Transcipt shows Trump prodded Ukraine leader to help in Biden probe

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has launched a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, yielding to mounting pressure from fellow Democrats and plunging a deeply divided nation into an election year clash between Congress and the commander in chief.
The probe focuses partly on whether Trump abused his presidential powers and sought help from a foreign government to undermine Democratic foe Joe Biden and help his own reelection effort. Pelosi said Tuesday such actions would mark a "betrayal of his oath of office" and declared, "No one is above the law."
The impeachment inquiry, after months of investigations by House Democrats of the Trump administration, sets up the party's most direct and consequential confrontation with the Republican president, injects deep uncertainty into the 2020 election campaign and tests anew the nation's constitutional system of checks and balances.
Trump, who thrives on combat, has all but dared Democrats to take this step, confident that the specter of impeachment led by the opposition party will bolster rather than diminish his political support.
"There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have," he tweeted Wednesday from New York, where he has spent the week meeting with world leaders participating in the annual U.N. General Assembly. "The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear. They get nothing done. This should never be allowed to happen to another President. Witch Hunt!
While Pelosi's announcement adds weight to the work being done on the oversight committees, the next steps are likely to resemble the past several months of hearings and legal battles — except with the possibility of actual impeachment votes.
Her brief statement, delivered without dramatic flourish but in the framework of a constitutional crisis, capped a frenetic weeklong stretch on Capitol Hill as details of a classified whistleblower complaint about Trump burst into the open and momentum shifted toward an impeachment probe.
For months, the Democratic leader has tried calming the push for impeachment, saying the House must investigate the facts and let the public decide. The new drive was led by a group of moderate Democratic lawmakers from political swing districts, many of them with national security backgrounds and serving in Congress for the first time. The freshmen, who largely represent districts previously held by Republicans where Trump is popular, risk their own reelections but say they could no longer stand idle. Amplifying their call were longtime leaders, including Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, the civil rights icon often considered the conscience of House Democrats.
"Now is the time to act," said Lewis, in an address to the House. "To delay or to do otherwise would betray the foundation of our democracy."
At issue are Trump's actions with Ukraine. In a summer phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, he is said to have asked for help investigating former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter. In the days before the call, Trump ordered advisers to freeze $400 million in military aid for Ukraine — prompting speculation that he was holding out the money as leverage for information on the Bidens. Trump has denied that charge, but acknowledged he blocked the funds, later released.
Eager to hear the spin and sputter. No Threats, No collusion, plenty of liberal tears.
Full transcript here.
No quid pro quo, Biden not mentioned 8 times and as a matter of fact it's Biden's son that gets mentioned. The President simply asked the Ukranian government to aid a US investigation. We all now know more that the "whistleblower" who got his info second hand and proclaimed that there WAS a quid pro quo. The dems own it now.
Will Pelosi actually let the House vote on impeachment? Or will she wait to see how the American people feel about it? A lot of House democrats political lives will be on the line!
I personally want them to vote. I want them to spend the next 14 months chasing their tails.
Pelosi should schedule a vote basically because it's the right thing to do. One should never move for impeachment or reject impeachment because of a popularity poll, it should only be done because it's the right decision to make.
If reporting shows that she holds off on a vote due to polling, then it proves this is only a political ploy (like I believe it is).
Actually, Trump asked the Ukrainian President to assist in investigating two cases:
1) The Russian collusion and hacking investigation as the server where everything started was supposedly a Ukrainian server.
2) Hunter Biden's potential corruption in regards to the Ukrainian company he was a part of and the actions taken to protect him from prosecution.
Those two cases are both criminal investigations and the first being the so-called original basis for impeaching Trump and the second being the current reason for impeaching Trump, but was actually criminal conduct according to Ukrainian law and exacerbated by Joe Biden being recorded PROUDLY bragging that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in US aid IF the prosecutor was not fired. That is extortion and is criminal in and of itself.
Only if Trump does it!
Chasing tail is more of a Trump thing.
Is that what you think Trump said in the … parts of the Memo? Because Trump doesn't say ANY of what you claim.
For which there is ZERO evidence.
