Lawmakers and citizens alike need to make a plan to impeach President Donald Trump and take to the streets to call for his removal if Robert Mueller is pushed out, according to the former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics Walter Shaub.
“The coordinated effort by President Trump and his surrogates to discredit the Mueller investigation raises serious alarms,” said Shaub in a statement on Friday. “Rather than making themselves complicit in this assault on the rule of law, Members of Congress should send a clear message to the President that firing Mueller is a red line he must not cross.”
Shaub served as the ethics office director during former president Barack Obama’s administration, but began voicing his concerns about Trump during the transition process. He resigned in July because he believed the ethics regulations for lawmakers should be stronger, and now works as a director at the Campaign Legal Center.
Shaub voiced criticism on Twitter after Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), appeared on CNN to say that the special counsel investigating the Trump campaign’s involvement with Russia during the 2016 presidential election needs to "put up or shut up."
"I call on my Republican colleagues to join me in the firing of Bob Mueller," said Gaetz.
But Shaub and other Democrats say that attempts to undermine the special counsel are unacceptable and should be met with protests. If Mueller is pushed out, Shaub says, people should be ready to “take to the streets.”
The statement released from the Campaign Legal Center says that Trump’s lawyer’s suggestion to create a second special counsel to investigate Mueller’s investigation for conflicts of interest is nothing but an effort to “muddy the waters” and impede justice.
Now, lawmakers are worried that Trump could fire Mueller by the end of the year, while people are distracted by the holidays and Congress is done for the year.
There is bipartisan legislation in place to prevent an unjust dismissal of Mueller, but as tensions escalate, rumors are flying around Capitol Hill that Trump could try anyway.
Shaub says that lawmakers should have a plan ready in case Trump crosses that “red line.” Some members of Congress have already tried to propose impeachment solutions, but they have so far been shut down. Because of the current divisive climate on Capitol Hill, Shaub says he’s stocking up on gear to march on the streets in protest if a dismissal announcement comes.
“It‘ll be a defining moment for the Republic,” he said on Twitter.
If Meuller is removed it will be due to his and his "teams" real conflict of interest. It's not an impeachable offense to remove somebody who has obviously shouldn't be in the position.
That comment reeks of desperation. Trumpers must really be getting scared now. What did y’all do? Finally change the channel and learn the truth about Trump’s situation?
No desperation on my part. The special council is rife with problems. Just because you are willing to ignore it doesn't mean that everybody should.
Well, when you have overwhelming evidence and the criminal walks, you call it what it is.
You should really bring your head out of it's liberal holster. You'd be surprised at what you may find out.
an institution does not get respected simply because it exists. it is judged constantly by its actions.
yes there was a time when we could trust the fbi to be bi-partisan... and now those days are gone with the wind.
the fbi has only discredited itself by buying into the bs russian narrative fabricated by hillary and the DNC
Trump is not smearing the FBI rank and file, just it's higher up powers that be, like Comey, Mueller, and the cozy couple and all their partisan emails
Just about every word in your comment is Fox News inspired nonsense.
One should heed their own advice.
Because a couple of agents had opinions about a candidate for office shared between them. How about the positions and opinions of the HEAD of the Justice dept?
That really wasn't a class act! Something should have been done about that.
Do you really think the top law enforcement agency would blindly "buy into" the largest political scandal in American history?
Altering events does not make them true, they spoke on the tarmac not on her plane and while a conversation is unlikely to be overheard in that environment it certainly is not hidden. Are you equally outraged at Donald Jr. meeting behind closed doors with a Russian lawyer about snark snark wink wink adopting babies?
Much like you give trump exoneration while the investigation is still ramping up.
I don't think Jeremy has a 'liberal holster'.
I am not an investigator, but I would imagine many investigations show an obvious conclusion before they are formally completed, key word formally.
I'm sure he's got a different kind of holster - the same kind that Donald Rump has?
Just reporting what I found out, now, what news do you watch, let's see how it checks out.
It has been shown that Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't follow the news.
And, what news do you watch? Care to share? As I said, I will check news sources, I don't care which ones they are, put them up if you have confidence in them.
Here's the proof.
I go by what you post, if you post nothing but, conservative, (far right conservative) bs, then I believe you get it from those sources. I've shown you what your networks rate as but, I have no idea about the papers you read, you will have to decide that on your own.
And it has been shown that Grubercrats such as yourself will believe anything they are told.
When truth and reality slants to the left, so will reliable news sources.
Reading comprehension does not seem to be your friend.
I spoke about Fox viewers being less-informed than those who don't follow the news at all. Your source outlined the claim of Fox viewers having far lower average IQs.
Those are two different statements.
Hmmm, alright, I'll break it down into terms that maybe even you can understand. Sorry for linking to an article that contained big words...
What you linked did not pertain in any way to the statement I made; you once again demonstrated a severe lack of reading comprehension.
Do I need to repeat what I initially wrote in more comprehensible language for you?
And yet, it has a high rating of factual reporting unlike most conservative sources.
Again, truth and reality slant to the left.
