Rachel Levine & Gender -- Rand Paul Demands Answers on Puberty Blockers for Minors
By: Madeleine Kearns (National Review)

It was encouraging to see Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) hold Dr. Rachel Levine — Biden's nominee for assistant health secretary — to account today on the issue of puberty-blocking drugs and surgical amputations for minors with gender dysphoria.
Yet already progressive pundits have painted Senator Paul's rigor and curiosity on this important topic as "transphobic." (They seem distracted by the fact that Levine, who is biologically male, identifies as transgender.)
Senator Paul began by pointing out that genital mutilation has "been nearly universally condemned," since "it is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children." He noted that "genital mutilation is not typically performed by force," but rather, as explained by the World Health Organization, "by social convention, social norm, the social pressure to conform":
American culture is now normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics.
Dr. Levine, you have supported both allowing minors to be given hormone blockers to prevent them from going through puberty as well as surgical destruction of a minor's genitalia.
Like surgical mutilation, hormonal interruption of puberty can permanently alter and prevent secondary sexual characteristics.
The American College of Pediatricians reports that 80% to 95% of prepubertal children with gender dysphoria will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to medical intervention and social affirmation.
Dr. Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one's sex?
[Emphasis added.]
But Levine refused to answer, choosing merely to say that "transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care that have been developed." Paul hit back that "the specific question was about minors," and accused Levine of having "evaded the question." Paul continued:
Do you support the government intervening to override the parent's consent to give a child puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or amputation surgery of breasts and genitalia?
You have said that you're willing to accelerate the protocols for street kids. I'm alarmed that poor kids with no parents, who are homeless and distraught, you would just go through this and allow that to happen to a minor.
I would hope that you would have compassion for Keira Bell, who's a 23-year-old girl who was confused with her identity. At 14, she read on the internet about something about transsexuals and she thought, "Well, maybe that's what I am." She ended up getting these puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, she had her breasts amputated.
But here's what ultimately she says now, and this is a very insightful decision from someone who made a mistake, but was led to believe this was a good thing by the medical community.
"I made a brash decision as a teenager, as a lot of teenagers do, trying to find confidence and happiness, except now the rest of my life will be negatively affected," she said, adding that the medicalized gender transitioning was a very temporary superficial fix for a very complex identity issue.
What I'm alarmed at is that you're not willing to say absolutely minors shouldn't be making decisions to amputate their breasts or to amputate their genitalia.
[Emphasis added.]
Paul asked once again, "Will you make a more firm decision on whether or not minors should be involved in these decisions?" And once again Levine evaded the question, repeating that "transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field." Paul concluded, "Let it go into the record that the witness refused to answer the question."
The full exchange is worth watching:

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Democrats called Dr. Rachel Levine's nominee for assistant health secretary "historic!!!"
Trump and his supporters are off topic.
I'm not the topic
does this make you off topic as well ? I haven't caught any of this questioning yet, but from what i just skimmed through, if true, would cause me to oppose, but without a better and more complete context, i cannot yet agree, as it is well been exampled by samples quite ample, that Vic's seeds usually don't germinate, to grow the truth about the 'Reality' that I do exist in, and as a free thinking entity, i'm entitled to form my own opine, so i preempt your post-ed reply, as usually just another pasta dish embedded with something fishy, and in that bed it does lie, so please hold my dish Vic, asz eye C u did MISS Me, mite i suggest you work on your aim, whilst i gather context , then return, to X plain as 2 Y, and to what degree, i don't or do, agree
the continued over the top fascination with LGBTQ issues by conservatives is f'n hilarious.
it, like many a for instance says, they don't want two Bi - it, cause usually those most offended, are the ones denying they've already bin tri - in it, cause HOW the HECK does it actually and really affect, unless they have Special FX due to some F'n eX hat left em for another gender as in the same, and left them an awful lot to feel shame, about, that which possibly was not related, cuz it doesn't have to be.
Correct. That's what it means.
asz eye C u did MISS Me
You are back 5 months and 3 days early. No surprise there.
nah, more SCOTCH, and the ACTUAL ORIGINAL BET was for ONE MONTH, not 6 as i recall, and the pathetic party of puds, that couldn't milk duds says it again, it's like when are these Republican Clowns gonna actually be mature adult women and men ? cause Mitch, Putins' OTHER BITCH, stated how SOMEONE WAS ACTUALLY TO BLAME for incitement, and LYING ABOUT THE ELECTION, as he wants it both ways, stated as to stay on subject of someone on a gender bender, mutilated genital healer and mender and also, so as to reply to sender Vic, that i would have never expected him to leave for 6 months, let alone 6 daze, cause he 'd be like Algernon, and lost in a maze meant for he, cause for Vic, like you, this site does occupy the majority of your time, unlike mine, as i did find, it is a safer way for me to vent, without embarrassing my friends on say facebook, where i'd never have thought i would have to sit, till Covid 19 hit , and you can check with Kavika, that to whom i did mention, i had NO intention of holding Vic to that bet, so i did HONOR something that i HAD NO OBLIGATION TO. I went FAR & ABOVE ANYTHING a former potUS would have done in a similar situation, cause it is beyond me, as to how i again trump the former prez, WHO COULDN"T HONOR THE DAMN RESULTS OF OUR CERTIFIED ELECTION PROCESS !
do tell us all, about your fascinations, bout our ignorant nation amongst nations, when it comes to ignorance
states one, who can't seem to ignore....