The first doesn't have shit to do with Trump.
It may behoove you to review the FACT that the Prosecutor General of Ukraine DID investigate the Ukrainian company which Hunter Biden was a board member. They exonerated the company and the owner.
Or you can just keep spewing pabulum.
BTFW, when did it become kosher for the US government to instigate an investigation into an American citizen for an alleged crime overseas, by a foreign nation?
You should really read something instead of just the back of your hand
Which memo are you reading from? I got it originally from MSN and then posted a link to the version on Scribd and the conversation is exactly as I stated. You do remember that Ars Technica posted an article about how the DNC emails were hacked and that the code originated from the Ukraine, correct? And, you remember that after Trump publicly asked the Russians to release the emails the Russian collusion accusations started, correct? Therefore, the Ukrainian server is what started the entire Russian collusion narrative. Crowdstrike was the company that said that the hackers were Russian and were the only ones to actually look at the DNC servers that were actually hacked.
You must have missed the entire campaign and the impeachment calls after the Mueller report about Russian collusion, if you believe that the DNC email hack had nothing to do with Trump since they were the original impetus for the Russian collusion narrative.
That's the one I read. So now, WHY are you babbling and asking me questions about some article, that you haven't linked?
Can it be that you want to deflect from the FACTS before us in black and white. Address the fucking topic.
The cheese has slipped off the cracker of your posit tom..
Where is the whistle blower's report? I'd like to compare it to Trump's "edited" transcript.
You may want to think that over for a few minutes. You do realize that the "whistleblower" filed over second and third hand supposed "knowledge" right?
And edited?
Nope, and neither do you.
If the report isn't damaging, why is the Trump administration refusing to release? By law it was supposed to be released to Congress no more than 2 weeks after the IG passed it on.
" Nope, and neither do you."
Let me help you out here.................oh and you may want to have towel handy.
An official who has been briefed on the matter, however, told CNN that the whistleblower “didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications.” The official said that the concerns and subsequent complaint came in part from the whistleblower “learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work.”"
Being able to have confidential conversations with foreign leaders is crucial to a president having success globally. If you begin turning over transcripts of conversations like this that make it into the media it makes it so foreign leaders will not want to communicate as openly. My question is if Biden has nothing to hide than why would he be concerned about Trump asking for him to be looked into?
More bullshit.
Knowing that their conversation is on the record makes them understand that their remarks are also on the record, and as such their lies are and promises are on the record.
And right over your head...
Actually, you mean right over your own head, Ozzwald. Remember, Joe Biden is on video PROUDLY bragging about extorting the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor looking into the company that Hunter Biden was on the board of. That is actually criminal conduct and abuse of power by Joe Biden while he was Vice President of the United States.
I know you're not kidding, which is the disturbing thing about you're comment.
2 things about your claim.
1-The investigation had been over for more than a year when the prosecutor was fired.
2-Biden story =
I've asked this question over and over with no reply:
When did it become kosher for the US government to instigate an investigation into an American citizen for an alleged crime overseas, by a foreign nation?
That has been debunked so many times that it amazes me some are still disseminating that bullshit.
Typical attempt to change the subject from Trumett butt huggers
So the video of Biden saying "I told them that if the prosecutor wasn't fired you won't get the billion and phbbt...he was gone." is all a lie, or do you think it was Darci Lynne Farmer saying that instead? Remember the video was from Biden talking at an event by Foreign Affairs in 2018 and it was posted in comments in another article that you are participating in so I shouldn't have to post that video here.
Does it really amaze or surprise you? From the same group that is STILL talking about Benghazi and Hillary's emails?
If you're going to try to make a point by quoting someone, quote them ACCURATELY.
I was the one that posted the WHOLE video in that seed tom. I'd tell you to watch it from 50:42 but judging from your misinterpretation of the Memo, it wouldn't make a dent.
I also posted an article that debunks all of the bullshit about Biden. I doubt that reading that would have an effect on your sycophancy either.
Here is another article debunking the bullshit, just posted yesterday:
But hey tom, you go ahead and run with your conspiracy theory if it helps you sleep at night...
