Teen Climate Activist Shuts Down Re. Garret Graves Logic With Facts
Category: News & Politics
Via: loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley • 6 years ago • 221 comments
Louisiana Republican Representative Garret Graves tried to justify inaction on climate change through pointing fingers at countries that pollute more.

Graves decided to rephrase his argument framed in a metaphor about sailing across the ocean, picking up trash while the boat next to you dumps trash in the ocean.
“If you were sailing across the ocean and you’re picking up trash along the way, and for every piece of trash you pick up there is a boat right next to you dumping out five pieces. How would that make you feel?” – he said.
Thunberg, however, first corrected the Representative’s analogy by stating that the U.S. may pollute less, but they are not just “picking up trash”, but dumping some of their own as well.
Watch the exchange for yourself at the link to the article. It's longer than I posted here.
It's nice to have goals of lower emissions but few adults understand the complexities of doing so nor do they understand the dire consequences of not doing it in a thoughtful manner. So how could a teenager?
Generally speaking, most teenagers don't know what they don't know yet. But it is cool to get a day off school to party and/or pontificate about things you don't really understand yet.
Climate change is not just about lower emissions, so I agree with you: few adults understand the complexities. If you notice, she didn't confine herself to that. Even in the short part I quoted, she discussed other ramifications that our generation is responsible for and leaving behind for the younger generation to clean up our mess.
Other than her age, is there anything in particular she has said or done that you would like to critique? The best way to have a good discussion is to be specific.
The devil is in the details.
She is pointing out the obvious really. That's easy to do. Solutions are more difficult.
Meanwhile every teen-aged kid has a cell phone and tablet that needs charging, leaves the lights on when they leave a room, has a TV in their bedroom, gets a car when they turn 16 or hops on the bus to school, cranks the the AC up when they get hot or turns the heat up when they get cold, their parents are likely NIMBY's when it comes to wind turbines or solar panel farms, etc, etc.
She might be none of that but you get my point. It's not just the older generation that's the problem. It's a systemic issue of consumerism across the board.
Like i said earlier, i applaud her efforts but really ...... judge not lest ye be judged .....
You do realize she wasn't the only teen there, and that she isn't from the US, don't you? I'm not sure why you think that this should be a battle between the generations. Wouldn't it make more sense to work together toward a common goal: save the planet?
Besides, her generation doesn't have the power that our generation does. But they do live with the results of our decisions, and they have every right to speak out about it. They are the people who will suffer more from our bad decisions than we will. We're going to die off and leave them with the problems we created.
It is also unfair to judge every society on earth by what we're doing here. We are among the top polluters in the world and a huge part of that pollution is our materialistic society. Most nations don't have the means to be that consumer driven, so it isn't fair to compare them to us when it comes to climate change.
As to the American teens you describe, I agree. They have too much and appreciate too little, but whose fault is that (besides the natural ignorance of youth which we've all suffered from)? The fault lies with the parents. They need to teach their children how to do better in all areas, including climate change. Grandparents can too. We need to lead by example and provide the knowledge our young need in order to do better. We need to demand this be taught in our schools too.
I never said it was but it sounds like some of them do think that.
Of course it does. What did i say that gave you the impression to think i wouldn't agree with that? That said, their level of life's experiences or lack thereof puts them them at a distinct disadvantage in regards to making thoughtful decisions on many things in life. That's just how it works. We gain experience with time. It doesn't happen before that.
You seem to be taking this personal. That is not my intent. Like i've said numerous times here. I applaud their efforts with their comments. I'm simply intimating there's an uneducated self righteous quality to much of what they are saying. Yes we need to work at polluting less etc. As i've pointed out previously, clean air, water and emission reduction has been an ongoing effort for quite some time. Going back nearly five decades. Like i said, they aren't inventing the wheel here.
I agree and did my part. Turn the damn lights of when you leave the room ..... touch that thermostat and lose a finger ..... you can walk or ride your bike it's not that far, etc, etc. And personally i think not teaching basic civics and personal finance courses in middle or high school is a travesty. Most kids today can't even make change without a cash register doing it for them.
No, I'm not taking it personally. I often speak in the first person though to stop people who like to say, "You don't speak for everyone." It just works out easier for me.
I agree on civics and personal finances. We also need more practical arts courses like shop, auto mechanics, cooking, etc. with both boys and girls taking them. I was talking of my long time mechanic about a year ago. He said the schools are still teaching the basics of yesteryear like how to change spark plugs but ignoring the reality that most cars on the road today are computerized. That means kids who think they're preparing for a job in auto mechanics aren't getting what they need to get a job.
You brought up kids today having too much. The only two things I provided for my grandson that fall into that category is a phone and video games.
The phone was for practical purposes. I wanted him to be able to be in touch with us whenever he needed us, and I'm glad I did. It helped him in some difficult situations, like when he took his first bus ride and ended up somewhere far from where he wanted to go. He called. We went and got him. If he didn't have that phone, I would have been frantic trying to find him for far too many hours.
The video games came on the computer. Kids today need to grow up with computers so they really understand them when they're ready for a job. Almost every job today is dependent upon computers in some way. There's no better way to introduce a kid to computers than video games. So both had a practical use and weren't just luxuries.
Other than that, he has little extra and is expected to work to get what he wants beyond that. He's also expected to help around the house. When I say house, I also mean yards and horses. So are his friends when they're here. That's how I grew up, how I raised my children and now him.
Yep, like i said earlier, i think we agree on more than we disagree on.
Kids having phones is a great thing but it helps illustrate part of what i'm saying here. Every kid having a cell phone most definitely is not net good for the environment but as you noted it pays dividends in other ways. Just a small part of the complexity of this issue we are discussing.
Agreed. I live in Los Angeles, and we have centers to recycle phones, computers, etc. I suspect that wouldn't be true for smaller cities or towns. If I'm right, it would definitely be harder to recycle than it is here. I have seen some sites where you can mail them electronics to recycle, but that would take extra expense and effort.
