
What Personality Type Are YOU?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  4 days ago  •  83 comments

By:   Sahara Rose

What Personality Type Are YOU?
"Take This Free Ten Question Quiz To Find Out Now"

(Updated 10/21/2024):

I have always been interested in Psychology and did related trainings and workshops beginning many years ago. I took a lot of courses and workshops in the "Human Potential Movement".

There are many type tests for different systems of personality types. In addition to this one (The type test developed by Sahara Rose) there are others. A while back I seeded an article about  another "type Test", The MBTI ("Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, It uses a system of 16 personality types).

The MBTI was fairly popular here, so in addition to the first part there were several other posts.If anyone is interested, here are the posts in the MBTI series:

Part 1. Introduction to the MBTI

Part 2. More information & discussion . (This one also lists the MBTI personality types of people here on NT at the time).

Part 3. The "Secret" of Each Personality Type.

Part 4. What Celebrities Are The Same Type as You?

Part 5. Which MBTI Type makes the Most Money? Which Makes the least


Now getting back to the topic of this seed ( Sahara Rose's Type Test):

Below is some brief content from her website, a Pie Chart showing the types in her system. and the link to the test. (There's also a short video--viewing it is optional)

Please post any questions or comments in a comment below. jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T



what is your purpose in life?

Which Dharma Archetype are YOU?


The Dharma Archetypes™, as part of my book Discover Your Dharma, are the universal expressions of the soul types that exist.




The Dharma Archetypes™, as part of my book   Discover Your Dharma , are the   universal expressions   of the soul types that exist within all of us, and have proven to be a crucial tool that’s helped me to work through my own dharmic journey and guide others through theirs.

Knowing your Dharma Archetype™ will help you understand why you are drawn to certain things and give you permission to fully step into the   embodiment   of who you are.

Which Dharma Archetype are YOU?

Ready to learn your Dharma Archetype?

Click HERE to take the Dharma Type Test


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    4 days ago

Apologies for my sloppy formatting-- for some reason it was difficuly to format-- but I got in all the essential information.

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    4 days ago

Knowing your Dharma Archetype™ will help you understand why you are drawn to certain things and give you permission to fully step into the   embodiment   of who you are.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @2    4 days ago

I had never considered the meaning of Dharma in terms of Buddhism, so I checked it out and came up with this...

In  Buddhism, the Sanskrit word dharma (in  Pali dhamma has   several   meanings It   most  commonly refers  to   the   teachings   of   the  Buddha, especially when  rendered  “buddhadharma.” Dharma, in  this   sense is   one  of the Three Roots of Buddhism along   with   Buddha the   teacher and  Sangha, the community.  Together they   encapsulate   the   whole   of  Buddhism.

LINK ->  www.lionsroar.com/buddhism/dhar

Professor Expert
2.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1    3 days ago
I had never considered the meaning of Dharma in terms of Buddhism, so I checked it out and came up with this...
In  Buddhism, the Sanskrit word dharma (in  Pali dhamma has   several   meanings It   most  commonly refers  to   the   teachings   of   the  Buddha, especially when  rendered  “buddhadharma.” Dharma, in  this   sense is   one  of the Three Roots of Buddhism along   with   Buddha the   teacher and  Sangha, the community.  Together they   encapsulate   the   whole   of  Buddhism

I am familiar with Dharma from the little I know from Vedic (Hindu) Astrology. It uses two points in the chart called Rahu and Ketu. In Western Astrology the two points are called The Moon's North Node (Dharma) and The Moon's South Node (Karma). These are related to the concept of reincarnation. 

I don't know much about Vedic Astrology, so here's the western Astrology's interpretation:

The South Node is the things you've accomplished, skills you've already mastered.. So its tempting to stick with that. But in order to evolve, you need to move to being/doing what's indicated by your North Node. In a sense, "goals". (Spiritually based of course). Sounds similar to what you described in Buddhism.

Professor Expert
2.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.1    3 days ago

The South Node is the things you've accomplished, skills you've already mastered.. So its tempting to stick with that. But in order to evolve, you need to move to being/doing what's indicated by your North Node. In a sense, "goals". (Spiritually based of course). Sounds similar to what you described in Buddhism

When I used to deal with clients who were total Muggle "know it alls" and freaked out by concepts like reincarnation, I would just describe the Nodes as indicative of what they've already mastered-- but to some degree what they need to move forward to master for a fulfilling life. For more enlightened clients I would discuss reincarnation in depth.

