
Day 2 in the land of "Chaz"

By:  Vic Eldred  •  4 years ago  •  104 comments

Day 2 in the land of "Chaz"
Tucker Carlson opened Thursday's edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" by welcoming the world's 196th nation -- the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, carved out of six blocks of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.

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We the People

It seems we now have a new nation emerging within the state of Washington's largest city. Last night Trucker Carlson christened the new construct the land of "Chaz." Chaz was ceded to the thugs who now control it by the mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan, who's heart and soul is with the leftist thugs.

Jenny Durkan - progessive mayor

The mayor ceded the police station in the area and barred the Seattle police from using tear gas for 30 days. People living or caught up within the 6 block land of Chaz are at the mercy of the progressive mob which has walled it off. I really don't have much sympathy for the people of Seattle - they voted for all of this.

Here is a 26 -point list posted online by demonstrators, titled “the demands of the collective black voices at Free Capitol Hill to the government of Seattle, Washington:

1 We demand that the City Council and the Mayor , whoever that may be, implement these policy changes for the cultural and historic advancement of the City of Seattle, and to ease the struggles of its people.

This document is to represent the black voices who spoke in victory at the top of 12th & Pine after 9 days of peaceful protest while under constant nightly attack from the Seattle Police Department. These are words from that night, June 8th, 2020.

For ease of consideration, we’ve broken these demands into four categories:  The Justice System, Health and Human Services, Economics, and Education.

Given the historical moment, we’ll begin with our demands pertaining to  the Justice System.

The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.

In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely.  No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.

2 We demand  an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.

3 We demand  that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.

4 We demand  reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.
We demand that the City of Seattle make the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record. Anonymity should not even be a privilege in public service.
We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.

5 We demand  decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protesters generally, but specifically those involved in what has been termed “The George Floyd Rebellion” against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department. This includes the immediate release of all protesters currently being held in prison after the arrests made at 11th and Pine on Sunday night and early Saturday morning June 7th and 8th, and any other protesters arrested in the past two weeks of the uprising, the name Evan Hreha in particular comes to mind who filmed Seattle police macing a young girl and is now in jail.

6 We demand  that the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

7 We demand  the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges, and that those convictions should also be expunged.

8 We demand  that prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.

9 We demand  an end to prosecutorial immunity for police officers in the time between now and the dissolution of the SPD and extant justice system.

10 We demand  the abolition of imprisonment, generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons.

11 We demand  in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment.

12 We demand  autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.

13 We demand  that the Seattle Police Department, between now and the time of its abolition in the near future, empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.
We demand justice for those who have been sexually harassed or abused by the Seattle Police Department or prison guards in the state of Washington.

14 We demand  that between now and the abolition of the SPD that each and every SPD officer turn on their body cameras, and that the body camera video of all Seattle police should be a matter of easily accessible public record.
15 We demand  that the funding previously used for Seattle Police be redirected into: A) Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle. B) Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege. C) Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary. D) Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.) E) General community development. Parks, etc.

We also have  economic demands  that must be addressed.

16 We demand  the de-gentrification of Seattle, starting with rent control.

17 We demand  the restoration of city funding for arts and culture to re-establish the once-rich local cultural identity of Seattle.

18 We demand  free college for the people of the state of Washington, due to the overwhelming effect that education has on economic success, and the correlated overwhelming impact of poverty on people of color, as a form of reparations for the treatment of Black people in this state and country.

19 We demand  that between now and the abolition of the SPD that Seattle Police be prohibited from performing “homeless sweeps” that displace and disturb our homeless neighbors, and on equal footing we demand an end to all evictions.

20 We demand  a decentralized election process to give the citizens of Seattle a greater ability to select candidates for public office such that we are not forced to choose at the poll between equally undesirable options. There are multiple systems and policies in place which make it impractical at best for working-class people to run for public office, all of which must go, starting with any fees associated with applying to run for public office.

Related to economic demands, we also have demands pertaining to what we would formally call  “Health and Human Services.”

21 We demand  the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients.

22 We demand  the people of Seattle seek out and proudly support Black-owned businesses. Your money is our power and sustainability.

23 We demand  that the city create an entirely separate system staffed by mental health experts to respond to 911 calls pertaining to mental health crises, and insist that all involved in such a program be put through thorough, rigorous training in conflict de-escalation.

Finally,  let us now address our demands regarding the  education system  in the City of Seattle and State of Washington.

24 We demand  that the history of Black and Native Americans be given a significantly greater focus in the Washington State education curriculum.

25 We demand  that thorough anti-bias training become a legal requirement for all jobs in the education system, as well as in the medical profession and in mass media.

