
Show your true colors!

By:  Bob Nelson  •  4 years ago  •  25 comments

Show your true colors!

Vote for the man you believe to be the legitimate President of the United States of America.

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The Beacon


One-word answers, only! BIDEN or TRUMP .

Then you may add whatever verbiage you desire, but any reply that doesn't start with TRUMP or BIDEN will be deleted.

In five days, I will publish a collation of the results...



jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1  author  Bob Nelson    4 years ago

By posting to this seed, you are  agreeing  to abide by the  Group's Rules .

Some NT members are strangely bashful about announcing their belief that Trump is the legitimate President. They post seed after seed proving that they are Trump-true-believers... but they do not come out clearly to say so! Interesting psychology.....

... we shall see.....

Professor Principal
2  CB    4 years ago


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3  Perrie Halpern R.A.    4 years ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5  Greg Jones    4 years ago

Biden won of course, aided by political chicanery. However, the Republicans need win both the House and Senate next year to block his agenda 

Professor Principal
5.1  CB  replied to  Greg Jones @5    4 years ago

BIDEN. (Do not include in count, please.)

Okay, Greg.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
6  pat wilson    4 years ago

Biden. It's insane we're even having this conversation.

Professor Principal
7  TᵢG    4 years ago


Professor Principal
8  JohnRussell    4 years ago


Of course we will hear that Newstalkers is a biased site. 

Professor Principal
9  Hallux    4 years ago

Biden and as a dead Canadian, 8 times. In the meantime I just filled out my Canada Census form and now I've got a rash of bamboo splinters ... frickin' census bureau is run by Justin's illegitimate blackface ChiCom kids ... don't get me started on J's better than half, Selfie Sophie.

Professor Principal
10  Kavika     4 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
11  Trout Giggles    4 years ago


Professor Quiet
12  Ronin2    4 years ago


Winning the presidency is nothing. Trump proved anyone can do that. Winning the presidency doesn't mean that you will be a good president. Biden is definitely proving that.

Professor Quiet
13  Ed-NavDoc    4 years ago

I did not vote for Biden, but I believe he legitimately won for better or worse.

Professor Guide
14  Gordy327    4 years ago

Biden, based on the facts.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
15  Thrawn 31    4 years ago

 Biden according to every single shred of evidence.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
16  author  Bob Nelson    4 years ago

After seven hours... there have been 14 votes. All have voted "Biden"... although two added that they would have preferred otherwise - that's honest and honorable!

No member of Newstalkers has voted that Donald Trump is the legitimate President. None.  

I expressly reminded four of our more obviously Trumpist members (at the cost of one ticket per reminder  jrSmiley_19_smiley_image.gif ) that they hadn't yet voted... but they still have not. Apparently, saying "Trump is the legitimate President" is simply too shameful!

A couple members have said they encountered problems voting. If that happens (dunno why...), send me a Private Note, and I'll add you to the running total that I'm keeping.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
16.1  author  Bob Nelson  replied to  Bob Nelson @16    4 years ago

On another seed, I cornered Vic, who grudgingly recognized that Biden is the legitimate President.

So... we still have ZERO members who consider Trump the legitimate President. 

Which raises a question: Why is there so much crap on the front page?

Professor Principal
16.1.1  TᵢG  replied to  Bob Nelson @16.1    4 years ago
Which raises a question: Why is there so much crap on the front page?

Because the 'other party' is in power.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
17  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Late to the party, but OF COURSE Biden.  However it's obvious why I didn't vote for him, but my preference where I COULD vote for a leader was Stephen Harper. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
17.1  author  Bob Nelson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @17    4 years ago

No problem, Buzz. The question is not ''Whom did you vote for?'' Even Canadians may have opinions about American current events. jrSmiley_82_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
18  Ed-NavDoc    4 years ago


Split Personality
Professor Guide
19  Split Personality    4 years ago



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