This Music Teacher Played His Saxophone While In Brain Surgery
Via: pat-wilson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/08/25/545710598/this-music-teacher-played-his-saxophone-while-in-brain-surgery The idea behind the program is to learn as much as possible about the...
Donald Trump's NOAA Just Disbanded the National Climate Assessment Advisory Committee
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
President Donald Trump and his administration’s assault on the climate science community has continued, the Washington Post reported , with the elimination of a 15-person advisory committee...
Sen. Schatz’s new health care idea could be the Democratic Party’s future
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Democrats are ready to go on the health care offensive. And Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) may have a new plan for them to do it. In an interview with Vox, Schatz revealed that he’s preparing a new...
Woman Decapitated In Elevator Accident Minutes After Giving Birth In Spanish Hospital
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Mom Gives Birth, Then Dies in Freak Elevator Accident Rocio Cortes Nuñez had just delivered her 3rd child via C-section (Newser) – A Spanish woman who went to the hospital to...
When White Nationalists Get DNA Tests That Reveal African Ancestry
Via: calbab
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Sarah Zhang Aug 17, 2017 For white nationalists, DNA tests are a way to prove their racial purity. Of course, their results don’t always come back that way. And how white nationalists try...
Nose Bleeds and Blood Loss
Via: dave-2693993
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Has anyone experienced serious nose bleeds or known someone who experienced serious nose bleeds over a short period of time? My blood level is still heavily depleted. I can not describe how that...
NASA’s risky decision to send maps into space could make us targets for alien marauders
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
http://bgr.com/2017/08/16/nasa-aliens-news-space-maps/ Humanity’s vigorous drive to find — or be found by — intelligent life outside of Earth could one day lead to our total annihilation, or...
US firm reveals gun-toting drone that can fire in mid-air
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
A US firm has armed a drone with a machine-gun and a grenade launcher in order to fight terrorism DUKE ROBOTICS A US technology firm has developed a drone that is able to aim and fire at...
Camel Spiders Are Fast, Furious and Horrifically Fascinating
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
A close-up of a camel spider's multifaceted mouthparts, taken in Namibia's Namib Desert Nature Picture Library / Alamy Yet another mystery about these arachnids: Why are they so intent...
I'm a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you.
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
I've been looking for a "good" article to seed on "the Google-women problem", among all the outrage and hand-wringing. I like this one a lot! -- Bob Nelson -------------------------------...
Someone Leaked a Major Federal Climate Change Report Before Trump and Pruitt Can Cook the Books
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
On Monday, the New York Times published a leaked copy of the special science section of the draft 2018 National Climate Assessment, which federal climate researchers had completed but...
Mammalian Ancestors Went Airborne Earlier Than We Thought
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Reconstruction by April I. Neander UChicago The origin of flight remains a perplexing topic in the scientific community, as tends to be the case with any origin story. Flight probably...
The climate report scientists are afraid Trump will censor, explained
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Wait until these guys find out what the new scientific report says! Ron Sach-Pool/Getty Images The report is a reminder US climate politics are still insane There’s been some buzz...
Neil deGrasse Tyson: “No reason” for marijuana to be illegal
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, among the most well-known living scientists this side of Stephen Hawking, said this week that "there's no reason for [marijuana] to ever have been made...
Trump administration won't answer questions about Obamacare enrollment
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
People waiting to enter an Affordable Care Act enrollment event sponsored by SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West and Community Coalition in Los Angeles in November 2014. AP Photo/SEIU,...
Here’s how climate change is already affecting the US
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Emissions spew out of a large stack at the coal-fired Morgantown Generating Station, in Newburg, Maryland Photo by Mark Wilson / Getty Images According to a new government report We...
Chantek, an Orangutan Who Knew Sign Language, Has Died at 39
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Zoo Atlanta The ape was raised by an anthropologist who taught him to clean his room, use the toilet and bargain for cheeseburgers Chantek, a male orangutan who lived at Zoo Atlanta,...
Maternal Mortality...
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
...is rising in the US as it declines elsewhere ------------------------------- Original article http://www.marciarille.com/2017/06/maternal-mortality.html by Ann Marie Marciarille...
Tired of Mother Earth? Scientists discover two 'potentially habitable' nearby planets
Via: matti-viikate
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
If you're a little bored of life on Earth, have no fear; scientists have discovered two potentially habitable planets orbiting a sun just 12 light-years away. The team of astronomers which...
BREAKING NEWS Scientists reported a breakthrough in gene-edited piglets that may open the way for organ transplants from animals to humans
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
In a bold scientific step that helps open the door to organ transplants from animals, researchers at Harvard and a private company have created gene-edited piglets cleansed of viruses that...
US Military Can Now Blast Wayward Hobby Drones Out of the Sky
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Photo: Getty Drone enthusiasts take heed: If you don’t want to see your precious drone blasted into a million pieces, keep clear of US military installations. The Pentagon has approved a...
Army tells troops to stop using DJI drones immediately, because cyber
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
"Halt use of all DJI products," Army Aviation commands The US military has a lot of drones—and an unending demand from troops in the field for more. As a result, the Army has for some time...
Protecting the planet from large meteor strikes
Via: matti-viikate
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Cosmic debris such as meteors pose a significant threat — how is technology shaping up to meet it? For the inhabitants of the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, the events of 15 February 2013 will...
Gunshots: Vermont Gun Deaths, 2011-2016
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The role of guns in life — and death — in Vermont In Vermont, 420 people died from gunshot wounds between the beginning of 2011 and the end of 2016. In Morrisville, a 21-year-old man...