Now I'm probably setting myself up to being verbally attacked here by "the usual suspects"-- but I'm tending to believe in reincarnation. (Although I'm not a Hindu nor have I ever played one on TV!)

Professor Guide
3  MrFrost    4 days ago

Your Results

Your primary archetype: 

The Warrior



The Warriors are here to protect. They have a strong moral compass and a deep desire to safeguard the powerless and give voice to the voiceless. They are strong in their expression, and not afraid to be themselves. They know what it’s like to be weak, bullied, or taken advantage of, and never want anyone else to be in that situation. They have strong opinions and a deep sense of what is right or wrong. Warriors have love-me-or-hate-me personalities and aren’t here to appease anyone. They are willing to speak up and say what everyone else is thinking, even if it singles them out or alienates others. They are anchored in their own truth. They make excellent fitness professionals, CEOs, motivational speakers, managers, and law enforcement agents.

Warriors were given a great deal of energy because they were meant to find solutions. They often find themselves as entrepreneurs because they can’t stand to take directions from others. Regardless, they need a sense of freedom in their position to allow them to make their own decisions. They can’t be micromanaged by someone, and a boss may be intimidated by their strength.

Warriors have a communal soul and their Pitta energy makes them want to be part of something greater than themselves. They prefer to work with their team in person, rather than online, because it’s far more intuitive for them to connect in the physical rather than the ethereal due to their low Vata energy. Warriors need to share a mission with others and, as good team leaders, rally the troops to keep everyone motivated.

The gift of the Warrior is to motivate others with their Pitta energy. The Warrior thrives on overcoming obstacles, whether it’s helping someone drop twenty pounds, invest in a business, or buy something they didn’t know they needed.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  MrFrost @3    4 days ago

Your primary archetype: 

The Warrior

Good for you-- you actually took the test! That was courageousof you! (I was afraid no one would bother to take it because it might seem too..."unusual".)

And of course it not about politics...


Professor Expert
3.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  MrFrost @3    4 days ago
The Warriors are here to protect. They have a strong moral compass and a deep desire to safeguard the powerless and give voice to the voiceless. They are strong in their expression, and not afraid to be themselves.

That's the first part.

Ihope to getfeedback from a few people as to whether or not they thought their results were accurate.

So if you don't mind sharing your reaction-- do you think the results (Warrior) were accurate?

Professor Guide
3.2.1  MrFrost  replied to  Krishna @3.2    4 days ago

So if you don't mind sharing your reaction-- do you think the results (Warrior) were accurate?

To a degree yes, I am always sticking up for the underdog. 

Professor Quiet
3.3  cjcold  replied to  MrFrost @3    4 days ago

Close but no cigar.

Have always been a "warrior type", but motivations vary.

Professor Expert
3.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  MrFrost @3    3 days ago

There are 3 "doshas" Pitta, Kapha,and Vata. (This is not from Sahara Rose-- its classic Indian (India)...Ayurvedic. Pitta are generally high energy-- "Doers". Often leaders.

Vata is very mental-- they are "Thinkers".

Kapha genmerally wants to enjoy life and usuall;y likes to take it easy. I don't know this system of3 Doshas. ) very well.

I am also primarilya Pitta,but occasionally my Vata emerges.

Generally as people get older they become more Vata.

Professor Expert
4  seeder  Krishna    4 days ago

I suppose it should be obvious,but this test and system of typology is created from Sahara Rose's view of the universe.

There are of systems of personality types that do it differently. Over time learning various systems I have found it not to look at different systems to try to figure out which one is the "real" accurate description of the Universe, but  rather what can I use from each system...that is useful.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    4 days ago

The problem I had with this particular method is that for some of the 10 questions I had difficulty choosing been equal possibilities, and with others none applied at all so I was forced to choose what might not be most applicable.  I'm somewhat surprised at the result - primary was The Artist and secondary was The Nurturer.  I suppose the primary exists because of my involvement with photography and movies, but the secondary does indicate the importance to me of family and friends and concern for their well-being. 

