US Capitol: Pro-Trump protesters storm the building as lawmakers gather to count electoral votes - CNNPolitics
By: Ted Barrett, Manu Raju and Peter Nickeas (CNN)

It's not Antifa and BLM this time

(CNN)Supporters of President Donald Trump have breached the US Capitol, according to Capitol police officers, as lawmakers count the Electoral College votes certifying President-elect Joe Biden's win.
Shortly after 1 p.m. hundreds of pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they tussled with officers in full riot gear, some calling the officers "traitors" for doing their jobs. About 90 minutes later, police said demonstrators got into the building and the doors to the House and Senate were being locked. Video from inside the Capitol showed Trump supporters marching through Statuary Hall. The US Capitol Police is asking for additional law enforcement for assistance, including federal authorities, per a source familiar. The source says there are several suspicious devices outside the Capitol building. The protesters have breached exterior security barriers, and video footage shows protesters gathering and some clashing with police near the Capitol building. CNN's team on the ground saw a number of protestors trying to go up the side of the Capitol building. Several loud flash bangs have been heard. Read More Protesters could be seen pushing against metal fences and police using the fences to push protesters back, while other officers reached over the top to club people trying to cross their lines. Flash bangs could be heard near the steps of the Capitol as smoke filled the air. In some instances officers could be seen deploying pepper spray. Tear gas has been deployed, but it's not clear whether by protesters or police, and people wiped tears from their eyes while coughing. Trump supporters chanted "USA" and waved American and "Don't Tread on Me" flags toward the front of the crowd after things had calmed some. This is a breaking story and will be updated.
CNN's Pamela Brown contributed to this report.
CNN's Pamela Brown, Phil Mattingly, andDaniela Diaz contributed to this report.

Where are the National Guard that were supposed to be deployed to DC today?
armed standoff at the door of the house right now.
They should be shooting through the glass and let the bodies pile up...
I am more than done with this bullshit.
Gas every one of them followed up by flash bang grenades and watch the cockroaches and rats run.
Like this?
And, supposedly, this is where the young, unarmed woman was killed - through the door - add to the body count.
every domestic terrorist that breached capitol security should have been dropped.
Every person that attacked the Capitol is a terrorist and those photos prove it.
BTW, judging from the video, she was with a group storming a different set of doors.
Oh and I don't give a shit whether she was 'unarmed' or not.
Just stop, 1st.....The was/is an attempted coup against the seat of our government.
Don't fucking try to deflect to anything else.
I'm over the false equivalencies 1st.
STOP conflating yesterday's insurrection on the Capitol of the United States of America during a joint session of Congress with the events outside of a shut down Federal Courthouse in Portland.
Just fucking STOP.
Where's the story on that claim?
What's your definition of "attacked".
And why don't you "give a shit" about unarmed combatants?
Whataboutism to delect from a historically unique occupation of our nation's capitol is obviously giving aide and confort to enemies of the republic.
Unless I'm mistaken... "giving aide and confort to enemies of the republic"... is a definition of treason.
Please, 1st... do not go there.
The same place as the one that supports yours.
The same as Webster's.
Why should I. There is unequivocal evidence that a plethora of unarmed Americans are gunned down by LEOs without due process. Why decry one that was actually committing federal crimes when it happened?
She became the 'domestic enemy' that she took an oath to defend our country against.
Her blood is on Trumps hands.
Because no one knew she was unarmed, they were attacking the seat of our government which is why she was shot. It was said she was an Air Force veteran she took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, Obviously, she had did not honor her oath.
If you can't understand that then there is nothing that can be done to help you grasp reality.
no one knew she was unarmed - standard LE practice/rule - determine the threat before determining the reaction.
3. Take action against the active shooter As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: • Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her • Throwing items and improvising weapons • Yelling • Committing to your actions
Obviously not done.
You don't shoot people who don't believe as you do. She was no longer in the military. Not ALL military personnel will/do honor that oath when they are discharged. She was "active" for 14 years - why just 14 - bad evals??? attitude??? was she a good soldier??? She was a conspiracy believer. I wouldn't place much faith in her emotional stability, but did/does that make her a loose-cannon??
With your experiences, I'm quite sure you've seen/reacted to this type of person before.
I think by now most of us here on NT are quite familiar with his tactics.
She was part of a very large mob that was attacking the Capitol and completely outnumbered Capitol police trying to protect elected officials and themselves. Did you see the videos of these attacks? Do you not think that they felt their lives and the lives of those they are sworn to defend were in danger.
And yes I've have both combat experience and also dealing with people that are not acting in a sane manner. I do not want to see anyone killed but on the other hand, she is responsible for her own death. She chose to follow a mad man that fomented treasonist actions against our country.
Stop defending her and trying to deflect from the real rats in our country.
I'm done with this conversation.
Stop, 1st.
