Donald Trump Is Not Well

I seeded this article from The Atlantic because it confirms what many of us have been saying for years:
Donald Trump is NOT well
I am a 12th degree black belt in psychology so I know exactly what's wrong with The Donald:
Trump is a tripolar paranoid megalomaniacal narcissist.
Trump will plead insanity to the federal and state crimes he will be charged with.
The author of the seed, Peter Wehner, is a Republican who worked for three presidents.
Here's an excerpt from the seed:
Donald Trump’s disordered personality—his unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning, and behaving—has become the defining characteristic of his presidency. It manifests itself in multiple ways: his extreme narcissism; his addiction to lying about things large and small, including his finances and bullying and silencing those who could expose them ; his detachment from reality, including denying things he said even when there is video evidence to the contrary; his affinity for conspiracy theories ; his demand for total loyalty from others while showing none to others; and his self-aggrandizement and petty cheating . It manifests itself in Trump’s impulsiveness and vindictiveness; his craving for adulation; his misogyny , predatory sexual behavior , and sexualization of his daughter s; his open admiration for brutal dictators; his remorselessness; and his lack of empathy and sympathy, including attacking a family whose son died while fighting for this country , mocking a reporter with a disability , and ridiculing a former POW . (When asked about Trump’s feelings for his fellow human beings, Trump’s mentor, the notorious lawyer Roy Cohn, reportedly said , “He pisses ice water.”)
Please read the whole (short) article. It is very illuminating.
As always, your comments are welcome, butt please make them about Trump.
Deflections are lame. If you want to flame on someone else, please write your own fucking article or seed something.
Trump is a tripolar paranoid megalomaniacal narcissist.
I pretty much assume those qualities exist in most or all politicians. Trump is just really bad at (or has no interest in) hiding it.
I think you will find narcissism in most politicians, but megalomania is something you find in dictators
It's bigly yuge in Trump.
Yes, Trump is definitely a #2.
"What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?"
Obama won with 19% selecting him as the most admired man in the world. Trump was second with 13%.
This is the last line from the seed:
Ain't that the truth! Here's another ...
You could apply that to a lot of people here.
Thanx for providing the inspiration for this seed.
And thanx just for being such an inspiration.
I'm just happy you're pleased. I love to please you.
Are you fucking serious? LOL!!!! Trump even bragged that the hurricanes since he has been in office have been the biggest in the history of the world. He claims to know more about literally everything, than anyone else, (he even said he knows more about DRONE technology than anyone else...that one was truly hilarious).
Obama? Yea, he has a big ego, but nothing like trump does, not even close. I mean, trump once said "that it's not sexual assault if the women ends up liking it".. THAT'S beyond arrogant.
Hello to all! Some of you I miss so much and you know this. I come by here and there and read you but just not willing to waste time on social media much anymore.
Anyone who thinks they are qualified for the Presidency has to have an enormous ego (no one elects those who aren't self-confident, that's a given, right?! ) However, this is the first President in our modernity that is absolutely totally insane in the membrane and he worsens with each day. Trump will be historically remembered as the Precedence of the United States that this will never be tolerated again!
Hello! Hello! Hello! I've missed you so much!
Yes, The Donald is insane in the membrain.
Stop posting pictures of my girlfriend!
Horse muffins.
Come on CB, tell us you don't want to wake up next to......Christ, whatever the fuck that is.. LOL
<dives behind couch avoiding cast iron>
When I was a kid we called them, "wheat field land mines".
Road apples.
i rhode peaches the scholar,
write off the tax exempt poll, positioned
so it left a toll, paid via E-Z Pass ed out butt don't fret,
i left her all wet, or was it she that left thee,
under the fuzzy
naval embargoed peach tree ??
Now yer just comin' on to me. Cut that shit out.
Robin!! How exciting it is to see you again ... !
Trump Asshole Of The Year
What year was that ?
(blue indicates years when Trump was asshole of the year)
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
1981 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
1991 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Too bad.
I guess you're number two.
You can have the title when trmp is done with it
Be careful.
Don't squirt on the fucking CoC.
Oh, wait.... It's skirt the CoC.
My bad.
HI you Glorious Trout Giggles! I miss you so much too! I just get too upset listening to the locust cultists here turn their blind eyes and parrot the fox bots. It's just not an energy I can tolerate much anymore. It's hard enough to even listen to the news daily to see what stupid shit that POS does every day. I can only take twitter and the twitler twat so much as well. I just can't wait till this is finally over with and he's either dropped dead or news has come he's killed himself in the same jail cell as Epstein.
