

Vast hidden canyons and mountain ranges discovered in Antarctica

Vast hidden canyons and mountain ranges discovered in Antarctica

Via: larry-hampton  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  7 Comments  •  7 years ago

Scientists have discovered   mountain ranges and a series of vast canyons   buried deep under the ice near the South Pole in western Antarctica. The discoveries, made with the help of...
Public support for vaccines drops a bit: Strong support for vaccines has fallen since 2008, survey finds

Public support for vaccines drops a bit: Strong support for vaccines has fallen since 2008, survey finds

Via: gordy327  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  98 Comments  •  7 years ago

From NBCNews: Support for vaccination has fallen a little among Americans in the past 10 years, a new survey out Monday finds. While almost all Americans still vaccinate their children on...
'Brain in a bucket' study spurs medical, ethical debates

'Brain in a bucket' study spurs medical, ethical debates

Via: gordy327  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  19 Comments  •  7 years ago

From NBCNews : Three weeks ago, a Yale University neuroscientist, Nenad Sestan, explored the ethical implications of experiments using human brain tissue in an essay in the journal Nature. Then...
Dying mother takes her plea for a new liver straight to the top at insurer UnitedHealth

Dying mother takes her plea for a new liver straight to the top at insurer UnitedHealth

Via: johnrussell  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  10 Comments  •  7 years ago

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/dying-mother-takes-her-plea-for-a-new-liver-straight-to-the-top-at-insurer-unitedhealth-2018-05-13 Erika Zak, 38, has written two of the most important...
British schools are replacing analog clocks because kids can't read them during tests

British schools are replacing analog clocks because kids can't read them during tests

Via: jasper2529  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  26 Comments  •  7 years ago

Source Schools in Britain are throwing their hands up over kids who can't tell time on traditional clocks. Some U.K. schools are ditching analog clocks from test rooms because a generation...
Israeli 3D-printed veggie burgers coming to a restaurant near you

Israeli 3D-printed veggie burgers coming to a restaurant near you

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  56 Comments  •  7 years ago

Israeli 3D-printed veggie burgers coming to a restaurant near you 3D-printed veggie burger. (illustrative) (shutterstock) An up-and-coming startup promises to revolutionize the fast...
We’re underestimating the mind-warping potential of fake video

We’re underestimating the mind-warping potential of fake video

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  12 Comments  •  7 years ago

Seeing is believing. And because of this fact, we’re screwed. Due to advances in artificial intelligence, it’s now possible to convincingly map anyone’s face onto the body of another...
Interest in science, not ability, builds trust in climate science

Interest in science, not ability, builds trust in climate science

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  1 Comments  •  7 years ago

Studies of how people perceive climate science paint a depressing picture—one in which ideology overwhelms evidence. Not only does opinion about the science break down along ideological lines,...
Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Via: tfargo  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  55 Comments  •  7 years ago

https://www.space.com/40374-uranus-clouds-smell-rotten-eggs.html So it's true everybody, Uranus STINKS!  On the bright side, It's only been probed once. There's a lot of really smelly stuff...
How Windmills as Wide as Jumbo Jets Are Making Clean Energy Mainstream

How Windmills as Wide as Jumbo Jets Are Making Clean Energy Mainstream

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  6 Comments  •  7 years ago

At the northern end of Denmark’s Jutland peninsula, the wind blows so hard that rows of trees grow in one direction, like gnarled flags. The relentless weather over this long strip of...
DIET SODAS Are the Dangers in the Chemicals or the Headlines?

DIET SODAS Are the Dangers in the Chemicals or the Headlines?

Via: randy  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  7 Comments  •  7 years ago

BY HARRIET HALL, M.D. I n April 2017, there was a flurry of news reports with alarming headlines: “Diet Sodas May Raise Risk of Dementia and Stroke, Study Finds” “A Daily Diet Soda...
Red States Are Leading the Wind Energy Charge

Red States Are Leading the Wind Energy Charge

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  10 Comments  •  7 years ago

Republicans may be lukewarm on climate policy, but they’re all about that wind energy, according to a report on the state of wind power in the U.S. released Tuesday by the American Wind Energy...
Google Update Chrome v. 66 Arrives, kills auto-play

Google Update Chrome v. 66 Arrives, kills auto-play

By: tfargo  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  8 Comments  •  7 years ago

Google released the newest version of their Chrome browser and it kills auto-play.  A uto-playing content that is muted still plays automatically. Autoplaying content with sound, whether it has...
China made solar panels cheap. Now it’s doing the same for electric buses.