26 We demand  the City of Seattle and State of Washington remove any and all monuments dedicated to historical figures of the Confederacy, whose treasonous attempts to build an America with slavery as a permanent fixture were an affront to the human race.

The list comes courtesy of the daily kos


Now that mayor Durkan has enabled these thugs to take over part of her city, and Tucker Carlson has graciously given a name to Seattle's pain, it is time to sit back and watch the mostly progressive population of Seattle deal with it.

Updates to follow!


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Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    4 years ago

Good Morning from Chaz

Trump is off topic

Masters Guide
2  Thomas    4 years ago
sit back and watch the mostly progressive population of Seattle deal with it.

You should take your own advice.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Thomas @2    4 years ago

I'm enjoying every minute

Sparty On
Professor Principal
2.3  Sparty On  replied to  Thomas @2    4 years ago


I thought we were free to peacefully protest.


Senior Guide
2.5  XXJefferson51  replied to  Thomas @2    4 years ago

Changing of the Guard – A.F. Branco Cartoon

A.F. Branco

The left is demanding the police be defunded, restructured, or replaced. Replaced with what? Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4  It Is ME    4 years ago

They're soooo proud they've been able to run themselves for ……. 2 days or so. jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif

I say..... Let 'em sit in their own shit for months. Then get back to us on how "Great They are" !

Love their "Keep out the riffraff" wall of theirs. Walls work ! jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  It Is ME @4    4 years ago
Let 'em sit in their own shit for months.

I'm sure they will. It's a bit difficult when the only skills they have is spray painting obscenities on public buildings & looting & burning and strutting around with AK-47's.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
4.2  Sparty On  replied to  It Is ME @4    4 years ago

Problem is, the city is only enabling them by doing things that taxes normally pay for like picking up trash, providing portable restroom facilities, keeping the power, water and sewage systems running, etc, etc.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.1  It Is ME  replied to  Sparty On @4.2    4 years ago

I'm just waiting for the "Nice Personalities" to finally clash within the "Borders" jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif , as they inevitably will.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
4.2.2  Sparty On  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.1    4 years ago

You mean like the “warlord” running around with a rifle terrorizing anyone he doesn’t like?

The thing is going to fail bigly on the moonbats.    It will be fun watching them try to blame everyone else but themselves when that happens.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.3  It Is ME  replied to  Sparty On @4.2.2    4 years ago

Seems it's already starting. The vid with the two police officers going into a building in CHAZ, led by a CHAZZIE, 'caused a bit of a tiff between CHAZ members.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5  Sparty On    4 years ago

A bigger case of failure in leadership there has never been.

For all but the most fruity of moon-bat nation, Seattle is a laughingstock.

Too bad the city is only enabling this kind of behavior.    It only prolongs and worsens the inevitable  pain.

Junior Participates
8  KDMichigan    4 years ago

I find it amazing that zero left wingers have come out against this, I find it amazing that zero indies have condemned this. Doesn't that speak volumes? I did see one apologist that wasn't shocking. 

It is it ironic that the CHAZ people 1st build walls, require ID to come in and place armed guards at their border. Freaking Hillaryious.

Professor Silent
8.1  lib50  replied to  KDMichigan @8    4 years ago

Why would magas have a problem with this?  Do they prefer ARMED takeovers?   Certainly seemed to work for the Bundy Klan in Oregon and Nevada.  They wanted their free stuff and went in like armed robbers and the gop said okie dokie. What gives?

Junior Participates
8.1.1  KDMichigan  replied to  lib50 @8.1    4 years ago

An apologist speaks up. good for you.

What was it the Bundy clan took over again?

Who were the innocent people they affected with their actions?

Remind me again what they destroyed? 

If I remember correctly didn't it end with a roadside execution?

Professor Principal
8.1.3  Texan1211  replied to  lib50 @8.1    4 years ago

Ooh, way to deflect!!

Gold star level there!


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
8.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  KDMichigan @8    4 years ago
HAZ people 1st build walls, require ID to come in and place armed guards at their border. Freaking Hillaryious.

I see they are also deporting people now.

All Hail Warlord Raz! 

Professor Quiet
9  Sunshine    4 years ago

I say keep them all there corralled instead of trashing the rest of the US.

Professor Expert
11  Nerm_L    4 years ago

If this group has declared an autonomous zone then they don't need to make demands since they already control their own government.

Time to put rubber on the road.  Not as easy as it looks, is it?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
12  Just Jim NC TttH    4 years ago


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
14  Just Jim NC TttH    4 years ago


Professor Expert
14.1  Nerm_L  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @14    4 years ago

Democrats don't accept the results of the last election.  Why is it surprising Democrats aren't accepting the results of the last Civil War?