These are complex issues, as you said. I wish there was more talk about it among the citizenry and our elected officials. That's what I liked about her speech. She not only had the facts. She also refused to take their muttering and ignoring the reality of climate change. We need to stand just as firm. If we can't get the UN and national governments to take it seriously, we're doomed for sure.
That website is loony tunes...
Fact check: No, the glaciers are not growing in Glacier National Park
Or according to the US government:
In 2017, the USGS published a time series analysis of the glacier margins of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park . The areas measured are from 1966, 1998, 2005 and 2015/2016, marking approximately 50 years of change in glacier area. Scientists used aerial photography and satellite imagery to measure the perimeters of the glaciers in late summer when seasonal snow had melted to reveal the extent of the glacial ice. The data table shows that all glaciers have been reduced in area since 1966 with some glaciers having been reduced by as much as 85% by 2015. The average area reduction over the approximately 50-year period is 39%. Currently, only 26 glaciers are larger than 0.1 square kilometers (25 acres) which is used as a guideline for deciding if bodies of ice are large enough to be considered glaciers.
She didn't say she had solutions. She was putting pressure on the members of the UN to come up with solutions instead of just ignoring the problem.
If they really want to find out how the kids stand they should have offered a day off for all those who thought climate change a hoax. I wonder if all the same kids would have taken another day off?
It is so good to see that the press has come a long way from when it criticized 16 year olds!
Lol .... funny how that works eh?
”People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

As Laura Ingraham responded "It's Chilling"
So you're comparing her to the boy who thought it was cool to harass a Native American because he dared visit the Lincoln Memorial? Really? Wow.
I would have hit her up with world wide population control being the only way to curb climate change. But no one wants to discuss that. What is being proposed will not stop climate change so long as we continue to add more people this planet.
But what are trillions of dollars to delay the inevitable? When we have passed the tipping point on the amount of people this planet can sustain it will do a very hard reset to bring our numbers back down to workable level.
That is if we don't do it ourselves warring over ever diminishing resources.
I do. I bring it up all the time. We need to support free birth control on a worldwide basis so we can reverse the population rate and bring our numbers down. Studies have shown that when women can control their reproductive choices, the majority of them opt for only one or two children.
We should make birth control free and widely available to teens right along with other fertile women. Having a baby as a teen is a leading indicator of a life lived in poverty. When a person is poverty-stricken, they have fewer choices when it comes to curbing climate change, so the problem is circular.
I notice that you expect the women to just say no - instead of expecting the men to stop pursuing sex.
And considering that sex is one of the strongest human drives (or that of any animal) - your "just say no" is ridiculous. It's been proven to not work; abstinence-only programs have a dismal rate of success. Yet the right wing keeps trying to pose it as a moral issue, when hormones and drives aren't that easy to push aside. If you're religious, you should accept that's how your god created us; if you're not religious, you should accept that from an evolutionary perspective, sex is an imperative.
Birth control is the answer.
Please don't come around my seeds and talk crude and rude about girls. It makes you sound like a misogynist. Are you?
And don't assume that the majority of people using birth control are single. That isn't in the least bit true. Married women and their husbands benefit from birth control too and they are in the majority for BC use.
It is in the US and most countries. Walk into any drug store and there it is....how easy is that?
I'm not just talking about the US. I'm talking about the world.
As to walking into any drug store, no, birth control is not available OTC. A woman needs a prescription to obtain it. That requires money to see a doctor and money to buy it. If we want effective population control, it needs to be free because too many women can't afford it otherwise.
Of course, drug stores are not common in most cultures. That's a particularly American assumption.
I said and most countries. There are some where birth control is not easily available.
No script is needed for condoms and are easily available and not expensive either. You can be any age and any gender to buy them.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. This is from a UN website:
"Latin America is the only region in the world in which the pregnancy rate for girls under 15 years of age is rising. Most of these pregnancies are the result of rape, frequently by family members or other men close to them. Compounding the tragedy of this endemic sexual violence, restrictive laws and policies make it difficult, if not impossible, for these girls to receive the necessary sexual and reproductive health services and information."
There is no such thing as free. I hate when that word is used. Use tax payer paid for or government issued if needed; but never "free".
It is going to take more than just access to birth control. It is going to take a dramatic shift in thinking. In many cultures having a large family is sign of masculinity, success, and stature. Other, poorer societies, having a large family means being able to hold more land, tend more live stock, and bring in a larger harvest. Many do not view daughters as important as sons. They will continue to have as many children as needed to get male heirs.
There needs to be less of us, period. That is going to take forced population control. The Chinese had a good plan when they came up with one man, one woman, one child- no exceptions. Have more kids lose access to housing, benefits, etc. Unfortunately they quickly figured out that w/o an ever increasing younger population there was no one to pay for the elderly, or fuel their consumption driven economy. Less people was an economic disaster for them that they are now paying the consequences.
Populations are falling in the US and Europe; as automation and technology allows more to be accomplished with less people. Unfortunately the third world countries don't have that luxury; they are stuck in vicious circle of having to trade the environment for industry. They have to lure corporations to their lands with promises of cheap labor, taxes, and low environmental protection standards. Being green costs real green. We can't pay for our own "Green New Deal" much the less everyone else.
I don't think a rapist would care enough about their victim to put on a condom first.
Are we talking about birth control here; or abortions? In many countries women are still second class citizens. That is a major part of the problem. Their sole responsibility is to continue the family line, at best. Ending that is going to take a major cultural shift in thinking.
You're saying that girls should keep their legs closed - NOT that men should stop sniffing around.
Condoms don't have a great success rate compared with many other methods of birth control.
We're talking about world overpopulation causing climate change, which affects us and every other nation in the world. We can't talk about that without talking about what causes world overpopulation.
However, if talking about how humans all over the world are contributing to overpopulation all over the world, I'm sure there are a lot of other articles that are not discussing it. At least one of them should be more to your liking.
