Wait. What??
In order to cyberhug my sister BizEBea, I simply HAD to pay a sort of homage to her. I wanted to write or upload something that would embody the depth of her intellect; something to highlight her innate ability to embrace the dance of her mind, body, and spirit; to showcase her propensity for innuendo; and best of all, something to exhibit her quick and decisive deliverance when calling an idiot an idiot. And to that end, I give you cheap base humor. It was that, or go straight to talking about her Mounds.
When I saw this at 812 Hershey Highway, I couldn’t stop the Snickers. Next Payday, I’m stopping at Walgreens.
And to my Butthead sister Giggles [thank you Arroyo Restaurant!]:
You and your sister BizEBea are great additions to NT !!
They never post enough.
Need to get all of them and Al back.
Apologies. I forgot my log in. I'm here now, though!
Cobalt made me cum here.
Glad to see you back!
I've also blown al down the Highway to Heaven.
I've got pictures of his front. I'll have to ask the Louvre for usage permission to show you. Once the images were out, French officials insisted they be exhibited with all the other masterpieces.
Had a resident, back in my property management days, that went so far as to paint the clear crisper drawer cover (dark green!) in her fridge...to hid her beer stash!
wtf? please repost the link for the lazy
All I am seeing are a bunch of empty boxes .
OK guys I don't get it. I can see them clearly on chrome.
OK now they are up!
Ok fixed just for you,
and CB
and Giggles
And AJ
and BizEBea
sky dog
the other Veronica
(and Veronica )
and all of the collective Butt-heads be they Cons, Libs, Indies or Others, including a few off planet Aliens, lol
I like the..quit stealing our letters. haha
The one with a K. : )
thank you.
nice to see the SiN/BH gang stop by too.
We would never stop by. One should enjoy both sexes if so inclined.
Don't you mean Crazyawesomesexual?
There are also Crazyammosexuals who love guns and ammo.
That one took me a second, lol.
very clever
These were all great, Perrie. Thanks for posting them
All of those are effin' fantastic!
I liked the one that said, "I wanted to become a Tibetan monk, but I never got the chants."
I love "Turning vegan would be a missed steak". Lordy, I love my steaks.
My son-in-law cracks me up. He will accept his children being gay, transgender, whatever but if they turn out to be vegans, he will disown them
true vegans eventually get sick and resort to, well, "real food", lol.
One of the you tube gurus just got caught eating fish in a restaurant last week and admitted that she was "forced" to incorporate eggs and fish into her diet for health issues.
My daughter-in-law tried doing vegan, but she now eats fish, dairy, and eggs.
When she was a kid she couldn't stay away from the bacon, lol
Wow! You've just inducted the Indian Hill Community Center into the Bill Engvall "Here's Your Sign Hall of Fame."
LOL, they are great. Kudos.
We're wurking onit, lol
SSZnorrrrrrt !!!!!!!!!!!!
How very true! There is one of those that occupies the Oval office right now.
If you elect a clown, expect a circus! [I loved that bumpersticker!]
Then I'm gettin' one ...
I used to have a yellow sign that said "Baby I'm Bored".
Like the old saying ... Men are only good for one thing, and one thing only. But who parallel parks anymore?
Not appetizing, LOL.
But good to know they are giving away free ones!
Regarding Disk's Pizza....
........don't ask for pepperoni
The Washington DC's branch of Big Dick's Pizza has been ordered that mushrooms be kept off the menu. Seems Trumplethinskin hates seeing "Mario Kart Mushrooms" as part of the add-ons.
OMG....that is hilarious!
CB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come back here we're not done yet!!!!
Let me see if I can bring al here. He's been a bit under the weather [which for al means someone has his undivided attention because some chippie whispered in his ear "c'mon baby ... it's cold outside"], so he's not been as ... ahem ... active. I'll send him a link and invite him to the party. I could send him to the link and let him know someone's doing a takeoff on him. Takeoff of our panties, that is. That might rouse him.
Sister Mary is missing you, too
Sister Mary is posting signs on the Dallas Beltway.
She should be here soon though.
What kind of signs?
"Jesus Saves....at Walmart"
Thrifty AND informative.
I heard that these are two that she put up.
The Texas Rangers chased her off the beltway and she has been restricted to city streets.
Those guys just don't get it....
What kind of signs do you look for?
Same, my friend. Same.
Oh those Scott's....
Always trying to get a leg up on those Brits
not to be left behind....
2,000 lbs that thinks it can fly...
You know somebody slipped the bison a shroom or they wouldn't have had to post this sign
You think that bison got pissed when they cut him off?
Nah...he just went back to his hemp
OMGoodness!!!!! 2! Not one, butt 2 butt fingers for a dollar? Wait? Whose fingers? More importantly, whose butt? Meh. We'll sort the deets later.
This is so nice! Thanks, Blue! What a welcome.
Very creative!
I loved this one! Sent it to a friend who told me she had seen it weeks ago. She had the nerve to say "old one ... do ketchup, dear."
Ouch - that was a rough - maybe close to a tortured pun.
Sounds tasty/not.
What the heck were they going for?