You're right, it really doesn't.
Yep, the first ask from Trump was for Zelensky to 'look into' Hillary's emails. You really can't make this shit up.
Plenty of right wing bull shit
Where's this Quid Pro Quo thingy Democrats are howling about ?
For Sure !
Should be asking Democrats if they want "Grey Poupon" with it.
They will already have brown "poop-on" their faces. Glorious.
removed for context
removed for context
Oh for gosh sakes no !
The "Left" are royalty …. dontchyknow !
What's a tRump ?
You are a much nicer person than I am. Were it me, I would have said, "That's manners, garconanokin ."
I'll see your triple and raise you one....
Ok that reminded me of a meme a friend shared with me.
Regular or Potato bun?
I will defer to the bun itself to assign it's own idea of content. After all, it is a
Democrat nothing burger and it is well known that there is always confusion as to identity........................
Okay, prolly one of those tasteless, all air and no nutrition, gummy white bread buns that sells for a couple bucks a dozen.
The kind i only buy to feed the ducks.
Quack, quack!
Better than being right wing slime
Good lord you don't even know who you bow down to
If this whole thing is a nothing burger, then why was the call transferred to a top secret server?
Silence ensues.
Lol, it ain't hard to find, but feel free to wait for more to come out. Imagine what Trump didn't put in the memo if he thought this would help him. Patience. Trumps house of cards is about to fall.
Apparently ….. It is !
If it wasn't, why would you note this:
"but feel free to wait for more to come out."
Because we only have the 'Barr approved summary' so far, and that is bad enough, but since you apparently aren't satisfied, just sit back and wait for the rest to come out. And we still wonder how any of this colluding with a foreign government to help you in the election is fine with republicans. Do you think Trump withholding money to a foreign country so he can get them to do what he wants (a FAVOR) is acceptable? (note, that gives them blackmail material). I see conservatives jumping to deflect to dems and Biden instead of dealing with Trump's corruption.
But you said:
3.3 lib50 replied to It Is ME @ 3 46 minutes ago
"it ain't hard to find"
Where is it ?
Says a person who has never been correct
What a laugh your comment is
I too have a link to the transcripts. No subscription required.
Everyone is encouraged to read it...form your own opinions.
Now that we've been able to read this...I'd like to see what the whistleblower is claiming about this call.
Every single "conservative" response on this thread is gaslighting.
I'm sorry, but it's really sad that people think a president trying to coerce a foreign country to "investigate" a private American citizen is not a big deal...
I take it you didn't read the transcripts....shocker.
Please...Biden worked as Vice President of this country for eight years...making him a very PUBLIC figure, even after leaving office. Please point out the coercion in the transcripts. I've read them and don't see any coercion.
So Kelensky is talking about defense and Trump immediately asks for a 'favor' connected to the Clinton/DNC emails.
If you don't think that connecting defense with a 'favor' is 'coercion' I can't help you.
Zelensky goes on to genuflect to Trump, pointing out that he has already recalled his Ambassador.
Then Trump ups the anti:
Note that Trump NEVER MENTIONED a company. Only Biden and his son. So Kelensky is telling Trump that Biden isn't the issue, the COMPANY is the issue.
Also note that this is the second time that Kelensky talks about a PRIOR conversation. What did Trump say in THAT conversation?
Kelensky misspoke, it should be the Ambassador from the United States to Ukraine, her name is Marie Yovanovitch and Trump did a hit job on her.
WTF does THAT mean? WHAT 'justice in our country' for an AMERICAN Ambassador are they talking about?
Yes Obeywon !
You didn't get it ….. did you !
I can explain it if need be.
Look at the word spelling again, then look at the comment I responded to !
Now...if it's possible....Correlate the two !
Still makes no sense, but whatever floats your boat.
Close the door, draw the shades, turn off the lights, and go into total darkness with no distractions….and Think about it some more !
You'll get there.
The insanity of the Democrats is laid bare.
they have now openly declared war on this country and we will not back down. We didn’t start this war on our Republic. That has been the long term goal of the Democrats.
so bring it on leftists. You will regret starting this war
And we will continue trying to bring truth to your fiction
By copyright law, you must use the image given in the article on the seed.
