Tagged: transgender
Often Discriminated, Transgender People Are Accepted by God | Controversy eXtraordinary
Christian State of Mind
3 years ago
Note: I found this article just 'now,' November 1, 2022 after an ongoing discussion with a fellow NT member. I find this article 'opens' up some issues we were discussing prior. And, it also...
Opinion | The Far Right and Far Left Agree on One Thing: Women Don't Count - The New York Times
Via: lemuel-g
3 years ago
The right’s position here is the better known, the movement having aggressively dedicated itself to stripping women of fundamental rights for decades. Thanks in part to two Supreme Court...
School Closed After Parents Declare ‘Hunting Season’ on 12-Year-Old Transgender Student: ‘A Good Sharp Knife Will Do the Job’
Via: skrekk
News & Politics
7 years ago
A middle school in Achille, Oklahoma is closed following violent threats by parents on social media against Maddie, a 12-year-old transgender student who identifies as female and used the girls’...
As expected, a federal court blocks Trump's effort to deny military service to transgender folks.
Via: skrekk
News & Politics
8 years ago
Anyone who was paying attention knew that this one was coming, but between this and the charges brought today against Manafort & Gates and especially the plea deal of Papadopoulos , we should...
Dispelling More Myths About Sexual Orientation and Transgenderism
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
It seems that so many science deniers positively revel in their ignorance about sexuality: they continue to insist that one can change one's sexual orientation; they confuse orientation with...
Justice Department 'Religious Liberty' Guidance: A 'License to Discriminate'?
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
The new guidance outlines 20 "religious liberty" principles, but some say it could unleash discrimination "at a scale that we have never seen.” by Julie Moreau / Oct.08.2017 / 1:42 PM ET Just...
Federal Civil Rights Law Doesn't Protect Transgender Workers, Justice Department Says
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
Federal Civil Rights Law Doesn't Protect Transgender Workers, Justice Department Says A Justice Department memo, signed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, says transgender employees aren't...
Is homosexuality conclusively and solely biologically predetermined? (ie, are you born gay?)
Via: j70141
News & Politics
8 years ago
Not according to the APA and other authoritative figures: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual...
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Biologically Determined -- But Bigotry is a [Dumb] Choice!
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
All of the available peer-reviewed, unbiased science indicates that sexual orientation is inborn. However, there are so many deniers here on Newsvine and elsewhere. I know that you deniers will...