The most firm of all time!
Just out of curiosity, is there any evidence that Paul gave a shit about Transgender kids BEFORE? I for one can't remember him grilling Azar or ANYONE else in HHS about this 'issue'.
Are you charging trans discrimination? Really? How about his unanswered questions or the radical nature of this nomination?
Let Dulay answer for herself.
Why is her nomination 'radical'?
Because "Dr Rachel Levine" refuses to answer pertinent questions.. You did read the article?
Where the fuck did you come up with that Vic? I asked a simple relevant question. Do you have a cogent answer?
Well since they were predicated by bullshit, they didn't deserve and answer IMNSHO.
What 'radical nature' are you talking about Vic? Please be specific.
AGAIN, since Paul's questions were based on bullshit, they were NOT pertinent. Dr. Levine has not specialty in gender dystopia, pediatric or otherwise.
Neither YOU or Paul has ANY evidence that Dr. Levine supports 'genital mutilation' of ANYONE much less of minors.
As an MD, the LEAST Paul could be expected to do is use the proper medical terminology, yet instead he CHOSE to use inappropriate 'trigger' terms and to cite statements by RWNJ 'medical' groups to bolster his agenda.
In short, Paul was being his overtly obnoxious self.
Because of what he did when he sent people to senior homes and did to seniors there what Cuomo did in New York. But he did it with intent SS he pulled his own 95 year old mother out of just such a place.
More uninformed bullshit.
Why is her nomination 'radical'?
Be he refused to answer.
What is radical about the nomination?
"Trump and his supporters are off topic."
Makes it kinda hard to discuss Rand in that case.
A historic travesty!
If these things are allowed to be done to a Minor we must make sure the Minor will retain the ability to Sue the Doctors and every other Adult who was involved in the decisions or counseled in favor of it, if the Minor later regrets doing it or has adverse effects from the drugs or surgery. Minors must be protected.
So does that mean that you would support suits against those that practice 'Gay conversion therapy' to the physical and psychological detriment of their 'patients'? Because there are hundreds of people in that category in the US alone and that could land thousands of people [including parents, pastors and priests] in jail and/or churches financially liable.
Well, you see, that's different, while being the same game they try to play, because if you don't think like they, there is something 'wrong' wioth you, or so they say, but doesn't make me happy and Gay, just they,hypocrites, in any ole way they try and explain what it is, they DO SAY
Yes certainly if they did it professionally. Priests and Pastors are to be expected to counsel against Homosexuality so they get a religious exemption but if they cross a certain line, I'm not sure what that line should be, probably anything beyond the normal marital or other types of counseling clergy would normally take part in, if they're running a reeducation camp they should be liable. As far as parents go it would be whether or not they could be considered abusive. Anyone who's held against their will and subjected to abuse is a victim and when it comes to Minors we really need to watch out for them.
BTW, man that Paul used as an example, Keira Bell didn't have breast augmentation until he was 20 years old. So his BS about minors having their breasts 'amputated' is just that, BS. I have never seen a transgender man whose breasts were 'amputated'.
I really don't believe any of this should be allowed for minors. Their brain is still growing and forming and they really don't make good decisions or really know who they are while they are in their teens. Very few teens know what they want to do or be 10 years down the road much less the rest of their lives.
Gender and trans-gender is very complex identity issue (as the article states) and must be worked in a mature and methodical pace. It's no place to go off half-cocked (pun intended) on decisions.
There are 2 issues here. Puberty blockers and surgeries. Using puberty blockers on adults is, obviously, pointless so the only time you could get any benefit from them is by using them on children. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't know enough about it. It doesn't seem like it could do any permanent harm if the child has a change of heart but, as with any drug, there must be some risks. Unnecessary genital surgeries should never be performed on children. This includes circumcision. Mastectomy likely wouldn't be an issue if puberty blockers are used.
That was a hot topic between my husband and I when I was pregnant with our son. I won the argument, our son was NOT circumcised. I refused to allow my daughter's ears to be pierced before she was old enough to ASK for it, so why would I remove flesh from our son? Our pediatrician, who was born and raised in Iraq and as a Muslim, was the one that convinced my husband that it was unnecessary. **If anyone is unaware, Muslims, do circumcision as a religious practice, similar to Judaism.** The doctor stated, "If I'd have had any boys, I would NOT circumcise. I've seen far more infection and issues with circumcision than without. I've never dealt with an infection in a boy that has not been circumcised." This pediatrician had been a doctor to my mother [he was an intern at the time], my uncles, my aunt, myself, my cousins, my husband and his brother. Sadly, when my son was about a year old, that doctor passed away from pancreatic cancer. He was the best. That man saved my husband's life when my husband was a kid.