I don't think most people want to talk about the real overpopulation issue. Birth rates in the west are already going down. It's actually a concern in places in Europe where liberals actually use that as an excuse to mass import people from developing countries. The truth is Africa and the Middle East are set to at least double in population by 2050. THEY are the issue. Not only are they the ones growing the fastest but they are the least developed so coming up with green solutions to problems isn't always an option. I don't see us being able to do anything about this problem without being labeled racist. They need to reduce their numbers or find a way to support those numbers without emitting carbon. Good luck.
Please read what I actually said. Abstinence only programs have a dismal rate of success - kids who were taught to "just say no" as you are telling them to do had just as much sex, but had higher rates of pregnancy and STDs because they were taught something unreasonable rather than learning about birth control.
Nobody with any sense thinks that telling people to "just say no" actually works. People need to face reality when it comes to sex if they want to actually decrease pregnancies.
Just like any other birth control, if used properly it has a very high success rate. Plus it will help safeguard against stds more than other birth control methods.
Abstinence has the highest success rate which is 100%.
I've never heard of this being a "liberal" ploy. People migrate to get a better life, not because someone else rounded them up to take them, unless we're talking about slavery, which I don't think applies here.
As to discussing birth control in other nations, how is that racist? As I said above, women all over the world -- and that includes all races -- will opt for fewer children if they can. The discussions began long ago and are ongoing.
It may surprise you to know that we need to do better here too. This is from the UN site on Reproductive Rights. What they say here about the US they also delve into in every nation in the world:
UN Special Rapporteur on Poverty Calls on U.S. to Recognize Health Care as a Human Right
"The Center for Reproductive Rights echoes concerns raised by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights in his new report on poverty and human rights in the United States. The report expresses deep concern over the U.S.’ vast poverty and inequality rates and examines the extent to which the United States is living up to its international obligations., noting the harsh burdens women in poverty experience in the United States, and the exacerbating impact of race discrimination.
"In the report, the Special Rapporteur notes particular concern that the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy countries, and that Black women are three to four times more likely to die from childbirth than white women. He also recognizes the ways in which legal and practical limitations on abortion access, such as mandatory waiting periods and long driving distances to clinics, trap women in poverty. The report recognizes, as well, the privacy violations that women seeking Medicaid prenatal care are forced to endure, the ways in which women living in poverty are denied the ability to parent with dignity, and burdens faced by female immigrants."
[deleted] Or are you denying that you said this:
You're still telling the girls to just say no. You're not telling the steroid driven dogs to stop sniffing crotches
What a sexist, piece of garbage comment.
Just as I said above - which you tried to deny. You're a troglodyte who thinks it's fine for guys to rut like rabbits, but not for girls.
Women enjoy sex too, and your misogynistic attitude can pound sand.
With that attitude, you probably also think that "skank whores" who get raped deserve it, since they are sluts.
The best thing about NT is that when I encounter hateful people in here, I don't have to worry about encountering them in real life. I can choose to hang out with decent people in real life even if I sometimes encounter total jerks in here.
Not really.
How about telling young men to respect women and not expect sex all the time. Women don't become skanks or whores if there aren't any men out there willing to give it away
Why not just get over our bullshit puritanical views on sex.
I'm down with that
But it's the right thing to do. No one should be having sex prior to marriage
That's the traditional Christian point of view, but most Americans don't believe that anymore.
We need a more pragmatic approach.
Most of the WORLD doesn't believe that anymore.
True, but as Americans our influence on public policy is limited to the US.
Not just women.
Tell that to Mary... Or these three sisters from Scotland...
"12 years ago, 3 sisters from the city of Inverness, Scotland, took out coverage from Essex-based Britishinsurance.com to insure themselves against the costs of immaculately conceiving and raising the second Christ. These women, however highly they think of themselves, paid annual premiums of EUR 100 to the company, and were insured to receive EUR 1 million if the event did occur.
Managing Director of Britishinsurance.com Simon Burgess said that the company, a specialist in accident and sickness and unemployment insurance, did not mean to offend anyone."
I don't care what the rest of your post said. What you wrote about girls was deliberately crude and insulting. You have a good command of English and could have made your point without demeaning girls. Or boys, for that matter.
Only misogynists use insulting phrases like "spread their legs" when discussing women having sex. It is meant to imply they're worthless sluts. It's time to recognize that women do have sex, have every right to have sex and every right to enjoy sex. And no, they don't have to "face the consequences," another favorite phrase of misogynists. It is perfectly acceptable for women and girls, single or married, to enjoy sex without being forced to have children they do not want.
That means it is perfectly acceptable for them to use birth control. If we want to save our planet, we should support the widespread use of birth control. It makes no sense not to. In fact, we're even providing birth control to some species in some areas where they are overpopulating. Here's one example where deer were becoming a problem in town:
If we support it for other species, we should also support it for ourselves.
LOL. I love that article. Thanks for posting it.
Most countries don't have the drug stores you are talking. Most countries don't have birth control available for most of their women. They also don't have condoms freely available. You mention the cost, but you have no idea if a poor woman in any nation can afford to buy them. If she did, how much food or other essentials would she have to forego? In too many countries, the man of the house (and in some his family too) controls the purchases and the money, so a woman might not be able to purchase anything. She certainly couldn't force a man to wear a condom in a country where a wife is legally barred from refusing sex to her husband.
That's part of the problem in some nations where women can't even say no to a husband with AIDS and cannot force him to wear a condom. Because of this reality, women are facing an epidemic of AIDS in those nations.
