inflation is the most significant issue to Americans right now. A recent Fox News poll found 41 percent of voters say inflation will be an important factor in their midterm decisions, well above issues like guns (12 percent) and abortion (10 percent). Another poll from ABC News earlier this month found 71% of Americans disapprove of Biden on inflation."
They fooled the people once, can they do it again? Or was Lincoln right?
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We can only hope that there won't be any more violence before the midterms.
It has been a long wait for many.
Well, it would appear that there are 71% of people who do not understand the relationship between the Presidency and prices controlled by the "free market.
Since Biden and his motley crew of incompetents are doing nothing to improve the situation, they will get the blame come November.
Well, it would appear that 100% of Democrats and leftists are upset their tone deaf attitudes and do nothing approaches to gas prices and inflation isn't resonating with voters.
And you are going to explain it to them?
We can hear the partisan excuse making all over this site.
First it was the pandemic, then Putin and now it's the greedy businessmen that Biden tried to put out of business.
You bet!
You sure told me a thing or two!
And, you're a scholar of what? Not grammar...
Careful, spelling corrections were recently ruled a violation.
I would be getting a lot of crap if people went after me. I tend to type a close letter that the spell check doesn't catch. Like I will type put instead of out...
I am thinking I am also dyslexic. I type tehm instead of them.
That was one of the reasons given.
“Only immature morons refer to President Biden as Brandon.”
So tired, so stale.
Only surpassed by quoting a dictionary reference when parsing words in lieu of engaging in an honest conversation. When that is the fall back position, there was no position to begin with.
Wasn't it an NBC reporter who did it first?
Kinda like referring to folks here as morons,
And you are the epitome of maturity the way you refer to the previous POTUS.
If you are going to insult someone's education then it is best not be illiterate while doing so.
You must be one of the 71% who do not understand that there is no direct connection or relation between the two.
They don't listen. I have. Others on this forum have.
Unfortunately, it is a lot like using the directions on a shampoo bottle: Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If one follows those directions, one finds oneself in a never ending cycle.
We are in a global economy and the whole world is in the same mess as we are in. Is the President supposed to cure the world's problems?
All we can do is mitigate some of ours, and even that is hard to do since the economy can be quite contrarian.
WE possibly could if we are successful and the rest of the world takes notice on how it was done. The old "lead by example" thing.
Don't tell me, drill baby drill and lower taxes....
I won't cuz that is more likely than not, not the answer.
Indeed we are and were in the 90's as well. Frequently, we read here how successful Bill Clinton was at delivering an economy that worked well for us. Folks here were expecting Biden to do the same. Maybe if he had a VP like Al Gore instead of Kamala Harris.
For some reason, I bet that will be their plan though.
This is not a case of leading by example. We are intertwined with the world economy. I can't think of one thing we could do, that would cause a significant change to our or the world economy.
Ah, sarcasm.... about nothing we are talking about. But I am amused.
And since I am easily amused, I find it amusing how people find less than VP's of one party while forgetting that of another....
But then some do like eating potatos.
I haven't blamed anyone. There are a whole host of factors that go into the price of gasoline that we pay at the pump, none of which are significantly under the control of the president or congress. You know, the free market and all.
Hi Vic,
I left a comment in the "Hate is not welcome here" group... I hope you see it.
Got it.
We need more like you.
The voters are much more concerned with the ever rising cost of just about everything, and the rampant crime rate.
January 6th and climate change are least of their worries
You mean they won't listen to the Washington Post?
They aren't stupid enough to vote against Trump and against their families?
Five months will tell the story.
It is the era of the ascendancy of the radical left. It has been nothing short of terrifying.
American cities are awash in crime, but at least we have this:
The crime epidemic is nation wide, and is a reaction to post pandemic lockdowns, as best as we know. Here is a map of the US and crime per capita:
This is a state issue and not one that is easy to stop.
A state issue? Isn't the issue more local? In 2019 the homicide rate per 100,000 was:
Could you prove that claim?
We are not talking about 2019, are we?
The map speaks for itself.
Domestic violence
Gun violence
We are talking about crime and statistics ,lag by several years.
Yes, it speaks to state averages.
When you dig a little deeper, you will find significant differences between rural, suburban and urban areas.
Exactly, one just has to accept high homicide rates in urban areas.
He was almost elected Governor of the great state of Florida:

"The Minnesota Supreme Court delivered a win Monday for a group of Minneapolis residents who have been suing over an influx of crime into their neighborhood following the defund police movement , ruling the city is not hiring the approximately 731 police officers required under its charter.
The nine-page order, issued Monday by Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea, stems from a lawsuit brought by a group of eight North Side residents who sued Mayor Jacob Frey and the Minneapolis City Council for not fulfilling their obligation to fund and employ 0.0017 sworn police officers per Minneapolis resident.
Based on the 2020 census, at least 731 officers should be on the force based on the city’s population. "
No "defunding of police" has happened in Minneapolis. The police force has been understaffed for at least a decade, because there are not enough QUALIFIED applicants. So, even with this bullshit court case the MPD will not be mass hiring anyone soon.
Also today -
Lol. The left tried and failed.
As AOC said when objecting to a proposed billion dollar but from the police budget as insufficient , "Defunding police means defunding police"
Now they all want to pretend it never happened.
Par for the course.
Thanks for the agreement, perhaps Vic can amend his statement.
You would, of course, be more truthful to say the far left Progressives tried and were blocked by other Dems on the City Council and the Democratic Mayor.
What's the context of that funding change?
