Sick veterans who served at shuttered, toxic Army base turn to Congress, VA for help
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Sick veterans who served at shuttered, toxic Army base turn to Congress, VA for help Shown here is an archived image of the old Fort McClellan headquarters building....
Prosecutors: New DNA testing differentiates between identical twins; some question reliability
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Prosecutors: New DNA testing differentiates between identical twins; some question reliabilityPublished September 20, 2014BOSTON Prosecutors in Boston were forced to put a rape suspect on trial...
90-Year-Old Man Skydives for Crohn's Disease
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Jumping out of an airplane gave one nonagenarian a way to help his daughter, who lives with Crohn's disease. Ken Smith jumps for Crohn's awareness. Crohns disease is a type of...
Important information about Medical Billing that could cost you thousands!
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Did you know that if a doctors from your practice that are covered by your insurance can add onto your bill other doctors from your practice, who are not covered, and you get stuck with the bill?...
Texting frequently with thumbs may cause tendinitis
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Texting frequently with thumbs may cause tendinitis Feb. 22, 2008: Megan Verbeck, St. Louis, checks her phone for a new text message while working on projects at Ellis Library at the...
Man riddled with tapeworms after eating bad sushi
Via: miss-construed
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Story here GUANGDONG PROVINCE, China - A Chinese man going to a doctor complaining of stomach aches and itchy skin was horrified to learn his body had become riddled with disgusting tapeworms,...
Ebola patient’s family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Ebola patients family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures Oct. 2, 2014: A worker washes the sidewalk in front of the apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments, where...
'Flat and fabulous': Topless tattoo selfie inspires cancer survivors
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Flat and fabulous': Topless tattoo selfie inspires cancer survivors U.S. Marine veteran Barbie Ritzco, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 while on tour in Afghanistan,...
Terminally ill woman fighting for others’ rights to end their own lives
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Terminally ill woman fighting for others rights to end their own lives When doctors told Brittany Maynard that her days were numbered due to a progressive brain tumor, the 29-year-old...
Man with 17-hour erection admitted to hospital
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Man with 17-hour erection admitted to hospital Last Friday, Jason Garnett greeted a new day, as many men do, with an erection. But 17 hours later, doctors were stabbing the British man's...
IKEA Made A Talking Mirror That Basically Just Tells You You’re Pretty All Day
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
IKEA Made A Talking Mirror That Basically Just Tells You Youre Pretty All Day By Laura Stampler, Time, October 8, 2014 Stick to the Swedish meatballs? Meet IKEAs Motivational...
Researchers create 'Alzheimer's in a dish'
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Researchers create 'Alzheimer's in a dish' A huge breakthrough in Alzheimer's researchand one that doesn't involve tests on mice: Scientists have successfully created "Alzheimer's in a dish"...
Mouse study shows Ibuprofen may make old lungs look young
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Mouse study shows Ibuprofen may make old lungs look young.Aging is associated with changes in the human immune system that make us more susceptible to become ill from infections. Recent work form...
Egg Freezing as a Work Benefit? Some Women See Darker Message
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Egg Freezing as a Work Benefit? Some Women See Darker Message Lex Van Lieshout/Agence France-Presse Getty Images A technician opened a vessel containing women's...
Lab-grown penises soon ready for testing on human men
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Facebook 6K+ Twitter 177 Google Email Lab-grown penises could be the next big thing. Researchers at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in North...
How Infectious is Ebola?
Via: nigel-dogberry
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
From: http://www.fromquarkstoquasars.com/infectious-ebola/ On Monday (September 29, 2014), doctors at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas stated that a man had been placed in...
'I wish I'd aborted the son I've spent 47 years caring for'
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
'I wish I'd aborted the son I've spent 47 years caring for':It's a shocking admission - but read on before you judge Gillian Relf, 69, regrets having her son, Stephen, 47...
Saying bye bye to Mozilla Firefox
Via: maya-ingalls
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I have been an avid user of Firefox when they first debuted. I loved it, enjoyed it, and was proud to have it installed on my computers. Well, sad to say, I finally had to uninstall and say my...
Genetics, not upbringing, main influencer in a child’s IQ, study says
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Genetics, not upbringing, main influencer in a childs IQ, study saysCan parents make their kids smarter? New research published in the journal Intelligence suggests they cant influence intelligence...
In a retirement village, craving and conflict over medical marijuana
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
In a retirement village, craving and conflict over medical marijuana Don Bartletti/Los Angeles Times/MCT Lonnie Painter, right, director of the Laguna Woods,...
Doctors Without Borders: October 29 Statement on Regulations for Health Care Workers Returning From West Africa
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
(Link) October 29 Statement on Regulations for Health Care Workers Returning From West Africa Doctors Without Borders/Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) strongly disagrees with blanket forced...
Wishing All a Day of Peace
Via: neetu2
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The world is full of conflict and strife. We live our daily lives battling to survive, to fulfill our needs and wants, struggling for and struggling against.Take a moment, if you can, to close your...
Jerry Seinfeld on the Autism Spectrum
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Having a nephew with aspergers I think that the more people who come out and speak about being on the spectrum, the more it does remove the stigma of "being different". Of course, there are studies...
Richard Simmons speaks out after reports claim he is depressed
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Richard Simmons speaks out after reports claim he is depressed Richard Simmons says hes working out his issues. Following a report Thursday claiming he is suffering from a deep depression...
Why Does Cockroach Need it's Own Solar Panels?
Via: jerry-verlinger
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I kid you not. Larry Hampton posted an article about a cockroach with a solar powered electronic backpack! You'll have to go the the Transhuminism group to find what THIS is all...