From a study on the problem:
Women and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa
The dominant patriarchal culture and society in Africa exacerbates women’s inferiority and their disparate health status. Here, the needs and desires of women are not considered significant and often women play no part in sexual decision making, nor are they allowed to express their sexuality [ 31 , 32 ]. There may be violent consequences if a woman were to take the initiative in sex, suggest condom use or refuse sexual advances [ 31 ]. In certain cultures men are regarded as the heads of the family, decision-makers and the ones who control resources and finances while women are expected to respect their husbands, accept polygamous relationships and fulfill family and community tasks [ 33 ]. Cultural expectations of masculinity encourage men to assume the patriarchal attitude that wives, partners and daughters are the possessions of men, and most husbands expect or demand their conjugal ‘rights’
Whooptie doo. This "teen activist" is traveling the world, producing carbon, while she is complaining about carbon emissions. I doubt highly she is walking and not using AC herself. I don't know what the big focus is on teens opinions these days. If any parents thinks I should listen to their children than I would like to see those parents let their children take over the family finances.
So you've never heard a teen with a good idea? If not, that's a shame. I think they add a lot of new ideas to our public discussions. Here's a few teens that did that. Enjoy.
The 10 Youngest Inventors of All Time
I haven't seen anything genius come out of this kid. She is just repeating talking points played on liberal news all day long. Society does not think she is capable yet to drive a car, smoke a cigarette, or drink a beer, but our politicians are supposed to change laws and policies because she took a day off school? That'll be the day....
So is your point, 'lets just forget about dealing with the future of the earth, continue to make it a human trash bin'? Is it to deny damage NOW from extreme weather? Is it to keep us dependent on dirty energy? Is it to give us a better idea? What exactly IS the problem with this very smart articulate girl the world is listening to? (Rhetorical, that is the answer).
Who said our politicians are supposed to do anything because of her? She was addressing the UN, not the US.
And since when is being a genius required before having an opinion or being able to have a good influence on the world?
Have you actually listened to her? It doesn't sound like it. I'll post a link to her actual speech. Unfortunately, it doesn't link to the paperwork she turned in which she did not read aloud. She said that paperwork substantiated her positions. I'd like to read it if I can find it.
She didn't have any new ideas...she just submitted an old report done by others.
OK. Just to humor you I read the article. Complete waste of time. This girl sounds incredibly arrogant for someone not producing any solutions to the problem other than stomp your feet and demand people spend money. You are really that easily impressed?
David Hogg Syndrome
Someone else wrote it? Please give me the link that proves this claim.
Just one post back, you were criticizing her for her "solutions" that you assumed our legislators were supposed to enact. You can't have it both ways. Which is it?
Just out of curiosity, what is your solution to the problem?
I believe we were discussing a perfectly logical solution to the issue in an earlier thread. The problem is countries who are guilty of irresponsible breeding. We need to target those countries and get them to comply with global climate standards(which would have to be agreed upon) or something to that affect. Maybe impose deadlines on them or threaten them with sanctions or military actions. Get all countries to comply to a 2 child limit per parent.
She has Aspberger's. Being direct is one of the symptoms
David Hogg is a normal teen.
Hogg was just trying to be a good little reporter.
"Hogg chose to attend Stoneman Douglas because it offered television production classes"
He MUST get the story...….
"Hogg checked social media and discovered that the shooting was occurring at his high school in real time. He used his cell phone to record the scene, to interview the other students hiding in the closet, and to leave a record in the event that they did not survive the shooting."
That's not being a "Normal" Teen !
That is not quite correct. I just checked with my daughter who is getting her PhD in spectrum disorders and she says the following:
PDDNOS is a diagnosis but it's typically given if a child doesn't otherwise meet an ASD (autism spectrum disorders), ADHD, speech delay, or ID (intellectual disability) diagnosis.
Aspergers is now subsumed into the more general diagnostic category “autism spectrum disorders - ASD” The reason for that is that ASD is characterized by 3 things only:
1) social deficits
2) restricted interests
3) repetitive and stereotyped behaviors
Which is present in Aspergers. ASD does not mean intellectually impaired
It is possible for a child to have BOTH ASD and ID, but autism is the autism whether intellectual disability is there or not.
Intellectual disability is an IQ of 70 or below.
You can have Aspergers and be comorbid OCD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and possibly ODD.
People with Aspergers can go on to live normal lives.
Yes, that is a very smart young man and I have never read anywhere that he was looking for dead students to record. In fact, that was an internet rumor and he was in school.
Actually, it's not me, it's my daughter. My nephew has Aspergers and is going to university on a full scholarship.
Your son would form his own opinions. I have not asked my nephew about this. This girl formed her own opinions, too. As you know, once a person with Aspergers makes up their mind, they don't tend to change it.
Germans have a name for people like Hogg, who have a self need for attention (His chosen profession: "Hogg chose to attend Stoneman Douglas because it offered television production classes").
We do need to target those countries. I'm not sure we can do a forced solution, but we can certainly educate their citizens and provide birth control. As I said earlier, women who have access to birth control voluntarily cut their family size, usually down to one or two children. There have been studies that show that to be true in multiple countries.
Of course, births are only part of the problem. If the elders are living longer, that too contributes to the rising population in any country. We can't advocate letting them die or killing them off, so I don't have a solution for that. We have this problem in our own country. We're a graying nation.
My cousin was considered to be 'profoundly retarded' and my aunt propped him in front a tv throughout the 50's.
Turns out he was stone deaf but he watched enough baseball to figure out math, statistics and language on his own.
At the age of 10 he got hearing aids and suddenly started talking about baseball. Nothing but baseball. Always baseball.
He officially had Asperger disorder and was an autistic savant.
He worked in a warehouse doing inventory most of his life and the local news station
eventually supplied him with a cell phone since he was a walking talking sports encyclopedia who was never wrong.
He is very loving and very stubborn, especially when he is right, lol.
Oh, man, read that again and remember who you support. Gawd.
Arrogance, no solutions, and someone easily impressed by that.
She traveled to the US on a solar powered sail boat to avoid flying and producing green house gases.
Time is at hand....according to her !
I guess 14 days of non-action makes "Climate" not that pressing !
She shoulda flown if it's soooooo dire !
Come on now.
I've said the same thing about this entire "Truants" rants !
According to her....Armageddon is upon us …… NOW...…. Her Entire SHORT "Childhood" has been ruined !
That is how she feels. You feel differently. I don't mock how either of you feel.