When I opened the "Seeded Content", that picture was in the article...............what am I missing?
The original image was not from the article.
Well that was a nothing burger.
Al Green is vindicated …….
One thing in Trump's favor in this exchange is that he says five times that he wants the US Attorney General involved. That would be appropriate - more appropriate than making Giuliani the lone point man, as has been reported so far.
Of course the follow-up question is did Trump actually have the AG call Ukraine or not?
I can't find anywhere in the duties of the AG that authorize him to involved himself in the justice system of a foreign nation.
BTW, Barr told a DOJ investigator that Trump never talked to him about calling Trump is blowing smoke...
Another irrelevant post from you. Going for a record?
That's obviously an incomplete characterization. Considering the suspected wrongdoers are American citizens, and including possibly even the Vice President (at the time), it is not simply getting involved in the "justice system of a foreign nation." It would absolutely and necessarily require cooperation between two nations.
It's interesting, though, that you would have a problem with the United States involving itself in the justice system of a foreign nation, because that's exactly what Joe Biden did when he threatened to withhold $1 billion dollars in loan guarantees if Viktor Shokin, the Ukranian prosecutor, wasn't fired. So they fired him.
So shouldn't we be investigating that?
If the alleged crime occurred in the Ukraine, it most certainly IS simply getting involved in their justice system.
Seriously, exactly when the fuck did it become kosher for the United States government to try to get an American citizen prosecuted by a Foreign nation?
Is there NO bottom to what you will accept?
There is a HUGE difference between instigating an investigation into an American citizen by a foreign nation for the good of Trump and demanding, along with the support of multiple allies and the IMF, that a CORRUPT prosecutor be removed for the good of Ukraine.
There is NO evidence that WE are investigating ANYTHING about Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. There is only evidence that Trump wants Ukraine to do it.
When did anyone suggest that Ukranian authorities should prosecute an American citizen? Trump asked them to look into it, i.e. investigate the matter. He never said anything about prosecuting anyone.
Several US laws apply outside the country. For example, homicide, kidnapping, assault, destruction of property, threats, counterfeiting.
Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law
If it turns out that the Vice President used his power to facilitate some kind of fraud, I don't care where he did it, it's a big deal.
Sure, everybody's got their reasons and their spin, don't they.
He's free to want whatever he likes. Presidents always want other countries to do something. There is, however, no evidence that he has improperly compelled or coerced anyone to actually do anything about it beyond simply asking.
From the memo:
None of which apply in Ukraine or should be investigated or prosecuted by Ukraine.
What fraud? Be specific.
Is it your posit that there is no difference?
For the benefit of the COUNTRY, not for their own benefit.
Just ASKING for a foreign President to investigate an American citizen for his own benefit is an abuse of power. No coercion is necessary.
BTFW, if Ukraine, who lest we forget, Trump insists is corrupt, were to try to prosecute Hunter Biden, the US would NOT extradite him. Though I wouldn't put it past Trump to sign an extradition treaty with the Ukraine JUST to get at Biden.
So WTF is the point other than Trump's political bullshit?
It should be shocking to see people like you endlessly defending this utterly corrupt president*, but by now sadly, it is just business as usual.
When we are on a forum like this we all judge other people's comments. That is what a forum like this is all about. I dont judge what people are like outside the forum, I dont know anything about any of their outside behavior, nor wish to.
I disagree with some here, but I would love to know them in real life. I think the discussions face to face would be stimulating and fascinating.
It should be shocking to see people like you endlessly attacking this president for ordinary behavior, but by now sadly, it is just business as usual.
Yeah, but that's not what you do. You don't judge people's comments; you judge people. That's why you routinely say shit like "people like you." It's why you are constantly at odds with moderators and your frustration plays out in meta more than anyone else. You don't limit yourself to a discussion of the content of comments. You attack the people making those comments. Daily.
i believe i would be fairly easy, at least that's what the opposite sex tells me, when i'm hard to figure out, which , can happen on occasion.