And to me, the stupidest thing is that the others who were with her were trying to get her to leave with them and SHE JUST WOULDN'T GO.
Sorry, but even Darwin doesn't have an award for that.
But, the underlying impact to me was the non-verified threat to life/imminent threat to life did not require firing their weapons.
Reportedly, the folks in that stairwell were not armed.
A witness to the shooting told the TV station WUSA9 that "a number of police and Secret Service were saying, 'get down, get back, get out of the way.' She didn't heed the call." At that point, the witness said, "they shot her in the neck."
"As protesters were forcing their way toward the House Chamber where Members of Congress were sheltering in place, a sworn USCP employee discharged their service weapon, striking an adult female," the United States Capitol Police wrote in a statement on Thursday.
"Medical assistance was rendered immediately, and the female was transported to the hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries."
A law enforcement official told NPR that Babbitt was unarmed.
She was unarmed - where was the imminent threat to life?
It looked like nobody stopped these people, they just went straight in.
That's bad.
And before any NT clown says it...I never wanted defunding of police. And this is one of the reasons why
Defunding the police would not make 1 whit of difference to what is happening now. Not sure why you even brought it up.
There might be more police on site than what there are right now. That's why I brought it up
Yeah, kind of curious, isn't it? An unbelievable level of incompetence on someone's part, it seems. Especially given the speculation of something like this happening over the last week.
FBI swat team has entered the complex, reported at 4:35pm EST
ruh-roh...the shit's about to hit the fan
Saddened without the capability of expression
Maybe for the same reason someone brought up BLM.
Trout Giggles:
Former IMT here:
It is always wise to assume that internet fora such as NT are monitored. If the phone of Germany's Chancellor is monitored, if Edward Snowden is forced to flee the country for exposing massive domestic spying ...
'It looked like nobody stopped these people, they just went straight in.'
As I see it, serious resistance was not offered. That raises substantial questions in my mind about the police themselves, their orientation, what they expected, what they were prepared to do, etc.
Trump cultivated a very close, careful and intentional relationship with police organizations. Were they waiting for a word to 'let them pass?' I can't speak to this. And the meaning of events is almost never clear at the moment when they occur. That includes Trump's highly uncharacteristic 'calling off' the demonstration.
Had Trump told the protesters, 'you've stood down and waited as I instructed ... now you're here at the right time, in the right place, with the right gear ... you know what needs to be done... now do it,' events would have played out very differently.
We came to the edge of the abyss, and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Trump may yet initiate a major action against Iran and use this as a rationale for suppressing dissent at home. Don't doubt that these events will be studied by Trump supporters who will incorporate lessons learned into guidelines for future actions.
Everybody adapts.
I've been waiting on that meme
Ummmm....I'm not worried about the Gestapo
How about th NSA? How about ICE (whose helicopters have overflown manifestations)?
Be worried.
I'm not saying anything wrong. We still have a constitution in this country.
If you say so. We all saw a mob of White people do shit that would have gotten Black people killed. We saw our President encouraging the overthrow of our republic... with the support of a large number of Congresspeople.
If you think that old parchment meant much yesterday, you're a lot more optimistic than I.
There's needs to be a thorough investigation. Why were they so ineffective?
Was it a lack of sufficient numbers of law enforcement officers on the scene?
Was it that they didn't do what they should've?
Or, possibly, some other factor?
(it may be easy for us to jump to conclusions., Something was definitely wrong...and there should be a thorough investigation to see what it was)
Today's a new day, Bob
Yup... a LOT more optimistic!
They all got there. The DC Mayor called every agency she could and unlike the year of violence and rioting we went through in which cops were ordered to stand down and let the mob have it's way - today they came with guns drawn and live ammunition.

Who is responsible for the killing of that Air Force Veteran?
We want his name and we want justice!
In memory of Ashli Babbitt
She attacked her government. She is dead at police hands. Justice was served.
I don’t [deleted like you deleted]
I have no problem with police defending themselves and those they protect with force. Maybe you should ask what my views are instead of making assumptions, Sean.
[deleted Maybe I missed it. deleted]
She brought a knife to a gun fight and the trash got taken out.
You never heard me advocate for violent protests nor criticize police for using force in response to violence, either.
Stop trying to tell me what I think, Sean. It's dishonest and trollish.
This "veteran" gave a black eye to all Air Force veterans. I took the same oath she did which was to protect and defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. I'm certain that the vets here on NT took that oath to heart and still abide by it to this day.
She tried to enter a federal building illegally and was shot. The traitor is dead.
You are going off-topic. I will not put up with it. This is your only warning
Of course, we have the idiots on NT that never served a fucking day in their lives that are suddenly all outraged because a traitor got shot.
Fuck them.
Oh...but don't you know, and I wear our service on our sleeves. I guess it's not ok to be a vet and a liberal. At least that's what I was told by a certain someone
very disappointing that more of her Q friends didn't join her.