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    4 days ago
The problem I had with this particular method is that for some of the 10 questions I had difficulty choosing been equal possibilities, and with others none applied at all so I was forced to choose what was not particularly applicable. 

That's a problem with a lot oftests that use short answer (multiple choice) questions. And this is not a time-tested test used by accomplished professionals! 

IMO there are better ones-- I liked it because my first type was Visionary. Which is "the real me". So I was surprised that it gave me that (accurate answerz)>

For some time before the test I didn't even understand (in depth) what "Visionary" was.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.1    4 days ago

I would have thought Teacher to be more applicable to what's most important to me because trying to connect to Artist seems less important.  In a way, practising commercial law was in part teaching, but I found the greatest fulfillment from teaching English to Chinese students. 

What's important at this very moment is that lunch is on the table.  LOL

Professor Expert
5.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1.1    4 days ago
I would have thought Teacher to be more applicable to what's most important to me because trying to connect to Artist seems less important.  In a way, practising commercial law was in part teaching, but I found the greatest fulfillment from teaching English to Chinese students.  What's important at this very moment is that lunch is on the table.  LOL

Yes-- I definitely see you as a teacher. But also I see the artist.

And perhaps with your students you are also a nurturer.

This test only gives the top two-- Sahara's theory says we all have all the types (or at least the potential to manifest them)> She was working with someone and they discovered the top 5 (in order) the person has.

Anyway-- now you can manifest your Gourmet type-- enjoy your lunch! jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Professor Expert
5.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.1.2    4 days ago
This test only gives the top two-- Sahara's theory says we all have all the types (or at least the potential to manifest them)> She was working with someone and they discovered the top 5 (in order) the person has.

I actually discovered my top three. In order:

1. First-- Visionary

2 . Teacher

3.  Researcher

(Two and three alternate from tie to time-- sometimes Researcher shows up more than Teacher.

Professor Expert
5.1.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.1.3    4 days ago
I actually discovered my top three. In order:

1. First-- Visionary

2 . Teacher

3.  Researcher

(Two and three alternate from tie to time-- sometimes Researcher shows up more than Teacher.

I've mentioned on NT my big involvement with the Stock market. Which I thought might show up as Entrepreneur. But its actually the Researcher in me-- I can spend hours a day researching stocks-- and might actually goa day or two without making a single trade! (I love doing research...)

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.1.2    3 days ago

Good hot lunch - chicken wings, roasted potato, carrots, mushrooms and onion.  A kiwi for dessert.  While back in Canada the big meal of the day was dinner, here it is lunch.  Actually, I think that it's healthier to not have the big meal in the evening. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1.6  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.1.3    3 days ago

Of course, as our interests vary so will our designations.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1.7  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.1.4    3 days ago

I think I probably told you long ago that I no longer have any stocks and even less interest in them.  The only stocks I remember were years ago - Brazilian Traction and Grade Ore rights.  Brazilian Traction was a good solid stock, but a friend talked a bunch of us into buying the rights for Grade Ore stock.  Then one of my friends and I sat somewhere we could watch the stocks being quoted, a big stock ticker, and we watched the Grade Ore rights go down, down, down to zero.  As one of my friends said after that: "I should have realized what would happen from the name, GRADE Ore."  I never invested in the stock market again.

Professor Expert
5.1.8  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.1    3 days ago
IMO there are better ones

Actualy which type s "better" depends upon the needs of the person using it-- and/or what is currently important to them. The type test I generally find the most help is also by far the most complex. (It uses 12 different "types" but there are many "sub-types") I've beens studying that one for about 50 years!

Professor Expert
5.1.9  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1.7    3 days ago
I never invested in the stock market again.

One problem with investing in stocks: many people know little about it, but they've heard stories about people getting rich in the market-- so they erroneously assume that its easy.

To really do well in the market takes a commitment to spend a lot of time and effort in studying it-- which many people so not want to do. (or cannot do).

The other way is to get a great broker or adviser. Over the years I have found that most aren't that good. (There are a few really great ones-- but they generally charge large comissions. Most of the very best ones have only a few clients-- very wealthy clients-- and charge very large fees.