"Feelings" does not make for a good leader !
It's "Limiting" !
Thank you for finding that. It should quash at least part of the arguments against her.
When adults fail to use facts to persuade their case they bring in little girls to be paraded as victims.
Exactly, The so bright and intelligent little girl who skipped school to sell her Moms schtick sitting on the steps of parliament, She found another way to make a buck prostituting her daughter to the Globalist by hiring a PR firm to take her cute little Asperger daughter's cute little pleas nation wide. Just another victim of the lunatic left like David Hoag.
So if an adult said the same thing, would you listen or would you find another reason to pretend climate change is not a problem for all of us and our descendants? Is it just her age that bothers you? Is it that she has Aspergers? That she has a mother? I don't get why there is so much hostility to her or other teens speaking out. Why shouldn't they? We created this mess and we'll die leaving them the burden of figuring out how to get rid of the mess.
Said what? We need to skip school till I get my way?
She is the one that makes it a point not I, or haven't you really been paying attention to what she says? I don't care if she has dementia, She is still just the newest schtick used by the globalist.
Wtf does that mean?
It's hostility to you because some washed up opera singer prostitutes out her daughter for her climate change activism and I'm supposed to care?
Teens speaking out but have no solutions to climate change.
Are they going to give up there cell phones to combat rare earth elements pollution?
Are they going to give up there cars for bicycles?
Or are they going to go with the progressive liberal stance and throw money at it?
Very similar to that Hogg dude that blabbered on about gun control. What's he doing now?
Seems liberals are relying on kids to push their opinions, as they can't get anyone to fall for their bs on their own.
No, it's not. Every single post in opposition to her has been about her age, not her ideas. In fact, one guy who was criticizing her admitted he had not read what she said in his last post.
As to teens speaking out not having solutions, you're speaking out. I'd like to hear your solution. Surely you have one or you wouldn't be criticizing others for speaking out without one.
If it is hostility toward me, that's a good reason for the person with that hostility to go somewhere else. They'll be happier.
It's less acceptable to tell a kid they have stupid ideas, no matter how stupid those ideas may be.
The adults without the facts are the climate deniers and people who don't care about the damage done to the environment, and the children are the ones who will be left to live and deal with our messes. WTF are they supposed to do? I think articles like this are a fear based reaction to a person they know is impacting the world. As usual. And deniers should be scared, this girl is the future and they aren't waiting for our generations to step down.
Well said. I agree completely except for the article I seeded, if that is the one you meant. The reaction is fear, but I don't think the article meant was meant to be read as stoking fear.
Is it actually fear of her youth, or is that an excuse used to avoid the topic of climate change?
There is nothing to fear from this girl. I admire that she has a cause, but I also realize that she is very young and the young are impressionable. Easily manipulated and easily brainwashed.
So kudos to her for speaking, but adults using 16 year old children to further their political agenda is rather disgusting.
Adults using "she's being used by adults" are not impressive. It tells me they think very little of our youth who we have to depend upon to help save our ecosystems. That saddens me because there is no other way unless adults are willing to act right now. Are you willing to act right now to help save the earth and all her species?l
Adults who think that climate change is just a "political agenda" are fooling themselves. The effects of it are already affecting each of us. For instance, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua (where a lot of our food is grown) has a major swath of land that was formerly abundant now turning into a desert that will not grow anything. That is causing people who live there to move, and some of them become refugees in our nation.
Is that the result you want? Wouldn't you rather stop climate change by demanding better programs aimed at lessening the problem?
Will you agree to stop eating in order to ignore climate change and hold onto the idea it is nothing more than a "political agenda"? Just how important is that stance to you?
From a Newsweek article:
Yet, part of the problem, he says, is that because of the lack of global awareness around climate change, many communities have not yet identified "climate-related events... as the perpetrators of their misery."
'Everything dies'
In parts of the so-called "Dry Corridor," which runs across Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, for example, farmers have faced significant crop losses due to drought.
"When I was a kid, it was absolutely certain that starting in the month of April, we would enter the rainy season... People went to plant in the fields precisely at that time and then in July, you would see that everything would be green and we would be able to harvest fairly reliably," Chacón says. "Even small-scale farmers who only farmed for survival, growing fields for their own consumption, they could plan exactly how things were going to play out."
Now, however, farmers across the region have been hit by prolonged droughts that "go as late into July... and then when the rain comes, it doesn't come in a way that helps. It comes in the form of six or seven days of continuous rain resulting in flooding, so everything dies."
It tells me they think a lot of our youth. Watching adults scare children is extremely disturbing. But, the climate crazies seem to be very proud of themselves for it.
Throwing an adolescent into the lions den certainly is.
If this brainwashed girl is the future of the world than it's already over.
NO ONE denies the climate is changing. It's been changing in recurring climate cycles for billions of years. The AGW hoaxers are not really concerned about the climate. It's about formalizing global totalitarian rule over people.
Our planet will continue experiencing climate cycles including ice ages and tropical warming and mankind can do nothing to stop it.
When did you watch that? Do you have a link? Why were they scaring them? What was the purpose?
Look at your own seed. Do you think that girl isn't scared to death? Are you really that dumb to ask these questions?
Because they are assholes.
To parade them in front of other assholes using the children for political agendas.
It's the children's crusade all over again.
Same impulse for a modern era. The cult of youth isn't new and looking for answers from kids isn't healthy.
I looked for this phrase. I found two: one in 1187 and one in 1963. Which one were you referring to?
Here's a piece on the one in 1963. Sounds like it did some good.
"Our Black History coverage continues with a look at the Children's Crusade of 1963, a pivotal event of the Civil Rights Movement, which opened the eyes of the nation through the courageous activism of its youngest citizens."
The 12th century children crusade which ended in slavery or death for many of it's participants.
I read up on that one too. I don't see any similarity. Those people (which also included adults) were marching to war. That isn't what is happening here. This was simply a few teens speaking to the UN about how important it is for them to do something to combat climate change. I don't see how that will lead to them being sold into slavery or being killed in battle.