Fuck him
Only with a ten foot pole at least 6 inches in diameter
That is more misleading than most lies.
Such misdirection is a typical fascist propaganda technique.
Gosh... what a surprise...
She got what she deserved. She turned against the US and her oath to defend the Constitution. I saw on other sites and major news organizations that she was a Q supporter and a a "right wing radical," her info was also posted on MSN. She was trying to break into a locked room with federal agents inside. She was the one who wasn't were she belonged. Any of the Radicals that were in DC need to be arrested and tried for sedition. (IMHO).
As a former SGT of Marines, I fully support an armed response to such actions of SEDITION. I believe that if these idiots want to start the 2nd American civil war then we should put them down like Sherman did in his march to the sea.
I met a lot of "liberals" while I was in. Interestingly, most of the ones I meet were in the Infantry or intelligence.
She had to come across areas where armed response was authorized if indeed she was in the Air Force. She went there of her own accord and died a traitor's death
Intelligence and Infantry? That surprises me.
I knew a few. I worked in the Med Group
More false equivalencies.
The more you and yours equate a locked down empty Federal Courthouse with the Capitol of the United States during a joint session of Congress, the less credible your comments.
This is a group, 1st, rules are a little different regarding moderation and commenting. As the owner of the group and the author of the seed it's up to me to maintain control. Devan is my appointed moderator for this group.
Now I would appreciate if you would stop telling group mods what to do and go back to making on topic comments or find somewhere else to play.
he attacked her government. She is dead at police hands. Justice was served.
I don’t remember you advocating the feds shoot and kill the hundreds of rioters who attacked the federal courthouse in Portland with explosives over the summer, but I’m sure you did. It’s not like you have situational principals, right?
Until we know what happened there, there is no way to judge why she was shot. We all saw several photos of the police with their guns drawn so we know they felt that there was an imminent threat. I'm sure there will be an investigation.
As for you comparing the rioters to what happened yesterday, that is a non starter. Those "patriots" came armed and attacked our government buildings. And while I feel that looting is always bad, that is not an attack on our government. What we saw yesterday was an armed insurrection, and if you can't tell the difference between the two, then that is on you.
I thought this was deleted once already?
e all saw several photos of the police with their guns drawn so we know they felt that there was an imminent threat
If the cop who shot an unarmed woman can demonstrate there was an imment threat from her, than there won't be charges. I'm not arguing that the cop should be arrested or charged, at all.
What's funny is watching the same people who supported rioting because a criminal was shot while attacking a police with a knife and turned that criminal into a victim so cavalierly dismiss the killing of this woman.
Those "patriots" came armed and attacked our government buildings.
How many nights did the armed rioters attack a Federal Courthouse or police stations? And Democratic politicians and many progressives here made excuses for them and attacked police for having the temerity to defend themselves. If the BLM rioters had done what they did yesterday, mayors like De Blasio and Lightfoot and politicians like Schumer would be out there today marching with them in support,.
that is not an attack on our governmen
Attacking courthouses, police stations and police is the very definition of an attack on our government.
day was an armed insurrection, and if you can't tell the difference between the two, then that is on you.
No, it's on you if you dismiss some attacks against police and government buildings but not others.
If you can't tell the difference between an armed attack on our actual government when in session, encouraged by the POTUS, then you are missing the entire event and how utterly shocking it was to watch. The world can tell the difference... somehow you have found a way to equivocate.
There where two police officers in uniform with guns pointed standing right behind her when she was shot. An investigation is needed indeed.
Do you mean at the nation's Capitol? Who was armed?
You put WAAAAAYY too much power in this rag tag bunch of idiots. Insurrection, coup, and all the other terms are now becoming over used. They never had a chance and you and others know it. I'm not condoning just but rather trying to squelch some of the paranoia of the events. Trump is gone in two weeks. Let the guy just fade into the sunset. Any other action is purely for political points and the final "gotcha" for the dems so they can say they succeeded at finally, after all the ridiculous attempts, to push him out.
And all these resignations are just people trying like hell, NOW, to disassociate themselves for further career gains. Can't really say I blame them but.....................
I oppose violent riots and attacks on the government. You pick and choose. That's the difference.
The British said the same thing about Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill so one should not diminish what they did. It was insurrection, but not a coup as history has taught us.
As long as you use that word to describe the assaults on police and the federal courthouse in Portland...
There's a photo of a man dressed all in black with zip ties in his hands. What do you think that man intended to do with those zip ties?
stop the trolling, Sean
Kinky sex at the hotel? You tell me what he was going to do with zip ties FFS. It may have been an undercover cop for all you/we know.
Got that picture?
Bullshit. You're defending this violent attack by deflecting to other nonequivalent incidents. If you oppose violence and attacks on government, you would agree that justice for this terrorist has been served.