Professor Expert
5.1.10  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.1.9    3 days ago
The other way is to get a great broker or adviser. Over the years I have found that most aren't that good. (There are a few really great ones-- but they generally charge large comissions. Most of the very best ones have only a few clients-- very wealthy clients-- and charge very large fees.

Actually there are some fairly good ones that charge decent fees but I can't think of any off hand. 

Personally I don't use one-- there are few I follow in the media-- but the decisions to buy or sell are always my oen. I enjoy research-- most people do not).

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.1.11  charger 383  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1.5    3 days ago
     "Good hot lunch - chicken wings, roasted potato, carrots, mushrooms and onion"
sounds good and healthy 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1.12  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.1.9    3 days ago

The only broker I would want to have is Chris Gardner.

Professor Expert
5.1.13  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1.1    2 days ago
In a way, practising commercial law was in part teaching, but I found the greatest fulfillment from teaching English to Chinese students. 

Of course that's teaching-- but it seems to me that what you are doing with these kids is also nuturing, eh?

Professor Expert
5.1.14  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1.5    2 days ago
Actually, I think that it's healthier to not have the big meal in the evening.

Various studies have shown that that's true. It seems its best to eat the largest meal mid-day and have a loghter dinner.

Professor Expert
5.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    4 days ago
I suppose the primary exists because of my involvement with photography and movies,

On NT you definitely come across as an Artist. Much of what you did in the past was post movie quizes on NT> (Artist types does not only mean a creator of Art-- it also means someone for whom Art is important. And IMO cinema is an art form!

P..S. You mentioned you watch 2, maybe 3 fims/day-- how can you say the arts aren't important to you!

Oh-- and there's this:  Also, one of the things about you I'm sure people here notice-- you posted a lot of pictures you took of life in China! (Do you really think photography is not an art? ). 

And when AMac the photographer was absent for a while-- whohelped with this "Art" (photography) column?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.2    3 days ago

Now that I think of it, I think you could be right.

Professor Expert
5.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.2.1    3 days ago
Now that I think of it, I think you could be right.

I usually am. jrSmiley_4_smiley_image.png

And when I'm not, if its something really important, more often than not I know when to keep my mouth shut.

Professor Expert
5.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    3 days ago
The problem I had with this particular method

How about being an ISTJ--can you relate to that?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.3.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.3    3 days ago

I can't remember anything about it. 

Professor Expert
5.3.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.3.1    3 days ago
I can't remember anything about it. 

The original post with the descriptions of the 16 types (the boxes) is HERE its comment #5.1 . But is too blurry. I just checked the original site with the clearer graphic, but got a message its too busy try again later

Professor Expert
5.3.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.3.2    3 days ago
I can't remember anything about it. 
The original post with the descriptions of the 16 types (the boxes) is HERE its comment #5.1 . But is too blurry. I just checked the original site with the clearer graphic, but got a message its too busy try again later.

Here's a good site re: the MBTI test-- several good pages re: ISTJ start here.

Professor Expert
5.3.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.3.3    3 days ago
Here's a good site re: the MBTI test-- several good pages re: ISTJ start here.

Note: This is about a different personality type test. Its called the "MBTI" aka The Myers-Briggs. I posted a lot of info about thatsome time ago. (It has 16 types).

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.3.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.3.2    3 days ago

Hard to read the blur but I could - yes, I think it's pretty accurate, but I would need to read the rest of them to see if one's better, but it's too much eye-strain even with my magnifying glass. 

Professor Expert
5.3.6  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.3.5    3 days ago
Hard to read the blur but I could - yes, I think it's pretty accurate, but I would need to read the rest of them to see if one's better, but it's too much eye-strain even with my magnifying glass

The site in comment 5.3.3. is a good site. Its got severalpages of text and should be clear. (or you can enlarge text by using Ctrl and + simultaneously. 

(Note to to others-- we are talking about another test, not the one of this seeded article)

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.3.7  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.3.3    3 days ago

Good one.  Nole this:   "ISTJs often steer clear of impulsive behaviors,.."   I'm not sure about that because I realized long ago that I was a perfectionist, i.e. a person who can't stand seeing a picture hanging crooked and has to go straighten it.  However, if you've ever noticed that some of your misspellings get automatically corrected, then this phrase covers that: "ISTJs may often find themselves doing others’ work – and not getting credit for it."

