

The Cornfield  - FICTION

The Cornfield - FICTION

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  35 Comments  •  last year

Growing up in rural NY was nice.  No hustle & bustle.  You could run around outside until it was pitch black.  No worries of someone stealing you or shooting you...it was completely safe or so...
Crystal Witch

Crystal Witch

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  14 Comments  •  last year

Crystal Witches make the use of crystals to focus their magick for healing and manifesting.  Crystals are known for their healing energies.  They raise the energy vibration within you. "C rystals...
Hereditary Witch

Hereditary Witch

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  32 Comments  •  last year

No one is "born" a witch.  They may be born to Wiccan parents and raised in the ways, but there is no special DNA for witches.  Wicca is an orthapraxic religion, which is a fancy way of saying to...
Being a Solitary

Being a Solitary

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  29 Comments  •  last year

A solitary is a practitioner that works their magick alone.  I am such a person. I perform my Feast Day rituals, moon phase rituals and any other spell work by myself in the privacy of my alter...
Coven Based Witches

Coven Based Witches

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  37 Comments  •  last year

This the first installment of "get to know the witches" series. There are many types of witches ( I am using the word witch(es) to describe those practicing Wicca).  I am a solitary and will be...
A Voice in the Dark

A Voice in the Dark

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  24 Comments  •  last year

The woman sighed as she settled on the bed.  The house was locked up, her patient was tucked in and snoring away in the downstairs bedroom.  The windows were open - it was a hot July night and the...
A voice in the desert

A voice in the desert

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  54 Comments  •  last year

Two young men in their 20s, Josh and Dan, went on a camping trip together in a desert in New Mexico. They didn’t take much with them besides sleeping bags, food, and materials for a fire. After...
Fictional Scary Instead of Reality Scary

Fictional Scary Instead of Reality Scary

By: Veronica  •  Paranormal Stories & Stuff FOR FUN  •  40 Comments  •  2 years ago

Let's talk fictional horror to try and get away from the real horror that is sweeping our country and the world.  If only for a little while.   Has anyone read this novel?  I have multiple...
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