My point is that I think you're not taking this very seriously. That was a very large crowd and they overwhelmed what police presence there was. They made into the building and trashed it. Do you think that's all they intended to do was just vandalism?
I agree-- and your photo of trump answers those questions!
Do you have a photo or a link for that statement?
Capitol Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Woman During Wednesday's Breach (
The cop that shot her (Capitol Police) was defending his life and those in his charge. Isn't that the same shit we get from folks whenever an unarmed black person is shot and killed?
Again, you give WAAAYY to much power to these morons. Who fired shots? If it had been determined that they were an existential threat, the LEO's wouldn't have just stood there (basically) and let it get to where it was. Yep, they got in but then what? Feet on a desk. Stolen envelope. Broken glass. A total mess to clean up. There didn't seem to be that many to me that breached the doors or especially constituted a "deadly" threat. Perhaps you have a different idea?
Morons? Yes? Dangerous morons? Yes, again. I don't want a crazed mob running through my house.
I don't know why the police just stood there. I have my own theories but don't feel like sharing them. One shot that I know of was fired and that was the CP that shot that woman.
Isn't that the same shit we get from folks whenever an unarmed black person is shot and killed?
Shouldn't folks be claiming shooting of an unarmed white woman by police proves that police nationwide are murdering white women and use the shooting to justify looting, shooting people, destroying small businesses, arson and attacking police around the country?
I have no clue and neither do/can you. As for the zip ties, you can see them on the floor all over in some of the pictures. What's to say this guy wasn't just harvesting some police "property". Again, all we can to at this point is jump to conclusions and that seems to be running rampant in some circles.
That unarmed white woman was actually in the act of committing a crime.
well done TG
So it's against the rules to speculate now?
Seems he was scared shitless to me. Two uniformed cops standing directly behind her with their guns drawn didn't see her as a threat to shoot her.
We will see what further information an investigation tell us.
Maybe he was. Can we use that same excuse whenever a cop shoots an unarmed black person? Scared shitless?
No we can't and we shouldn't here either.
Why not? You just made the claim that you thought the CP cop looked scared shitless, didn't you?
you just did ?
did what?
So? You said it was warranted and he should be excused for it not me.
"You just made the claim that you thought the CP cop looked scared shitless, didn't you?"
You've known how this works for 10 years at least.
It's not because someone knows something like they won't say the opposite.
I suppose this shocks you... but there are NT members who are not honest! There are even some who are hypocritical.
Shocking, isn't it?
Have you noticed that with this going on, there was NO looting or burning in Kenosha last night after it was announced that the officer would not face charges in the Blake shooting? I wonder where all the antagonizing factors were?
that's your answer?
It was freaking cold last night in Kenosha? Maybe sitting near a warm fire with a cat in their lap?
Fascists work diligently to develop reasonable doubt.
Wasn't that cold compared to what it normally is this time of year. It was in the 30s; that's a heatwave for Jan.
There was still an ACTUAL peaceful demonstration.......this time.
They look like law enforcement grade flex cuffs, and there is only one use for them.
Oh gawd..fascist, sychopants, can you ever come up with something other than fear mongering bs?
I have no doubt you believe she deserved to die without any due process.
er... 2...
That's unusual. I figured it would be at least in the teens this time of year
Just answer the question!
It is usually in the teens this time of year. The entire upper Midwest has been warmer than usual all winter thus far. However, my anniversary and birthday is next week, so we'll probably get a hell of a snow dump just in time for it.
There's only been a handful of birthdays through my entire life that it hasn't snowed considerably just before or on the day.
... and breathing?
Now who's speculating?
Kyle Rittenhouse!
And how many Black people have been shot to death by police?
He can breathe just not on me or take up my O2
Thank you. Hadn't seen that. It appeared he may have been standing in a doorway just inside the glass and shot through the glass she was behind to pop her. And in the neck? I'm going to guess yep. He was scared for his life...........even though, as someone said previous (perhaps you) that there were cops behind her in the same 10 feet or so that didn't feel the threat this guy did on the other side of the glass. She was unfortunately right in front of his gun and low hanging fruit.
Thanks for posting.
Obviously, both of us.
You know, Jim, some days....
Unbelievable. donald urged these people and provoked them and now they are inside the capitol building.
I heard they deployed teargas inside and had to evacuate because they were trying to break onto the house floor.
I bet donald is smiling his ass off at what he has sown.
trump is on record of inciting this coup attempt.
He just tweeted that they may have gone too far
Even fox news is condemning these people.
trmp tweeted that?????
I think it was Fox that reported it.
I'm doing a lot of channel hopping.
I just updated my seed from CNN. Trmp's tweet is quoted
very weak....
Any other protest and he was quick to want to call in the national guard. Now he is silent on it.
Like any of those people are looking at their phones right now....
