Gold Star Father Arrested for State of the Union Heckling
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
last year
In an amazing display of the "empathy" for families of fallen servicemen that President Biden is always talking Steve Nikoui was arrested at the State of the Union speech trying to bring national...
10 States Americans Are Leaving and 5 States They Are Moving To
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
last year
The changing face and make up of the individual states, portends a potential changing of the social, political and economic faces of those states. People are leaving certain states and heading to...
"TRUMP IS SO POOR THAT" ---(fill in the blank an play the new game for families.
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
last year
Great News, my beloved, bored, "News Slaker. commies"!You will never again be bored if you swallow my advice, mouth wide open, like in your teen days at the funky, chunky, get-some-smooching,...
AOC heckled in fiery town hall: 'All you care about is illegal aliens'
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
last year
A town hall hosted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. touting the apparent benefits of the Green New Deal ended up turning some attendees red with anger on Thursday. The socialist...
Nine Little Girls: A Story That Deserves Justice | Opinion
Via: kavika
News & Politics
last year
In the past few weeks, I seeded ''9 Little Girls'' parts 1 and 2. The story of 9 sisters who suffered through the Indian Boarding School experience and were denied justice for decades because of...
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