Who is looking for answers? It is the kids addressing the UN.
You might be surprised to know she agrees with you. This was the opening part of her speech:
"T his is all wrong. I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!
"For more than 30 years the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away, and come here saying that you are doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight.
"You say you 'hear' us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I don’t want to believe that. Because if you fully understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And I refuse to believe that."
Greta is the poster child for the left and their fairly successful brainwashing of youth, especially in Europe and North America (US and Canada)
They have been indoctrinated by teachers, media,and leftist parents to blindly accept this dogma without ever actually engaging in study of actual science and the scientific method.
“ Why The Climate Crusade Is Built On Fear And Brainwashing Children
Thunberg is being brought in to help the flagging US climate movement and to recruit more naive children into its ranks.
There is little difference between this activity and the Hitler Youth , who were known for widespread inculcation of German children.
Its members were viewed as “ensuring the future of Nazi Germany and were indoctrinated in Nazi ideology.”
Education and training programs for the Hitler Youth were designed to undermine traditional German society, invoke fear, and enable its members to become faithful foot soldiers.
Fast-forward to today’s youth, where mass hysteria is focused on mobilizing children who haven’t learned to think critically or how to analyze our complicated climate.
They use soundbites that are meant to silence and fit on a protest poster.
How do you reason with a child holding a sign that says, “There is no Planet B!”?
Or that sea levels have been rising since the end of the last glaciation at only 2-3 mm per year?
Try explaining to a child holding a picture of a polar bear that asks, “What Will You Do To Save Me?” about how the Arctic animal is thriving and flourishing despite less sea ice.
These movements have one thing in common. They are all based on lies.
While Thunberg may come across as a cute, well-meaning child, she seems to be morphing into an inflexible battleax.
Incapable of smiling or frowning, she knows something about everything and everything about nothing. She appears to stew in cold anger, puzzled as to why everyone else is so hopelessly stupid.
In other words, she’s the model person for the recruitment of more American children into the climate fraud movement.”
“ Brainwashing children to panic about global warming is child abuse
Greta Thunberg .
She dresses as a very young child, but she’s actually 16. I have since learned , from the first time I did a show about her, is that she is mentally ill. I don’t mean her Aspergers, but that she suffered clinical depression, and was suicidal.
There's more :
That's impossible. CO2 is invisible; it’s a trace gas, 400 parts per million.
I think her parents are scammers, like the scammers who manage boy bands and steal all their money. But her — I think she believes it .
But the depression — the fear — the stress — why are we telling young kids, especially young girls, to believe we’re going to die. You know, suicide is contagious . It’s not like a virus or a bacteria that literally is passed on through a bug. But when you see or hear about someone committing suicide, you are more likely to do it. It happens in clusters. It becomes normalized. The unthinkable becomes thinkable.”
You are seriously attacking a 16 year old girl for spreading factual information? Wow.
No, I'm attacking the adults who are using this child to spread their nonsense. I've yet to hear her state a single fact.
Well, without her sticking her head down the same hole, how will she ever speak to the truth of your own personal viewpoint? Perhaps you should try pulling your head out of the sand and looking at the facts presented by the vast majority of climate scientists instead of desperately clinging to the tiny handful of deniers who all have a vested interest to lie to you?
"eleven of the last twelve years (1995-2006) rank among the 12 warmest years ever recorded since global surface temperatures are measured (1850). Over the last 100 years (1906–2005), global temperature has increased by 0.74°C. Global sea level has risen by 17 cm during the 20 th century, in part because of the melting of snow and ice from many mountains and in the polar regions. More regional changes have also been observed, including changes in Arctic temperatures and ice, ocean salinity, wind patterns, droughts, precipitations, frequency of heat waves and intensity of tropical cyclones. The temperatures of the last half century are unusual in comparison with those of at least the previous 1300 years. The last time that the polar regions remained significantly warmer than now for a very extended period (125 000 years ago), the sea level rose by 4 to 6 meters."
i have studied the facts about our climate cycles for decades and I stand by the science that disproves any Anthropogenic causation.
I clearly stated I concur we are in warming cycle. Just as we will have future ice age cycles. Your post does nothing to dispute that.
Try these Skeptic Scientists
Dr Roy Spencer, formerly Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA
Reid A. Bryson, the Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin's Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences knows a thing or two about the subject. As recipient of only the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education, he is often referred to as the father of modern scientific climatology, much as Al Gore ought be credited as the father of modern hysterical climatology. And, while the professor considers all the hype over Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) "a bunch of hooey," he certainly appreciates that:
"There is a lot of money to be made in this. If you want to be an eminent scientist you have to have a lot of grad students and a lot of grants. You can't get grants unless you say, 'Oh global warming, yes, yes, carbon dioxide.'"
Geologist Dr. David Gee, chairman of the science committee of the recently concluded International Geological Congress--“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?” - Geologist Dr. David Gee professor at Dept. for Geosciences of Uppsala University in Sweden
Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies
Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in the history ... . When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists." -- U.N. IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning Ph.D. environmental physical chemist.
"It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic global warming." -- U.S. Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee and is an associate editor of Monthly Weather Review.
Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland, who reversed his belief in man-made warming to become a skeptic, is a former member of the Dutch U.N. IPCC committee.
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
"Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense ... . The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning." -- Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.
"The [global warming] scaremongering has its justification in the fact that it is something that generates funds." -- Award-winning Paleontologist Dr. Eduardo Tonni, of the Committee for Scientific Research in Buenos Aires and head of the Paleontology Department at the University of La Plata.
Last Ice Age took just SIX months to arrive
It took just six months for a warm and sunny Europe to be engulfed in ice, according to new research.
Previous studies have suggested the arrival of the last Ice Age nearly 13,000 years ago took about a decade - but now scientists believe the process was up to 20 times as fast.