An open mixer with hopefully much liquid elixir to lubricate the apprehension that though it hasn't been , is worthy of mention.
Whos buying and hosting, cause i'm flying then toasting.
It would be most interesting a social study. I've actually been encouraged to wear a not so hidden go pro style camera, and make a trek from my East Coast Proximity , to that of our coast to the West.
While keeping a journal of my journey's and updating all of my findings. As difficult as it may be, my interactions with about any and all, rarely fall short of interesting, and more likely tend to be down right hilarious and or simultaneously bazarre.
Even those with opinions opposite, i believe could/would still find my interaction, stimulating, as on other not so okasions, i'm the poster child for imagination gone wild, but with smaller breasts...sorry had to get that off my icy warm chests, never treasured.
I'll pack my back pack and await my disorders, that i'll probably never follow, as i prefer to lead from the back of the pack, cause i somehow can.
When are they gonna break for lunch ?
Somebody's gotta take a leak after 3.5 hours.
Pin the avatar on the it.
it appears to be a hand grabbing a catfish
so, i'll
guess a
Trumpfish ?
I'll give it a shot ......……….
A double rubber dildo?
I love winning. Now for that free get out of skirt... hummm
I think that would be fun. Trying to match the avatar with the actual person.
A floater?
Sorry but your little post is just another hunk of right wing bullshiy
Impeach Trump
The right's lies are getting more desperate
You don't even know what a tip is
"We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes." Zelenskiy
"I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. " Trump
How is that not quid pro quo? How can anyone read that transcript and come away thinking "Well, that request for Ukraine to investigate Biden's son has nothing to do with Joe Biden being a likely opponent in the 2020 election and if they refused it certainly wasn't a condition for continued US would military funds or the sale of Javelin missiles"? You have to be seriously daft or perhaps had some major brain damage to not see what he was asking for.
for starters, the "favor" had nothing to do with the Biden investigation. Did you even read the memo?
"I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us." - Zelenskiy to Trump
"Did you ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?" - Cuomo
"Of course I did" - Giuliani
So his request "had nothing to do with the Biden investigation? Seriously? That's what your defense is? You'd be laughed out of a court room if that was the defense you presented.
his request "had nothing to do with the Biden investigation?
Do you not understand basic reading comprehension skills? This is the actual "favor" Trump asked for: Sadly you cut and pasted other statements rather then quote him directly.
"I would like you to do us a favor though
because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a
lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with
this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess
you have one of your weal thy people... The server, they say
Ukraine has it "
His "favor," was a request for information on the server involved in the DNC hack. Juxtaposing that request with the earlier discussion of Biden is simply dishonest.,
You'd be laughed out of a court room if that was the defense you presented.
Imagine what would happen to a prosecutor who takes statements from one part of a document and inserts them in other places to mislead the court.
it continued:
"There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible." - Trump
"Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future -cooperation. We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that. purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have, friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly.. That I can assure you." - Zelenskiy
"Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who' was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to." - Trump
There was no doubt what Trump was asking for and it's obvious Zelenskiy knew exactly what Trump was asking for considering he'd already been notified by Giuliani who admitted he did in fact pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden. Those playing dumb now just reveals how extremely partisan a person is, or how monumentally stupid they are.
Yeah, thanks for proving that the favor Trump asked for, despite what you falsely claimed above, had nothing to do with investigating the Bidens. It's simply dishonest to take statments out of context and mash them together to create a fale narrative. You should be ashamed.
Per the transcript, Trump's "favor" was asking them to cooperate with an ongoing DOJ investigation into foreign interference in the 2016 election.
Did you also have trouble with connect the dot pictures as a child?
Zel - We want the missiles.
Dumpty - I need a favor though regarding "the whole situation". That Mueller thing had a bunch of info from Ukraine. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible"
Zel - We spoke with Rudy Tootie, we're on the same page. From one ex-comedian TV star to another, we got your back.