I wouldn't think so in the historically progressive state. Their linage includes the progressive Minnesota Farmer–Labor Party, which merged with the Dems in 1944.
They also had the moderate Reform Party until 2014.
The state's Green Party is stronger than in most states.
The state always has high voter turnout and has voted for a Dem for president every time since the 70's.
You might want to come up with another line of BULLSHIT.
The Minneapolis Forward Community Now Coalition isn't part of the police force.
Minneapolis Forward Rebuild Resilient isn't part of the police force.
That is incorrect, there has been and still is racism in MN.
Then you have no idea about MN. There is racism in Minnesota and has been for generations under both parties.
Helps if you actually read the responses to your comment.
See 6.2.11
OK, thanks.
Imagine if he won that one?
It was close....but it won't be anymore.
"The Chicago Police Department has unveiled a new policy prohibiting its officers from chasing people on foot simply because they run away, or because they have committed minor offenses.
The policy, which was introduced Tuesday, also encourages cops to “consider alternatives” to pursuing someone who “is visibly armed with a firearm.”
But you, the law-abiding citizen, are on your own, unarmed and defenseless. It's called social justice
This Just In:
Senator Tom Cotton and Rep Jim Banks are introducing legislation today that would allow adults to sue doctors who perform gender transition procedures on them up to 30 years after they turn 18.
Extensive mental counseling is done before the surgery is performed. But I don't expect Cottonmouth Tom to know that.
I swear, they are determined to destroy the medical profession as well. Now they are setting in place that doctors can refuse medical care if it is not in their religious beliefs...Add suing doctors for certain procedures.
The republican mantra is to dismantle and destroy every thing.
Which counseling would that be? It wouldn't be the slime-ball that puts such thoughts in the minds of minors?
There is one thing that needs to be dismantled. It's the ideology that your moronic tool president has rammed down the nation's throat.
As the right use to say about trump, he is your president too.
What ideology specifically?
"The Center for Legal Equality—our newly-launched division of America First Legal—has filed a federal civil rights complaint against Morgan Stanley, Princeton, Harvard and University of Michigan for discriminating on the basis of race and gender:"
From the ACLU they have learned how to play!
It's sad that's necessary, but it is.
" The F.B.I. set up extensive surveillance operations inside Portland’s protest movement, according to documents obtained by The New York Times and current and former federal officials, with agents standing shoulder to shoulder with activists, tailing vandalism suspects to guide the local police toward arrests and furtively videotaping inside one of the country’s most active domestic protest movements."
The F.B.I. Deployed Surveillance Teams Inside Portland Protests - The New York Times (
Complete horse shit.
You go on this rant claiming that the 'left' isn't being held accountable and so some "leftist' must be manipulating things in the shadows to prevent prosecutions. You claim Brennan and Clapper should have somehow should have faced "consequences" for an investigation when the fact is their actions were proven justified regardless of how many whiny dip shit Trump supporters call the Russian investigation a "hoax". Bitter right wing half wits constantly fantasize about some fictional 'deep state' they can neither prove or even name any members but is supposedly controlling the establishment.
The fact is right wing Republicans ARE a major part of "the establishment'. They're the ones stacking the SCOTUS with conservative justices in contradiction to their stated position of letting the American people decide during an election year. Their political tricks caused a two justice flip with the denial of Garland and the last minute force through of Barret. Trying to claim the 'right' are powerless and are the ones being unfairly targeted is just more unadulterated horse shit. The reality is that apparently many conservatives, Republicans, Trump campaign staff and right wing bigots have no problem committing crimes, lying to investigators, knowingly fabricating lies about fictitious voter fraud, getting caught by the courts writing election laws that specifically target minorities with "surgical precision".
The current State of America isn't because of "the left" so much as it's an amalgamation of 2 years of Covid, backed up distribution chains, constant mass shootings made more possible by lax gun laws, constant climate disasters from devastating flooding to massive wildfires, inflation, the Russian attack on one of our European allies, a massive political divide and how the right is reacting to what they call "wokism" which is simply rational persons recognizing injustice and finally choosing to do something about it. Trying to pin all the problems we face on "the left" is beyond ignorant, it's just plain bigoted horse shit.
Lol.. Here's Biden's DOJ intervening to reduce the charges against left wing terrorists who bombed a cop car during the left's riot filled 2020.
They lied to congress!!!
All one needs to do is compare the hysterical war on parents, replete with lying, waged by Biden and the DOJ who had the gall to be angry over the rape of a student by a cross dressing male in a girls bathroom, with their silence when an actual terrorist groups commits dozens of crimes and publicly threatens to escalate the violence.
Has Biden condemned the assassination attempt against Kavanaugh yet?
There seems little uncertainty about the winter of our discontent. He who would be king has resorted to pleading for a horse. But the only regal steed available appears to be quite dead. Beating harder doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. The final act draws near a close.
The weird thing about Putin's price hike is that Europe still buys Russian oil. The EU is only planning to ban Russian oil and gas -- next year. Maybe the Europeans hope the war will be over by then. The war has been going on for only 120 days; there's still plenty of time to back peddle. Just mind the toe cages. Putin must be on the run by now, anyhow. Funny how he who would be king doesn't gloat over Putin's defeat. Wasn't that the plan?
So, yes, inflation is on everyone's mind. Even the mindless press is worried. The war ain't going as planned, protests look too much like an insurrection, and the damned Republicans have compromised on gun control. The dead horse they've been riding doesn't have any legs. Certainly looks like he who would be king is going to get Henry'ed. Or is that Tudor'ed?