Sorry for the long anecdotal paragraph.
Like you though, I question what puberty blockers could do in the long run. Moreover, kids really don't know what they want for eternity... they just don't. Hell, I have a difficult time trying to get my husband to definitively say what he wants to do [career-wise] for the next 15 years, he's 50! That's why I just do what I have to do and let him figure it out... if he ever does. I never had any specific thought or expectation of what my life could / should be; therefore, by going with the flow, I've become relatively successful in regard to career.
If someone truly feels that they were born the "wrong" gender, fine... they'll still feel like that at the age of 18. That's how I feel about it.
I agree.
I do fully support secular counseling to help people (of any age) to deal with issues that are adversely affecting their mental and physical health.
Definitely, without question. Counseling as you've mentioned is important. That counseling needs to be unbiased and not manipulative / steering.
I wonder how your son feels about not being circumcised as a man ?
Not what he tells you, how he really feels. Or maybe his wife ?
I was circumcised at a baby and I'd be pisssed as Hell if I haven't been.
He'll be 13 in July. We have talked about it. He's fine with it. There are more American boys today without being circumcised than have been in the past, because it's been determined a cosmetic procedure that many insurances do NOT cover. I'm guessing you were assuming that my son is a grown man. I'm only 42, my son is nearly 13 and my daughter is nearly 18.
And for the record... my husband told me that if he had NOT been circumcised, he'd have been fine with that too.
Why would you be pissed if it's the only thing you knew?
He's 13, yea he may be fine with it now. I still wonder if he'll be good with it when he reaches full puberty and starts having sex with women.
Eventually I would know and yes I'd have been pissed. Personally I've seen uncircumcised men and I'm quite happy I don't look like that.
But to each their own.
Okay. That's not everyone's thought though. It's a little extra skin and A LOT of nerve endings. I've never met an uncircumcised man that was pissed about not being circumcised.
I'm not certain why it would bother him later when it doesn't now.
I'd say much of that will depend on what woman he gets with thinks about him not being circumcised. Although if a woman stays with him evidently it doesn't bother her either.
As I said "To each their own"
I'm just happy my parents did have me circumcised.
I don't know too many women personally, that would be bothered by it.
I wouldn't think that would be part of many conversations.
In fact I don't remember ever discussed the difference between whether I wanted circumcised or not before myself.
Do you discuss this topic often with other women. Somehow I kinda doubt it.
Of Course I may be wrong. I sure don't consider myself an expert on the subject.
While I was pregnant with my son, I asked my guy friends that had not been circumcised and my dad [same criteria] if they would've chosen to be circumcised if time could be reversed. They all said no.
Actually I have. The few female friends I have... we talk about all kinds of weird shit.
I'll bet those were some interesting conversations. lol
I don't doubt that many uncircumcised men don't regret not being circumcised. Being circumcised myself I really believe it would bother me not to have been.
We get used to what we are.
In preparation of your sons future did you also ask your women friends what their preference really is ?
Before you stated yours.
I absolutely abhor the people using this issue to gain political points to manipulate anyone, but especially kids.
Part of life is first learning how to find and develop our own interests as an individual. Secondly, we seek individuals that share our interests.
People, with healthy egos, have learned to validate themselves instead of seeking approval from peers.
Kids need a couple of decades to learn, discover and explore their world and themselves before committing to a lifelong sexual identity via any form of unnecessary medical intervention.
I am watching a video that explains how people without healthy egos/self-identity are easy prey for the manipulators.
MsAubrey, I want to point out my opinion is just that my opinion.
I fully respect others decisions to lead their life the way they desire. I do .. and that gives me much respect for others who do as well.
After what you openly have said I'm sure you and your family did question, do research and analyze what was best for your family.
I respect your decision and wish you and your family the very best life has to offer.
Seems to me that a man over 18 can get circumcised anytime he wants to.
OUCH !!!
I feel that anyone even over 18 that want to change genders is mentally ill and needs therapy not surgery.
As far as prepubescents go, most of them can't decide what they want for lunch much less deciding on a life altering change.
Most of today's women [at least the ones I talk to] don't really care either way.
They can.
Only if they haven't gotten their HPV vaccinations.
Unanswered questions:
Just out of curiosity, is there any evidence that Paul gave a shit about Transgender kids BEFORE?
Where the fuck did you come up with that Vic? I asked a simple relevant question. Do you have a cogent answer?
What 'radical nature' are you talking about Vic? Please be specific.
What evidence do you have of that Vic? Because Paul said so?
While I know Paul is an asshole and doesn’t genuinely care about the well-being of the kids (he just doesn’t like trans people), I do kinda have to agree with him even though he is making bad faith arguments.
Kids are too stupid to know what’s best for them and DEFINITELY too stupid to make a decision that could have long lasting consequences such as hormone blockers or any sort of reassignment surgery. After the age of 18, good luck. Before that, I say no.