In scenes reminiscent of the Hollywood blockbuster The day After Tomorrow, the Northern Hemisphere was frozen by a sudden slowdown of the Gulf Stream, which allowed ice to spread hundreds of miles southwards from the Arctic.
Geological sciences professor William Patterson, who led the research, said: 'It would have been very sudden for those alive at the time. It would be the equivalent of taking Britain and moving it to the Arctic over the space of a few months.'
Professor Patterson's findings emerged from one of the most painstaking studies of climate changes ever attempted and reinforce the theory that the earth's climate is unstable and can switch between warm and cold incredibly quickly.
His conclusions, published in New Scientist, are based on a study of mud deposits extracted from a lake in Western Ireland, Lough Monreagh - a region he describes as having the 'best mud in the world in scientific terms'.
Professor Patterson used a precision robotic scalpel to scrape off layers of mud just 0.5mm thick. Each layer represented three months of sediment deposition, so variations between them could be used to measure changes in temperature over very short periods.
And that has what to do with the climate crisis we are facing now?
"The facts show humans are effecting the rapid changes in our climate"
"But 13,000 years ago some other natural event caused rapid climate change!"
Just because other natural phenomenon can also have a rapid effect on climate change doesn't mean humans can't or aren't.
Since when is spreading factual information, "brainwashing"? Anything like forcing kids to believe in some magical being which you cannot even prove exists?
God? No evidence at all, none.
GW? TONS of evidence.
And you want to talk about brainwashing?
That's fucking hilarious!!!!
When the factual information in question is not the entire set of information.
The 97% of the story, is only a small subset of the 100%, and should be discarded till the 3% decide what's truly causing to be, just because, i guess.
Is your washer ever not set on permanent press ?
You imagine a teenage girl really knows 97% of the climate change story? Do you imagine this would all be solved if those mean ol' white republican men weren't so greedy and didn't hate puppies?
Are you aware that the Lorax wasn't actually a real person?
Do you imagine yours is the first generation to deal with environmental issues? Did you miss Silent Spring?
Bullshit Leftists love to talk about problems, as if getting everyone to agree on the problem somehow solves it. They never like to talk about solutions, because frankly they suck at anything having to do with real life and their "solutions" never actually solve anything. But they feel better, and that's all they really care about anyway.
The majority of the factual information on climate change revolves around the cost and consequences of the various possible "solutions".
It only washes adult sized clothes, or I'd let you use it.
She was speaking at the UN. Are you imagining that the UN is filled with "ol' white republican men"? If so, you really should take a look at a group photo of the members there.
Well, as everyone knows, it's far easier to solve problems, that we "talk about", as little as possible, cause as we all know, the best way to solve problems,
is to never discuss them/\.
PS oh yea, F U R Gullible enough to believe i would put my head in the same washer as which washes your dirty mind with dirty laundry, you are gullible enough to believe Trump would
never lie to you
PSD R U Aware what that 97% reference is even referencing ?
Read the entire series of comments.
Because nobody ever talks about climate change and the environment. Riiiiiight.
r u making me feel left out
There is plenty of evidence for God
the first evidence is creation itself and the statistical impossibility of earth existing as it does
the second evidence is Jesus. He is God appearing to mankind and affirming His creation and plan for mankind.
It is only a reprobate mind that denies these facts.
So the majority of the world who aren't Christians have "reprobate minds"? Way to be inclusive.
There is ZERO evidence for any God let alone the specific one you claim to serve.
At best we have evidence of men who claimed to be the messiah sometime around the first century. That does not in any way prove that the divine son of the universal creator walked among us.
There is as much evidence that Hercules was real and was the son of Zeus as there is that Jesus was real.
You're welcome to your beliefs, but don't bother trying to pawn them off on others with such smoke and mirrors and flawed logic.
It is only a delusional mind that hears voices and thinks they belong to a god, or that babbling in tongues allows them to speak to evil boogeymen.
See how that works?
id bet the short one knows more than you about climate change, hell both know more
The cult of Greta Thunberg - child crusader of the eco-warriors
Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great 'fire' that will punish us for our eco-sins. There is something chilling and positively pre-modern about Ms Thunberg. One can imagine her in a sparse wooden church in the Plymouth Colony in the 1600s warning parishioners of the hellfire that will rain upon them if they fail to give up their witches.
It actually makes sense that Ms Thunberg - a wildly celebrated 16-year-old Swede who founded the climate-strike movement for schoolkids - should sound cultish. Because climate-change alarmism is becoming ever stranger, borderline religious, obsessed with doomsday prophecies. Consider Extinction Rebellion, the latest manifestation of the upper-middle classes' contempt for industrialisation and progress. It is at times indistinguishable from old fundamentalist movements that warned mankind of the coming End of Days. I followed Extinction Rebellion from Parliament Square to Marble Arch yesterday and what I witnessed was a public display of millenarian fear and bourgeois depression. People did dances of death and waved placards warning of the heat-death of the planet. It felt deeply unnerving.
It struck me that this was a march against people. Most radical protest and direct action is aimed at officialdom or government or people with power. This macabre schlep through London was aimed squarely at ordinary people. Banners and placards made no disguise of the marchers' contempt for how the masses live. We were told that 'Meat = heat' (that is, if you carry on eating meat, you fat bastards, the planet will get even hotter) and that driving and flying are destroying Mother Earth. Of course, it's okay for them to fly - Emma Thompson jetted first-class from LA to London to lecture us plebs about all our eco-destructive holidaymaking. It's only a problem when we do it; it's only bad when we take advantage of the miracle of mass food production and the expansion of flight to make our lives fuller and more pleasurable. They detest that. They detest mass society and its inhabitants: the masses.
