Robert in Ohio
Post Wisely

Post Wisely

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  36 comments  •  one month ago
Red and Blue should Make Purple Right?

Red and Blue should Make Purple Right?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  37 comments  •  2 months ago
Then the Democrats and the Republicans Started Talking

Then the Democrats and the Republicans Started Talking

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  35 comments  •  6 months ago
Why We Are the People We Are

Why We Are the People We Are

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  86 comments  •  6 months ago
What's in Your Backyard?

What's in Your Backyard?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  21 comments  •  7 months ago
The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  13 comments  •  8 months ago
The Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

By: Robert in Ohio  •  politics  •  14 comments  •  8 months ago
The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  93 comments  •  8 months ago
Discussion vs Pontification

Discussion vs Pontification

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  68 comments  •  8 months ago
Do problems Need Solutions or Just Someone to Blame?

Do problems Need Solutions or Just Someone to Blame?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  politics  •  162 comments  •  8 months ago
Do We Take Ourselves Too Seriously?

Do We Take Ourselves Too Seriously?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  40 comments  •  8 months ago
What a Loser Looks Like in Court

What a Loser Looks Like in Court

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  15 comments  •  8 months ago
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