The real reason the U.S. spends twice as much on health care as other wealthy countries
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
A sweeping new study of health-care expenditures found that the United States spends almost twice as much on health care as 10 other wealthy countries, a difference driven by high prices —...
Nine Weeks of Darkness
By: magnoliaave
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Nine weeks of darkness, fear, confusion, paralysis and even as I just began writing. I am overcome with emotion. I have never read anything like this before. Does it happen and people are too...
No, It's Not an Alien — Here's What That Tiny, Pointy-Headed Skeleton Really Is
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
A tiny, pointy-headed skeleton that fits in the palm of a hand isn't an alien, despite conspiracy theories that have circulated for years. The skeleton, with a dramatically elongated skull...
Patients regain sight with experimental stem cell treatment
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From CBS NEWS : Nearly three years ago, 86-year-old Douglas Waters developed severe vision problems. He was diagnosed with severe wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a chronic eye...
The Quality of Abortion Care Depends on Where a Woman Lives
Via: arkansashermit-too
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
The Quality of Abortion Care Depends on Where a Woman Lives, Says One of Most Comprehensive Reviews of Research on Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the U.S. WASHINGTON -- While legal...
A Year In Space Changed Astronaut's DNA
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
NASA study: Astronaut's DNA no longer identical to his identical twin's after year in space A new study from NASA has found that astronaut Scott Kelly’s genes are no longer identical to...
Trump’s ‘Space Force’ sounds a lot like the Space Corps his administration didn’t want
Via: randy
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
“I was not really serious, and then I said what a great idea.” By Loren Grush @lorengrush Mar 13, 2018, 7:21pm EDT Today during a speech to military members in San Diego,...
Frail, Old and Dying, but Their Only Way Out of Prison Is a Coffin
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
The New York Times By CHRISTIE THOMPSON Mr. Zeich during his time in prison. When he made the request for compassionate release, he was nearly blind, battling cancer, and virtually unable to...
Boeing 777 Design Flaw......
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Boeing 777 Design Flaw...... Look carefully at the text in the attached screen image from CNN. Well, they have a point. One of the design bugs of the 777 is that it will tend to...
Science is on verge of understanding déjà vu
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Science is on verge of understanding déjà vu There's a reason for that been-there-done-that feeling. By Michael D'Estries, Mother Nature Network, March 2 2018 Why do we experience...
Bosses at world's most ambitious clean coal plant kept problems secret for years
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Executives at the world’s most ambitious “clean coal” plant knew for years about serious design flaws and budget problems but sought to withhold key information from regulators before their...
US Police, Firefighters Turn to Israeli App to Save Lives
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
US Police, Firefighters Turn to Israeli App to Save Lives First Response transforms real-time data into 3D indicators layered over live video. (courtesy) This lifesaving...
Israeli Technological Breakthrough
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Magen David Adom will be able to respond to car accidents, even when the driver is unconscious and no one witnessed the crash, thanks to new technology being rolled out in Israel...
Falcon Heavy May Have Drastically Increased the Number of Asteroids We Can Mine
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Asteroid mining is about more than just heading up into space and bringing back a rock full of platinum—you actually need to land something on just the right asteroid. Falcon Heavy, the...
Before They Can Take Off, Flying Cars Must Defeat Bureaucracy
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
At 8:52 on the morning of January 31, eight buzzing rotors lifted a black bubble of an aircraft off the ground for the first time. About 20 feet from nose to tail and the same from wingtip to...
After Trump clears the way, GOP states move to charge poor for health care
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Gregory James Tuck Sr., a former chef in Indianapolis who is now homeless, says he has been turned away by six different doctors over the last four months while seeking treatment for high blood...
Fuel follies ... Three seeds for the price of one!
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
There's something about motor vehicles that drives legislators insane. ... oh, wait... that assumes they were once sane... ================== Maine Says EV and Hybrid Owners Don't Pay...
The red and green specialists: why human colour vision is so odd
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Most mammals rely on scent rather than sight. Look at a dog’s eyes, for example: they’re usually on the sides of its face, not close together and forward-facing like ours. Having eyes on the...
Is the Universe a conscious mind?
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
In the past 40 or so years, a strange fact about our Universe gradually made itself known to scientists: the laws of physics, and the initial conditions of our Universe, are fine-tuned for the...
German Navy experiences “LCS affect” in spades as new frigate fails sea trials
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
With 90% new systems, this bigger, lighter-crewed monster frigate is not ready for duty. The German Navy has a lot of problems right now. It has no working submarines, in part because of a...
NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity Sends Home Spectacular Panorama
Via: dignitatem-societatis
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From Sci-News.com A new panoramic image from Curiosity provides a sweeping vista of the interior and rim of Gale Crater, including much of the rover’s route during its first five-and-a-half...
The Big Bang Theory
Via: kathleen
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
No... Not the show, for which I really like. Has anyone ever wondered what was "before" the big Bang? How the big Bang got started? What made the gasses for which it was able to happen? Also, how...
Ich Bin Ein Tweeter
By: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
In mid-November 2016, a couple of lurching swastikas with the words “Go Trump” appeared, spray-painted in white, in a playground where my children go for swings and basketball. My kids attend a...
Scientists say they can predict who you're friends with based on brain patterns alone
Via: larry-hampton
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Maybe your friends really do "just get you" after all. At least, that's what a new study of graduate students at an Ivy League school suggests. For that study, published Tuesday in the journal...