Professor Expert
5.3.8  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.3.7    2 days ago
However, if you've ever noticed that some of your misspellings get automatically corrected, then this phrase covers that: "ISTJs may often find themselves doing others’ work – and not getting credit for it."

Thanks for doing that!

However while I often type words that are not spelled correctly, they are not misspellings. In fact I am an excellent speller!  Its just that when I have a lot of different things to post I am usually in a hurry to get them all posted-- so I type quickly so as to be able to move on to the next idea.

Those "misspellings" are actually words I don't know how to spell-- they are typos.

Professor Expert
5.3.9  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.3.8    2 days ago
Thanks for doing that!

However while I often type words that are not spelled correctly, they are not misspellings. In fact I am an excellent speller!  Its just that when I have a lot of different things to post I am usually in a hurry to get them all posted-- so I type quickly so as to be able to move on to the next idea.

Those "misspellings" are actually words I don't know how to spell-- they are typos.

When I am not in a rush, I go back and check comment for errors-- but when I am in hurry I don't care.

Do you happen to know the signs of your Sun, Moon, Rising in your natal Astrology chart? (Perfectionism is often an indication of some Virgo energy in a person's chart..)

Professor Expert
5.3.10  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5.3.9    2 days ago
Do you happen to know the signs of your Sun, Moon, Rising in your natal Astrology chart? (Perfectionism is often an indication of some Virgo energy in a person's chart..)

P.S: I realize that "Astrology" is a "trigger word" for many people. 

Well so be it! jrSmiley_4_smiley_image.png

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.3.11  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5.3.9    yesterday

I think I knew my rising sign at one time, but now I've forgotten it, and I don't remember what time of day I was born. 

charger 383
Professor Silent
6  charger 383    3 days ago

Will try this later

Professor Quiet
7  Ed-NavDoc    3 days ago

My two were Nurturer followed by Warrior, which is fairly close to what I have always seen myself as.

Professor Expert
7.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7    2 days ago
My two were Nurturer followed by Warrior, which is fairly close to what I have always seen myself as.

The two types have a lot in common. They are compassionate and have genuine concern for other people...and do much to offer help to those who need it.

Professor Expert
7.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @7.1    2 days ago
My two were Nurturer followed by Warrior, which is fairly close to what I have always seen myself as.
The two types have a lot in common. They are compassionate and have genuine concern for other people...and do much to offer help to those who need it.

For those who haven't seen this, here's a description of Warrior:

The Warriors are here to protect. They have a strong moral compass and a deep desire to safeguard the powerless and give voice to the voiceless. They are strong in their expression, and not afraid to be themselves. They know what it’s like to be weak, bullied, or taken advantage of, and never want anyone else to be in that situation.

They have strong opinions and a deep sense of what is right or wrong.

Warriors have love-me-or-hate-me personalities and aren’t here to appease anyone. They are willing to speak up and say what everyone else is thinking, even if it singles them out or alienates others. They are anchored in their own truth. They make excellent fitness professionals, CEOs, motivational speakers, managers, and law enforcement agents.

Warriors were given . . .  (cont'd here )

Professor Participates
8  1stwarrior    3 days ago

Sorry, but as soon as they asked for my e-mail and name - done.

Professor Expert
8.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  1stwarrior @8    3 days ago
Sorry, but as soon as they asked for my e-mail and name - done.

I had the same reaction! I suspected that once they had my email they would continually send me ads for their course. So I didn't let them have my email.

After about two days I was curious, and decided that if they sent me spam I could request they stop, and if that didn't work I'd block them.

So I got my two types with some additional interesting info about my two types..

Then they did indeed send me info about their course (info which I didn't want). I looked at it for a while then I clicked on "take me off your mailing list" and they did indeed stop sending me emails.

charger 383
Professor Silent
9  charger 383    3 days ago

Said I am artist, kind of a surprise 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  charger 383 @9    3 days ago

You think that creating railroad models and making an old car beautiful again is not artistic?

