
Broliver Stagnasty's Hat Stand

Broliver Stagnasty's Hat Stand

Kinda Meta? Kinda Not!

Always thinking?  Not a lot.

This thing be group-ish. I am the only One.

Until I am not. 


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How drag queen story hours became a target of right-wing attacks - Los Angeles Times

How drag queen story hours became a target of right-wing attacks - Los Angeles Times

Via: Thomas  •  17 Comments  •  last year
Thomas last wrote: "..." "..." "..."


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@Thomas @Trout Giggles @Dulay @Ender @afrayedknot @Tessylo @CB @Steve Ott @Kavika @Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @KatPen @Drakkonis @Devangelical @evilone @pat wilson @Jack_TX @Tacos! @John Russell @Drinker of the Wry @cjcold @Texan1211 @Jeremy in NC @mocowgirl @Thrawn 31 @Hal A. Lujah @JBB @Greg Jones @Sean @MonsterMash @Nerm_L @arkpdx @MrFrost @bugsy @Right Down the Center @Ed-NavDoc @sandy-2021492 @bccrane @Veronica @TᵢG @Vic Eldred @Just Jim NC TttH @Igknorantzruls @Perrie Halpern @Ronin2 @Krishna @shona1

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