United we stand, divided we are Democrats.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1    4 years ago
Democrats don't accept the results of the last election.

I remember when Democrats claimed "Trump wouldn't except the election results", and how it would damage the country if he didn't. I guess we are now seeing the "Damage Caused" by that Democrat action now ! 

Professor Expert
14.1.2  Nerm_L  replied to  It Is ME @14.1.1    4 years ago
I remember when Democrats claimed "Trump wouldn't except the election results", and how it would damage the country if he didn't. I guess we are now seeing the "Damage Caused" by that Democrat action now ! 

Don't forget that Democrats started the last Civil War.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.3  It Is ME  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.2    4 years ago
Don't forget that Democrats started the last Civil War.

sssshhhhhhh !

You'll upset them.

Professor Principal
14.1.4  Ender  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.2    4 years ago

I am always amazed at people bringing up what the parties were 50, 60, 70 plus years ago.

Completely ignoring what the parties are today.

Like it makes some kind of point.

It is only deflection from current affairs.

Junior Participates
14.1.5  KDMichigan  replied to  Ender @14.1.4    4 years ago
I am always amazed at people bringing up what the parties were 50, 60, 70 plus years ago.

I'm always amazed at people that ignore what their parties represent today. 

So what do you think about left-wing extremist taking over part of a city?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.6  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @14.1.4    4 years ago
Completely ignoring what the parties are today.

When "Colors" don't change....it's hard to ignore !

Professor Principal
14.1.7  Ender  replied to  KDMichigan @14.1.5    4 years ago

This too shall pass.

Professor Principal
14.1.8  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @14.1.6    4 years ago

The past is not the present no matter how many times it is brought up.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.9  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @14.1.8    4 years ago
The past is not the present no matter how many times it is brought up

STUPID Laws can be as powerful as Hangings were. Someone's gonna get fucked these days !

Professor Expert
14.1.10  Nerm_L  replied to  Ender @14.1.4    4 years ago
I am always amazed at people bringing up what the parties were 50, 60, 70 plus years ago.

Completely ignoring what the parties are today.

Like it makes some kind of point.

It is only deflection from current affairs.

One hundred seventy years ago the Democratic Party claimed the black race was disadvantaged and the party imposed their views onto society how the black race should be treated by society.  Today the Democratic Party is still claiming the black race is disadvantaged and are imposing their views onto society how the black race should be treated by society.  And the Democratic Party has imposed their views how the black race should participate in society upon the black race.

For almost 200 years the Democratic Party has treated the black race in a patronizing manner and has forced its views of how the black race should participate in society upon society and upon the black race.  The Democratic Party, throughout its history, has not treated the black race as an equal.  The Democratic Party has always highlighted racial distinctions, racial disadvantages, and has imposed beneficent remedies onto society and onto the black race.  Throughout its history the Democratic Party has claimed the black race is a disadvantaged part of society that must be treated differently.

Professor Principal
14.1.11  Ender  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.10    4 years ago

Then you are not listening. No one is saying to treat anyone differently.

People are wanting equal treatment.

Is the Democratic party wrong to say black people are at a disadvantage? No. It is true.

No where do they say they should be treated any different than the rest of society.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.12  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @14.1.11    4 years ago
Is the Democratic party wrong to say black people are at a disadvantage?

Why do the Democrats KEEP saying that ?

They've had plenty of times to fix it. Decades at least !

They promised they would fix it....Last Time, and the Last time before that, and the Last Time before that.....and ….. etc......

Professor Quiet
14.1.14  Sunshine  replied to  Ender @14.1.4    4 years ago
I am always amazed at people bringing up what the parties were 50, 60, 70 plus years ago.

Because the comparison is still relevant.  That is obvious.

Professor Principal
14.1.15  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @14.1.12    4 years ago

Maybe it will stop being said when it is no longer relevant.

It takes more than one party to make change.

Professor Principal
14.1.16  Ender  replied to    4 years ago

Congrats. I think you managed to hit every single republican talking point.

Professor Principal
14.1.17  Ender  replied to  Sunshine @14.1.14    4 years ago

Only obvious in your world.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
14.1.18  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @14.1.15    4 years ago
Maybe it will stop being said when it is no longer relevant.

Or ….

"Promises Kept" would be nice for a "Change" ?

Professor Expert
14.1.22  Nerm_L  replied to  Ender @14.1.11    4 years ago
Then you are not listening. No one is saying to treat anyone differently.

Except the leaders of the Democratic Party.  I'll bet that the Democratic Party platform for 2020 will include priorities based upon racial distinctions and racial disadvantages.