Dumpty - Good, I heard you had a prosecutor who was treated unfairly by you know who (wink)
Zel - We're on it (wink)
It's hard not to see the connections in that conversation, and this wasn't the only one, and Trump had already sent Giuliani with his ask before this phone call so there was no need to be specific. Trump is monumentally stupid, but even I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to just spell it out asking the Ukrainian President "Hey, I'm facing an election next year and I could really use some dirt on Joe Biden and I'm going to withhold those anti-tank missiles till I get something I can use against him...". I don't think anyone expected that, but apparently that's the only thing that might have moved any Trump supporters opinion, and even then they likely would have just said "Well, he didn't shoot anyone on 5th Ave...".
Trump clearly had TWO favors to ask .
The first was for Ukraine to propagate a far right conspiracy theory about the DNC hack, and the other was for Ukraine to aid Rudy Giuliani in digging up dirt on Biden.
Both "favors" are shameful.
Or just have a terminal case of TDS to see what isn't there.
But yes we need to impeach President Trump, I would call your congressperson ASAP.
Rachel …… She hasn't found "Capones Vault" either.
“the great self-promotor of our times.”
Funny how Democrats are doing exactly what Trump "TOLD THEM TO DO" !
It's quite notable that all your comments on this topic are memes, cartoons, and diversionary nonsense.
The truth hurts those who have been defending the Trump clown show all these years.
This is presidential foreign policy 101. EVERY president engages in this kind of negotiations with foreign countries. each asking for favors and then coming to agreement.
this desperate attempt by the left to call this an impeachable crime demonstrates just how badly they want to destroy not just president Trump, but conservatives and to fully complete their totalitarian destruction of our Republic
DOJ already shot this down.
Try again.
Would that be the same DOJ that hid the whistleblower report and the call transcripts? Yea, they are trustworthy. /s
wow...after all that internet lawyering I'm convinced
Actually it's a US law, sorry to confuse you.
No it is NOT a US law.
" The United States Code is a helpful edited collection that tries to reflect what the Statutes at Large actually add up to, but it is “prima facie” evidence of law, not the law itself.
Explains why Democrats tried to make this about Biden...
Trump made it about Biden, Sean. But let me ask you this: Why didn't Trump go through channels in the US to have Biden or his son investigated? Had either one done anything wrong, why wouldn't an investigation be opened here? Trump circumvented protocol for one reason and one reason only. Part of that circumvented protocol was to include personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.
If Hunter Biden returned to this country with ill-gotten gains, it opened a door for investigation. He's a lobbyist, Loki. There are rules and regulations that must be followed regarding dialogue with foreign governments, payment for services, transparent disclosure, etc. If there were any truth to Biden family shenanigans, Trump would have been shouting it from the treetops, not trying to hide it by making personal calls and sending personal representatives.
Who was the POTUS at the time?....................
"Trump would have been shouting it from the treetops,"
He did bring it up did he not?
What crime?
There was NO case against his son. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine stated that there is NO evidence that Hunter Biden did anything illegal.
Yes. Trump asks a foreign President to investigate an American citizen without citing any evidence against him.
The memo says no such thing.
If you are talking about what the Prosecutor General of Ukraine stated, that happened this May when he basically said that Giuliani is full of shit.
Are you not aware of the timing? This began months ago. The whistleblower's report was withheld for a period of time. Translation: Trump thought he was safe. Until now.
No, not that prosecutor.
The 'old prosecutor' was Shorkin and he was fired in May 2016, you know, when Biden was VP. The IS what this bullshit is supposed to all about after all right?
The prosecutor that said that Giuliani is full of shit JUST left office in August 2019.
Sorry Dear. He is a lawyer and a lobbyist.
Deflection fail? I know it's a term you enjoy using. A lot. But I don't think it means what you think it means.
do you see how uninformed some are as they blindly defend
i do understand it is an overwhelming amount right now
Feel free to type as slowly or as quickly as you like. It takes a lot more than silly comments from someone ruffle my feathers.
I'm glad to see that you are having such a grand time. Please carry on.
Did you have to show Trump talking out of his ass again? Right before bed? Geez
Which begs the question: Why did Trump ask Zelensky to investigate it if Barr's 'right hand man' is on the job?
from the transcript
President of Ukraine : ....would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes ..
President Trump : I would like you to do us a favor though