First sign? Angus beef burgers
Second sign? Who knows, they are in Australia and not very welcoming, lol
The sign is also a local headscratcher because the McDonalds advertises that is open 24 hrours a day, (which it is )
Best time to visit is apparently between 3AM and 6AM, lol
This fits the voting kiddy's thinking of today (Bernie rules)!
leave the politics at the door
last warning
>sniff< - watching you smack down a wingnut in a SiNful gathering makes me wax nostalgic
So that's what you are calling it these days.
you may be thinking of whacks nostalgic, which isn't exactly the same thing.
but that reminds me, please post a high resolution 8x10 selfie I can print. the more skin the better. thanks
fox....that took me awhile
I was thinking "for cat's sake?" How does that even make sense, Trout?
You better have another cup of coffee, Trout and stop giggling...LOL
I've never seen a cat drink Japanese rice wine. Ever.
That has to be in either Australia or Wales
That actually looks like Welch.
Perrie wins!
I don't think the Welsh like vowels very much
You should actually hear it. It sounds like Klingon.
I'm good. Klingon hurts my ears.
Blueberry Pie in Ojibwe.... "Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan". This is the 55 letter spelling there is a 66 letter version as well...LOL
Trout, the Ojibwe love vowels...In fact we have two alphabets the single vowel and the double vowel....
Yes, it's Australia.
you know one of the kids took one of the letters out of that sign just to be a little jerk
The letter "I" just fell over onto the "F".
(ok, maybe someone helped it,
I kept reading it as Final and thought, "that's not funny at all", lol
Dang my picture is little...
I'm working on a donut vine....
Wait! Donuts?
I hope your donut vine is more viable than the Newsvine.
Hotties are still extremely important in marketing:
Have to make fun of myself...
Hey, Neighbor!
Your state is why Arkansas is eternally grateful!
Worse than North Cackolacky?
Ditto for West Virginia.
You are a very wise man.
Cobaltblue has lured me back. Here's my sign:
Welcome back. You were missed. (smile)
Here's my new location:
That's an overpass of I395 in Webster Mass.
Also known as Webster Lake or Lake Webster.
The Nipmuck Indians recognized the lake as a neutral spot where they could meet the English settlers and share the good fishing.
“Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg,” literally means “English knifemen and Nipmuck Indians at the boundary or neutral fishing place.”
The name stuck, but the boundary kept moving...
SP wins! LOL!
Sad but true.
Now you know why many non Indian folks say that we don't have a written language...We do, but the words are just to difficult for many non Indians to spell/pronounce/write so they fib and say we don't have a written language...
Oh shit, I just couldn't resist that one....
"miinibaashkiminasiganibiitoosijiganibadagwiingweshiganibakwezhigan" run with that one...LOL
The Cherokee have had a written language since 1810 thanks to Sequohyah;
The Cherokee Alphabet And How To Use It:
We still get proclamations like this even from misguided folks who think they are advancing Indian cause:
These myths, begun by European invaders as part of a systematic degradation of the conquered cultures, are falling by the wayside thanks to modern archeological techniques.
The Mayans had libraries, and the Inca used a system of knotted strings to convey their information.
More reading can be found here:
The Ojibwe had a written language that dates back over 1,000 years. Copies are in the Smithsonian.
OK, back to fun signs.
Well then take that damn it.
Cobalt posted this for BizEBea. Here's one they may appreciate:
Out fuck up was calling it a 77 all these years. Turns out you get off at 8 twice.
I always used to say the Intercourse was somewhere in the vicinity of Blue Ball and Bird in Hand.
Those Amish know how to name a village, don't they?
So my newish boyfriend and I were sitting in the backyard bbqing and I looked over at my backyard tree and noticed the knot between limbs looked like a vaj. "Oh look," I told him, "our tree looks like a vagina!" He says, "Interesting ... it seems we have our own country." HA!
There's a sign for that...
Good god! Just seeing al here makes me wanna smoke a cigarette ...
Wait. Isn't that al's bike and helmet???!?!
He fell out too soon...
I thought he thought it was an event.....
Mine may be cancerous....but they get washed.....a lot.
Next Payday, I’m stopping at Walgreens.
You might want to stop by Sams and stock up on double A's. Not that I would know, of course...
Sister I used your name in vain/vein above....I tried not to but the devil make me do it.
In fact there is more than one comment by me.....
I shall now retire to the bar....
I put this one up and
I had just put this one up and the police were waiting for me when I pulled into the drive.
I shall now retire to the bar....
Order me a dirty martini. I'll be right there.
Thank you cobaltblue for this article, we needed this. smile
Thank you, pat. Remember, to make a double entendre, use a pinch of a innuendo, a slap of suggestiveness, and a lick of nuance.
Ok, I think I get it, lol.
Congratulations Cobalt. This article is ranked #1. My article smells like #2.
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Oh dear god. That's hilarious!
I'm so very glad to see you here
Thank you... We'll see how it goes. Doctor appointment next week.
Me too ! Last time we spoke it it didn't look good.
Best, Pat W
fingers crossed!
Plan B anyone?
Brawley must have considered her a dick head.
Come on people.
Vote this article up!
I recon it depends on what you are looking for, a Vienna sausage or a bratwurst.