
Bernie Sanders: AOC will have key role in my White House if I'm elected in 2020


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kdmichigan  •  6 years ago  •  77 comments

Bernie Sanders: AOC will have key role in my White House if I'm elected in 2020
She is, again, at the end of one year she is a leader in the United States Congress and her ideas are resonating all over this country," he said. "If I am in the White House, she will play a very, very important role, no question."

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., would be given a vital role in a Bernie Sanders administration and could even be tapped for a cabinet-level position, the 2020 presidential hopeful told ABC News on Sunday.
"Look, I have said this before, let me say it again -- and I don't want [Ocasio-Cortez] to hear this, because [her] head will explode," Sen. Sanders, I-VT., said during a joint interview alongside the freshman House member.

"I don't know of any person -- I've been in Congress for a few years, who in the course of less than one year -- she's been in office less than one year, who has had more of an impact on American politics as a freshman member of Congress than she has."
When asked about the possibility of Ocasio-Cortez joining his cabinet, Sander responded that she's deserving of an influential role if he wins in 2020.

"She is, again, at the end of one year she is a leader in the United States Congress and her ideas are resonating all over this country," he said. "If I am in the White House, she will play a very, very important role, no question."

Sanders also criticized former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg in the same interview for floating the idea of his own presidential run, and declining to campaign in the early primary states.

"That is the arrogance of billionaires," he said  "I'm doing five events this weekend right here in Iowa.
"We're all over New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, California. But he's too important. You see, when you're worth $50 billion, I guess you don't have to have town meetings, you don't have to talk to ordinary people," Sanders said. "What you do is you take out, I guess a couple of billion dollars, and you buy the state of California."


jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  KDMichigan    6 years ago

Lmao Ole Bernie will do anything for a vote. Why not use the socialist dingbat for one.

About the only impact she has had on American politics is proof that people will vote for anybody if you promise them free shit.


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  KDMichigan @1    6 years ago

Thanks for the warning Bernie...you old commie.

I don't think we'll get too excited about the possibility of this disastrous combo.

Sophomore Quiet
1.3  katrix  replied to  KDMichigan @1    6 years ago
About the only impact she has had on American politics is proof that people will vote for anybody if you promise them free shit.

I disagree. I don't think a Bernie/AOC ticket would get many votes except from the extreme left - although I think it would guarantee a Trump reelection, even if just due to a lot of people just not voting because they couldn't stomach either choice.

Professor Quiet
2  Jack_TX    6 years ago

He needs to do something to out-leftist Elizabeth Warren.

Junior Quiet
2.2  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Jack_TX @2    6 years ago
He needs to do something to out-leftist Elizabeth Warren.

Biden Is falling in the polls and Bernie and warren are racing to the bottom seeing who can give away the most free shit. 

Even Bloomberg sees that these two socialist can't beat Trump. I just seen Deval Patrick has jumped into the clown show also.

I sure hope this impeachment works out for the Democrats....jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Sophomore Quiet
2.2.1  katrix  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2    6 years ago
I sure hope this impeachment works out for the Democrats

Sad to hear. Personally, I am much more interested in what's good for the country, rather than focusing on pissing off members of a political party. Trump deserves to be impeached and your partisanship shouldn't blind you to that fact. You should expect ethics and integrity of any president, not give him a pass because he's in your party.

I will never understand why the GOP and Republicans don't want decent GOP candidates in a primary for this election.

Junior Quiet
2.2.2  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  katrix @2.2.1    6 years ago

Impeached for what? Do tell. And not some unproven bullshit that the press has spoon fed the ignorant masses. 

You should expect ethics and integrity of any president,

That's why I went with the lesser of two evils. You telling me you actually believe Hillarious Hillary had Ethics and integrity?


I will never understand why the GOP and Republicans don't want decent GOP candidates in a primary for this election.

Please, Take your BS elsewhere. What's a "decent" to you? One that would lose to a socialist POS? 

Professor Quiet
2.2.3  Jasper2529  replied to  katrix @2.2.1    6 years ago
Trump deserves to be impeached

On what grounds? Yesterday, Rep. John Ratcliffe asked both William B. Taylor and George Kent to state an impeachment offense. Both sat there in embarrassing silence and could not answer, and they are Schiff's and Pelosi's key witnesses!

Professor Guide
2.2.4  Tacos!  replied to  katrix @2.2.1    6 years ago
You should expect ethics and integrity of any president, not give him a pass because he's in your party.

By that rationale, Clinton should have been removed just for his behavior with Monica Lewinski, not to mention his other mistresses. We wouldn't have even had to wait for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, which is what he was actually impeached for.

Professor Participates
2.2.5  1stwarrior  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.2.3    6 years ago


Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
2.2.8  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Tacos! @2.2.4    6 years ago

Spilled milk.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3  Just Jim NC TttH    6 years ago

Seems they are getting a head start on stupid.................

" Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) unveiled sweeping legislation Thursday to invest up to $172 billion over the next decade to drastically upgrade the nation’s 1.2 million public housing units as part of a Green New Deal ."