Professor Expert
9.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1    2 days ago
You think that creating railroad models and making an old car beautiful again is not artistic?

In order to really understand this test's results, its important to realize that they are not a description of a specific job-- but rather a category of jobs.

For example "AMac" ( A. Macarthur). He's known for his excellent photographs. If his test results said "artist" some people might think that was inaccurate-- because they think of an artist as someone who paints-- applying paint to canvas. Since AMac is not a painter but a photographer, some may fell that calling him an "artist" is incorrect.

But in this test "Artist" is a category, a certain creative type of person- - not a "specific". (Photographers, Sculptors, etc are also "artists").

Professor Expert
9.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @9.1.1    2 days ago
For example "AMac" ( A. Macarthur). He's known for his excellent photographs.

P.S: : IIRC he was also a school teacher, so my guess would be that this would type him as a "Teacher" and an "Artist".

Professor Expert
9.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @9.1.1    2 days ago

Some people might think that was inaccurate-- because they think of an artist as someone who paints.

(FWIW IIRC, AMac once mentioned that in addition to his photography, he occasionally paints)

Professor Expert
9.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  charger 383 @9    2 days ago
Said I am artist, kind of a surprise 

You are definitely an Artist. 

(All artists do not only do their type of art by applying paint to canvas-- there are different types of artists)

charger 383
Professor Silent
9.2.1  charger 383  replied to  Krishna @9.2    2 days ago

Thanks, I do consider myself creative.  Second try said i was a teacher which I was along with many positions at a school. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
10  Split Personality    3 days ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Split Personality @10    3 days ago

Does that mean you're good at what it takes to make a lot of money?

Split Personality
Professor Guide
10.1.1  Split Personality  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @10.1    3 days ago

Apparently so, although the wife insists it's proportional to how much time I waste on social media.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Split Personality @10.1.1    3 days ago

jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif   Welcome to the club.

Professor Expert
10.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Split Personality @10    2 days ago

Definition (for those who haven't seen this test's description of an "Entrepreneur":

The Entrepreneur is here to address the problems of society through business solutions. They see businesses as more sustainable than ideas or petitions because they have infrastructure, revenue, and a team to keep them going. They aren’t going to protest about plastics—they’ll create a business that minimizes plastic waste. Entrepreneurs pride themselves on not being complainers, but rather problem-solvers.

An Entrepreneur thrives on coming up with solutions that no one else has thought of. They know . . . 

(Cont'd HERE)

Split Personality
Professor Guide
10.2.1  Split Personality  replied to  Krishna @10.2    2 days ago

I found most of that to be BS.

I work by myself as a broker with a company I am familiar with that allows me to operate as a 1099.

I work every day but the hours vary from 4 hours to 12 or more.

It's like being a member of Congress but more lucrative.

Professor Expert
10.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Split Personality @10.2.1    2 days ago
I work by myself as a broker with a company I am familiar with that allows me to operate as a 1099.

I work by myself

That sounds like an entrepreneur.

(BTW I have found some parts of this system to be usefulI but did not post this as an example of a "perfect" system-- I've been interested in psychology, and I thoughother people might this interesting. 

(Plus-- its a break from discussing politics)

I had previously posted about another system-- the MBTI. Most people found that to be interesting-- in fact it became a series of 7 posts

Split Personality
Professor Guide
10.2.3  Split Personality  replied to  Krishna @10.2.2    2 days ago

I watched a few football games and the baseball game today and realized they are all 1%ers.

A good job if you can get it.

Masters Guide
11  Thomas    3 days ago

Nurturer and visionary....


Professor Expert
11.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11    2 days ago
Nurturer and visionary.... Hmmm

In a sense they are both quite similar: sympathy and a deep concern for the well-being of others.

But since they are two distinct types there are differences.

1. Nurturers care deeply about others, have a deep compassion for others. But in my experience, their concern is more emotionally based than that of Visionaries. Another difference-- their compassion is usually focused on helping one individual, or somethines on one small group of individuals.I will help this person.

2. Visionaries care deeply as well, but often its more intellectually based than emotionally based. ("It doesn't make sense that this person or persons {or even the entire world!} should suffer-- I will fix the problem!). 