Mueller is doing the job he was appointed to do, and he is doing it well. There is nothing wrong with the way he is investigating nor is he being partisan, not that that ever bothered republicans before mind you. But Mueller worked for republicans and IS a republican. He has already started getting pleas and indictments. And he is doing a job a huge majority of Americans wants him to do. We don't care how much whine and spin republicans put out, no way in hell we will let them shut him down. That taking point will not work because everybody can see Russia and Trump are swimming together. This won't be over this year, and probably won't be over next year. Trump can't stop it and neither can republicans.
Keep on thinking that.
He may have been a Republican, but most of his staff are Democrats and have donated heftily in the Clinton and/or Obama campaigns. Also, two to three members of his staff were involved in the fake dossier on Trump, two of those members were removed from the investigation. The one guy was removed about 3 months before Congress was notified of the action and the cause! Those three things would have called into question any other investigation as being political witch hunts and ended the investigations immediately.
Would you care to provide some examples where you believe Mueller has acted inappropriately?
No, many of his staff voted for Hillary, just like most of the country that voted.
Anything at all to back up that claim? Anything??
Once again, no facts, your just throwing anything you can out. Not to mention that an awful lot of your "fake" dossier has already been proven true.
Because Mueller didn't want even a hint of impropriety. He did the correctly thing after the agent's PERSONAL texts were revealed.
skirting the CoC [ph] They were not removed for any actions they took in the investigation.
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee, are you saying that the Trump Administration made a mistake by putting an honest man in the role of an investigator?
Mueller and his whole team are being shown to be dishonest and corrupt. The witch-hunt should be disbanded.
Like what? Please give us all the sordid details. Show us the links and articles that can confirm what you stated.
I know you won't read it, but here is just one of the articles listing which parts have been far.
A lot of the Steele dossier has since been corroborated
How so? No facts show this, just typical accusations and innuendo.
There are no ties. They were both working at the FBI at the same time, there is nothing to show or imply their relationship was anything other than that. They never even socialized together.
Really? This just goes to show how uninformed you truly are. 2 FBI agents texted their personal distaste for Trump over a year ago, just like most of voting America. In your mind that translates to everyone? Including lifetime Republican Mueller?
Do you detect that the nervousness is rising faster than a fundy tide, all those trump emails to sort through tsk tsk.
You kidding? Trump's entire administration appears to be in full blown panic mode. The outcry when it was revealed that Mueller got all the emails, unedited by Trumps lawyers, was amazing in its volume. They expected Mueller to get the email from the lawyers, not directly from the GFA.
What a total fail. IRS doesn't care where Trump's money comes from, just that he filed the correct forms for it. Mueller is looking to see just how many millions (billions?) Trump has obtained from Russia, and who was involved in those loans. It has been suspected for years that Trump is involved in Russian mob money laundering, his financial records may provide evidence to those dealings. Oh, and FYI, Russian mob = Putin.
Kinda the same as the accusations of "collusion", huh?
Two agents = full of bias , yeah that gives you credibility, ha ha. Were you screaming bias during the Whitewater investigation?
Quite surprising that you know so little about what the IRS can and cannot do. You can be a drug dealer, disclose it on your taxes and if your taxes are paid the IRS can't say a word.
That smell coming out of Washington isn't coming from the FBI, it's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania AVE and, the Congress.
Maybe you should email Trump Jr. about your theories on how fake the Russian collusion accusations are. I'm sure he'll love them and invite you over for a meeting at Trump Tower to discuss it.
My mortgage for starters and if I held corporations they would be tasked with disclosing interest paid and earned. If I am trump I would be required to disclose my massive offshore and foreign holdings and indebtedness. He can try to hide it and that is where the threat lies, if found he could do a Capone!
Most likely.
Rex, this whole discussion is like reading an old script over and over. Some of these people probably don't even know what really happened and then some of them do, but they will never admit it. We know one thing for sure, if Hillary had followed the regulation, there would have never been emails to investigate in the first place. We know why she did it, but it's futile to argue about it with anyone who is either deceitful or short on common sense.
I have the least amount of confidence in our intelligence agencies top echelon than any other time in my life and you know why. Some of these people do too, but others are completely in the dark.
I'm simply confirming that what was said by LMM is a possibility, since there has been no leak from Muellers camp about the taxes, it doesn't mean that Mueller doesn't have them and, it doesn't mean he has them, what it COULD mean is that there is a lot there and, they are still going over everything in them. I wouldn't be surprised if Mueller had not only Trumps personal tax returns but, his company tax returns, since they are also looking for money laundering links.
Do you stick your nose in pig shit often?
That's not all either. Those 2 FBI agents also bad mouthed Bernie, Hillary and almost all the others running for President back then. One even said that he's prefer Trump over Rubio. Neither of them has been a part of the Russia investigation for over 6 months. But, as you can from the RWNJ comments, those facts are not being reported by FoxNews.
Well I guess we now know where your mind goes to during those oh so private moments that you have. Personally I don't swing that way, so you are on your own with your fantasies.
Be even funnier if the Trump emails show up on Wikileaks.
It's amazing how people seem to forget things,
If you need any further help with your memory, let me know.
Even if Meuller resigned, the left will have a tantrum, not that they haven't already been doing that for over a year now.