Here's a quote from Jr's twitter feed:
I don't buy it. They egged these people on, hyped these people up, filled these people's heads with lies and now are going to act like it is beyond their control?
They pushed and pushed, what did they think would happen. Most of these idiots are saying they will never recognize Biden as the president.
Trump is trying a CYA with that tweet. Screw him and his supporters.
Trump appeared live and asked for the people to stand down and then went into his own rant about being the real victim here, and everything he said gave them more reason to continue the "protest".
I’ve read reports that the White House did indeed call in the national guard, but conflicting info as to whether that was at the behest of Pence or Trump.
Reports have that he got into his motorcade and ran like the little bitch he is. Congress ended up in their own bunkers.
Trump opposed sending in the National Guard. Saying the contrary is a fascist-style Big Lie.
The reports I read said aides and congress critters tried to get Trump to do so, but he would not. It took the Governors of Virginia and Maryland to send the request. EDIT: I just found this bit on CNN -
Wow! Good thing I didn't say that then. Goose-stepping and the Nazi salute are bad for my back and shoulder. Also, not fond of the swastika as it is neither in my color wheel nor does it afford the necessary feng shui with my existing decor.
That's what he does-- he tweets comments designed to incite violance-- then a little something to cover his ass. (But his supporters know what he really means..)
Fascism is a behavior.
(See Trump, Donald)
teargas in the rotunda. come on national guard.
Now it looks like they have completely surrounded the capitol building.
Anyone remember "Stand back and stand by"?
I wonder if there was a secret code tweeted out by trmp that was the go ahead for the chaos?
I wonder what they think they are going to accomplish, other than trying to tear the house down.
Did you see the Graham tweet that resurfaced? I could only shake my head...
Pence has been evacuated from the Capitol per CNN
Pence called in the NG.
Why didn't Trump?
Because he's insane?
Was there ever a more proper time for the 25th Amendment to be invoked?
About 10 days after the election would have been the time to start considering this.
I'm getting a very bad feeling
not to worry, early bird dinner specials start in less than 2 hours and all the reds hats and yellow flags disappear.
hiding , asz they should be
bouncing around naked in front of their TV's and wearing maga hats while yanking it to ymca?
Puppetry of the penis?
You know it is bad when I heard several people on fox even say that donald was lying to his supporters.
They should but somehow I doubt they would. They need to stop this farce now. If they had any integrity they would.
Now they are saying someone was shot.
I am getting a bad felling that come dark, it may get worse.
theirs and Trumps' LIES, will be the reason persons will DIE
It undoubtedly will..
So no certification of the electoral vote today?
That's what they wanted and they got it
It's still President Biden at noon, 1/20/2020.
Thanks, Ozz. That helps. I'm also imagining smoking a bowl with Mr Frost and Tessy
'preciate ya!
That yellow bellied chicken shit coward! I hope they see him for what he is finally
I always loved the circle.
Anyone want to bet that he is once again "inspecting" the Whitehouse bunker?
I hope he has wireless down there
He's "inspecting" the WiFi connection in the bunker...
I would expect him to do just that. To make sure he won't be able to be arrested or taken into custody by the Capitol police or the Military for inciting revolution/rebellion.
But, unless he can count on his staff at the WH and/or Melania to provide him with food and a port-a-potty while there, he won't be able to stay there very long.
If Melania stays with him, keeping Barron with them, then she is an accessory to the event as well, and endangering her own child by keeping Barron in harms way.
I am way ahead of you on that.
I am betting that they will postpone until tomorrow.
I think they may go thru the night and get it resolved. there's a chance for less political theatrics without any cameras running on the inside.
Of COURSE they should - after all, they were part of the cause of this insurrection.
Barron should change his name and go into hiding in another country.
The woman who was attempting to breach a locked glass door was shot and later died. She messed with the wrong bull and got the horns.
They finished up early this morning. The election has been certified and Joe Biden will definitely be sworn in on Jan 20
And we all know he never lies....
Arrest Donald Trump right now. Yank his fat ass out of his chair and put him in cuffs.
It's funny how they are all wearing masks now.
they're concerned about their public image
They are worried about being identified with this shit
or better yet arrested for trespass, vandalism, refusal to disperse, resisting arrest etc
And attempting a rebellious coup to help keep Trump in the Oval office.
Only because they fear the tear gas and pepper spray used by the LE.
Where is the fucking national guard???!?!?!
From what I gather, donald won't call them in.
I thought they were supposed to be there today just for this reason?
It's unfortunate that the D.C. Mayor cannot call them in.
Trump will not call them in or ask for his supporters to vacate the capital grounds because this is exactly what he wants. He said back in 2016 he loves to see people in conflict with other people.
jesus h christ
That keileywhathernutzMcininny just tweeted that trump just called out the NG. My ass. Someone else had to do it because Trump refused.
Now the press secretary is saying they are on their way....