Nurturers often focus on one person-- for example an individual who stays home and looks after a sick parent (often at great personal sacrifice). Astrologically they often have a strong "Water energy" in their charts-- especially Pisces or Cancer).

Unlike Nurturers, Visionaries care about people-- but rather than focusing on one person or a small group-- Visionaries want to change the world! Yes-- all of it. A typical Visionary can feel compassion for one individual-- but to their way of thinking-- "What's the point" of helping one person-- what I'm about is changing the entire world. Astrologically they may have Air any of the three air signs in their chart-- but most often in my experience some strong Aquarius energy.  (often unconventionally creative-- and extremely idealistic!

(I understand Visionaries well as that is my top "type")


Masters Guide
11.1.1  Thomas  replied to  Krishna @11.1    2 days ago
Nurturers often focus on one person-- Visionaries care about people-- but rather than focusing on one person or a small group-- Visionaries want to change the world! Yes-- all of it. 

No wonder I feel so conflicted. ;)

It was important to my ex-wife at the time, so I do know that I am neither an air or a water sign. But I am more of a one-on-one type person and I find it baffling why everyone is fighting all the time when it seems to me that so much more could be gained by cooperation. 

Professor Expert
11.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.1    2 days ago
I find it baffling why everyone is fighting all the time when it seems to me that so much more could be gained by cooperation. 

That could be typical of many types. Among other types that's very typical of Visonaries. What we want is to change the world!

(Often for Visionaries thats often at first just a passing thought-- it oiften takes time  to overcome the messages we all get from Society (that we can't do that).

Professor Expert
11.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.1    2 days ago
I am neither an air or a water sign

I can't really tell to much without seeing your entire chart (and lately I'm taking a break from Astrology).

If you're not an Air or Water sign that means you are Fire or Earth. A simple generalization: So it depends upon the rest of yourr chart.

That being said, Earth tends to be practical. earth is related to sensing-- the senses. Could be music, Art, Cooking, etc. 

Fire signs : Can be charismatic but that could be hidden.

Some people have about the same amount of energy in all four elements, some have most in one or two elements. 

Professor Expert
11.1.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.1    2 days ago
Nurturers often focus on one person-- Visionaries care about people-- but rather than focusing on one person or a small group-- Visionaries want to change the world! Yes-- all of it. 

BTW there is someone "acting like a Visionary" here as we speak!

Although its not one of his top two types+ on this test, Buzz is acting like a Visionary. (Remember, Visionaries like to make changes on a large scale).

So what's he doing that's so visionary? Well, he trying to make a positive change here. Where most of what's posted on NT is the usual political back and forth (not that there's anything wrong with that) he's trying to make a positive change-- presenting a lot of non-political stuff so that for people who want it there's a lot more discussions on other topics-- other than politics.

These are "Visionary acts!

Masters Guide
11.1.5  Thomas  replied to  Krishna @11.1.3    2 days ago

I am definitely an earth sign. I just don't want to put everything on display for the world to read and steal my identity. 

Seeing as how the questions were oriented to determine a set of characteristics, it is not surprising that they clued in on my cues towards empathy and artistry. 

To change the world one must start with oneself and then work outward, at least that is how I see it. But, I am quite often too literal.

Professor Expert
11.1.6  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.5    2 days ago
I am definitely an earth sign. I just don't want to put everything on display for the world to read and steal my identity. 

That makes a lot of sense. 

It seems that recently there are a tremendous amounts of scams, identity th thefts,etc. I'm not sure when it started-- seems like during the latter patter of Covid..?

Professor Expert
11.1.7  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.5    2 days ago
To change the world one must start with oneself and then work outward, at least that is how I see it

I think that's true.

I have spent decades "working on myself." tahing so many courses and workshops. Consulting with so many Astrologers, psychics, psychotherapists, "life-coaches"-- the list goes on and on. (I started about 50 years ago-- haven't totally stopped).

Of course I could do more-- but for me I think its time for me to start acting more like a Visionary (do more of "changing the world").

At this point I feel I've got everything I need I'm a Visionary I don't look back"! (To coin a phrase)

Masters Guide
11.1.8  Thomas  replied to  Krishna @11.1.6    yesterday
I'm not sure when it started-- seems like during the latter patter of Covid..?