In keeping with all millenarian movements, the extinction-obsessed green cult reserves its priestly fury for ordinary people. Even when it is putting pressure on the government, it is really asking it to punish us . It wants tighter controls on car-driving, restrictions on flying, green taxes on meat. That these things would severely hit the pockets of ordinary people - but not the deep pockets of Emma Thompson and the double-barrelled eco-snobs who run Extinction Rebellion - is immaterial to the angry bourgeoisie. So convinced are they of their own goodness, and of our wickedness, that they think it is utterly acceptable for officialdom to make our lives harder in order to strongarm us into being more 'green'. People complaining about Extinction Rebellion disrupting people's lives in London over the past few days are missing the point - the entire point of the green movement is to disrupt ordinary people's lives, and even to immiserate them. All in the jumped-up name of 'saving the planet'.
Trump opted out of the GW meeting in favor of the religious liberty meeting instead, which tells me that the USA really really needs to get rid of trump. Why?
There is no proof of God's existance, not a shred of evidence at all, anywhere, ever. But trump decided to go there instead of going to a meeting about CC which has been proven over and over and over again... In essence he is saying, "God is real, CC is a myth".
Folks, it's too stupid to make it up.
Add to that, what can trump add to a religious debate or discussion anyway? "How to cheat on all of your wives and pay off porn stars, then lie about it to the public."???!!!!!
Laura Ingraham’s brother condemns ‘monstrous’ Fox News host for cruelly mocking teen activists
Laura Ingraham’s brother strongly condemned the Fox News broadcaster for cruelly mocking teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg.
The Fox News host compared the 16-year-old, who has Asperger syndrome, and other young climate activists to characters in Stephen King’s “Children of the Corn,” and Ingraham’s older brother — and outspoken critic — denounced her.
“Clearly my sister’s paycheck is more important than the world her three adopted kids will inherit,” the elder Ingraham tweeted. “I can no longer apologize for a sibling who I no longer recognize. I can and will continue to call out the monstrous behavior and the bully commentary born out of anger.”
Curtis Ingraham, who is gay, has described his younger sister as a “monster” before, and has frequently called her out as a hypocrite and questioned her parenting skills.
I doubt Laura is losing any sleep over the opinions of a reprobate homosexual, including one who is her brother.
I think Laura does like other Christians, we follow the words of Jesus
" While he was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers showed up. They were outside trying to get a message to him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and brothers are out here, wanting to speak with you.”
Jesus didn’t respond directly, but said, “Who do you think my mother and brothers are?” He then stretched out his hand toward his disciples. “Look closely. These are my mother and brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who obeys my heavenly Father’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Matthew 12:46-50
Does she go to school much ?
Is this just too important for her to actually go learn things before becoming an adult ?
Of course....there is a bunch of bucks to be made with this Climate Change Stuff (just ask Al). Maybe this will become her "Living Wage" Job !
She said that she should be in school, but she had to be here doing this. I wonder what happens to her in a few years when this story fades and the left is through using her?
When you do a quick Wiki search on her, apparently her Dad isn't very happy about her not going to school, but hasn't made her go.
Bad Parent.....BAD PARENT !
Absolutely. We send our kids to school to be taught not indoctrinated. Teachers and their obscene union need to be put on notice - in the strongest ways possible!
She's crowing about an "indoctrinated" 'cause. "Truancy" doesn't matter !
An endorsed truancy. I remember when I was in high school there was a "moratorium" on the Vietnam War. Students were allowed to go protest on that day if they were opposed to the war. I used the day off to go to the racetrack. Later a gym instructor said "I never realized how many students here were against the war." I had to hit him with the truth - that if they offered a day off for those in favor the school would be empty on that day too!
A good worker drone but i gotta give her credit. It takes balls to do what she is doing.
That said, I think we can start helping out be recalling all our troops and ships from around the world and let the chips fall where they may in Sweden and elsewhere. We'll save a ton of money and carbon emissions if we do that. Of course it won't be long before the rest of the world has a nice little nuclear glow to it but what the hell right?
There you go Greta .... good luck reigning in China, India and the rest of the rising carbon dumpers in the developing world. You're on your own. We can't help because helping would off-gas too much Carbon Dioxide. Perhaps you can speechify some more .....
The views of a 16 year old need time to mature. Thrusting one so young into the spotlight to be hailed by some, while mocked by others can be traumatic. Does this mean you are "just fine" with the children at Pro Life rallies holding signs that say "Thanks for letting me live"?
I know I wouldn't have turned down a "Free" day off from school if it was offered. Wouldn't have cared why one bit.
According to what I've read, she started this at 8 years old.
Forced her mom to leave her International traveling job and become a "Vegan".
Let's face it, we've all been warned for years that the world is coming to an end...
It's the end of the world as we know it ....... but i feel fine ..........
Are you speaking for the seeder/author on that?
I am 'just fine' with your scenario. I'd much rather see our children learn the valuable lessons that come with engaging in the causes in which they believe..
I'm sure.
but let us never dismiss the importance of teaching our children to respect disparate viewpoints lest they all be diminished.
That would be a huge change in the world where the anti-establishment generation have become the establishment
There is a bit more than a decade left according to Miss Moonbeam.
That's cool, i still feel fine.
I've got a bottle of Pappy and some fine cigars ready to watch the fireworks with.
It was fun while it lasted. It was a pleasure to know you.
How do you figure that? She was prostituted out by her climate activist parents to Al gore and Ingmar Rentzhog. Everything about this girl is orchestrated except for her Asperger's condition. The one she should be blaming for stealing her childhood is her own parents. But then again how many 16 year olds get to sail across the Atlantic on a 4 million dollar yacht?
I'm looking forward to the South Park episode on Greta I'm sure will be out soon.
Did you speak before the UN when you were 16?
Slightly different than speaking in front of your tenth grade class running for office ......
It does take balls to do something like that ..... on that we can disagree i guess.
So am i ...... bet Timmy will be her buddy ......
Not all change = progress.
Every policy and position will have its' detractors and that is a good thing.
For sure.
She's taken
many to school, and from the commentary here, many truly need her lessons.
Trump actually trolled her with a tweet, probably because he contested what beauty
actually can be, whence removed, is the pageantry.
Saying "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! " Is trolling her? No wonder you are so bad at it.
no need to troll,
i have ez pass, and prefer the low road