HI there Missy, good to see you again too! When I do pop in for a flyby, I have to say, you are the one that still brings me to tears with laughter. You've still got it galpal!
I'm sorry I don't usually sign in to say hello personally to y'all. It's not you, I love you guys and always will. I love how you still fight the good fight but I've just had it with the lower consciousness types.
Sending hellos, hugs and much love and appreciation to all my friends who definitely are critical thinkers, loving good human beings in other words, what higher consciousness really is. You make me proud and I'm right there cheering you on when I can.
Al, I love your graphics! Hilarious! You are a hoot and a true hero here!
Here's a cool thing to share with y'all. My favorite current video; Another group of higher consciousness good people on our planet.
The Weight/Robbie Robertson & this amazing accompaniment. Playing For Change!
I'm more of a fly in the fucking ointment.
Well you're doing a fine job of helping expose the truth here! Go get 'em, Tiger!
Trump supporters do NOT care about truth.
That is truth right there. Like their biblethumpers cherrypicking verses to make a point, they do the same with verifiable fact.
Fuckin' HILARIOUS!!!
It looks like The Donald has a new Sharpie.
Harvard Political Review.
Most that defend Trump do so because they feel he "makes Demmies cry." What a total crock. The Liar-In-Chief wants to "date" his own daughter, has said so on several occasions, and has allowed Howard Stern to call her 'a piece of ass.' He's a piece of shit. Yet his supporters, a vast majority who are thinly veiled racists [but not all], insist on swallowing every piece of shit he throws at them. He counts on and depends upon their lack of intellect and their lack of moral compass. They don't disappoint.
What happens when we get to the point where we have to ask, who's crazier, Trump or his followers?
He knew they were stupid when he said that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and "they'd" still vote for him. He used the word "they" instead of "those dumb assholes." He meant "those dumb assholes" and to tell you the truth, he could have said it, and they'd still vote for him. Disgusting.
I would have to go with the followers and their blind allegiance.
That this is someone they have respect for and may want to emulate shows me all I need to know about their character.
You can't even let your children watch his rallies. He's a name caller, he advocates violence, he's a braggart and liar. I remember watching John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., and never once did I have to worry about their decorum while giving a speech or at rallies. Trump is disgusting and should be arrested the second he leaves office.
Howard Stern on Trump:
Cite with video
Trump is a crazy loose cannon. A traitor. A racist. A cheat. A liar. And he wants to screw his daughter. The thin one.
Yes, he needs professional help!
Howard Stern acts like an asshole because it's the "shock jock persona" he created for his radio show. Stern is actually an intelligent guy.
I act like an asshole because it's the persona I created to be a ButtHead on Newsvine.
Butt The Donald is NOT acting . He IS a fucking asshole.
I assume Trump is applauding himself.
Trump wants to other things for himself.
I made this meme for you. It shows the one thing Trump would love to do.
Musta been how he got the "Black Vote" ?
Oooops ! That's the Democrats way. Sorry, my mistake !
He's your daddy !
I look more like my Mom though !
Written by Robert Epstein, American psychologist, professor, author, and journalist. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology at Harvard University in 1981, was editor in chief of Psychology Today, a visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, and the founder and director emeritus of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in Concord, MA.
I don't think he believes in anything, either, not with the way he consistently backtracks or just down right lies about what he said less than 24 hours ago
You're absolutely right. He depends on the stupidity of his supporters.
New YorkTimes reports , State Prosecutors subpoena 8 years of Trumps' tax returns
oh deer
They need to interview this guy:
And that is clearly seen by the responses of some right here on NT.
How stupid is Trump? Start watching at 4:00 , but really pay attention to Melania's expression at 5:00. Fuckin' priceless.
I must have been thinking of a different video, thought this was the one where he served hamberders and covfefe. My mistake...
That, by the way, is the look on Melania's face about two seconds after he mentions their son.
Don't you mean her son?
Maybe he meant class clown because with that disgusting mop on his head he would be first in his class.
He meant to say he was the "worst" in his class.
Yeah, and Melania got an Einstein Visa:
Einstein Visa Recipient, Melania Trump, Finally Admits She's A Dropout .
I don't blame Melania. A little bit of porn, including girl-on-girl, never hurt anyone. Seeing a big paycheck and solidifying it by getting knocked up is nothing new. She deserves hazard pay as far as I'm concerned.
I asked Melania if I could see her college diploma.
I like to keep my meat and two veg disease free thanks.. LOL
You don't eat pie?
