

2023 Garden Wrap Up, And Other Stuff

2023 Garden Wrap Up, And Other Stuff

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  64 Comments  •  9 months ago

Previous blog posts: 2023 – Another Year, Another Garden 2023 Garden Update 1 2023 Garden Update 2 October 19, 2023 The updates were cut short this year because I pretty much...
2023 Garden Update 2

2023 Garden Update 2

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  36 Comments  •  9 months ago

July 9, 2023 Well, it looks like this year's garden is shaping up to be a showcase of things that can go wrong. So far, anyway. It was a dry spring, which is almost unheard of in my region. A...
2023 Garden - Update 1

2023 Garden - Update 1

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  29 Comments  •  last year

June 23, 2023 I'm sorry that it's been almost a month, but everything other than the tomatoes and potatoes are growing slower than normal this year, and I didn't really want to post an update...
2023 – Another Year, Another Garden

2023 – Another Year, Another Garden

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  167 Comments  •  last year

I don't know how often I'll be able to post updates, which are pic-heavy and time consuming, but I thought I'd try to blog another garden this summer.  Quick reminder: I don't claim to be an...
Garden 2021 - Part 3

Garden 2021 - Part 3

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  42 Comments  •  3 years ago

The weather has been a mix of good and bad this month. Some days have been hot and humid, and downright nasty. Others have been pleasant and almost cool. I'm going into another hot spell at the...
Garden 2021 - Part 2

Garden 2021 - Part 2

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  24 Comments  •  3 years ago

After a couple weeks of nasty July heat and humidity, this past week has been absolutely gorgeous. Another cool start to August, with highs only in the low to mid 80s. I could seriously get used...
Garden 2021 - Part 1 - Very Late Start

Garden 2021 - Part 1 - Very Late Start

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  46 Comments  •  3 years ago

I got off to a late start this year, but it didn't matter. I had two hard freezes in late April, which would have undone everything anyway, so I suppose that actually worked out for the best....
The Garden Chronicles - Week 30 - End of Season

The Garden Chronicles - Week 30 - End of Season

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  23 Comments  •  4 years ago

Well, it's dry at the moment, but it's been cool and rainy for the better part of the past 2 weeks, and I've had several frosts and one good freeze as well. Thus, my gardening growing season is...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 27

The Garden Chronicles - Week 27

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  23 Comments  •  4 years ago

The weather is gorgeous. It's still dry, but temps are almost perfect. Two weeks ago it was chilly, but this past week it turned unseasonably warm, and it's supposed to stay that way until...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 24

The Garden Chronicles - Week 24

By: Dig  •  Gardening  •  57 Comments  •  4 years ago

The weather has been fantastic. Dry, but cool and crisp for weeks now. Perfect early fall weather. I've started working on the garden fence again because of it, even though the rabbit threat is...
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