Professor Principal
3.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3    6 years ago
to invest up to $172 billion over the next decade to drastically upgrade the nation’s 1.2 million public housing units

You object to 17 billion dollars a year to upgrade public housing? 

How about this? We take the 17 billion a year for that out of the 700 billion a year spent on the military. That will leave the military industrial complex with 683 billion dollars a year.   Everybody's happy. 

Professor Principal
3.2.2  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    6 years ago

The military should be paid for by taxes on business profits. The entire purpose of the U.S. military is to make the rest of the world safe for US companies to conduct business with. 

Professor Principal
3.2.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.1    6 years ago

I dont care how it works , I am making a point.  They are aghast at spending 17 billion a year to upgrade public housing. Why? 

Professor Principal
3.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.4    6 years ago

The only reason anyone ever went anywhere "overseas" was to find markets. Why do you think Columbus got into his boat? 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.2.6  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.3    6 years ago

They are aghast at spending 17 billion a year to upgrade public housing. Why?

Because public housing, like a job at McDonalds, is supposed to be a stepping stone to help people lift themselves up. Make it cozy and what's the point?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.2.7  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.5    6 years ago
Why do you think Columbus got into his boat? 

He was looking for a shortcut to India in order to trade for spices.

"The entire purpose of the U.S. military is to make the rest of the world safe for US companies to conduct business with."

Gotta agree with Tex on this one. BLATANTLY false..............unless you have a link to the contrary.

Professor Principal
3.2.11  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.2.6    6 years ago

I dont know if you are capable of understanding this or not, but in a capitalist economic system there are ALWAYS poor people, who in turn would probably need public housing. There is no stepping stone in which the poor disappear one day. 

Paying for "public housing" is nothing but the cost of doing business. Stop bitching about it. 

Professor Principal
3.2.13  JohnRussell  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.10    6 years ago

I have an idea. Don't talk to me.  I didnt solicit your comments. They are generally a waste of time. 

Of course China's military is meant to ensure it's business prospects. That is the reason countries "expand". 

Professor Principal
3.2.14  JohnRussell  replied to    6 years ago

I am sure there are many places in the federal budget where cuts could be made. Let's start with all corporate subsidies. Why should taxpayers pay money to profitable private companies? 

Professor Quiet
3.2.16  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.15    6 years ago

"You are hilariously entertaining."

That does not even come close to describing it!

Professor Principal
3.2.17  JohnRussell  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.15    6 years ago


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.2.20  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.11    6 years ago


Professor Participates
3.2.22  1stwarrior  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    6 years ago

WOW John - that sure as hell got off topic in a hurry.

Enjoy that?

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
3.2.24  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    6 years ago

I would rather see funding for useless studies (ie - why there is obesity among lesbians) go to a better use.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5  It Is ME    6 years ago

"she will play a very, very important role, no question."

She makes a mean drink ! jrSmiley_93_smiley_image.jpg

Junior Quiet
5.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  It Is ME @5    6 years ago


Professor Quiet
6  Jasper2529    6 years ago

If Bernie won the election, he'd better be careful with AOC being his sidekick. In less than a year, the bartender has made great progress in catching up to Biden's number of gaffes!

Professor Guide
7  Tacos!    6 years ago
key role

She'll have the key to the White House liquor cabinet.

Professor Quiet
8  Jasper2529    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
8.2  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Jasper2529 @8    6 years ago


Professor Quiet
8.2.1  Jasper2529  replied to  KDMichigan @8.2    6 years ago

Please see 8.1.1 .

charger 383
Professor Silent
10  charger 383    6 years ago

She will be in charge of the garbage disposal 

Professor Participates
10.2  1stwarrior  replied to  charger 383 @10    6 years ago

Too many buttons.

Sophomore Silent
12  JaneDoe    6 years ago

When I moved I got a new phone number that obviously belonged to a Bern supporter. Since May I have been getting messages from his campaign. Just for shits and giggles I always reply MAGA.


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
12.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JaneDoe @12    6 years ago



Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
13  Just Jim NC TttH    6 years ago


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
14  The Magic 8 Ball    6 years ago
Bernie Sanders: AOC Will Have Key Role In My White House If I'm Elected In 2020

so, he just forfeited the race... LOL

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

LOL.  Bernie didn't need to add yet another "kiss of death" to his campaign - he's swimming in them.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15    6 years ago

Has Bernie received a greater amount of campaign donations than any other Democrat candidate?  If so, it amazes me that Americans, assumed to be educated and intelligent, can be so wasteful.  There are better causes to support for a tax benefit. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
16  Paula Bartholomew    6 years ago

Sanders is  intentionally sinking his campaign.  Something is seriously wrong with this guy.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
17  Paula Bartholomew    6 years ago

The fact that AOC once married her own brother makes me go ewwww gross.

Junior Quiet
17.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @17    6 years ago

That wasn't AOC, that was that Jew hating Muslim from Minnesota.


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