If that's your example of what a "stable genius" looks like - you musta lost a lot of things when you left the Marines - the primary one of how to judge your enemy 'cause looks are deceiving.
Hey man, trump is the one that claimed he is a stable genius. And you know who doesn't run around claiming they are a stable genius? Stable genius's.
Obama is Harvard educated....probably not an idiot and his wife is went to both Harvard and Princeton. Trump couldn't even make the top 15% at Whorton and his wife couldn't even finish a 2 year community college.
Well, i'm not running 75 miles a week like I used to...
You good with him, the bone spur five-time draft dodger, bad-mouthing McCain for being captured? You good with that? You good with him having to have the USS John S. McCain hidden from his sight? You good with that snowfuckinflake treating McCain like that?
Fuck that noise. What an insecure piece of crap he is and you defend him. Thank goodness you weren't captured and tortured because the Liar Coward In Chief would spit in your direction too for getting caught.
This is what a very stable genius sounds like:
I think it's clear from Donald's behavior that he does, in fact, have bone spurs. It's just they are in his brain, not his feet... That would explain why he couldn't remember which foot they supposedly caused him pain.
Frankly, I'm glad Donald's rich father paid off his doctors to keep him out of the military. I wouldn't want to subject any American soldiers to having to share a foxhole with such a lying treasonous piece of trash like the Donald. I've no doubt he'd throw anyone within his reach on the live hand grenade just to save himself, then tell everyone what a hero he was and that he deserves all the medals.
"That's my real Purple Heart. I have such confidence in you." and I said, 'Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart, this was much easier.” - Donald Trump recounting a conversation he had with retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman who apparently gave Trump his medal.
I respect your opinion, I agree with you more often than I don't. But politics? Probably never and that's ok. But you do have my respect. Want my boot camp picture? Done..
You keep up my friend... Don't worry about the votes..
Do young people still say 'hubba hubba'? Yummy, baby. And thank every one of you who have served or are a family member of those brave enough to serve. Without you, we'd have an autocratic government. Much gratitude.
I'm having a hot flash....
Haven't had one of those in awhile.
(I'm crazy about a man in Marine dress blues...Air Force blues not so much)
Yes, you are a hottie.
You were a scary MF'er!
I'm a Navy vet, butt I always thought the Marines had the best looking dress uniforms.
I had to wear that blue flappy shit with a fucking dixie cup on my head (i wanted to say that before you did).
2015: "Hillary Clinton must be corrupt if the FBI is investigating her!!!!"
2017: "The FBI has to be corrupt if they are investigating me!!!!"
That's stupid enough on its surface, even more stupid though? Most of his supporters totally bought it.
Trump made America great again.
With his Sharpie.
Here's a test that The Donald can "ace":
My thanx to everyone who has been participating on this thread.
As usual, the comments are much more entertaining than the seed.
Newstalkers has some extremely funny and creative members.
just curious, does anyone ever have a problem with your pix or memes , whatever the hell their called, as i can't view the right 20% or so
any advise would be another vise for me, can never get enuff
I use a MacBook Pro so I just make sure my "View" is set to "Full Screen".
My memes are just pix (from Google Images) that I add captions to (I use cause it's free).
thanx, i think, as i spell I T IDIOT , and really have no command of my computer
when i get back to work and pay some bills, gonna then upgrade,
but i have to get input from my IT friends, Macbook pro ? is thatthe one i see advertised that has the touch screen like an i phone ?
sorry for goin off track, it's just what i do
oh yea, while i'm already off topic, what ever happened to your top enforcer from Sinners, you and your cohort Cobalt in crime Blue, who are now both posting around here, and r a welcome refreshment, but the one
who did not like or accept me with J C as initials ?
igknorantzrulz was not ever welcomed by she
but u might have noticed never gave a fck
i recall the first time i met you and Cobalt
"Bonfire Appetite" or such
My computer is 5 yrs. old. I don't do Windows. Here's my MacInfo:
I don't have a touch screen (my iPhone and iPad both have touch screens).
Ask your IT friends how to expand your view so you can see what's being truncated.
A stable genius is someone who can muck out a stall without getting any of it on their boots.
Maybe the real stable genius is the horse that poops in the stall.
History books will not be kind to the POS In Chief; nor will they be kind to their addled supporters. Their fat lyin' traitor of an emperor has no clothes. Lock him up.
nor should they be.
these peoples and posters who R so Sure they KNOW NOTHING
Trumpp has done is wrong, need to be Shown, how they got 'Schlonged',
asz most already know, just too many can't let go
Trump and Putin have something in common.