The idea of reparations for slavery isn't about equal treatment.  Reparations highlights racial distinctions, racial disadvantages, and beneficent remedies imposed upon society.  Reparations isn't about the black race being an equal participant in society.

Is the Democratic party wrong to say black people are at a disadvantage? No. It is true.

What role has the Democratic Party played in perpetuating those disadvantages?  The Democratic Party is the only pro-slavery party to continue after the Civil War.  Southern Democrats were responsible for segregation and Jim Crow.  The Democratic Party imposed requirements for diversity onto society.  Highlighting diversity isn't about achieving any sort of universal equality.  Celebrating diversity, celebrating distinctions and differences, champions the idea of separate but equal.

No where do they say they should be treated any different than the rest of society.

Unless we are to use race as a measure of disadvantage and we use race to prescribe remedies for those racial disadvantages.

Is the black race incapable of being educated in the same manner as any other race?  Why do we need a separate type of education for a disadvantaged race?

It's easy to understand that poor schools need another source of money.  But how does busing address that lack or resources?  How does different standards address that lack of resources?  How does a different curricula address that lack of resources?   

Professor Quiet
14.1.26  Sunshine  replied to  Ender @14.1.17    4 years ago

Very relevant...the Democrat's racist heritage is still going strong.   

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

Professor Expert
14.1.27  Nerm_L  replied to  Ender @14.1.16    4 years ago
Congrats. I think you managed to hit every single republican talking point.

Why does the black race need a political benefactor?  Why can't the black race start their own political party?

Independents, Libertarians, and even Greens win elections.  The black population doesn't have to be dependent upon the Democratic Party.

Black people have held elected (and appointed) positions at every level of government.  Black people are certainly capable of governing.  We can observe that as a normal part of American life every day.  There isn't any need for the black population to remain subservient to the Democratic Party (or the Republican Party, for that matter); black people really can participate in government on equal terms.

If all the black people holding elected office formed their own political party, who is going to stop them?

Professor Principal
14.1.28  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.27    4 years ago
Why can't the black race start their own political party?


Professor Expert
14.1.29  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.28    4 years ago

That's the 64 dollar question, isn't it?

From my distant vantage point as an outsider, it seems to me the black population could start their own party.  Call it the America Party, dedicated to fulfilling the promise of America for all people.

The black population has demonstrated they are quite capable of participating in government on equal terms.  The black population can speak for themselves.  The black population doesn't need a party of white people speaking on their behalf any longer.  Don't demand to be given equality; stand up and be equal.

Professor Guide
14.1.30  GregTx  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.28    4 years ago

Why not? Self representation is what this country was founded on... wasn't it?

Professor Expert
14.1.31  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.28    4 years ago

I've answered your question 'why' by pointing out that the black population is capable of speaking for themselves and governing on equal terms.

Now I'm asking you 'why not'?  Why can't the black population start their own political party?  What's your answer?

Professor Quiet
14.1.32  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  KDMichigan @14.1.5    4 years ago

I hear crickets chirping...

Professor Quiet
14.1.33  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  XDm9mm @14.1.19    4 years ago

Good Lord, don't use truth, logic, and common sense on a leftist liberal. They can't handle it and their heads may implode!

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
14.1.34  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Sunshine @14.1.26    4 years ago
“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”  - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

first the demoncrats enslaved the body, got stopped, and then they enslaved the mind.

institutional racism can only be found in the democrat party


Professor Principal
15  Tessylo    4 years ago

It's all they have ender.


Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge.

Professor Principal
16  JohnRussell    4 years ago
I am always amazed at people bringing up what the parties were 50, 60, 70 plus years ago. Completely ignoring what the parties are today.

Desperate people will say anything.  The Democratic Party began to change when FDR took office.  The holdouts against racial equality from that point on were then mainly in the south. 

One of the enduring myths of the right is that conservatives voted at higher percentages for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than liberals did. Total nonsense. The ay/nay breakdown on the CRA in Congress took place along geographical and regional lines, not so much party lines. Both Democrats and Republicans in the south, the most conservative members of Congress at the time, voted against the bill. The northern members of Congress, which were more liberal to moderate, voted for the bill. 

Junior Participates
16.1  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @16    4 years ago
Desperate people will say anything. 

So what do you do? Try to justify Democrats actions from 60 years ago, Fucking hillaryious.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
16.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JohnRussell @16    4 years ago
The Democratic Party began to change when FDR took office

and then they made/planted bombs in the late 60's early 70's

today they burn cities....

  • the democrats changed?   complete bs.
It Is ME
Masters Guide
17  It Is ME    4 years ago


Professor Principal
18  Tessylo    4 years ago

removed for context

Professor Principal
19  Tessylo    4 years ago



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