Bet you are regretting all those Benghazi hearings now. If by chance republicans do shut down some of the investigations, wait til next year. There is no way in hell this is getting buried. Because unlike Benghazi, there IS something there there.
I don't regret a damn thing. Oh, wait, that's not what you wanted to hear, need your safe place?
Holy shit, it's comedy day again!!!!!!
Says the guy who's side criticized President Obama for eating Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit. Also the side that believed he wasn't an American citizen and that he was a Muslim (as if that was something super scary).
You are really grasping straws aren't you.
Do you deny that conservatives latched on to those things?
Schaub first made headlines by using the OGE Twitter account to mock Donald Trump during the transition period. After that he basically declared war on the administration. He asserted, contrary to law, that presidential appointees have to have their paperwork stamped by OGE before they can be confirmed. He demanded the White House counsel report to him on actions taken by the White House. He criticized the administration in public speeches. ( Links here. )
In short, Shaub stopped acting like an impartial arbiter of ethics requirements and started acting like a partisan shill for the #Resistance. For a very good reason. That’s what he was and is..
shaub finally tearing off the mask of an impartial, non-partisan civil servant is a good thing. For too long, these folks have hidden behind the veneer of being just too high-minded to let their hands be tainted by politics. Most of us knew (anyone, in fact, who has worked in the federal government has always known this) this was a lie, but what was missing was the proof. Now we have it. Here and in what we’re discovering about the senior ranks of the FBI, conservatives and Republicans should be learning a lesson about what happens when you assume the federal bureaucracy is what it claims to be. While we ignored the civil service, the progressives were doing their “long march through the institutions.” They’ve salted federal agencies with hard core partisan activists who pretend to be neutral. Now that we know this, woe be unto us if we let it continue.
Then expects to be taken seriously. Just another political hack that needs to fade off into oblivion.
have you looked at the grossly unqualified political hacks your master has placed in positions of power? Talk about a parade of fools.
As apposed to the political hacks that are supposed to be running an investigation?
Demeaning the investigators is probably the best defense you have in your quiver given the seriousness of the inquiry, maybe you could make fun of Mueller's ears, that would be right in line.
It's not demeaning if it's the truth. But I guess you bias won't let you see that.
Your truth seems to be the result of nothing but bias, can't see the forest cause those damn trees are blocking your view. It is always amusing when closed minded people truly think they understand better than trained professionals and insist they are without fail.
Conservatives are either stupid or believe everyone else is stupid.
James Comey attempted, perhaps through a certain naivete, to hand the election to Donald Trump, when he announced 10 days before the election that he was reopening the Clinton e-mail investigation based on some material found on Anthony Weiner's (Huma Abedin) computer. And in fact the election may have been swung by this announcement, which Comey later essentially retracted, but only after it had been in the news for many days, presumably eating away at Clinton's support.
The idea that Comey and Mueller were pro Clinton is ludicrous.
As usual, conservatives and their alleged "media" just want to bamboozle the easily confused with nonsensical conspiracy theories.
They are succeeding in eating away at the credibility of our news sources, not because the conservatives are at all correct, but because constant repetition used on the masses does work.
More wuth the excuse making. When are you going to fibal fess up and speak the truth. You backed a lousy candidate who was so bad she couldnt even beat Trump.
It really is time you face reality!
Wht sre ylo tlkanh ablut? Arl iuk simw kndo ug s merol ir sokthunk?
Not only that, she was a candidate that was under investigation. The person they are trying to crucify for Clinton's loss is the very person that arranged it so she would not go to prison. They have their heads so far up their asses to see that.
Ach! Guten Morgen Herr Hauptsturmfuhrer! I see you are still on the job.
Lol, sorry Arky, I just HAD to give you a taste of your own medicine!
Which raises the obvious question of where your head is to come up with so much BS, Jer? Possibly the ass of a rather large ruminant?
You are assuming that I'm supporting this? I didn't support the liberal hissy fits after election day, I don't support them now.
Should Meuller be relieved? I think his investigation be put on hold until a real neutral team can be put together. Even those that have been released have put the whole thing into doubt.
Truly Hillary was not the candidate I would have wanted, but to say that she was sooooooooo bad she couldn't beat trump says ever so much about how much trump really sucks ass, one step above terrible is still damned terrible.
Progressives: If Mueller is fired, consider attending the closest rapid response protest.
Conservatives: If Mueller is fired, join us in condemning an overt act of tyranny aimed at subverting the rule of law.
Well, that is your opinion. Nothing more.
An opinion based on actual world history.
trump will not fire Mueller...
never interrupt your enemy while they commit suicide.
the leftwing corruption exposed inside the fbi because of muellers so-called investigation is priceless
trump is a narcissist, suicide would never enter his cranium,
and trump will never run for president, never win primary, and could never in a million years beat hillary.
Are you saying that he could well commit suicide rather than enjoy a long stay in Leavenworth Kansas?
what I said only means what I said, I spoke in plain english and did not stutter one bit.
however, you can imagineer all ya like... means nothing to me.
babel fish
ZERO, chance of that happening... ya'll crack me up