Well, I support calling them out, but all summer we were told it was racist or anti-democracy to call out the national guard on protestors. With that in my memory, I find it kind of funny that people are immediately demanding the NG come out today.
They are on their way from DC, Maryland and Arlington VA.
How ironic that the right wing claims to be very, "pro-police", then turn on a dime support trump supporters attack police.
Trump's legacy? 350,000 dead, impeached and a failed coup attempt. That's what trump will be remembered for.
Trump should be arrested today, right now, and tried for treason.
I dunno about failed coup attempt....
Biden will be sworn in on Jan. 20th.. This coup attempt will not be successful.
I trust your word. I just need to calm down
Come over, I just bought some killer weed.
Some of them are actually calling themselves a revolution.
Now that would be sedition. People go to prison for that
Me too.
"All I need is a cool breeze and some tasty waves." (Jeff Spicoli)
Ivanka Trump tweeted that the rioters are ''American Patriots''....She took the tweet down.
I won't say it
... FC.
Now you two will get all the abuse heaped on your heads. LOL!
boo hoo hoo, I'm on ignore ...
She tagged Trump as Meatloaf on the way to Geogia
Hilarious responses from people who noticed.
Trump just now ordered the national guard? Someone else finally called the national guard. Had trump done it, he would have tweeted that he did it.
Yep, Donny won't do it. He loves this shit.
They've had two months to plan this.
Something else to consider: While everybody is looking there, somebody better be looking behind us.
Trump didn't call them in.. I don't know who did, but no way in hell it was Dipshit Donny.
White House: Trump has directed National Guard and other "federal protective services" to respond to riot
Looks Governor Northam of Virginia did it.
It was the mayor who called the National Guard.
I would guess that it has to come from the president in some way. He is the CinC for the DC National Guard (in states, they report to a governor).
No, Trump would never spoil his own fun. The DC Mayor and Pelosi called them in. They were already primed to be called in ahead of the protests and just needed to be transported to the location. Trump would never call them in to stop his loving rebels and insurrectionists from doing his dirty work for him from the safety of his hiding place.
Ivanka Trump called these animals 'American Patriots' in a tweet. Did anyone get a screen shot of it?
I hope somebody did because that will definitely ruin her chances in 2024
look below. does that work for you?
NYT reporting Trump refusing to act to stop rioting
While I don't support non-action, I don't see that many liberals (be they politicians or newspapers) will have much of a leg to stand on if they complain about the government letting these maniacs run amok. All summer long, we saw destructive and violent demonstrations - including the total takeover of a small part of Seattle, and nightly demonstrations in Portland that went on for weeks - and anyone who suggested the police or National Guard be called in was labeled as racist.
The difference being that this is happening to the Capitol of the United States of America. And that is a really different than the protests outside.
Funny, I hear politicians from both sides calling in to FOX & MNC, CNN
questioning why these predominately white protesters, egged on by the POTUS, are being treated with such "kid gloves" and deference?
More than one has asked what would the response have been if BLM were storming the capital?
What would be the difference in gunfire and casualties?
We aren't talking about 3 unremarkable blocks in Seattle or an already blighted couple of square blocks in Portland,
we are talking about the Capital while Congress is in a rare joint session.
I doubt people will call Pence a racist for calling in the NG on white people...
I'm offended by these people forcing their way into the Capitol and I'm also offended at their illegal attempt to fuck with our Constitutional process. That said, what happened today - in terms of mob violence - is not better or worse than driving your car into a shop window or burning down a restaurant. They should be equally unacceptable.
So to your mind, we should report shop windows breaking and fired restaurants around the world because such buildings are models of democracy and cutting-edge governance?
Clearly, the context and dynamics of any situation or matter to some conservatives can be diminished and hewned around its edges until it begans to fit every other occurrence.
I am offended by that!
Funny you put it that way. You don't seem to be much interested in what's actually in my mind - just what you want to imagine is there. That's how it usually goes.
We should respond to those actions with outrage and law enforcement because they are violent crimes.
I have already stated my feelings about the context. Ignoring my words on the subject would be an exercise in dishonesty. I hope you won't continue to do that. I'll repeat them here since you seem to have missed them (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt):
There's some Context for you. That's a quote. Did you read it? It was in the comment you replied to.
This event didn't truly become outrageous until the people broke down barricades and stormed the building. Before that, it was just a demonstration - one I don't particularly support, but they have a right to demonstrate.
Meanwhile, when protestors were attacking federal buildings over the summer, Democrats and media didn't give a shit because they wanted to show sympathy for the political cause driving it. They let the violence and destruction go on and on and on. You didn't hear anything about the sanctity of government buildings.
Now they (and apparently you) want to pretend that these buildings that "are models of democracy and cutting-edge governance" are sacred to you? I'm not buying it.
They should have had every firetruck available to hit these morons with high pressure hoses.
