Man eats sugar-heavy diet for 60 days, receives shocking diagnosis
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Man eats sugar-heavy diet for 60 days, receives shocking diagnosisFollowing in the footsteps of Morgan Spurlock, who ate only McDonalds food for one month in the film Super Size Me, an Australian...
Tiny Houses Built for Homeless in Madison Wisconsin
Via: ambivalent
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Last weekend, (November 15th, 2014) in an effort to keep people off the street, a community of tiny houses for the homeless opened in downtown Madison, Wisconsin. These homes were built by a...
Preventing Alzheimer’s: 4 ways to cut your risk
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Preventing Alzheimers: 4 ways to cut your riskWhich would you rather have during old age: a sharp mind or good physical health? The assumption behind this conundrum may be missing the point that...
New drugs treat advanced stages of a common skin cancer
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
New drugs treat advanced stages of a common skin cancerThe most commonly-occurring cancer in the U.S. is basal-cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer that is often treated with surgery or other...
California chemists develop rewritable paper
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
California chemists develop rewritable paper "This rewritable paper does not require additional inks for printing, making it both economically and environmentally viable," Yadong Yin...
4 New Studies Show Obamacare Is Working Incredibly Well
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
A week ago, Sen. Charles Schumer said his party made a political mistake by passing the Affordable Care Act rather than some unspecified economic measure. Put aside the dubious political...
The topic is... "opinion", "data", and "reality"
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I posted a seed the other day, under Red Rules, with an explicit topic. The result was fascinating. There hasn't been a single Reply addressing the topic. There have been quite a...
Why Elon Musk's Batteries Scare the Hell Out of the Electric Company
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
At a sagebrush-strewn industrial park outside of Reno, Nevada , bulldozers are clearing dirt for Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) s battery factory, projected to be the worlds largest. Teslas...
The Clinton Foundation Has Affected over 400 Million Lives - See How
Via: jerry-verlinger
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
About the foundation ; "We believe that the best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative collaboration. That's why we build partnerships between businesses,...
More on ACA cost control
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
It hasn't been at the top of the conversation about Obamacare, but new evidence suggests that yet another piece of the law is working exactly as it's supposed to. A key provision of the...
MS is a hard disease to diagnose; many other conditions mimic the symptoms of MS, and your doctor must rule out the other suspects.
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Can multiple sclerosis (MS) affect the brain and cause personality changes? Content provided by the Faculty of Harvard Medical School This content is selected and managed by the...
Parents angry after school tells 13-year-olds they can have sex, choose gender
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
No name calling please !! Parents angry after school tells 13-year-olds they can have sex, choose gender Students at Acalanes High School in Northern California were given this...
McDonald's to trim menu, examine ingredients
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
McDonald's to trim menu, examine ingredients NEW YORK - McDonald's ( MCD ) is planning to trim its menu and maybe even get rid of some of the ingredients it uses to change perceptions that...
Rosetta fuels debate on origin of Earth’s oceans
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
ESAs Rosetta spacecraft has found the water vapour from its target comet to be significantly different to that found on Earth. The discovery fuels the debate on the origin of our planets...
America’s Toughest, Ugliest Warplane Is Going Back Into Battle
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
For more than 30 years, the A-10 Thunderbolt IIbetter known as the Warthog because its so uglyhas performed a crucial role: attacking hostile targets that threaten troops on the ground, a...
What really killed the dinosaurs?
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid more than five miles wide smashed into the Earth at 70,000 miles per hour, instantly vaporizing upon impact. The strike obliterated most terrestrial...
Babies from Three People... England will tackle this issue.
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The rules for creating babies from three people - which state only two would be classed as parents - have been announced by the UK government. The fertility technique uses material from the...
GMO food blues
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
With slight apologies to Dave Van Ronk [or whoever wrote the song "Cocaine " ]Here is my version :GMOs are for livestock not for menThey say it will kill me but they won't say whenGMOs , runnin'...
A New Way to Reach Mars Safely, Anytime and on the Cheap
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Getting spacecraft to Mars is quite a hassle. Transportation costs can soar into the hundreds of millions of dollars, even when blasting off during "launch windows"the optimal orbital...
Denver shelters say legal pot responsible for rise in city's homeless population
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Denver shelters say legal pot responsible for rise in city's homeless population Nov. 26, 2014: Homeless man Chris Easterling smokes legal hash oil from a vaporizer pen to ease the pain...
Doctors told to report patients who put on weight
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
SponsoredDoctors told to report patients who put on weightHead of the NHS sets out radical plans to fight the flab as new figures show that only Hungary is worse than the UK when it comes to...
Denise Sumpter's daughter Belle is the oldest child in the UK known to be taking her mother’s milk
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Mum still breastfeeds daughter aged SIX and won't stop until she asks Denise Sumpter's daughter Belle is the oldest child in the UK known to be taking her mothers milk As proud...