Michael C.

Article History

Dubai vs. Gaza: Why the difference?

Dubai vs. Gaza: Why the difference?

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  11 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  9 months ago

Over the past few decades, the city of Dubai has evolved into one of the world’s most architecturally and technologically advanced cities.

UK university to offer postgraduate degree in witchcraft and the Occult

UK university to offer postgraduate degree in witchcraft and the Occult

Via: Michael C.  •  World News  •  9 Comments  •  4 Likes  •  9 months ago

There’s no sorting hat, wands or flying broomsticks, but magical mysteries still await.

Biden: DOD Data Shows Israel Israel Not Behind Hospital Blast.

Biden: DOD Data Shows Israel Israel Not Behind Hospital Blast.

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  6 Comments  •  3 Likes  •  9 months ago

NBC NewsL U.S. officials confirm rocket from Palestinian Islamic Jihad responsible for blast at Hospital, in Gaza City.

Israel's Underground Hospitals

Israel's Underground Hospitals

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  21 Comments  •  5 Likes  •  9 months ago
Opinion: Invading Gaza, but to what end? Netanyahu’s incompetent government has no answers

Opinion: Invading Gaza, but to what end? Netanyahu’s incompetent government has no answers

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  33 Comments  •  10 months ago

How could they have let this happen? How could entire towns and thousands of people have been left to fend for themselves for hours and hours while...

Jewish Communities Attacked Around the World Following Israel Bloodshed

Jewish Communities Attacked Around the World Following Israel Bloodshed

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  5 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  10 months ago

Several incidents have so far been recorded in Britain, where the authorities have stepped up protective measures, but early reports suggest...

Biden offers ‘rock solid’ support for Israel

Biden offers ‘rock solid’ support for Israel

Via: Michael C.  •  News & Politics  •  16 Comments  •  4 Likes  •  9 months ago

“Israel has the right to defend itself and its people, full stop."