Excusing the fascist assault on the Capitol is itself a fascist action.
Trying to diminish the significance of yesterday's assault on our nation's capitol is just another fascist propaganda operation.
He never minded when Trump tried to fuck with the constitution.
Well then it's a good thing I didn't do that.
Maybe if you keep accusing people of being fascist, it will be true. You know, like chanting a magic incantation. Try some fairy dust next time.
So "to your mind" is a harmless idiom. Why attack it in the new year?
Many of us, (not all) did give a "shit" for what it was worth, but it happened in spite of that. Context being what it was/is. Now then, while you are doing this "whataboutism' thing. . . riddle me this. Is the U.S. Capital, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the White House grounds - set apart and lifted up - in your mind or not?
Or does all ransacked and 'rooted' places in this country measure the same sense of respect and urgency to your mind?
A fascist NEVER admits to being a fascist.
Then I won't expect you to admit that you are a fascist. Although the red and black flags of your avatar might suggest otherwise.
Pointing out hypocrisy is not whataboutism. However, claiming whataboutism when confronted with hypocrisy is deflection.
Absolutely. And I have said so explicitly in multiple places on this site since this happened.
They are equally unacceptable because they are acts of violence, but one must weight actions according to the greater context in which they occur. What occurred yesterday was not, in any way, relative to somebody smashing a window to gain entry to a place of business. That would be like saying that the Whitehouse burning is equivalent to a general structure fire.
The Capitol Building of the US is a symbol of people working with people despite their differences, and that symbol was turned on its head yesterday as a direct result and logical outcome of the POtuS's inflammatory, bald-faced, outright lies to his followers. Period. There is no "maybe" involved. That is what happened and why it happened.
Trump has proven, once again, that he is unfit to hold the office.
I am bothered in a different way by what happened yesterday than I am by the riots of summer and fall because it has two components for me.
As an act of violence, it is no worse than the hundreds of incidents that took place in other places over the last year. In fact, several were worse. Businesses were emptied of their inventory or even burned down. Cops have been murdered.
As an act connected to American traditions of government, it is worse than anything that happened over the last year.
But I complained about all of those things all year long, while self-righteous partisans dismissed them or even encouraged them. So, I have earned the right to be offended by what happened at the Capitol yesterday. I'm not interested in the outrage from people who only get pissed off when their political opponents do something offensive and dismiss the actions of people they agree with.
Now he says that. A few hours earlier he was egging them on, like a kid playing with a matchbook in a room full of dynamite.
Protesters breach Nancy Pelosi's office
What a bunch of assholes.
It seems to me this is what can happen when people confine themselves to a bubble, tell each other only what they want to hear, and encourage bizarre conspiracy theories. They brainwash each other into doing something insane.
And if any of these douchebags mocked crazy Democrats and their reactions after the 2016 elections, then they have proven themselves to be massive hypocrites.
Link, please...regarding crazy democrats and their reactions after the 2016 elections. I'll wait.
Don't you remember the pussy hats, the gnashing of teeth, the shaking of fists at the sky, the rendering of clothes?
Me, neither. I remember pussy hats and tears but that;s all
Right wing talking heads are already saying that there are no trump supporters attacking the US Capital building...they are all AntiFa...
That's so fucking stupid it's comical.
omg...they should all be fired for their outrageous lies
that is funny.
what about all the Q flags ?
Are we awake right now?
Close, just took my bong out of the dishwasher..
I'll be right over.
Race ya!
This is a neo-fascist coup and insurrection.
I saw a Confederate flag and neo-fascist militia flag carried into the Capitol.
An IED was reported found on Capitol Hill.
Someone has been shot inside the Capitol building.
I saw someone with a crowbar smashing a door trying to break into the Capitol.
Biden is calling on Trump to go on national TV and call for stop to this.
If the protestors were black, can you imagine the police response?
Every participant should be prosecuted for rioting and sedition.
And it was all incited by Trump.
funny how there always seems to be a shortage of trigger happy cops around when trumpsters are acting unstable.
This is bad. This resort to mob violence and intimidation that has overtaken this country the last year has to end, now. It'd have been nice if the some of the people so outraged about today would have spoken up when progressives stormed the Wisconsin Statehouse and tried to overturn the election of Scott Walker a few years ago, but that's never going to happen, because those are the people who blame "outside agitators" when they run amok. Or at least cared when left wing mobs were literally killing people this summer. But wrong is wrong, and it's not acceptable for either side of the spectrum to resort to this.
The mob has no place in a functional democracy and I hope every single person who broke a law during this debacle is arrested and punished to the full extent of the law. Sadly, the celebrating of the mob and mob violence by the media over the summer has set the precedent that this is acceptable. It's not.
What did Trump say to them this morning to make them go crazy?
I've only seen news clips of the rioters. I didn't see any of it in real time, so I have no idea what the sequence of events was. Regardless, it's a disgrace.
oh that's a convenient excuse
Let me break it down for you.
