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US says Chinese military stole masses of Americans’ data
Via: Dean Moriarty • News & Politics • 9 Comments • 1 Like • 5 years ago
“ Four members of the Chinese military have been charged with breaking into the computer networks of the Equifax credit reporting agency and...”
It was the commies.
China tells Uighur Muslims they are abducting their families so they can cleanse their brains like they have a disease, leaked documents show
Via: Dean Moriarty • News & Politics • 8 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
“Under President Xi Jinping, China has installed a hi-tech police state in the region and detained at least 1 million Uighurs in prisons and camps....”
The concentration camps are real. These people are having their lives destroyed by the evil communists.
China Introduces Restrictions On Video Games For Minors
Via: Dean Moriarty • News & Politics • 7 Comments • 6 years ago
“A state spokesperson says that everyone, regardless of age, is prohibited from playing games that depict "sexual explicitness, goriness, violence...”
Can you imagine the public uproar if Trump passed an executive order to do this. This is tyranny and the iron fist of communism has turned these people into slaves for the state. The thought police decide what content of video games they are allowed by the state to play. I hate to see America...
Marijuana Study Finds CBD Can Cause Liver Damage
Via: Dean Moriarty • Health, Science & Technology • 23 Comments • 2 Likes • 6 years ago
“Regardless of your feelings on this particular study, it is hard to argue with dead mice – even if you are an all-knowing marijuana expert. ”
There is no denying that cannabidiol, more commonly referred to as CBD, is rapidly becoming more popular in the United States than sliced bread. It is a hot trend that got started several years ago after Dr. Sanja Gupta showed the nationin his documentary 'Weed 2' just how this...
11 Struggles of Being a Deep Thinker in the Modern World
Via: Dean Moriarty • Mental Health and Wellness • 10 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
“Deep thinking often comes with social incompetence. Social skills are usually an innate quality, even though they can be developed.”
11 Struggles of Being a Deep Thinker in the Modern World Anna LeMind Being a deep thinker is a great gift as it allows you to delve into the very essence of things and be more conscious. Still, in modern society with its materialistic values, this constant inquiry and a profound awareness...
Dean’s first attempt to prosecute!
By: Dean Moriarty • Metafied • 59 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
Ladies and Gentlemen today I will present to you irrefutable evidence the following comment is a Sweeping Generalization. “Another Trump apologist, accept it, it is the current Trump policies that are going to send us into our next recession.”...
Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, endangering coverage for 20 million
Via: Dean Moriarty • News & Politics • 215 Comments • 7 years ago
“A federal judge in Texas late Friday threw the health coverage of some 20 million Americans in limbo by ruling Obamacare must be scrapped because...”
A federal judge in Texas late Friday threw the health coverage of some 20 million Americans in limbo by ruling Obamacare must be scrapped because Congress struck the penalty for failing to obtain insurance coverage! The invalidation of the landmark 2010 law is...
Remembering The Grateful Dead’s ‘Wall of Sound’: An Absurd Feat of Technological Engineering
Via: Dean Moriarty • Entertainment • 15 Comments • 7 years ago
“It did not need any delay towers to reach a distance of half a mile from the stage without degradation.””
Luka OsborneJuly 16, 2018 On a night in 1974, sound engineer Stan ‘Bear’ Owsley stood alone in an empty theatre – the former Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco. Rumoured to have especially sweet sonic qualities, the venue was a converted ice rink and by this point was showing wear from...
Why the most expensive military ever still can’t win a war
Via: Dean Moriarty • News & Politics • 56 Comments • 7 years ago
“Who was this asshole suggesting that they don’t use their entire budget?”
Why the most expensive military ever still can’t win a war A friend who used to work in the Pentagon told me about the end of year budget meetings he had to attend. There, military personnel would frantically brainstorm ideas on how to spend the rest of their budgets. If they didn’t spend...
Benefits Of DNA Testing!
By: Dean Moriarty • The Zoo • 5 Comments • 7 years ago
With all of this talk of racism, fascism, and anti-semitism many of you are probably wondering what percent victim you are. Now DNA testing can give you the answer. Don't hesitate find out now what percent victim you are.