Just Jim NC TttH

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Newsom to send 120 CHP officers to fight crime in Oakland - Los Angeles Times

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Newsom to send 120 CHP officers to fight crime in Oakland - Los Angeles Times

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  12 Comments  •  3 Likes  •  last year

Gov. Gavin Newsom is increasing state police presence in Oakland under a new law enforcement campaign to target rising violent crime and theft.

Chicagoland criminals expanding enterprises by training migrants for suburban crime sprees: expert | Fox News

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Chicagoland criminals expanding enterprises by training migrants for suburban crime sprees: expert | Fox News

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Americana  •  145 Comments  •  8 Likes  •  last year

Criminals in Illinois are training and targeting migrants on how and where to commit crimes in the state, including quiet Chicago suburbs, a...

Migrants Get More Money for Food Than New Yorkers Using SNAP Benefits

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Migrants Get More Money for Food Than New Yorkers Using SNAP Benefits

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  13 Comments  •  7 Likes  •  last year

A new pilot program will give migrants in New York City about $60 more for food expenses than Americans on SNAP benefits receive.

Washington state diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to migrants

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Washington state diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to migrants

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  8 Comments  •  4 Likes  •  last year

A new report shows how federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were ineligible to receive...

Chinese migrants, some with the help of TikTok, have become fastest-growing group trying to cross U.S. southern border - CBS News

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Chinese migrants, some with the help of TikTok, have become fastest-growing group trying to cross U.S. southern border - CBS News

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Americana  •  14 Comments  •  8 Likes  •  last year

Migrants determined to escape China's increasingly repressive political climate and sluggish economy are now the fastest growing group trying...

Biden aides panicked over classified document report containing 'embarrassing details,' photos: Report | Fox News

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Biden aides panicked over classified document report containing 'embarrassing details,' photos: Report | Fox News

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  10 Comments  •  6 Likes  •  last year

President Biden's aides are reportedly worried about the Special Counsel report into his handling of classified documents revealing "embarrassing...

NYC's booming underground migrant economy exposes the true disaster of Biden's open border

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NYC's booming underground migrant economy exposes the true disaster of Biden's open border

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  7 Comments  •  6 Likes  •  last year

Immigration policies that admit vast numbers of low-skill workers are a plague on Americans in low-skill jobs, warned the late, great Barbara Jordan.

Biden reelection rating worst in 32 years, most want him gone: Gallup - Washington Examiner

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Biden reelection rating worst in 32 years, most want him gone: Gallup - Washington Examiner

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  We the People  •  72 Comments  •  6 Likes  •  last year

The percentage of people who think the president deserves reelection is the lowest in over three decades, with 38% eager for a Biden repeat.

Biden speaks of 'hell' at the National Prayer Breakfast — his speech certainly was

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Biden speaks of 'hell' at the National Prayer Breakfast — his speech certainly was

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Americana  •  8 Comments  •  6 Likes  •  last year

That's the day President Biden spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast.

ICE arrests 171 noncitizens in latest enforcement push - ABC News

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ICE arrests 171 noncitizens in latest enforcement push - ABC News

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  Today's America  •  12 Comments  •  4 Likes  •  last year

Officials say the agency needs more resources to expand its operations.

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