1) Fuckhead Trump has been pimping lies and conspiracy theories for months because he is an insecure little bitch and can't handle losing.
2) He lost the election and then proceeded to relentlessly attack the basis of a functional democracy for months, continuing to pimp lies and conspiracy theories to his retard base.
3) He encouraged his retard base to attend protests in Washington today.
4) He gave a speech this morning that was his usual incoherent rambling and bitching and moaning while also telling his supporters to head march to the capitol.
5) We are watching the predictable result of all of Trump's bullshit over the last few years, the last few months especially.
The New York Times is reporting that the storming of the Capitol was organized on social media.
Clearly not, or they would make better clothing and tattoo choices.
There's no bathrooms, no food, it's going to be below freezing.
These are the kind of people who would just piss on tress and who would eat their own. They can all turn into meat Popsicles for all I care.
[deleted]'s the kicker. trmp said he would march with them right down to the Capitol bldg.
He never made it one step. Coward
I believe that they camped out there. Totally different than breaking and entering the US capitol.
Totally different than breaking and entering the US capitol.
No, it was the exact same thing.
Oh Really? At what point did the protesters in Wisconsin fight through a police barricade, physically break into the state house during a legislative session, and start breaking shit because their candidate lost a free and fair election?
A bit hard to do since there wasn't one........................
did the protesters in Wisconsin fight through a police barricade, physically break into the state house during a legislative session, and start breaking shit because their candidate lost a free and fair election?
Thanks for makign my point for me. Now you are going to split hairs on which sorts of mob action to disrupt a legislature are okay.
I mean it's right here for you "Thousands of protesters rushed to the state Capitol Wednesday night, forcing their way through doors, crawling through windows and jamming corridors, as word spread of hastily called votes on Gov. Scott Walker's"
Locking doors to keep the police out.. entering Republicans' offices. That's all okay because they were Democrats, right?
See, it's easy for me. I just condemn mob interference with our legislatures. You have to embarass yourself trying to defend some mobs and not others, as if your principle was anything other than "whatever my side is okay, whatever the other does is a threat to America."
Your own link doesn't cite even ONE instance of violence or destruction.
Again NOT the same at all.
There was NO violence or property damage Sean. NO arrests, NO citations. NOTHING, NADA. Just stop.
Nope. They were let in.
Does not seem to be the same thing that we saw yesterday at all.
Let me put it another way: If your moral compass makes equivalence out of a group of people actually having their rights removed and a group of people whipped into a frenetic state for two months by misinformation and outright lies coming from the President Of the United States, then something is wrong with your moral compass.
No one is going to 'speak up' about that because NO ONE stormed the Wisconsin Statehouse to try and overturn Walkers election.
I was wondering why I couldn't remember that
It was over the passage of a bill, not Walker's reelection. My bad.
But the point is the same,.
No, it isn't, at all.
Nope, it isn't 'the same' at all.
Yeah, that didn't happen.
In better news, Ossoff has been declared the winner. That is two blue senate seats.
Yeah, baby!!!!!!!!!!
Very good news.
Judge Merrick Garland is going to be the new AG. Expect a long list of indictments.
The FBI is asking for all assistance in identifying rioters.
I love that. A sap in the face to McConnell and the republicans.
Trump and Bannon wanted to burn it all down and boy were they experts at conning their supporters. "Mission Accomplished". We need a National Deprogramming Unit to address the harm to all these deluded Trump supporters who have quite literally been indoctrinated into a cult. Fox and right wing media lied, spread outrageous propaganda, and are responsible for indoctrinating gullible people to a frenzied belief system that will accept the lies. Now they are like a Frankenstein monster where the creator of this mob cannot stop what they have created.
Talk about too little too late... But, it's still good to know it happened.
[deleted] most Republican lawmakers are denouncing what happened yesterday [deleted]
This is fascist propaganda.
[deleted] The same rules should apply for both sides. Also note that most Republican lawmakers are denouncing what happened yesterday [deleted]
What gets me with this whataboutism is the idea of trying to make things the same when they are not.
Try as some might, they never will be.
It cannot be compared, people fighting injustice they see on a daily basis, to people trying to subvert an election.
Not in the same ocean.
How is it possible that even a single one is not denouncing what happened?
In a situation like this, anything less than full-throated condemnation is tacit support.
I agree. Nobody should be supporting Trump at this point. He has tarnished the office of PotUS far more than any president in my lifetime.
I have no answer for you Tessylo. What goes on with minds who, at this point, do not condemn Trump's behavior?
I heard that he was taken to an airport to meet his moron children so they could fly out, most likely to FL.
The only reason they are is that the violence landed in their laps forcing them to work late.
I'm locking this seed because it's 400 comments and taking a while to load. Thanks everyone for your comments