Article History
Cave In Rock, IL,
By: Dowser • Anishinaabe - The First People • 10 Comments • 9 years ago
The heat index is 110o outside, and it feels much like a blast from the hinges of Hell... So, we went out and about and then came back to the hotel to rest. Or collapse, as the case may be... Here are the pictures I promised of Day 1 of our vacation-- the Ben E. Clements Museum and Cave In...
Boys in Trees: Carly Simon, a Memoir
By: Bob Nelson • Books • 3 Comments • 10 years ago
Little is left to the imagination in Carly Simon's latest Memoir, Boys in Trees, with regards to her early life and many early loves. Ms. Simon's description of her childhood and youth is a fascinating glimpse into musical genius, and how it saved her. That Ms. Simon survived her childhood...
Unwritten Rules, Membership, & General Vitriol
By: Perrie Halpern • NT Moderators Group • 23 Comments • 10 years ago
Unwritten Rules We seem to have a lot of unwritten rules or policies, and frankly, folks, I can't keep track of them. Apparently, it is ok to tell someone to F**k off, but not F**k you. It is ok to publish an untrue satirical piece, but you must use a SATIRE tag, unless you publish it to The...
Non-gross Pictures of Matthew's Surgery
By: Kavika • Anishinaabe - The First People • 12 Comments • 10 years ago
You could just look at his knee and tell that his knee cap was misplaced. It was rearranged to where it was up on one corner, not centered, like it was supposed to be. Then, there was the evidence of the cane, clutched in his hand, and how he walked, limping badly. Night after night, he...
The 50s Party Scene!
By: Dowser • Anishinaabe - The First People • 20 Comments • 10 years ago
Matthew and I had a wonderful time at the party-- now if we can just recover...This is Debby, who is in charge of the Color Guard for the band, Kristen, my cousin Chad's girlfriend, my dear cousin Chad, who is wearing his grandfather's vintage suit, and Michelle, whose daughter, Ashley, is in...
Need or Want a New Avatar? Check this out!
By: Dowser • • 24 Comments • 10 years ago
I've been working on downloading and making avatars for all of us here. After days and days, I've managed to put together 338 avatars, that you can easily download and use! Each one is 125 X 125 pixels, (or thereabouts), which is what is needed for the profile avatar. The avatars are on a...
SCOOP!!! The ACTUAL factions deciding on NT's embarrasing anti-speech poll
By: Dowser • Heated Discussions • 6 Comments • 10 years ago
This is the article from the front page, with comments. Additional comments may be seen below. D.Faction 1) I hate Christians, and I hate anyone who speaks for Christianity.Faction 2) It is (Newstalkers owner) Perrie's desire. I like Perrie. Perrie is a friend of mine. That's all that...
The Rescues!
By: Dowser • 2025 ~ The CREATIVE ARTS GROUP ON THE NEWSTALKERS • 9 Comments • 10 years ago
Finally, I have a cord that will attach the camera to the computer, and trade files. Next problem, Roxie won't hold still, at all! I'm taking pictures in my tiny little bedroom, which is decorated with a Chinese motif, but I'm getting ready to change it. I have a new blanket that is now covered...
Violence in Ancient Southwest
By: Dowser • Anishinaabe - The First People • 9 Comments • 10 years ago
PULLMAN, WASHINGTONA new study of human remains from southwest Colorado suggests that ancestral Peublo people living in the Mesa Verde area between 1140 and 1180 experienced a particularly violent era, reportsWashington State University News. Archaeologist Tim Kohler and his colleagues found that...
Perspective on Climate Change-- From Time Warner Cable News
By: Dowser • Climate Change & Environment • 1 Comments • 10 years ago
I am cutting and pasting the article here in its entirety, which refutes the climate change deniers. Time Warner Cable News is a more conservative viewpoint, to me. They publish opinions from Anne Coulter, and editorials from what I would consider to be a more conservative viewpoint. This article...