China made solar panels cheap. Now it’s doing the same for electric buses.

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  11 Comments  •  7 years ago

It is now more or less taken for granted that solar panels are getting cheaper and cheaper. But that didn’t just happen — solar PV did not jump onto that trajectory on its own. After all, solar...
The billion-dollar question: How does the Clipper mission get to Europa?

The billion-dollar question: How does the Clipper mission get to Europa?

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  4 Comments  •  7 years ago

ars technica : At one end of the conference room, four large window panes framed a view of the San Gabriel Mountains. Outside, ribbons of greenery snaked across the hills, a vestige of spring...
Rose Acre Farms Recalls Shell Eggs Due to Possible Health Risk

Rose Acre Farms Recalls Shell Eggs Due to Possible Health Risk

Via: tfargo  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  11 Comments  •  7 years ago

FDA recalls eggs.  Check your fridge! https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm604640.htm For Immediate Release April 13, 2018 Contact Consumers   (855) 215-5730...
The Skeptical Virtue of Seriously Just Being Quiet

The Skeptical Virtue of Seriously Just Being Quiet

Via: randy  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  30 Comments  •  7 years ago

Apr. 10, 2018 by   Daniel Loxton   |   Comments (9) This post is something of a personal reflection. If you’re looking for some straight up debunking, my   latest is here . Recently I...
Ars Technica: FTC: Warranty-voiding language like Nintendo’s and Sony’s is illegal

Ars Technica: FTC: Warranty-voiding language like Nintendo’s and Sony’s is illegal

Via: tfargo  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  1 Comments  •  7 years ago

Cite:  https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/04/ftc-warranty-voiding-language-like-nintendos-and-sonys-is-illegal/ FTC warns companies to stop voiding warranties for unauthorized repairs....
Spaceflight Now: Investigation into Zuma failure reportedly lays blame on Northrop Grumman

Spaceflight Now: Investigation into Zuma failure reportedly lays blame on Northrop Grumman

Via: tfargo  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  8 Comments  •  7 years ago

  Article from Spaceflightnow.com : https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/09/investigation-into-zuma-failure-reportedly-lays-blame-on-northrop-grumman/ SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off Jan....
Scientists Still Can't Decide How to Define a Tree

Scientists Still Can't Decide How to Define a Tree

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  17 Comments  •  7 years ago

Several years ago, after Thanksgiving dinner at my parents’ house in Vermont, lightning struck a backyard maple tree. There was a ferocious crack and the darkness outside the kitchen windows...
Socialized Medicine: A Dose of Reality

Socialized Medicine: A Dose of Reality

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  59 Comments  •  7 years ago

Socialized Medicine: A Dose of Reality by Ileana Johnson , Gatestone Institute, March 31 2018 According to a recent Pew poll, support for universal health care, provided and...
What is good science?

What is good science?

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  15 Comments  •  7 years ago

Demanding that a theory is falsifiable or observable, without any subtlety, will hold science back. We need madcap ideas. The Viennese physicist Wolfgang Pauli suffered from a guilty...
Trump considers stiffer environmental standards for imported cars

Trump considers stiffer environmental standards for imported cars

Via: bob-nelson  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  3 Comments  •  7 years ago

The Trump administration is considering ways to require imported automobiles to meet stricter environmental standards in order to protect U.S. carmakers, according to two sources familiar with...
From Darkness To  Everlasting Light

From Darkness To Everlasting Light

By: magnoliaave  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  55 Comments  •  7 years ago

  The day it all changed for me going from living a nightmare to living in reality started out as just another day.  This was going to be different.  In walked this young aide and the only thing...
Darkness  (continued)

Darkness (continued)

By: magnoliaave  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  9 Comments  •  7 years ago

On January 15, I returned to my apartment and at some point collapsed.  I didn't pass out, but just collapsed to the floor.  It felt so good just lying there and not moving.  The next day my two...

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