Long before that. People, for some reason, need to take what they have not earned. So you find yourself dealing with this stuff that in a sane world you would not have to. I guess that means people are insane.

Professor Expert
11.1.9  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Thomas @11.1.8    22 hours ago
I'm not sure when it started-- seems like during the latter part of Covid..?
Long before that. People, for some reason, need to take what they have not earned. So you find yourself dealing with this stuff that in a sane world you would not have to. I guess that means people are insane.

OK-- I actually agree. It would've been more accurate if I had said:

I'm not sure when this sudden increase had started-- seems like during the latter part of Covid..?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12  Buzz of the Orient    2 days ago

Because I did the test I just got her email.  I'm not interested in getting it so I sent back a message telling her to unsubscribe me, I don't want the emails.  Let's see if she complies or makes me try to block her.

Professor Expert
12.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @12    2 days ago
Because I did the test I just got her email.  I'm not interested in getting it so I sent back a message telling her to unsubscribe me, I don't want the emails.  Let's see if she complies or makes me try to block her.

Everyone who gets their type results gets them by email. I let it ride for a short time to see what happens. She uses this to promote her course. However as soon as I asked to be taken off her mail list she complied immediately. (My experience of her is that she's a person of high integrity)

Professor Expert
12.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @12.1    2 days ago
 (My experience of her is that she's a person of high integrity)

Iused to know her types but have forgotten them. 

What I do know is that she's quite an Entrepeneur ... IMO she's very good at promoting here businesses.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @12.1.1    2 days ago

Actually, I thought her site was extremely well put together.  I'm just not interested in getting more emails dumped on me, I get enough already. 

Professor Expert
12.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @12.1.2    2 days ago
Actually, I thought her site was extremely well put together.

(I'm getting a bit off-topic here so most people can ignore this--just posted it in case anyone was interested  jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png )

I forget Sahara Rose's types (although that info is available online). But I know thats she's a brilliant entrepreneur. She's fairly young and on her own has amassed considerable wealth. (In addition to her courses shes written 3 or 4 books).

She mostly focuses on the younger crowd (let's say early 30s). She really mastered the use of The Internet, both for promoting her courses-- but also teaching online. (Large Zoom sessions, then putting participants into Zoom  "Breakout Rooms" of 2-3 people to practice what they've learned). 

She's also a great networker-- meets a lot of people who help her. Deepak Chopra has endorsed her work-- that's a big deal with the "New Age" crowd.

IIRC both her parents are Iranian-- but she's totally apolitical.

Probably no Astrologers here but I ran her chart-- IIRC she's got 8 or 9 planets in Capricorn. (Caps: "Climbers", "Self improvement" "Practical"...very good at getting people to help them. ) Oh and-- often they are good at making money jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
12.1.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @12.1.3    2 days ago
Deepak Chopra has endorsed her work-- that's a big deal with the "New Age" crowd.

From Wikipedia:

Deepak Chopra   ( / ˈ d p ɑː k   ˈ p r ə / ;   Hindi:   [diːpək   tʃoːpɽa] ; born October 22, 1946) is an   Indian-American   author,   new age   guru, [ 4 ] [ 5 ]   and   alternative medicine   advocate. [ 6 ] [ 7 ]  

A prominent figure in the   New Age   movement, [ 8 ]   his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine. [ 9 ]   In the 1990s, Chopra, a physician by education, became a popular proponent of a   holistic approach   to well-being that includes   yoga, meditation, and nutrition, among other new-age therapies. [ 4 ] [ 10 ]

Chopra studied medicine in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States, where he completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in endocrinology. As a licensed physician, in 1980 he became chief of staff at the   New England Memorial Hospital   (NEMH). [ 4 ]   In 1985, he met   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi   and became involved in the   Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement

( Read it all HERE )

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @12.1.3    16 hours ago
"...often they are good at making money."

The Chinese people feel that Jews are like that, even publish books on how to run a business like a Jew would, and they are serious about that, not at all antisemitic. 

Sophomore Quiet
13  MonsterMash    2 days ago

I took the quiz but I'm not giving my email to get the results.


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