

This may not be news to husbands and men but.....

This may not be news to husbands and men but.....

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  55 Comments  •  10 years ago

Women Say Nearly Three Times as Many Words Per Day...... Science is now confirming something that generations of husbands and wives have already known- women tend to do most of the talking. A...
Ohio joins HUge Medicaid expansion covering 100's of thousands of more poor people.

Ohio joins HUge Medicaid expansion covering 100's of thousands of more poor people.

Via: retired-military-ex-republican  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  2 Comments  •  10 years ago

Those in Ohio left out in the cold when it come to Medical care the poor and the Senior population in some instances will get relief with Huge Medicaid expansion....
Arctic Temperatures Reach Highest Levels In 44,000 Years

Arctic Temperatures Reach Highest Levels In 44,000 Years

Via: jerry-verlinger  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  39 Comments  •  10 years ago

By LiveScience staff writer Douglas Main Many studies have shown that the Arctic is warming and that the ice caps are melting, but how does it compare to the past, and how serious is...
Medicare cheaper than private insurance cheaper to administer and Costs increasing much slower

Medicare cheaper than private insurance cheaper to administer and Costs increasing much slower

Via: retired-military-ex-republican  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  3 Comments  •  10 years ago

Introduction pretty much says it all. http://prospect.org/article/terrible-republican-idea-exposed-even-more-terrible Great article Conservatives will hate this. Medicare cheaper than private...
WTF is this ?

WTF is this ?

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  33 Comments  •  10 years ago

SOURCE http://autos.yahoo.com/photos/toyota-fv2-concept-1383666105-slideshow/ Holy crap ! Is this a motorcycle or a mini car ? There are 15 more photos of it ...
Microsoft bra might help battle stress, emotional overeating

Microsoft bra might help battle stress, emotional overeating

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  19 Comments  •  10 years ago

" It's certainly no Xbox One, but a product prototype by Microsoft was attempting to battle emotional overeating. A smart bra, or at the very least, a sensor that goes in a woman's bra was...
Venus has its brightest night of the year

Venus has its brightest night of the year

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  4 Comments  •  10 years ago

" Venus is a dazzler in western skies after sunset and this weekend, the planet is about as bright as it can get. Venus is an unusually bright evening star this month because it's swinging...
Microsoft leads disruption of largest infected global PC network

Microsoft leads disruption of largest infected global PC network

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp said on Thursday it had disrupted the largest network of compromised personal computers, involving some 2 million machines around the world, since it...
Striking differences in brain wiring between men and women

Striking differences in brain wiring between men and women

Via: palma-seljan  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  10 Comments  •  10 years ago

Very interesting article and it is not a joke.Male brains facilitate connectivity between perception and coordinated action. Female brains facilitate communication between the analytical and the...
Antarctica sets low temperature record of -135.8 degrees

Antarctica sets low temperature record of -135.8 degrees

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  19 Comments  •  10 years ago

" WASHINGTON Feeling chilly? Here's cold comfort: You could be in East Antarctica which new data says set a record for "soul-crushing" cold. Try 135.8 degrees Fahrenheit below zero; that's...
Child marriage a huge concern on Human Rights Day

Child marriage a huge concern on Human Rights Day

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

450 girls under ten were reportedly forced to marry adult men in a mass Muslim marriage that was held by Hamas in Gaza in 2012. December 10 marks the anniversary of the presentation of the...
Has cancer just been cured?

Has cancer just been cured?

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  17 Comments  •  10 years ago

" In 1996 Doug Olson was diagnosed with cancer: a form of Leukemia. "I was only 49 years old and I had a wife and four kids," recounts Olson. His doctor told him he would need a bone marrow...
Visions of the future

Visions of the future

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  21 Comments  •  10 years ago

Most likely you have all heard of the new manufacturing process called 3-D printing . Instead of depending on a large complex assembly line to produce "stuff" this new process can make items...
UNOS to oversee hand, face transplants like organs

UNOS to oversee hand, face transplants like organs

Via: chloe  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  8 Comments  •  10 years ago

#ccc;" class="article_photo"> " WASHINGTON (AP) - Sure your liver or kidney could save someone's life. But would you donate your hands, or your face? Signing up to become an organ donor may...
E-cars for grid storage

E-cars for grid storage

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  20 Comments  •  10 years ago

LINK http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-electric-cars-20131229,0,5640652.story#axzz2ouKFg56e Electric cars may hold solution for power storage In a Delaware pilot project, electricity is...
How many on the News Talkers believe the Earth is less than 10,000 Years old.

How many on the News Talkers believe the Earth is less than 10,000 Years old.

Via: retired-military-ex-republican  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  18 Comments  •  10 years ago

Just to get an Idea as we have quite a cross section of Republicans, Democrats, Independents and many Religions. Three Questions. 1. Is the earth millions of years old or possibly older? 2. Do you...
Scientists Successfully Develope Glow-in-the-Dark Pigs

Scientists Successfully Develope Glow-in-the-Dark Pigs

Via: jerry-verlinger  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  10 Comments  •  10 years ago

By Travis Gettys Thursday, January 2, 2014 Scientists in China have successfully bred glow-in-the-dark pigs using jellyfish DNA. Researchers at the South China...
The positive side of cold weather

The positive side of cold weather

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  32 Comments  •  10 years ago

Are there any positive things about cold weather ? Well ... yes . Here is one ; it kills off the bugs . And sometimes bugs can be downright dangerous . For example : LINK...
My quest to find the perfect second car

My quest to find the perfect second car

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  50 Comments  •  10 years ago

For quite a while now I have been looking for the "perfect" second car . It should have the following characteristics : 1] Excellent gas mileage 2] Reasonably good performance ... should have no...
How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk:What does the way you speak say about where you’re from? Answer all the questions below to see your personal dialect map.

How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk:What does the way you speak say about where you’re from? Answer all the questions below to see your personal dialect map.

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  68 Comments  •  10 years ago

About This Quiz Most of the questions used in this quiz are based on those in the Harvard Dialect Survey, a linguistics project begun in 2002 by Bert Vaux and Scott Golder. The original questions...
Cruise ships again infected by suspected norovirus, 2 cases and it's just January

Cruise ships again infected by suspected norovirus, 2 cases and it's just January

Via: larry-crehore  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  4 Comments  •  10 years ago

Diamond Princess was due back in Tauranga today after being sanitised following an outbreak of a stomach infection. Photo / File David Jones spokesman for the Princess Cruises said, about 60...
The NSA has nearly complete backdoor access to Apple's iPhone

The NSA has nearly complete backdoor access to Apple's iPhone

Via: hal-a-lujah  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  3 Comments  •  10 years ago

The U.S. National Security Agency has the ability to snoop on nearly every communication sent from an Apple iPhone , according to leaked documents shared by security researcher Jacob...
The Great Lakes: North America's 'Third Coast'

The Great Lakes: North America's 'Third Coast'

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  22 Comments  •  10 years ago

The Great Lakes: North America's 'Third Coast' Jesse Lewis, OurAmazingPlanet Contributor | September 24, 2010 Collectively made up of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and...
Talking Cars Coming ?

Talking Cars Coming ?

Via: petey-coober  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  8 Comments  •  10 years ago

U.S. may mandate 'talking' cars by early 2017 Reuters 4 hours ago By Elvina Nawaguna WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators are crafting a rule that would require all new...
Star next door may host a 'superhabitable' world

Star next door may host a 'superhabitable' world

Via: hal-a-lujah  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

Earth may be our home, but another planet even cosier for life could be orbiting the star next door. A detailed analysis of what might make planets suitable for life says that Alpha...

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