

Democrat's Insurrection Meme

Democrat's Insurrection Meme

By: Nerm_L  •  Opinion  •  164 comments  •  3 years ago
Would You Want To Trade Places With A Black American?

Would You Want To Trade Places With A Black American?

By: JBB  •  Opinions  •  105 comments  •  3 years ago
Hey Look Mommy, BIRDS!!!!!

Hey Look Mommy, BIRDS!!!!!

By: Veronica  •  Generic  •  67 comments  •  3 years ago
Interesting [and sad] occurrences and other miscellaneous stuff...

Interesting [and sad] occurrences and other miscellaneous stuff...

By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  •  Personal  •  7 comments  •  3 years ago


By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  •  Just for Fun  •  23 comments  •  3 years ago
Break Stuff - My eclectic mix of music.

Break Stuff - My eclectic mix of music.

By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  •  Just for Fun  •  35 comments  •  3 years ago
Best vacation ever!

Best vacation ever!

By: Sunshine  •  Travel  •  60 comments  •  3 years ago
When you surprise yourself...

When you surprise yourself...

By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  •  Just for Fun  •  6 comments  •  3 years ago
Keeping The Big Lie Alive

Keeping The Big Lie Alive

By: Ender  •  Video  •  132 comments  •  3 years ago
My kids are awesome...

My kids are awesome...

By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  •  Personal  •  41 comments  •  3 years ago
Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

By: Ender  •  Music Video  •  72 comments  •  3 years ago
A Prince

A Prince

By: Ender  •  Music Video  •  32 comments  •  3 years ago
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